public void OnScriptComplete(string error){
		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" OnScriptComplete");
		// we're done.  Assuming no errors, see if we need to send a :COMPLETE message
		string triggerString = "none";
		if (args.ContainsKey("trigger"))
			triggerString = args["trigger"];
		if (triggerString.Contains(":"))
			// send :COMPLETE msg to brain
			string completion;
			if (error == null || error == "") completion = ":COMPLETE";
			else completion = ":"+error.ToUpper();
            InteractStatusMsg msg = new InteractStatusMsg(triggerString + completion);
//		hasRun = true;
		isRunning = false;
		readyState = readiness.unknown; // will update on the next readiness test.
		currentLine = scriptLines.Length; // so don't update a line by accident
		ScriptedObject myCaller = caller;
		caller = null; // have to do this before, because OnScriptComplete could start us up again!
		// release character task actors

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.ReleasedBy(this, myCaller);

		if (myCaller == null)
			Debug.LogWarning("Script Complete but caller was null!!"+name);
			// added this block 6/19/14 to keep queue from hanging when scripts owned by another
			// object interaction are run from an objects queue
			if (!actorObjects.Contains(myCaller.ObjectInteraction))
				myCaller.ObjectInteraction.ReleasedBy (this, myCaller);

		roleMap.Clear(); // clear the assigned roles so they don't get reserved by accident
	public void ExecuteEvent(ScriptedObject thisCaller,string eventName){
		// intended to be called from animation Events, start execution at the named line, and
		// run until an action flagged sequenceEnd=true;
		// Look for the line. fail if not found
		int startingIndex=-1;
		for (int i=0;i<scriptLines.Length;i++){
			if (scriptLines[i].name == eventName){
		if (startingIndex <0){
			Debug.LogError("AnimationEvent using "+name+" could not find line "+eventName);
		// caller is only used by ExecuteScript and onScriptComplete, so we might go without it...
		caller = thisCaller;
		myObject = caller.gameObject;
		args.Clear(); // do we need any args for events ?
		SetArgs (startingArgs);
		currentLine = startingIndex;
		nextLineLabel = "";
		isRunning = true;
		readyState = readiness.executing;
		myOI = caller.GetComponent<ObjectInteraction>();

		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" execution started");
		if (scriptLines[currentLine] != null)
	public readiness ReadyState(BaseObject obj,bool reserve){
		// figure out how ready we are, and have we been queued or whatever.
		// if we are executing, that trumps all
		if (readyState == readiness.executing) return readyState;
		// if we are queued, we might be stale, otherwise, return queued
		if (queueCount > 0){
			if (isReadyFor(obj)){
				readyState = readiness.queued;
				return readyState;
				readyState = readiness.stale;
				return readyState;
		// else, just how ready are we ?
		if (isReadyFor(obj)){
			// if obj and all our actors are available, we can run
			if (isReadyToRun (obj,reserve)){
				readyState = readiness.readyToRun;
				return readyState;
				readyState = readiness.readyToQueue;
				return readyState;					
		readyState = readiness.unavailable;
		return readyState;	
	public void Execute(ScriptedObject thisCaller,string argString="", GameObject obj=null){
		caller = thisCaller;

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.reservedForScript = null; // incase anyone got reserved who doesn't get picked by the dispatcher
		// here, we must find a character for each role, assign and reserve them
		Dispatcher.GetInstance().FillRoles(this); // bail if fail
		if (obj == null) myObject = caller.gameObject; // the scripted object by default
		else myObject = obj;
		args.Clear(); // clear the dictionary to start
		SetArgs (startingArgs);
		currentLine = 0;
		nextLineLabel = "";
		isRunning = true;
		readyState = readiness.executing;
		myOI = caller.GetComponent<ObjectInteraction>();

//Debug.LogWarning(name+" reserving ";

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.actingInScript = this;
			actor.reservedForScript = null;
		foreach (ScriptedAction sa in scriptLines)
			sa.hasExecuted = false; // really just for debug use, would break 'executeOnlyOnce'
		// if there's an interaction set specified, send it to the interaction manager.
		if (interactionSet != null && interactionSet.Name != null && interactionSet.Name != "")
			InteractionMgr.GetInstance().CurrentSet = interactionSet;
		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" execution started");
		// we're going to have to handle multiple current lines for roles 
		if (scriptLines[currentLine] != null)
	public void InitFrom(InteractionScriptInfo info){
		// 	initialize members from deserialized info = info.unityObjectName; // this should only be done if we have gameobject per script
		triggerStrings = info.triggerStrings; // the string that causes this script to start running
		triggerOnStatus = info.triggerOnStatus; // should we listen to InteractStatusMessages for our trigger ?
		startingArgs = info.startingArgs;
		scriptLines = new ScriptedAction[info.scriptLines.Length];
		for (int i = 0; i<info.scriptLines.Length; i++){
			GameObject go = new GameObject(info.scriptLines[i].unityObjectName);
			go.transform.parent = this.transform;
			scriptLines[i] = go.AddComponent("ScriptedAction") as ScriptedAction;
		// resolve any task sync cross references
		for (int j = 0; j<info.scriptLines.Length; j++){
			if (scriptLines[j].syncToTasks != null && scriptLines[j].syncToTasks.Length > 0){
				for (int k=0; k<scriptLines[j].syncToTasks.Length; k++){
					scriptLines[j].syncToTasks[k] = scriptLines[scriptLines[j].syncToTasksIndex[k]];
//	public ScriptedAction.ScriptedActionInfo[] abortBranch; // the way out, if the user chooses not to complete this script
//	public ScriptedAction.ScriptedActionInfo[] errorBranch; // what to do if the script hangs, times out, encounters an error...
		owningRole = info.owningRole;
		roles = new List<string>(info.roles);
//		info.roles.CopyTo(roles);
//		roles = info.roles; // if null, then just one role for this script
		roleKeyString = info.roleKeyString;  // enter this as a string in the editor, it gets parsed into a node tree on awake.
		autoExecuteInterval = info.autoExecuteInterval;
		autoExecuteProbability = info.autoExecuteProbability;
		AddToMenu = info.AddToMenu;
		menuOrder = info.menuOrder;
		interactionSet = info.interactionSet;
		commandVariation = info.commandVariation;
		// failsafe in case of blank Cmd but variations present, default to use trigger string or script name
		if (commandVariation != null &&  commandVariation.Cmd == "" && commandVariation.Variations.Count>0){
			commandVariation.Cmd = name; // this is the convention we're using.  Trigger string might contain multiples
			Debug.LogWarning(name+" was missing commandVariations.Cmd value ");
		if (commandVariation != null && commandVariation.Cmd != null && commandVariation.Cmd != "")		
			if (Application.isPlaying)
		callbackConfirmVoice = info.callbackConfirmVoice;
		item = info.item;
		prettyname = info.prettyname;
		response = info.response;
		response_title = info.response_title;
		note = info.note;
		tooltip = info.tooltip;
		sound = info.sound;
		task = info.task;
		log = info.log;
		readyState = info.readyState;  // since an object reference is required to calc this, no getter.
		startPriority = info.startPriority; // 0 is the lowest
		cancellable = info.cancellable;
		skillVector = info.skillVector;
		extraCost = info.extraCost;
		prereq = info.prereq;
		category = info.category;
		param = info.param;
		debug = info.debug; // print out debug logging while running		