Esempio n. 1
        /// Returns random location on navmesh within the reach of specified location.
        /// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
        /// The location is not exactly constrained by the circle, but it limits the visited polygons.
        ///  @param[in]		startRef		The reference id of the polygon where the search starts.
        ///  @param[in]		centerPos		The center of the search circle. [(x, y, z)]
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
        ///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
        ///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location. [(x, y, z)]
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
		public dtStatus findRandomPointAroundCircle(dtPolyRef startRef, float[] centerPos, float radius,
													         dtQueryFilter filter, randomFloatGenerator frand,
													         ref dtPolyRef randomRef,ref float[] randomPt)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_nodePool != null);
	        Debug.Assert(m_openList != null);
	        // Validate input
	        if (startRef == 0 || !m_nav.isValidPolyRef(startRef))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtMeshTile startTile = null;
	        dtPoly startPoly = null;
	        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(startRef, ref startTile, ref startPoly);
	        if (!filter.passFilter(startRef, startTile, startPoly))
		        return DT_FAILURE | DT_INVALID_PARAM;
	        dtNode startNode = m_nodePool.getNode(startRef);
	        dtVcopy(startNode.pos, centerPos);
	        startNode.pidx = 0;
	        startNode.cost = 0; = 0; = startRef;
	        startNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        dtStatus status = DT_SUCCESS;
	        float radiusSqr = dtSqr(radius);
	        float areaSum = 0.0f;

	        dtMeshTile randomTile = null;
	        dtPoly randomPoly = null;
	        dtPolyRef randomPolyRef = 0;

	        while (!m_openList.empty())
		        dtNode bestNode = m_openList.pop();
		            bestNode.flags &= (byte)( ~ dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN );
		        bestNode.flags |= (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED;
		        // Get poly and tile.
		        // The API input has been cheked already, skip checking internal data.
		        dtPolyRef bestRef =;
		        dtMeshTile bestTile = null;
		        dtPoly bestPoly = null;
		        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(bestRef, ref bestTile, ref bestPoly);

		        // Place random locations on on ground.
		        if (bestPoly.getType() == (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_GROUND)
			        // Calc area of the polygon.
			        float polyArea = 0.0f;
			        for (int j = 2; j < bestPoly.vertCount; ++j)
				        //const float* va = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[0]*3];
				        //const float* vb = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[j-1]*3];
				        //const float* vc = &bestTile.verts[bestPoly.verts[j]*3];
				        polyArea += dtTriArea2D(bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[0]*3, bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[j-1]*3, bestTile.verts, bestPoly.verts[j]*3);
			        // Choose random polygon weighted by area, using reservoi sampling.
			        areaSum += polyArea;
			        float u = frand();
			        if (u*areaSum <= polyArea)
				        randomTile = bestTile;
				        randomPoly = bestPoly;
				        randomPolyRef = bestRef;
		        // Get parent poly and tile.
		        dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;
		        dtMeshTile parentTile = null;
		        dtPoly parentPoly = null;
		        if (bestNode.pidx != 0)
			        parentRef = m_nodePool.getNodeAtIdx(bestNode.pidx).id;
		        if (parentRef != 0)
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(parentRef, ref parentTile, ref parentPoly);
		        for (uint i = bestPoly.firstLink; i != DT_NULL_LINK; i = bestTile.links[i].next)
			        dtLink link = bestTile.links[i];
			        dtPolyRef neighbourRef = link.polyRef;
			        // Skip invalid neighbours and do not follow back to parent.
			        if (neighbourRef == 0 || neighbourRef == parentRef)
			        // Expand to neighbour
			        dtMeshTile neighbourTile = null;
			        dtPoly neighbourPoly = null;
			        m_nav.getTileAndPolyByRefUnsafe(neighbourRef, ref neighbourTile, ref neighbourPoly);
			        // Do not advance if the polygon is excluded by the filter.
			        if (!filter.passFilter(neighbourRef, neighbourTile, neighbourPoly))
			        // Find edge and calc distance to the edge.
			        float[] va = new float[3];//, vb[3];
                    float[] vb = new float[3];
			        if (getPortalPoints(bestRef, bestPoly, bestTile, neighbourRef, neighbourPoly, neighbourTile, va, vb) == 0)
			        // If the circle is not touching the next polygon, skip it.
			        float tseg = .0f;
			        float distSqr = dtDistancePtSegSqr2D(centerPos, 0, va, 0, vb, 0, ref tseg);
			        if (distSqr > radiusSqr)
			        dtNode neighbourNode = m_nodePool.getNode(neighbourRef);
			        if (neighbourNode == null)
				        status |= DT_OUT_OF_NODES;
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED) != 0)
			        // Cost
			        if (neighbourNode.flags == 0){
				        dtVlerp(neighbourNode.pos, va, vb, 0.5f);
			        float total = + dtVdist(bestNode.pos, neighbourNode.pos);
			        // The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
			        if (((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0) && total >=
	 = neighbourRef;
			            neighbourNode.flags = (byte)(neighbourNode.flags & (byte)(~dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_CLOSED));
			        neighbourNode.pidx = m_nodePool.getNodeIdx(bestNode);
	 = total;
			        if ((neighbourNode.flags & (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN) != 0)
				        neighbourNode.flags = (byte)dtNodeFlags.DT_NODE_OPEN;
	        if (randomPoly == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;
	        // Randomly pick point on polygon.
	        //float* v = &randomTile.verts[randomPoly.verts[0]*3];
	        float[] verts = new float[3*DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        float[] areas = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        dtVcopy(verts, 0*3, randomTile.verts, 0);
	        for (int j = 1; j < randomPoly.vertCount; ++j)
		        //v = &randomTile.verts[randomPoly.verts[j]*3];
	        float s = frand();
	        float t = frand();
	        float[] pt = new float[3];
	        dtRandomPointInConvexPoly(verts, randomPoly.vertCount, areas, s, t, pt);
	        float h = 0.0f;
	        dtStatus stat = getPolyHeight(randomPolyRef, pt, ref h);
	        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		        return stat;
	        pt[1] = h;
	        dtVcopy(randomPt, pt);
	        randomRef = randomPolyRef;
	        return DT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
        /// Returns random location on navmesh.
        /// Polygons are chosen weighted by area. The search runs in linear related to number of polygon.
        ///  @param[in]		filter			The polygon filter to apply to the query.
        ///  @param[in]		frand			Function returning a random number [0..1).
        ///  @param[out]	randomRef		The reference id of the random location.
        ///  @param[out]	randomPt		The random location. 
        /// @returns The status flags for the query.
		public dtStatus findRandomPoint(dtQueryFilter filter, randomFloatGenerator frand,
						        ref dtPolyRef randomRef, ref float[] randomPt)
	        Debug.Assert(m_nav != null);
	        // Randomly pick one tile. Assume that all tiles cover roughly the same area.
	        dtMeshTile tile = null;
	        float tsum = 0.0f;
	        for (int i = 0; i < m_nav.getMaxTiles(); i++)
		        dtMeshTile curTile = m_nav.getTile(i);
		        if (curTile == null || curTile.header == null) continue;
		        // Choose random tile using reservoi sampling.
		        const float area = 1.0f; // Could be tile area too.
		        tsum += area;
		        float u = frand();
		        if (u*tsum <= area)
			        tile = curTile;
	        if (tile == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;

	        // Randomly pick one polygon weighted by polygon area.
	        dtPoly poly = null;
	        dtPolyRef polyRef = 0;
	        dtPolyRef polyRefBase = m_nav.getPolyRefBase(tile);

	        float areaSum = 0.0f;
	        for (int i = 0; i < tile.header.polyCount; ++i)
		        dtPoly p = tile.polys[i];
		        // Do not return off-mesh connection polygons.
		        if (p.getType() != (byte)dtPolyTypes.DT_POLYTYPE_GROUND)
		        // Must pass filter
		        dtPolyRef pRef = polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)i;
		        if (!filter.passFilter(pRef, tile, p))

		        // Calc area of the polygon.
		        float polyArea = 0.0f;
		        for (int j = 2; j < p.vertCount; ++j)
			        //float* va = &tile.verts[p.verts[0]*3];
			        //float* vb = &tile.verts[p.verts[j-1]*3];
			        //float* vc = &tile.verts[p.verts[j]*3];

			        polyArea += Detour.dtTriArea2D(tile.verts, p.verts[0]*3, tile.verts, p.verts[j-1]*3, tile.verts, p.verts[j]*3);

		        // Choose random polygon weighted by area, using reservoi sampling.
		        areaSum += polyArea;
		        float u = frand();
		        if (u*areaSum <= polyArea)
			        poly = p;
			        polyRef = pRef;
	        if (poly == null)
		        return DT_FAILURE;

	        // Randomly pick point on polygon.
	        //const float* v = &tile.verts[poly.verts[0]*3];
            int vStart = poly.verts[0]*3;
	        float[] verts = new float[3*DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        float[] areas = new float[DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON];
	        for (int j = 1; j < poly.vertCount; ++j)
		        //v = &tile.verts[poly.verts[j]*3];
	        float s = frand();
	        float t = frand();
	        float[] pt = new float[3];
	        dtRandomPointInConvexPoly(verts, poly.vertCount, areas, s, t, pt);
	        float h = 0.0f;
	        dtStatus status = getPolyHeight(polyRef, pt, ref h);
	        if (dtStatusFailed(status))
		        return status;
	        pt[1] = h;
	        Detour.dtVcopy(randomPt, 0 , pt, 0);
	        randomRef = polyRef;

	        return DT_SUCCESS;