Esempio n. 1
        public static double approximate(double u_l, double u_r, double u_b, double u_t, double h_l, double h_r, double h_b, double h_t, double R)
            //Square R
            if (R != 1)
                R = Pow(R, 2);

            //create List of points of interest
            point U_l  = new point(u_l, h_l, "x");
            point U_r  = new point(u_r, h_r, "x");
            point U_t  = new point(u_t, h_t, "y");
            point U_b  = new point(u_b, h_b, "y");
            point U_lr = U_l.solveIntersectionOfRespLine(U_r);
            point U_tb = U_t.solveIntersectionOfRespLine(U_b);

            point[] points = new point[] { U_l, U_r, U_t, U_b, U_lr, U_tb };

            //Throw exception when all Points are undefined;
            if (points[0].pos == double.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("At least one u_i must be defined");
            if (h_l <= 0 || h_r <= 0 || h_b <= 0 || h_t <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("H must be > 0");

            //Create function that selects the active conditions in each max()
            function Eikonal = new function(R);

            //Check points
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; ++i)
                if (Eikonal.value(points[i + 1]) > R)
            Eikonal.update(points[points.Length - 1]);