/// <summary> /// Default Constructor /// </summary> public InteractivePlotSurface2D() : base() { // Set up control canvas = new plotControl(); // Now link the event handlers into the plotControl events canvas.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(SizeChanged); canvas.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(OnPaint); canvas.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(MouseEnter); canvas.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(MouseLeave); canvas.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(ButtonPress); canvas.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(MotionNotify); canvas.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(ButtonRelease); canvas.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(ScrollNotify); canvas.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(KeyDown); canvas.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(KeyUp); canvas.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLightLight; canvas.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(328, 272); // initial size this.components_ = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.coordinates_ = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components_); coordinates_.SetToolTip(this.Canvas, "Coordinates will display here"); }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor /// </summary> public InteractivePlotSurface2D() : base() { // Set up control canvas = new plotControl(); // Now link the event handlers into the plotControl events canvas.SizeChanged += new EventHandler (SizeChanged); canvas.Paint += new PaintEventHandler (OnPaint); canvas.MouseEnter += new EventHandler (MouseEnter); canvas.MouseLeave += new EventHandler (MouseLeave); canvas.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler (ButtonPress); canvas.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler (MotionNotify); canvas.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler (ButtonRelease); canvas.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (ScrollNotify); canvas.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler (KeyDown); canvas.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler (KeyUp); canvas.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlLightLight; canvas.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (328, 272); // initial size this.components_ = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.coordinates_ = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components_); coordinates_.SetToolTip (this.Canvas, "Coordinates will display here"); }
private InHand Interact() { Ray lookAt = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward); Debug.DrawRay(lookAt.origin, 15 * lookAt.direction, Color.red, 5); RaycastHit info; //the Array only works if it is in the range of 'raycastRange' if (Physics.Raycast(lookAt, out info, raycastRange)) { BarellController barrell = info.collider.GetComponent <BarellController>(); if (barrell)//if it has the script 'PlantsController' do this { if (currently_Holding == InHand.Empty) { BarellController.PlantType pickingUP = barrell.pickUp(); switch (pickingUP) { case BarellController.PlantType.Carrot: return(InHand.Carrot_Seeds); case BarellController.PlantType.Tomatoe: return(InHand.Tomatoe_Seeds); } } } plotControl plot = info.collider.GetComponent <plotControl>(); if (plot) { //Seed planting if (currently_Holding == InHand.Carrot_Seeds || currently_Holding == InHand.Tomatoe_Seeds) { if (plot.plotIs == plotControl.PlotState.Soil) { plot.InteractP2(currently_Holding); return(InHand.Empty); } } //plucker for removing the rubbish (grass) if (currently_Holding == InHand.Plucker) { if (plot.plotIs == plotControl.PlotState.Rubbish) { plot.InteractP2(currently_Holding); return(InHand.Plucker); } } //Once the plant is grown (tomato) if (currently_Holding == InHand.Empty) { if (plot.plotIs == plotControl.PlotState.Tomatoe_Plant) { plot.InteractP2(currently_Holding); return(InHand.Tomatoes); } } //Once the plant is grown (carrots) (so that the player could pick up the item) if (currently_Holding == InHand.Empty) { if (plot.plotIs == plotControl.PlotState.Carrot_Plant) { plot.InteractP2(currently_Holding); return(InHand.Carrots); } } } TrashController trash = info.collider.GetComponent <TrashController>(); if (trash) { return(InHand.Empty); } PluckerControl plucker = info.collider.GetComponent <PluckerControl>(); if (plucker) { if (currently_Holding == InHand.Empty) { return(InHand.Plucker); } } TableController table = info.collider.GetComponent <TableController>(); if (table) { if (currently_Holding == InHand.Empty) { if (table.SomethingOnTable()) { GameObject item = table.removeTopItem(); //add the script to the tomato and carrots prefab and add it to the table, + delete an extra table VegControl newplant = item.GetComponent <VegControl>(); if (newplant) { switch (newplant.thisIsA) { case VegControl.VegType.Carrot: return(InHand.Carrots); case VegControl.VegType.Tomatoe: return(InHand.Tomatoes); } } } } else { if (currently_Holding == InHand.Carrots) { table.putCarrotOn(); return(InHand.Empty); } if (currently_Holding == InHand.Tomatoes) { table.putTomatoOn(); return(InHand.Empty); } } } P2WagonController wagon = info.collider.GetComponent <P2WagonController>(); if (wagon) { if (currently_Holding == InHand.Carrots) { wagon.putCarrotOn(); return(InHand.Empty); } if (currently_Holding == InHand.Tomatoes) { wagon.putTomatoOn(); return(InHand.Empty); } } PlayerController playerHit = info.collider.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); if (playerHit) { GameObject player1; if (currently_Holding == InHand.Plucker) { if (player1 = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player1")) { player1.transform.position = new Vector3(playerHit.transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 7, transform.position.z); } } } } return(currently_Holding); }