/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Window class. /// </summary> public Window() : base("Window", "Window", "---", "Aviary", "Dashboard Layout") { this.UpdateMessage(); ID = this.Attributes.InstanceGuid.ToString(); name = new GUIDtoAlpha(Convert.ToString(ID + Convert.ToString(this.RunCount)), false).Text; window = new pWindow(name); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { IGH_Goo X = null; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref X)) { return; } wObject W; X.CastTo(out W); pWindow E = (pWindow)W.Element; }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { bool Launch = false; string Title = ""; List <IGH_Goo> X = new List <IGH_Goo>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(0, X)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref Title)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref Launch)) { return; } if (Launch) { window.Close(); window = new pWindow(name); window.SetProperties(Title); for (int i = 0; i < X.Count; i++) { wObject W; pElement E; X[i].CastTo(out W); E = (pElement)W.Element; window.AddElement(E); var cP = Grasshopper.Instances.ActiveCanvas.Document.FindComponent(W.GUID) as Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Component; SetComponentWindow S = new SetComponentWindow(cP, W, W.Type, W.Instance); } window.SetTransparency(modeTrans); window.SetScroll(modeScrollH, modeScrollV); window.SetTitleBar(modeTitle); window.SetWindowControls(modeCtrl); WindowInteropHelper H = new WindowInteropHelper(window.Element); switch (modeStatus) { case 1: window.Element.Topmost = true; break; case 2: H.Owner = Rhino.RhinoApp.MainWindowHandle(); break; case 3: H.Owner = Grasshopper.Instances.DocumentEditor.Handle; break; default: window.Element.Topmost = false; break; } window.Open(); } pElement Element = new pElement(window.Element, window, window.Type, false); wObject WindObject = new wObject(Element, "Parrot", Element.Type); DA.SetData(0, WindObject); DA.SetDataList(1, X); }