private bool bMoveFile(ooFtpBO oFtpIn, string sOriginalPath, String sNewPath, string sFile, ooInfoDocumentoBE oInfoDoc) { bool bResp = false; try { ooFileBO oFiles = new ooFileBO(); //For combine and remove temporary files. if(oInfoDoc.bIsStandard){ oFtpIn.upload(oFiles.sPathCombine(sNewPath, sFile), sFile); //copy file into new directory oFtpIn.delete(oFiles.sPathCombine(sOriginalPath, sFile)); //existing file in old directory is deleted } else { oFtpIn.renameShell(oInfoDoc,sFile, oFiles.sPathCombine(sNewPath, sFile)); } oFiles.moveFile(oFiles.sPathCombineWin(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, sFile), oFiles.sPathCombineWin(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sInternalTempDirectory"])); bResp = true; } catch (Exception ex) { this.oLog.LogError(ex.Message); } return bResp; }
/// <summary> /// Funcion de uso general con la lógica para mover los archivos /// </summary> /// <param name="oInfoDoc"></param> /// <param name="lstFiles"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int moverDocumentos(ooInfoDocumentoBE oInfoDoc, List<string> lstFiles) { int lProcesados = 0; ooFileBO oFiles = new ooFileBO(); //For combine and remove temporary files. ooFtpBO oFtpIn;// = new ooFtpBO(oInfoDoc.sInPath, oInfoDoc.sInUsuarioFTP, oInfoDoc.sInPasswordFTP, oLog);//Reading server connection ooFtpBO oFtpOut;// = new ooFtpBO(oInfoDoc.sOutPath, oInfoDoc.sOutUsuarioFTP, oInfoDoc.sOutPasswordFTP, oLog); //Writting server connection this.oLog.LogInfo(String.Format("Inicio lectura de operaciones de tipo {0} en estado sin procesar.", lstFiles.Count)); string sDocType = string.Empty; //to be used in foreach flow. string sDocNumber = string.Empty; //IDEM foreach (string item in lstFiles) { sDocType = string.Empty; sDocNumber = string.Empty; oFtpIn = new ooFtpBO(oInfoDoc.sInPath, oInfoDoc.sInUsuarioFTP, oInfoDoc.sInPasswordFTP, oLog); oFtpOut = new ooFtpBO(oInfoDoc.sOutPath, oInfoDoc.sOutUsuarioFTP, oInfoDoc.sOutPasswordFTP, oLog); //Writting server connection if (item.Length > 0) { oLog.LogInfo("El archivo a trabajar es:"+item); try { this.oLog.LogInfo("Se está accediendo al host: "+ oInfoDoc.sInPath); this.oLog.LogInfo("Se esta leyendo el archivo " + oFiles.sPathCombine(oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, item)); //If source is standard, a regular download instruction will be used, else, the shell instruction is needed bool bDownload = (oInfoDoc.bIsStandard ?, item), item) : oFtpIn.downloadShell(oInfoDoc, item)); //If filename include document information, then we can continue, else need to be marked as error if (bDownload && this.bDocumentInfo(out sDocType, out sDocNumber, item)) { bool bStateUpload = false; bool bStateDownload = oFtpIn.bCheckFileDownload(oFiles.sPathCombineWin(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, item)); if (bStateDownload) { bStateUpload = oFtpOut.upload(this.cNewName(item), oFiles.sPathCombineWin(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, item)); } else { this.bMoveFile(oFtpIn, oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, oInfoDoc.sInPathError, item, oInfoDoc); this.oConnectionBD.updateError(sDocType, sDocNumber, "Download failed."); oLog.LogInfo("Downloading file error"); } if (bStateUpload) { this.oLog.LogInfo("File will be moved"); this.bMoveFile(oFtpIn, oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, oInfoDoc.sInPathProcessed, item, oInfoDoc); this.oConnectionBD.updateOK(sDocType, sDocNumber); lProcesados++; } else { this.bMoveFile(oFtpIn, oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, oInfoDoc.sInPathError, item, oInfoDoc); this.oConnectionBD.updateError(sDocType, sDocNumber, "Upload failed."); oLog.LogInfo("Uploading file error"); } } else { this.oLog.LogInfo("File don't include document information"); this.bMoveFile(oFtpIn, oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, oInfoDoc.sInPathError, item, oInfoDoc); //I can't mark in DB, because file doesn't have information to identify some register on DB. } } catch (Exception ex) { this.bMoveFile(oFtpIn, oInfoDoc.sInPathWork, oInfoDoc.sInPathError, item, oInfoDoc); this.oConnectionBD.updateError(sDocType, sDocNumber, ex.Message); this.oLog.LogError(String.Format("Se ha producido un error al traspasar el archivo {0}, con la siguiente descripcion: {1}.", item, ex.Message)); } } } return lProcesados; }