Esempio n. 1
        public Note findNote(string content, noteType type)
            if (type == noteType.generalNote)
                foreach (Note n in generalNoteList)
                    if (n.NoteContent == content)

                foreach (Campaign c in campaignList)
                    foreach (Note n in c.notes)
                        if (n.NoteContent == content)
Esempio n. 2
    public void initNote(string n, float width, float height, float rotation, float fs, direction dir, noteType nt)
        Name      = n; = n;
        this.tag  = "Note";
        this.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(width, height, -5), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, rotation));
        this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 1f);
        Width        = width;
        Height       = height;
        Rotation     = rotation;
        Direction    = dir;
        Type         = nt;
        fallingSpeed = fs;

        // Modify the game object passed on the information passed in.
Esempio n. 3
        public void deleteNote(string content, noteType type)
            Note noteToDelete = findNote(content, type);

Esempio n. 4
        // The list has notes that look like "(tag) note contents", so when selecting a note we have a parse
        // the note contents to give to findNote
        private string parseNoteContent(string stringToParse, out noteType type)
            int OpenParenIndex   = 0;
            int ClosedParenIndex = 0;

            if (stringToParse.ElementAt(2) != '(' && stringToParse.ElementAt(0) == '\u2022') // Applies to general notes, no tag
                stringToParse = stringToParse.Substring(3).TrimEnd("\n ".ToCharArray());     // remove bullet point and space in the beginning
                type          = noteType.generalNote;

            else // if the note belongs to a campaign, trim off tag
                if (stringToParse.Contains("(TIMER)"))
                    type = noteType.timer;
                    type = noteType.note;
                // First half trims the tag off the noteContent
                for (int i = 0; i < stringToParse.Length && stringToParse[i] != '('; i++)
                    OpenParenIndex = i;
                for (int i = OpenParenIndex; i < stringToParse.Length && stringToParse[i] != ')'; i++)
                    ClosedParenIndex = i;

                if (stringToParse.Contains("(PAUSED)") && type == noteType.timer)
                    for (int i = ClosedParenIndex + 2; i < stringToParse.Length && stringToParse[i] != ')'; i++)
                        ClosedParenIndex = i;

                int startIndex = 0;

                if (OpenParenIndex < ClosedParenIndex)
                    startIndex = ClosedParenIndex + 3;
                    stringToParse = null;

                stringToParse = stringToParse.Substring(startIndex).TrimEnd('\n');

            // This part applies if the current date is not the note's date
            // Trims off the (x years ago) or (in x years)
            if (stringToParse.ElementAt(stringToParse.Length - 1) == ')')
                if (stringToParse.Contains(" years ago)") || stringToParse.Contains(" year ago)") ||
                    stringToParse.Contains(" years)") || stringToParse.Contains(" year)") ||
                    stringToParse.Contains(" days)") || stringToParse.Contains(" day)")) // If the end parenthesis is not part of the note

                {                                                                        // such as (string) (1 year ago)
                    for (int i = stringToParse.Length - 1; i > 0 && stringToParse[i] != '('; i--)
                        OpenParenIndex = i;
                    stringToParse = stringToParse.Substring(0, OpenParenIndex - 2);

                else // if the end parentheses IS part of the string, such as the note being "this happened one year ago (about)"
                    // do nothing

Esempio n. 5
 public void setNoteType(noteType NT)
     myNoteAttribute.myNoteType = NT;