private void onData(int ConnectionId, int channelId, int recHostId, nMsg msg) { switch (msg.OP) //Server Recieves much data than the client { case NetOP.None: Debug.Log("Incorrect initialisation"); break; case NetOP.Position: n_Position Decode = (n_Position)msg; //Player.NetworkInstance.ObjectID = (int)Decode.Position.x; //Player.ID = (int)Decode.Position.x; //checkMoving.PlayerID = Player.ID; //Test.transform.position = ((n_Position)msg).Position+OffsetDistance; break; case NetOP.SyncSceneObjects: Debug.Log("SceneObjects"); UpdatedObjectContainer temp = (UpdatedObjectContainer)msg; checkMoving.SyncObjects(temp.SceneObjects); break; case NetOP.NewPlayer: nPlayerNew PlayerType = (nPlayerNew)msg; // spawn.Spawn(true, PlayerType.ID); break; case NetOP.Action: nAction ActionToggle = (nAction)msg; crystalize.crystalize(); break; } }
public nTestView(nModel model, Type target) { Model = model; Action = new nAction() { Params = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { TARGET, target }, } }; }
public nAndroidView(nModel model, Type target, Context context) { Model = model; Action = new nAction() { Params = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { TARGET, target }, { CONTEXT, context } } }; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (movement.Player1) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C) && canCrystalize) { crystalize(); nAction act = new nAction(); act.OP = NetOP.Action; if (Check.Hosting) { Check.Serv.SendClientData(act); } else { Check.Cli.SendServer(act); } } } }
//Data is sent here and stored as a NetOP so it can be distinguished as the correct action private void onData(int ConnectionId, int channelId, int recHostId, nMsg msg) { switch (msg.OP) //Server Recieves much data than the client { case NetOP.None: Debug.Log("Incorrect initialisation"); break; case NetOP.Position: Debug.Log("New Position"); Player1Proper.transform.position = ((n_Position)msg).Position; Player1Proper.GetComponent <standOnBoomerang>().forcedOff(); break; case NetOP.SyncSceneObjects: //recieve objects and sync unity objects of the correct ID ObjectManager.SyncObjects(((UpdatedObjectContainer)msg).SceneObjects); break; case NetOP.Action: nAction ActionToggle = (nAction)msg; crystalize.crystalize(); break; } }