private void setupSections(msMembershipOrganization mo, msMembershipDuesProduct product)
        SectionMode cm = mo.SectionMode;

        // check to see if we need to override on product
        if (product[msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.SectionMode] != null)
            cm = product.SafeGetValue <SectionMode>(msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.SectionMode);

        switch (cm)
        case SectionMode.SectionsDisabled:
            divSections.Visible = false;

        // let's pull all of the chapters
        Search sSections = new Search {
            Type = msSection.CLASS_NAME

        sSections.AddCriteria(Expr.Equals(msSection.FIELDS.MembershipOrganization, targetMembership.MembershipOrganization));
        sSections.AddCriteria(Expr.Equals(msSection.FIELDS.IsActive, true));

        _sections = APIExtensions.GetSearchResult(sSections, 0, null).Table;

        // ok, let's pull out all of the section types
        List <string> sectionTypes = new List <string>();

        foreach (DataRow dr in _sections.Rows)
            string typeName = "";
            if (dr["Type.Name"] != DBNull.Value)
                typeName = Convert.ToString(dr["Type.Name"]);
            if (!sectionTypes.Contains(typeName))

        rptSections.DataSource = sectionTypes;
    private void setupChapters(msMembershipOrganization mo, msMembershipDuesProduct product)
        ChapterMode cm = mo.ChapterMode;

        // check to see if we need to override on product
        if (product[msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.ChapterMode] != null)
            cm = product.SafeGetValue <ChapterMode>(msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.ChapterMode);

        switch (cm)
        case ChapterMode.ChaptersDisabled:
            divChapter.Visible = false;     // don't show it

        case ChapterMode.MemberJoinsOneChapter:
            divChapter.Visible            = true;
            divAdditionalChapters.Visible = false;

        case ChapterMode.MemberCanJoinMultipleChapters:
            divChapter.Visible            = true;
            divAdditionalChapters.Visible = true;

        // let's pull all of the chapters
        List <NameValueStringPair> tblChapters;

        using (var api = GetServiceAPIProxy())
            tblChapters = api.GetApplicableChaptersForMembershipType(targetMembership.Type).ResultValue;
        ddlSelectChapter.DataSource     = tblChapters;
        ddlSelectChapter.DataTextField  = "Name";
        ddlSelectChapter.DataValueField = "Value";

        if (divAdditionalChapters.Visible)    // bind the list box, too
            lbAdditionalChapters.DataSource     = tblChapters;
            lbAdditionalChapters.DataTextField  = "Name";
            lbAdditionalChapters.DataValueField = "Value";

        ddlSelectChapter.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---- Select a Chapter ----", ""));

        // ok - are we suggesting a chapter based on zip code?
        var cpm = mo.ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode;

        // check to see if we need to override on product
        if (product[msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode] != null)
            cpm = product.SafeGetValue <ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode>(msMembershipDuesProduct.FIELDS.ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode);

        if (cpm != ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode.Disabled)
            MemberSuiteObject msoChapter = null;
            using (var api = GetServiceAPIProxy())
                msoChapter = api.SuggestChapter(mo.ID, targetEntity.ID).ResultValue;

            if (msoChapter != null)   // have have a chapter
                ListItem li = ddlSelectChapter.Items.FindByValue(msoChapter.SafeGetValue <string>("ID"));

                if (li != null)   // we have a match
                    li.Selected = true;

                    if (cpm == ChapterPostalCodeMappingMode.Assign)
                        ddlSelectChapter.Enabled  = false; // can't be changed
                        trChapterAssigned.Visible = true;

                    // if a chapter matches, that's it, we're done

        // let's try and set to the default chapter
        if (targetMembership != null && targetMembership.Chapters != null)
            // find the primary

            var cPrimary = (targetMembership.Chapters.Find(x => x.IsPrimary));

            // MS-4984 - only set the default chapter if it's set up in the mem org
            if (cPrimary != null && mo.MembersShouldInheritPreviousChapterUponRenewal)

            // now, let's try to select the additional
            if (divAdditionalChapters.Visible)
                foreach (var c in targetMembership.Chapters)
                    if ((c.ExpirationDate == null || c.ExpirationDate == targetMembership.ExpirationDate) &&
                        (cPrimary == null || c.Chapter != cPrimary.Chapter))
                        ListItem li = lbAdditionalChapters.Items.FindByValue(c.Chapter);
                        if (li != null)
                            li.Selected = true;