Esempio n. 1
        FromFile(string datafile, bool extrainfo, out TimedState estimate,
                 out TimedArray xodometry, out TimedMeasurements xmeasurements)
            string tmpdir  = Util.TemporaryDir();
            string datadir = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "data");

            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(datafile, datadir);

            string scenefile      = Path.Combine(datadir, "");
            string trajectoryfile = Path.Combine(datadir, "trajectory.out");
            string estimatefile   = Path.Combine(datadir, "estimate.out");
            string odometryfile   = Path.Combine(datadir, "odometry.out");
            string measurefile    = Path.Combine(datadir, "measurements.out");
            string vismapfile     = Path.Combine(datadir, "vismaps.out");
            string tagfile        = Path.Combine(datadir, "tags.out");

            if (!File.Exists(scenefile))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing scene file");

            if (extrainfo && !File.Exists(estimatefile))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing estimate file");

            if (!File.Exists(trajectoryfile))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing trajectory file");

            if (!File.Exists(odometryfile))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing odometry file");

            if (!File.Exists(measurefile))
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing measurement file");

            if (!File.Exists(vismapfile))
                vismapfile = "";

            if (!File.Exists(tagfile))
                tagfile = "";

            RecordVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> explorer;
            TimedState        trajectory;
            TimedArray        odometry;
            TimedMeasurements measurements;
            TimedMapModel     vismap;
            TimedMessage      tags;

            var template = SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> .

            trajectory   = FP.TimedArrayFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllLines(trajectoryfile), StateSize);
            odometry     = FP.TimedArrayFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllLines(odometryfile), OdoSize);
            measurements = FP.MeasurementsFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(measurefile), MeasureSize);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vismapfile))
                vismap = FP.MapHistoryFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(vismapfile), 3);

                for (int i = vismap.Count; i < trajectory.Count; i++)
                    vismap.Add(Tuple.Create(trajectory[i].Item1, new Map(3)));
                vismap = new TimedMapModel();

                foreach (var entry in trajectory)
                    vismap.Add(Tuple.Create(entry.Item1, new Map(3)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagfile))
                tags = FP.TimedMessageFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllLines(tagfile));
                tags = new TimedMessage();

            explorer = new RecordVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT>(trajectory, odometry, measurements, tags, template.Landmarks,

            explorer.WayVisibleMaps = vismap;

            if (extrainfo)
                TimedTrajectory fullestimate = FP.TrajectoryHistoryFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(estimatefile), StateSize, false);

                estimate           = fullestimate[fullestimate.Count - 1].Item2;
                explorer.WayPoints = trajectory;
                xodometry          = odometry;
                xmeasurements      = measurements;
                estimate      = null;
                xodometry     = null;
                xmeasurements = null;

            Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a visualization object from a pair of formatted description files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datafile">Compressed prerecorded data file.</param>
        /// <param name="filterhistory">If true, show the filtered trajectory history, otherwise, the smooth one,
        /// i.e. the smooth history may change retroactively from future knowledge. Note however that the
        /// recorded vehicle may not support smoothing and may perform the same in both modes.
        /// Note also that this is not the algorithm mode, only the visualization; the algorithm
        /// could still take past information into account, but it won't be visualized.</param>
        /// <param name="screenshotmode">If true, skip to the screenshot tags,
        /// set the camera, take the shots and close the file.</param>
        /// <param name="tmpdir">Temporary data directory, to be removed after use.</param>
        /// <returns>Prepared visualization object.</returns>
        /// <remarks>All file must be previously sorted by time value. This property is assumed.</remarks>
        public static Viewer <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> FromFiles(string datafile, bool filterhistory,
                                                                        double reftime, bool screenshotmode, out string tmpdir)
            tmpdir = Util.TemporaryDir();
            string datadir = Path.Combine(tmpdir, "data");

            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(datafile, datadir);

            string scenefile    = Path.Combine(datadir, "");
            string vehiclefile  = Path.Combine(datadir, "trajectory.out");
            string estimatefile = Path.Combine(datadir, "estimate.out");
            string mapfile      = Path.Combine(datadir, "maps.out");
            string measurefile  = Path.Combine(datadir, "measurements.out");
            string tagfile      = Path.Combine(datadir, "tags.out");
            string sidebarfile  = Path.Combine(datadir, "sidebar.avi");

            if (!File.Exists(scenefile))
                scenefile = "";

            if (!File.Exists(measurefile))
                measurefile = "";

            if (!File.Exists(tagfile))
                tagfile = "";

            if (!File.Exists(sidebarfile))
                sidebarfile = "";

            SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> explorer;
            TimedState        trajectory;
            TimedTrajectory   estimate;
            TimedMapModel     map;
            TimedMeasurements measurements;
            TimedMessage      tags;

            PoseT        dummyP = new PoseT();
            MeasurementT dummyM = new MeasurementT();

            trajectory = FP.TimedArrayFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllLines(vehiclefile), dummyP.StateSize);
            estimate   = FP.TrajectoryHistoryFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(estimatefile), dummyP.StateSize, filterhistory);
            map        = FP.MapHistoryFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(mapfile), 3);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(measurefile))
                measurements = FP.MeasurementsFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllText(measurefile), dummyM.Size);
                measurements = new TimedMeasurements();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagfile))
                tags = FP.TimedMessageFromDescriptor(File.ReadAllLines(tagfile));
                tags = new TimedMessage();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenefile))
                explorer = SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> .
                explorer = new SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT>(new PoseT().IdentityP(), new List <double[]>());

            bool online = (estimate[0].Item2.Count < estimate[estimate.Count - 1].Item2.Count &&
                           estimate.Count == trajectory.Count);

            return(new Viewer <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT>("monorfs - viewing " + datafile, explorer,
                                                               trajectory, estimate, map, measurements, tags,
                                                               reftime, online, 30, sidebarfile, screenshotmode));