Esempio n. 1
        This function trains neural network passed to this function, using current
        dataset (one which was passed to MLPSetDataset() or MLPSetSparseDataset())
        and current training settings. Training  from  NRestarts  random  starting
        positions is performed, best network is chosen.

        Training is performed using current training algorithm.

            S           -   trainer object;
            Network     -   neural network. It must have same number of inputs and
                            output/classes as was specified during creation of the
                            trainer object;
            TNetwork    -   the training neural network.
                            User  may  look  weights  in  parameter Network  while
                            continue training process.
                            It has architecture like Network. You have to  copy or 
                            create new network with architecture like Network.
            State       -   created LBFGS optimizer;
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0 means that specified  number  of  random
                              restarts are performed, best network is chosen after
                            * NRestarts=0 means that current state of the  network
                              is used for training.
            TrnSubset   -   some subset from training set(it stores row's numbers),
                            used as trainig set;
           TrnSubsetSize-   size of subset(if TrnSubsetSize<0 - used full dataset);
                            when TrnSubsetSize=0, network is filled by zero value,
                            and ValSubset parameter is IGNORED;
            ValSubset   -   some subset from training set(it stores row's numbers),
                            used as validation set;
           ValSubsetSize-   size of subset(if ValSubsetSize<0 - used full dataset);
                            when  ValSubsetSize<>0  this  mean  that is used early
                            stopping training algorithm;
            BufWBest    -   buffer for storing interim resuls (BufWBest[0:WCOunt-1]
                            it has be allocated by user);
            BufWFinal   -   buffer for storing interim resuls(BufWFinal[0:WCOunt-1]
                            it has be allocated by user).

            Network     -   trained network;
            Rep         -   training report.

        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              network  is  filled  by zero  values.  Same  behavior  for functions
              MLPStartTraining and MLPContinueTraining.

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlptrainnetworkx(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron tnetwork,
            minlbfgs.minlbfgsstate state,
            int nrestarts,
            int[] trnsubset,
            int trnsubsetsize,
            int[] valsubset,
            int valsubsetsize,
            double[] bufwbest,
            double[] bufwfinal,
            mlpreport rep)
            mlpbase.modelerrors modrep = new mlpbase.modelerrors();
            double eval = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double ebestcur = 0;
            double efinal = 0;
            int ngradbatch = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int twcount = 0;
            int itbest = 0;
            int itcnt = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            bool rndstart = new bool();
            int pass = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - type of the resulting network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(tnetwork) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - type of the training network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(tnetwork, ref nin, ref nout, ref twcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(twcount==wcount, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of weights the resulting network is not equal to number of weights in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - NRestarts<0.");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(trnsubset)>=trnsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(TrnSubset)<TrnSubsetSize)");
            for(i=0; i<=trnsubsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(trnsubset[i]>=0 && trnsubset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubset contains incorrect index(TrnSubset[I]<0 or TrnSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(valsubset)>=valsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(ValSubset)<ValSubsetSize)");
            for(i=0; i<=valsubsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(valsubset[i]>=0 && valsubset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubset contains incorrect index(ValSubset[I]<0 or ValSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
            // Initialize parameter Rep
            rep.relclserror = 0;
            rep.avgce = 0;
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            if( ((s.datatype==0 || s.datatype==1) && s.npoints>0) && trnsubsetsize!=0 )
                // Prepare
                efinal = math.maxrealnumber;
                if( nrestarts!=0 )
                    rndstart = true;
                    rndstart = false;
                    nrestarts = 1;
                ngradbatch = 0;
                eval = 0;
                ebestcur = 0;
                for(pass=1; pass<=nrestarts; pass++)
                    mlpstarttrainingx(s, network, tnetwork, state, rndstart, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize);
                    itbest = 0;
                    itcnt = 0;
                    if( s.datatype==0 )
                        ebestcur = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    if( s.datatype==1 )
                        ebestcur = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        bufwbest[i_] = network.weights[i_];
                    while( mlpcontinuetrainingx(s, network, tnetwork, state, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, ref ngradbatch) )
                        if( s.datatype==0 )
                            eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                        if( s.datatype==1 )
                            eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                        if( (double)(eval)<=(double)(ebestcur) )
                            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                                bufwbest[i_] = network.weights[i_];
                            ebestcur = eval;
                            itbest = itcnt;
                        if( itcnt>30 && (double)(itcnt)>(double)(1.5*itbest) )
                        itcnt = itcnt+1;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        network.weights[i_] = bufwbest[i_];
                    // Compare with final(the best) answer.
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        v += bufwbest[i_]*bufwbest[i_];
                    if( s.datatype==0 )
                        ebestcur = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize)+0.5*s.decay*v;
                    if( s.datatype==1 )
                        ebestcur = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize)+0.5*s.decay*v;
                    if( (double)(ebestcur)<(double)(efinal) )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            bufwfinal[i_] = bufwbest[i_];
                        efinal = ebestcur;
                // Final network
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    network.weights[i_] = bufwfinal[i_];
                rep.ngrad = ngradbatch;
                for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                    network.weights[i] = 0;
            // Calculate errors.
            if( s.datatype==0 )
                mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
            if( s.datatype==1 )
                mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
            rep.relclserror = modrep.relclserror;
            rep.avgce = modrep.avgce;
            rep.rmserror = modrep.rmserror;
            rep.avgerror = modrep.avgerror;
            rep.avgrelerror = modrep.avgrelerror;
Esempio n. 2
        This function initializes temporaries needed for training session.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 01.07.2013 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void initmlptrnsession(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron networktrained,
            bool randomizenetwork,
            mlptrainer trainer,
            smlptrnsession session)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int pcount = 0;
            int[] dummysubset = new int[0];

            // Prepare network:
            // * copy input network to Session.Network
            // * re-initialize preprocessor and weights if RandomizeNetwork=True
            if( randomizenetwork )
                alglib.ap.assert(trainer.datatype==0 || trainer.datatype==1, "InitTemporaries: unexpected Trainer.DataType");
                if( trainer.datatype==0 )
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsubset(, trainer.densexy, trainer.npoints, dummysubset, -1);
                if( trainer.datatype==1 )
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsparsesubset(, trainer.sparsexy, trainer.npoints, dummysubset, -1);
                session.randomizenetwork = true;
                session.randomizenetwork = false;
            // Determine network geometry and initialize optimizer 
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            minlbfgs.minlbfgscreate(wcount, Math.Min(wcount, trainer.lbfgsfactor),, session.optimizer);
            minlbfgs.minlbfgssetxrep(session.optimizer, true);
            // Create buffers
            session.wbuf0 = new double[wcount];
            session.wbuf1 = new double[wcount];
            // Initialize session result
            mlpbase.mlpexporttunableparameters(, ref session.bestparameters, ref pcount);
            session.bestrmserror = math.maxrealnumber;
Esempio n. 3
        This function initializes temporaries needed for ensemble training.

        private static void initmlpetrnsession(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron individualnetwork,
            mlptrainer trainer,
            mlpetrnsession session)
            int[] dummysubset = new int[0];

            // Prepare network:
            // * copy input network to Session.Network
            // * re-initialize preprocessor and weights if RandomizeNetwork=True
            initmlptrnsessions(individualnetwork, true, trainer, session.mlpsessions);
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref session.trnsubset, trainer.npoints);
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref session.valsubset, trainer.npoints);
Esempio n. 4
        This function trains neural network passed to this function, using current
        dataset (one which was passed to MLPSetDataset() or MLPSetSparseDataset())
        and current training settings. Training  from  NRestarts  random  starting
        positions is performed, best network is chosen.

        This function is inteded to be used internally. It may be used in  several
        * training with ValSubsetSize=0, corresponds  to  "normal"  training  with
          termination  criteria  based on S.MaxIts (steps count) and S.WStep (step
          size). Training sample is given by TrnSubset/TrnSubsetSize.
        * training with ValSubsetSize>0, corresponds to  early  stopping  training
          with additional MaxIts/WStep stopping criteria. Training sample is given
          by TrnSubset/TrnSubsetSize, validation sample  is  given  by  ValSubset/

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlptrainnetworkx(mlptrainer s,
            int nrestarts,
            int algokind,
            int[] trnsubset,
            int trnsubsetsize,
            int[] valsubset,
            int valsubsetsize,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            mlpreport rep,
            bool isrootcall,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
            mlpbase.modelerrors modrep = new mlpbase.modelerrors();
            double eval = 0;
            double ebest = 0;
            int ngradbatch = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int pcount = 0;
            int itbest = 0;
            int itcnt = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            bool rndstart = new bool();
            int i = 0;
            int nr0 = 0;
            int nr1 = 0;
            mlpreport rep0 = new mlpreport();
            mlpreport rep1 = new mlpreport();
            bool randomizenetwork = new bool();
            double bestrmserror = 0;
            smlptrnsession psession = null;
            int i_ = 0;

            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            // Process root call
            if( isrootcall )
                // Check correctness of parameters
                alglib.ap.assert(algokind==0 || algokind==-1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: unexpected AlgoKind");
                alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
                if( s.rcpar )
                    ttype = 0;
                    ttype = 1;
                if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                    ntype = 0;
                    ntype = 1;
                alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - type of the training network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
                alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the training network.");
                alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the training network.");
                alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - NRestarts<0.");
                alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(trnsubset)>=trnsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(TrnSubset)<TrnSubsetSize)");
                for(i=0; i<=trnsubsetsize-1; i++)
                    alglib.ap.assert(trnsubset[i]>=0 && trnsubset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubset contains incorrect index(TrnSubset[I]<0 or TrnSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
                alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(valsubset)>=valsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(ValSubset)<ValSubsetSize)");
                for(i=0; i<=valsubsetsize-1; i++)
                    alglib.ap.assert(valsubset[i]>=0 && valsubset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubset contains incorrect index(ValSubset[I]<0 or ValSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
                // Train
                randomizenetwork = nrestarts>0;
                initmlptrnsessions(network, randomizenetwork, s, sessions);
                mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep, false, sessions);
                // Choose best network
                bestrmserror = math.maxrealnumber;
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(sessions, ref psession);
                while( psession!=null )
                    if( (double)(psession.bestrmserror)<(double)(bestrmserror) )
                        mlpbase.mlpimporttunableparameters(network, psession.bestparameters);
                        bestrmserror = psession.bestrmserror;
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(sessions, ref psession);
                // Calculate errors
                if( s.datatype==0 )
                    mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                if( s.datatype==1 )
                    mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                rep.relclserror = modrep.relclserror;
                rep.avgce = modrep.avgce;
                rep.rmserror = modrep.rmserror;
                rep.avgerror = modrep.avgerror;
                rep.avgrelerror = modrep.avgrelerror;
                // Done
            // Split problem, if we have more than 1 restart
            if( nrestarts>=2 )
                // Divide problem with NRestarts into two: NR0 and NR1.
                nr0 = nrestarts/2;
                nr1 = nrestarts-nr0;
                mlptrainnetworkx(s, nr0, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep0, false, sessions);
                mlptrainnetworkx(s, nr1, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep1, false, sessions);
                // Aggregate results
                rep.ngrad = rep0.ngrad+rep1.ngrad;
                rep.nhess = rep0.nhess+rep1.nhess;
                rep.ncholesky = rep0.ncholesky+rep1.ncholesky;
                // Done :)
            // Execution with NRestarts=1 or NRestarts=0:
            // * NRestarts=1 means that network is restarted from random position
            // * NRestarts=0 means that network is not randomized
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts==0 || nrestarts==1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error");
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(sessions, ref psession);
            if( ((s.datatype==0 || s.datatype==1) && s.npoints>0) && trnsubsetsize!=0 )
                // Train network using combination of early stopping and step-size
                // and step-count based criteria. Network state with best value of
                // validation set error is stored in WBuf0. When validation set is
                // zero, most recent state of network is stored.
                rndstart = nrestarts!=0;
                ngradbatch = 0;
                eval = 0;
                ebest = 0;
                itbest = 0;
                itcnt = 0;
                mlpstarttrainingx(s, rndstart, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, psession);
                if( s.datatype==0 )
                    ebest = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                if( s.datatype==1 )
                    ebest = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    psession.wbuf0[i_] =[i_];
                while( mlpcontinuetrainingx(s, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, ref ngradbatch, psession) )
                    if( s.datatype==0 )
                        eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    if( s.datatype==1 )
                        eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    if( (double)(eval)<=(double)(ebest) || valsubsetsize==0 )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            psession.wbuf0[i_] =[i_];
                        ebest = eval;
                        itbest = itcnt;
                    if( itcnt>30 && (double)(itcnt)>(double)(1.5*itbest) )
                    itcnt = itcnt+1;
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
          [i_] = psession.wbuf0[i_];
                rep.ngrad = ngradbatch;
                for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
          [i] = 0;
            // Evaluate network performance and update PSession.BestParameters/BestRMSError
            // (if needed).
            if( s.datatype==0 )
                mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset(, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
            if( s.datatype==1 )
                mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset(, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
            if( (double)(modrep.rmserror)<(double)(psession.bestrmserror) )
                mlpbase.mlpexporttunableparameters(, ref psession.bestparameters, ref pcount);
                psession.bestrmserror = modrep.rmserror;
            // Move session back to pool
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(sessions, ref psession);
Esempio n. 5
        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means that training  starts  with  MLPStartTrainingX  call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTrainingX  to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        After call to this function trainer object remembers network and  is ready
        to  train  it.  However,  no  training  is  performed  until first call to 
        MLPContinueTraining() function. Subsequent calls  to MLPContinueTraining()
        will advance traing progress one iteration further.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlpstarttrainingx(mlptrainer s,
            bool randomstart,
            int algokind,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            smlptrnsession session)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i = 0;

            // Check parameters
            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            alglib.ap.assert(algokind==0 || algokind==-1, "MLPStartTrainingX: unexpected AlgoKind");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax( )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - type of the resulting network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(subset)>=subsetsize, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter SubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(Subset)<SubsetSize)");
            for(i=0; i<=subsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(subset[i]>=0 && subset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter Subset contains incorrect index(Subset[I]<0 or Subset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
            // Prepare session
            minlbfgs.minlbfgssetcond(session.optimizer, 0.0, 0.0, s.wstep, s.maxits);
            if( s.npoints>0 && subsetsize!=0 )
                if( randomstart )
                for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
          [i] = 0;
            if( algokind==-1 )
                session.algoused = s.algokind;
                if( s.algokind==1 )
                    session.minibatchsize = s.minibatchsize;
                session.algoused = 0;
            session.rstate.ia = new int[15+1];
            session.rstate.ra = new double[1+1];
            session.rstate.stage = -1;
Esempio n. 6
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static bool _pexec_mlpcontinuetraining(mlptrainer s,
     mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network)
     return mlpcontinuetraining(s,network);
Esempio n. 7
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_mlptrainensemblees(mlptrainer s,
     mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble,
     int nrestarts,
     mlpreport rep)
Esempio n. 8
        Creation of the network trainer object for regression networks

            NIn         -   number of inputs, NIn>=1
            NOut        -   number of outputs, NOut>=1

            S           -   neural network trainer object.
                            This structure can be used to train any regression
                            network with NIn inputs and NOut outputs.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreatetrainer(int nin,
            int nout,
            mlptrainer s)
            alglib.ap.assert(nin>=1, "MLPCreateTrainer: NIn<1.");
            alglib.ap.assert(nout>=1, "MLPCreateTrainer: NOut<1.");
            s.nin = nin;
            s.nout = nout;
            s.rcpar = true;
            s.lbfgsfactor = defaultlbfgsfactor;
            s.decay = 1.0E-6;
            mlpsetcond(s, 0, 0);
            s.datatype = 0;
            s.npoints = 0;
Esempio n. 9
        Creation of the network trainer object for classification networks

            NIn         -   number of inputs, NIn>=1
            NClasses    -   number of classes, NClasses>=2

            S           -   neural network trainer object.
                            This structure can be used to train any classification
                            network with NIn inputs and NOut outputs.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpcreatetrainercls(int nin,
            int nclasses,
            mlptrainer s)
            alglib.ap.assert(nin>=1, "MLPCreateTrainerCls: NIn<1.");
            alglib.ap.assert(nclasses>=2, "MLPCreateTrainerCls: NClasses<2.");
            s.nin = nin;
            s.nout = nclasses;
            s.rcpar = false;
            s.lbfgsfactor = defaultlbfgsfactor;
            s.decay = 1.0E-6;
            mlpsetcond(s, 0, 0);
            s.datatype = 0;
            s.npoints = 0;
Esempio n. 10
        This function estimates generalization error using cross-validation on the
        current dataset with current training settings.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support (C++ computational core)
          ! Second improvement gives constant  speedup (2-3X).  First  improvement
          ! gives  close-to-linear  speedup  on   multicore   systems.   Following
          ! operations can be executed in parallel:
          ! * FoldsCount cross-validation rounds (always)
          ! * NRestarts training sessions performed within each of
          !   cross-validation rounds (if NRestarts>1)
          ! * gradient calculation over large dataset (if dataset is large enough)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural network. It must have same number of inputs and
                            output/classes as was specified during creation of the
                            trainer object. Network is not changed  during  cross-
                            validation and is not trained - it  is  used  only  as
                            representative of its architecture. I.e., we  estimate
                            generalization properties of  ARCHITECTURE,  not  some
                            specific network.
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0  means  that  for  each cross-validation
                              round   specified  number   of  random  restarts  is
                              performed,  with  best  network  being  chosen after
                            * NRestarts=0 is same as NRestarts=1
            FoldsCount  -   number of folds in k-fold cross-validation:
                            * 2<=FoldsCount<=size of dataset
                            * recommended value: 10.
                            * values larger than dataset size will be silently
                              truncated down to dataset size

            Rep         -   structure which contains cross-validation estimates:
                            * Rep.RelCLSError - fraction of misclassified cases.
                            * Rep.AvgCE - acerage cross-entropy
                            * Rep.RMSError - root-mean-square error
                            * Rep.AvgError - average error
                            * Rep.AvgRelError - average relative error
        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              or subset with only one point  was  given,  zeros  are  returned  as

        NOTE: this method performs FoldsCount cross-validation  rounds,  each  one
              with NRestarts random starts.  Thus,  FoldsCount*NRestarts  networks
              are trained in total.

        NOTE: Rep.RelCLSError/Rep.AvgCE are zero on regression problems.

        NOTE: on classification problems Rep.RMSError/Rep.AvgError/Rep.AvgRelError
              contain errors in prediction of posterior probabilities.
          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpkfoldcv(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            int nrestarts,
            int foldscount,
            mlpreport rep)
            alglib.smp.shared_pool pooldatacv = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
            mlpparallelizationcv datacv = new mlpparallelizationcv();
            mlpparallelizationcv sdatacv = null;
            double[,] cvy = new double[0,0];
            int[] folds = new int[0];
            double[] buf = new double[0];
            double[] dy = new double[0];
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int rowsize = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            hqrnd.hqrndstate rs = new hqrnd.hqrndstate();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPKFoldCV: type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPKFoldCV: possible trainer S is not initialized(S.NPoints<0)");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPKFoldCV:  number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPKFoldCV:  number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPKFoldCV: NRestarts<0");
            alglib.ap.assert(foldscount>=2, "MLPKFoldCV: FoldsCount<2");
            if( foldscount>s.npoints )
                foldscount = s.npoints;
            rep.relclserror = 0;
            rep.avgce = 0;
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            if( s.npoints==0 || s.npoints==1 )
            // Read network geometry, test parameters
            if( s.rcpar )
                rowsize = nin+nout;
                dy = new double[nout];
                bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref buf);
                rowsize = nin+1;
                dy = new double[1];
                bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref buf);
            // Folds
            folds = new int[s.npoints];
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                folds[i] = i*foldscount/s.npoints;
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-2; i++)
                j = i+hqrnd.hqrnduniformi(rs, s.npoints-i);
                if( j!=i )
                    k = folds[i];
                    folds[i] = folds[j];
                    folds[j] = k;
            cvy = new double[s.npoints, nout];
            // Initialize SEED-value for shared pool
            datacv.ngrad = 0;
            datacv.subset = new int[s.npoints];
            datacv.xyrow = new double[rowsize];
            datacv.y = new double[nout];
            // Create shared pool
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(pooldatacv, datacv);
            // Parallelization
            mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, 0, foldscount, cvy, pooldatacv);
            // Calculate value for NGrad
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(pooldatacv, ref sdatacv);
            while( sdatacv!=null )
                rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+sdatacv.ngrad;
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(pooldatacv, ref sdatacv);
            // Connect of results and calculate cross-validation error
            for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                if( s.datatype==0 )
                    for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                        datacv.xyrow[i_] = s.densexy[i,i_];
                if( s.datatype==1 )
                    sparse.sparsegetrow(s.sparsexy, i, ref datacv.xyrow);
                for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                    datacv.y[i_] = cvy[i,i_];
                if( s.rcpar )
                    i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        dy[i_] = datacv.xyrow[i_+i1_];
                    dy[0] = datacv.xyrow[nin];
                bdss.dserraccumulate(ref buf, datacv.y, dy);
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref buf);
            rep.relclserror = buf[0];
            rep.avgce = buf[1];
            rep.rmserror = buf[2];
            rep.avgerror = buf[3];
            rep.avgrelerror = buf[4];
Esempio n. 11
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_mlpkfoldcv(mlptrainer s,
     mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
     int nrestarts,
     int foldscount,
     mlpreport rep)
Esempio n. 12
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     mlptrainer _result = new mlptrainer();
     _result.nin = nin;
     _result.nout = nout;
     _result.rcpar = rcpar;
     _result.lbfgsfactor = lbfgsfactor;
     _result.decay = decay;
     _result.wstep = wstep;
     _result.maxits = maxits;
     _result.datatype = datatype;
     _result.npoints = npoints;
     _result.densexy = (double[,])densexy.Clone();
     _result.sparsexy = (sparse.sparsematrix)sparsexy.make_copy();
     _result.session = (smlptrnsession)session.make_copy();
     _result.ngradbatch = ngradbatch;
     _result.subset = (int[])subset.Clone();
     _result.subsetsize = subsetsize;
     _result.valsubset = (int[])valsubset.Clone();
     _result.valsubsetsize = valsubsetsize;
     _result.algokind = algokind;
     _result.minibatchsize = minibatchsize;
     return _result;
Esempio n. 13
        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means  that training starts  with  MLPStartTrainingX  call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTrainingX  to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        This  function  performs  one  more  iteration of the training and returns
        either True (training continues) or False (training stopped). In case True
        was returned, Network weights are updated according to the  current  state
        of the optimization progress. In case False was  returned,  no  additional
        updates is performed (previous update of  the  network weights moved us to
        the final point, and no additional updates is needed).

            > [initialize network and trainer object]
            > MLPStartTraining(Trainer, Network, True)
            > while MLPContinueTraining(Trainer, Network) do
            >     [visualize training progress]

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural network which receives A  COPY  of  the  actual
                            network which is trained by the algorithm. After  each
                            training roung state of the network being  trained  is
                            copied to this variable.
                            It must have same number of inputs and  output/classes
                            as was specified during creation of the trainer object
                            and  it  must  have  exactly  same architecture as the
                            second network (TNetwork).
            TNetwork    -   neural network being trained.
            State       -   LBFGS  optimizer,  already  initialized,   number   of
                            dimensions  must  be equal to number of weights in the
            Subset      -   some subset from training set(it stores row's numbers);
            SubsetSize  -   size of subset(if SubsetSize<0 - used full dataset).
            NGradBatch  -   number  of calls  MLPGradBatch function.  Initial value
                            is zero;
            Network     -   weights of the neural network  are  rewritten  by  the
                            current approximation;
            NGradBatch  -   number  of calls  MLPGradBatch function after training.

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

        NOTE: it is expected that trainer object settings are NOT  changed  during
              step-by-step training, i.e. no  one  changes  stopping  criteria  or
              training set during training. It is possible and there is no defense
              against  such  actions,  but  algorithm  behavior  in  such cases is
              undefined and can be unpredictable.
        NOTE: It  is  expected that Network is the same one which  was  passed  to
              MLPStartTraining() function.  However,  THIS  function  checks  only
              * that number of network inputs is consistent with trainer object
              * that number of network outputs/classes is consistent with  trainer
                object settings
              * that number of network weights is the same as number of weights in
                the network passed to MLPStartTraining() function
              Exception is thrown when these conditions are violated.
              It is also expected that you do not change state of the  network  on
              your own - the only party who has right to change network during its
              training is a trainer object. Any attempt to interfere with  trainer
              may lead to unpredictable results.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static bool mlpcontinuetrainingx(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron tnetwork,
            minlbfgs.minlbfgsstate state,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            ref int ngradbatch)
            bool result = new bool();
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int twcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            double decay = 0;
            double v = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0).");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - type of the resulting network is not similar to network type in trainer object.");
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(tnetwork) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - type of the training network is not similar to network type in trainer object.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(tnetwork, ref nin, ref nout, ref twcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(twcount==wcount, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of weights the resulting network is not equal to number of weights in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(subset)>=subsetsize, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter SubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(Subset)<SubsetSize).");
            for(i=0; i<=subsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(subset[i]>=0 && subset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter Subset contains incorrect index(Subset[I]<0 or Subset[I]>S.NPoints-1).");
            if( ((s.datatype==0 || s.datatype==1) && s.npoints>0) && subsetsize!=0 )
                decay = s.decay;
                while( minlbfgs.minlbfgsiteration(state) )
                    if( state.xupdated )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                            network.weights[i_] = tnetwork.weights[i_];
                        result = true;
                        return result;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        tnetwork.weights[i_] = state.x[i_];
                    if( s.datatype==0 )
                        mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsubset(tnetwork, s.densexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize, ref state.f, ref state.g);
                    if( s.datatype==1 )
                        mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(tnetwork, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize, ref state.f, ref state.g);
                    // Increment number of operations performed on batch gradient
                    ngradbatch = ngradbatch+1;
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        v += tnetwork.weights[i_]*tnetwork.weights[i_];
                    state.f = state.f+0.5*decay*v;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                        state.g[i_] = state.g[i_] + decay*tnetwork.weights[i_];
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    network.weights[i_] = tnetwork.weights[i_];
            result = false;
            return result;
Esempio n. 14
        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means that training  starts  with  MLPStartTrainingX  call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTrainingX  to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        After call to this function trainer object remembers network and  is ready
        to  train  it.  However,  no  training  is  performed  until first call to 
        MLPContinueTraining() function. Subsequent calls  to MLPContinueTraining()
        will advance traing progress one iteration further.

            > ...initialize network and trainer object....
            > MLPStartTraining(Trainer, Network, True)
            > while MLPContinueTraining(Trainer, Network) do
            >     ...visualize training progress...

            S           -   trainer object;
            Network     -   neural network which receives A  COPY  of  the  actual
                            network which is trained by the algorithm. After  each
                            training roung state of the network being  trained  is
                            copied to this variable.
                            It must have same number of inputs and  output/classes
                            as was specified during creation of the trainer object
                            and  it  must  have  exactly  same architecture as the
                            second network (TNetwork).
            TNetwork    -   neural network being trained.
            State       -   LBFGS  optimizer,  already  initialized,   number   of
                            dimensions  must  be equal to number of weights in the
            RandomStart -   randomize network before training or not:
                            * True  means  that  network  is  randomized  and  its
                              initial state (one which was passed to  the  trainer
                              object) is lost;
                            * False  means  that  training  is  started  from  the
                              current state of the network.
            Subset      -   some subset from training set(it stores row's numbers);
            SubsetSize  -   size of subset(if SubsetSize<0 - used full dataset).
            Network     -   neural network which is ready to training (weights are
                            initialized, preprocessor is initialized using current
                            training set)

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

        NOTE: it is expected that trainer object settings are NOT  changed  during
              step-by-step training, i.e. no  one  changes  stopping  criteria  or
              training set during training. It is possible and there is no defense
              against  such  actions,  but  algorithm  behavior  in  such cases is
              undefined and can be unpredictable.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlpstarttrainingx(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron tnetwork,
            minlbfgs.minlbfgsstate state,
            bool randomstart,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int twcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - type of the resulting network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(tnetwork) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - type of the training network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(tnetwork, ref nin, ref nout, ref twcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(twcount==wcount, "MLPStartTrainingX: number of weights the resulting network is not equal to number of weights in the training network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(subset)>=subsetsize, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter SubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(Subset)<SubsetSize)");
            for(i=0; i<=subsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(subset[i]>=0 && subset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPStartTrainingX: internal error - parameter Subset contains incorrect index(Subset[I]<0 or Subset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
            if( ((s.datatype==0 || s.datatype==1) && s.npoints>0) && subsetsize!=0 )
                // Prepare
                if( s.datatype==0 )
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize);
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsubset(tnetwork, s.densexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize);
                if( s.datatype==1 )
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize);
                    mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsparsesubset(tnetwork, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize);
                // Process
                if( randomstart )
                minlbfgs.minlbfgsrestartfrom(state, network.weights);
                for(i=0; i<=wcount-1; i++)
                    network.weights[i] = 0;
            // Copy weights
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                tnetwork.weights[i_] = network.weights[i_];
Esempio n. 15
        IMPORTANT: this is an "expert" version of the MLPTrain() function.  We  do
                   not recommend you to use it unless you are pretty sure that you
                   need ability to monitor training progress.

        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means that training  starts  with  MLPStartTraining() call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTraining() to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        After call to this function trainer object remembers network and  is ready
        to  train  it.  However,  no  training  is  performed  until first call to 
        MLPContinueTraining() function. Subsequent calls  to MLPContinueTraining()
        will advance training progress one iteration further.

            > ...initialize network and trainer object....
            > MLPStartTraining(Trainer, Network, True)
            > while MLPContinueTraining(Trainer, Network) do
            >     ...visualize training progress...

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural network. It must have same number of inputs and
                            output/classes as was specified during creation of the
                            trainer object.
            RandomStart -   randomize network before training or not:
                            * True  means  that  network  is  randomized  and  its
                              initial state (one which was passed to  the  trainer
                              object) is lost.
                            * False  means  that  training  is  started  from  the
                              current state of the network
            Network     -   neural network which is ready to training (weights are
                            initialized, preprocessor is initialized using current
                            training set)

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

        NOTE: it is expected that trainer object settings are NOT  changed  during
              step-by-step training, i.e. no  one  changes  stopping  criteria  or
              training set during training. It is possible and there is no defense
              against  such  actions,  but  algorithm  behavior  in  such cases is
              undefined and can be unpredictable.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpstarttraining(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            bool randomstart)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPStartTraining: parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPStartTraining: type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPStartTraining: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPStartTraining: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            // Initialize temporaries
            initmlptrnsession(network, randomstart, s, s.session);
            // Train network
            mlpstarttrainingx(s, randomstart, -1, s.subset, -1, s.session);
            // Update network
            mlpbase.mlpcopytunableparameters(, network);
Esempio n. 16
        This function sets "current dataset" of the trainer object to  one  passed
        by user.

            S           -   trainer object
            XY          -   training  set,  see  below  for  information  on   the
                            training set format. This function checks  correctness
                            of  the  dataset  (no  NANs/INFs,  class  numbers  are
                            correct) and throws exception when  incorrect  dataset
                            is passed.
            NPoints     -   points count, >=0.


        This  function  uses  two  different  dataset formats - one for regression
        networks, another one for classification networks.

        For regression networks with NIn inputs and NOut outputs following dataset
        format is used:
        * dataset is given by NPoints*(NIn+NOut) matrix
        * each row corresponds to one example
        * first NIn columns are inputs, next NOut columns are outputs

        For classification networks with NIn inputs and NClasses clases  following
        datasetformat is used:
        * dataset is given by NPoints*(NIn+1) matrix
        * each row corresponds to one example
        * first NIn columns are inputs, last column stores class number (from 0 to
          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpsetdataset(mlptrainer s,
            double[,] xy,
            int npoints)
            int ndim = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin>=1, "MLPSetDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or spoiled(S.NIn<=0).");
            alglib.ap.assert(npoints>=0, "MLPSetDataset: NPoint<0");
            alglib.ap.assert(npoints<=alglib.ap.rows(xy), "MLPSetDataset: invalid size of matrix XY(NPoint more then rows of matrix XY)");
            s.datatype = 0;
            s.npoints = npoints;
            if( npoints==0 )
            if( s.rcpar )
                alglib.ap.assert(s.nout>=1, "MLPSetDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(NOut<1 for regression).");
                ndim = s.nin+s.nout;
                alglib.ap.assert(ndim<=alglib.ap.cols(xy), "MLPSetDataset: invalid size of matrix XY(too few columns in matrix XY).");
                alglib.ap.assert(apserv.apservisfinitematrix(xy, npoints, ndim), "MLPSetDataset: parameter XY contains Infinite or NaN.");
                alglib.ap.assert(s.nout>=2, "MLPSetDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(NClasses<2 for classifier).");
                ndim = s.nin+1;
                alglib.ap.assert(ndim<=alglib.ap.cols(xy), "MLPSetDataset: invalid size of matrix XY(too few columns in matrix XY).");
                alglib.ap.assert(apserv.apservisfinitematrix(xy, npoints, ndim), "MLPSetDataset: parameter XY contains Infinite or NaN.");
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    alglib.ap.assert((int)Math.Round(xy[i,s.nin])>=0 && (int)Math.Round(xy[i,s.nin])<s.nout, "MLPSetDataset: invalid parameter XY(in classifier used nonexistent class number: either XY[.,NIn]<0 or XY[.,NIn]>=NClasses).");
            apserv.rmatrixsetlengthatleast(ref s.densexy, npoints, ndim);
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=ndim-1; j++)
                    s.densexy[i,j] = xy[i,j];
Esempio n. 17
        IMPORTANT: this is an "expert" version of the MLPTrain() function.  We  do
                   not recommend you to use it unless you are pretty sure that you
                   need ability to monitor training progress.

          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support (C++ computational core)
          ! Second improvement gives constant  speedup (2-3X).  First  improvement
          ! gives  close-to-linear  speedup  on   multicore   systems.   Following
          ! operations can be executed in parallel:
          ! * gradient calculation over large dataset (if dataset is large enough)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means that training starts  with  MLPStartTraining()  call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTraining() to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        This  function  performs  one  more  iteration of the training and returns
        either True (training continues) or False (training stopped). In case True
        was returned, Network weights are updated according to the  current  state
        of the optimization progress. In case False was  returned,  no  additional
        updates is performed (previous update of  the  network weights moved us to
        the final point, and no additional updates is needed).

            > [initialize network and trainer object]
            > MLPStartTraining(Trainer, Network, True)
            > while MLPContinueTraining(Trainer, Network) do
            >     [visualize training progress]

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural  network  structure,  which  is  used to  store
                            current state of the training process.
            Network     -   weights of the neural network  are  rewritten  by  the
                            current approximation.

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

        NOTE: it is expected that trainer object settings are NOT  changed  during
              step-by-step training, i.e. no  one  changes  stopping  criteria  or
              training set during training. It is possible and there is no defense
              against  such  actions,  but  algorithm  behavior  in  such cases is
              undefined and can be unpredictable.
        NOTE: It  is  expected that Network is the same one which  was  passed  to
              MLPStartTraining() function.  However,  THIS  function  checks  only
              * that number of network inputs is consistent with trainer object
              * that number of network outputs/classes is consistent with  trainer
                object settings
              * that number of network weights is the same as number of weights in
                the network passed to MLPStartTraining() function
              Exception is thrown when these conditions are violated.
              It is also expected that you do not change state of the  network  on
              your own - the only party who has right to change network during its
              training is a trainer object. Any attempt to interfere with  trainer
              may lead to unpredictable results.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static bool mlpcontinuetraining(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network)
            bool result = new bool();
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPContinueTraining: parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPContinueTraining: type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPContinueTraining: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPContinueTraining: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            result = mlpcontinuetrainingx(s, s.subset, -1, ref s.ngradbatch, s.session);
            if( result )
                for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                    network.weights[i_] =[i_];
            return result;
Esempio n. 18
        This function sets "current dataset" of the trainer object to  one  passed
        by user (sparse matrix is used to store dataset).

            S           -   trainer object
            XY          -   training  set,  see  below  for  information  on   the
                            training set format. This function checks  correctness
                            of  the  dataset  (no  NANs/INFs,  class  numbers  are
                            correct) and throws exception when  incorrect  dataset
                            is passed. Any  sparse  storage  format  can be  used:
                            Hash-table, CRS...
            NPoints     -   points count, >=0


        This  function  uses  two  different  dataset formats - one for regression
        networks, another one for classification networks.

        For regression networks with NIn inputs and NOut outputs following dataset
        format is used:
        * dataset is given by NPoints*(NIn+NOut) matrix
        * each row corresponds to one example
        * first NIn columns are inputs, next NOut columns are outputs

        For classification networks with NIn inputs and NClasses clases  following
        datasetformat is used:
        * dataset is given by NPoints*(NIn+1) matrix
        * each row corresponds to one example
        * first NIn columns are inputs, last column stores class number (from 0 to
          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpsetsparsedataset(mlptrainer s,
            sparse.sparsematrix xy,
            int npoints)
            double v = 0;
            int t0 = 0;
            int t1 = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            // Check correctness of the data
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin>0, "MLPSetSparseDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or spoiled(S.NIn<=0).");
            alglib.ap.assert(npoints>=0, "MLPSetSparseDataset: NPoint<0");
            alglib.ap.assert(npoints<=sparse.sparsegetnrows(xy), "MLPSetSparseDataset: invalid size of sparse matrix XY(NPoint more then rows of matrix XY)");
            if( npoints>0 )
                t0 = 0;
                t1 = 0;
                if( s.rcpar )
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nout>=1, "MLPSetSparseDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(NOut<1 for regression).");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nin+s.nout<=sparse.sparsegetncols(xy), "MLPSetSparseDataset: invalid size of sparse matrix XY(too few columns in sparse matrix XY).");
                    while( sparse.sparseenumerate(xy, ref t0, ref t1, ref i, ref j, ref v) )
                        if( i<npoints && j<s.nin+s.nout )
                            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(v), "MLPSetSparseDataset: sparse matrix XY contains Infinite or NaN.");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nout>=2, "MLPSetSparseDataset: possible parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(NClasses<2 for classifier).");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nin+1<=sparse.sparsegetncols(xy), "MLPSetSparseDataset: invalid size of sparse matrix XY(too few columns in sparse matrix XY).");
                    while( sparse.sparseenumerate(xy, ref t0, ref t1, ref i, ref j, ref v) )
                        if( i<npoints && j<=s.nin )
                            if( j!=s.nin )
                                alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(v), "MLPSetSparseDataset: sparse matrix XY contains Infinite or NaN.");
                                alglib.ap.assert((math.isfinite(v) && (int)Math.Round(v)>=0) && (int)Math.Round(v)<s.nout, "MLPSetSparseDataset: invalid sparse matrix XY(in classifier used nonexistent class number: either XY[.,NIn]<0 or XY[.,NIn]>=NClasses).");
            // Set dataset
            s.datatype = 1;
            s.npoints = npoints;
            sparse.sparsecopytocrs(xy, s.sparsexy);
Esempio n. 19
        This function trains neural network ensemble passed to this function using
        current dataset and early stopping training algorithm. Each early stopping
        round performs NRestarts  random  restarts  (thus,  EnsembleSize*NRestarts
        training rounds is performed in total).


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support (C++ computational core)
          ! Second improvement gives constant  speedup (2-3X).  First  improvement
          ! gives  close-to-linear  speedup  on   multicore   systems.   Following
          ! operations can be executed in parallel:
          ! * EnsembleSize  training  sessions  performed  for  each  of  ensemble
          !   members (always parallelized)
          ! * NRestarts  training  sessions  performed  within  each  of  training
          !   sessions (if NRestarts>1)
          ! * gradient calculation over large dataset (if dataset is large enough)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            S           -   trainer object;
            Ensemble    -   neural network ensemble. It must have same  number  of
                            inputs and outputs/classes  as  was  specified  during
                            creation of the trainer object.
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0 means that specified  number  of  random
                              restarts are performed during each ES round;
                            * NRestarts=0 is silently replaced by 1.

            Ensemble    -   trained ensemble;
            Rep         -   it contains all type of errors.
        NOTE: this training method uses BOTH early stopping and weight decay!  So,
              you should select weight decay before starting training just as  you
              select it before training "conventional" networks.

        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              or  single-point  dataset  was  passed,  ensemble  is filled by zero

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 22.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlptrainensemblees(mlptrainer s,
            mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble,
            int nrestarts,
            mlpreport rep)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            alglib.smp.shared_pool esessions = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();
            apserv.sinteger sgrad = new apserv.sinteger();
            mlpbase.modelerrors tmprep = new mlpbase.modelerrors();

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( !mlpe.mlpeissoftmax(ensemble) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: internal error - type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            nin = mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount(;
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in ensemble network");
            nout = mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(;
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in ensemble network");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: NRestarts<0.");
            // Initialize parameter Rep
            rep.relclserror = 0;
            rep.avgce = 0;
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            // Allocate
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.subset, s.npoints);
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.valsubset, s.npoints);
            // Start training
            // NOTE: ESessions is not initialized because MLPTrainEnsembleX
            //       needs uninitialized pool.
            sgrad.val = 0;
            mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, 0, ensemble.ensemblesize, nrestarts, 0, sgrad, true, esessions);
            rep.ngrad = sgrad.val;
            // Calculate errors.
            if( s.datatype==0 )
                mlpe.mlpeallerrorsx(ensemble, s.densexy, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, 0,, 0, s.npoints, 0,, tmprep);
            if( s.datatype==1 )
                mlpe.mlpeallerrorsx(ensemble, s.densexy, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, 1,, 0, s.npoints, 0,, tmprep);
            rep.relclserror = tmprep.relclserror;
            rep.avgce = tmprep.avgce;
            rep.rmserror = tmprep.rmserror;
            rep.avgerror = tmprep.avgerror;
            rep.avgrelerror = tmprep.avgrelerror;
Esempio n. 20
        This function sets weight decay coefficient which is used for training.

            S           -   trainer object
            Decay       -   weight  decay  coefficient,  >=0.  Weight  decay  term
                            'Decay*||Weights||^2' is added to error  function.  If
                            you don't know what Decay to choose, use 1.0E-3.
                            Weight decay can be set to zero,  in this case network
                            is trained without weight decay.

        NOTE: by default network uses some small nonzero value for weight decay.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpsetdecay(mlptrainer s,
            double decay)
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(decay), "MLPSetDecay: parameter Decay contains Infinite or NaN.");
            alglib.ap.assert((double)(decay)>=(double)(0), "MLPSetDecay: Decay<0.");
            s.decay = decay;
Esempio n. 21
        Internal subroutine for parallelization function MLPFoldCV.

            S         -   trainer object;
            RowSize   -   row size(eitherNIn+NOut or NIn+1);
            NRestarts -   number of restarts(>=0);
            Folds     -   cross-validation set;
            Fold      -   the number of first cross-validation(>=0);
            DFold     -   the number of second cross-validation(>=Fold+1);
            CVY       -   parameter which stores  the result is returned by network,
                          training on I-th cross-validation set.
                          It has to be preallocated.
            PoolDataCV-   parameter for parallelization.
        NOTE: There are no checks on the parameters correctness.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 25.09.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mthreadcv(mlptrainer s,
            int rowsize,
            int nrestarts,
            int[] folds,
            int fold,
            int dfold,
            double[,] cvy,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool pooldatacv)
            mlpparallelizationcv datacv = null;
            int i = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            if( fold==dfold-1 )
                // Separate set
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(pooldatacv, ref datacv);
                datacv.subsetsize = 0;
                for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                    if( folds[i]!=fold )
                        datacv.subset[datacv.subsetsize] = i;
                        datacv.subsetsize = datacv.subsetsize+1;
                // Train on CV training set
                mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, -1, datacv.subset, datacv.subsetsize, datacv.subset, 0,, datacv.rep, true, datacv.trnpool);
                datacv.ngrad = datacv.ngrad+datacv.rep.ngrad;
                // Estimate error using CV test set
                for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                    if( folds[i]==fold )
                        if( s.datatype==0 )
                            for(i_=0; i_<=rowsize-1;i_++)
                                datacv.xyrow[i_] = s.densexy[i,i_];
                        if( s.datatype==1 )
                            sparse.sparsegetrow(s.sparsexy, i, ref datacv.xyrow);
                        mlpbase.mlpprocess(, datacv.xyrow, ref datacv.y);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=s.nout-1;i_++)
                            cvy[i,i_] = datacv.y[i_];
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(pooldatacv, ref datacv);
                alglib.ap.assert(fold<dfold-1, "MThreadCV: internal error(Fold>DFold-1).");
                mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, fold, (fold+dfold)/2, cvy, pooldatacv);
                mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, (fold+dfold)/2, dfold, cvy, pooldatacv);
Esempio n. 22
        This function sets stopping criteria for the optimizer.

            S           -   trainer object
            WStep       -   stopping criterion. Algorithm stops if  step  size  is
                            less than WStep. Recommended value - 0.01.  Zero  step
                            size means stopping after MaxIts iterations.
            MaxIts      -   stopping   criterion.  Algorithm  stops  after  MaxIts
                            epochs (full passes over entire dataset).  Zero MaxIts
                            means stopping when step is sufficiently small.

        NOTE: by default, WStep=0.005 and MaxIts=0 are used. These values are also
              used when MLPSetCond() is called with WStep=0 and MaxIts=0.
        NOTE: these stopping criteria are used for all kinds of neural training  -
              from "conventional" networks to early stopping ensembles. When  used
              for "conventional" networks, they are  used  as  the  only  stopping
              criteria. When combined with early stopping, they used as ADDITIONAL
              stopping criteria which can terminate early stopping algorithm.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpsetcond(mlptrainer s,
            double wstep,
            int maxits)
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(wstep), "MLPSetCond: parameter WStep contains Infinite or NaN.");
            alglib.ap.assert((double)(wstep)>=(double)(0), "MLPSetCond: WStep<0.");
            alglib.ap.assert(maxits>=0, "MLPSetCond: MaxIts<0.");
            if( (double)(wstep)!=(double)(0) || maxits!=0 )
                s.wstep = wstep;
                s.maxits = maxits;
                s.wstep = 0.005;
                s.maxits = 0;
Esempio n. 23
        This function trains neural network ensemble passed to this function using
        current dataset and early stopping training algorithm. Each early stopping
        round performs NRestarts  random  restarts  (thus,  EnsembleSize*NRestarts
        training rounds is performed in total).

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 22.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlptrainensemblex(mlptrainer s,
            mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble,
            int idx0,
            int idx1,
            int nrestarts,
            int trainingmethod,
            apserv.sinteger ngrad,
            bool isrootcall,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool esessions)
            int pcount = 0;
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int trnsubsetsize = 0;
            int valsubsetsize = 0;
            int k0 = 0;
            apserv.sinteger ngrad0 = new apserv.sinteger();
            apserv.sinteger ngrad1 = new apserv.sinteger();
            mlpetrnsession psession = null;
            hqrnd.hqrndstate rs = new hqrnd.hqrndstate();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            nin = mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount(;
            nout = mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(;
            wcount = mlpbase.mlpgetweightscount(;
            if( mlpbase.mlpissoftmax( )
                pcount = nin;
                pcount = nin+nout;
            if( nrestarts<=0 )
                nrestarts = 1;
            // Handle degenerate case
            if( s.npoints<2 )
                for(i=idx0; i<=idx1-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=wcount-1; j++)
                        ensemble.weights[i*wcount+j] = 0.0;
                    for(j=0; j<=pcount-1; j++)
                        ensemble.columnmeans[i*pcount+j] = 0.0;
                        ensemble.columnsigmas[i*pcount+j] = 1.0;
            // Process root call
            if( isrootcall )
                // Prepare:
                // * prepare MLPETrnSessions
                // * fill ensemble by zeros (helps to detect errors)
                initmlpetrnsessions(, s, esessions);
                for(i=idx0; i<=idx1-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=wcount-1; j++)
                        ensemble.weights[i*wcount+j] = 0.0;
                    for(j=0; j<=pcount-1; j++)
                        ensemble.columnmeans[i*pcount+j] = 0.0;
                        ensemble.columnsigmas[i*pcount+j] = 0.0;
                // Train in non-root mode and exit
                mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0, idx1, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad, false, esessions);
            // Split problem
            if( idx1-idx0>=2 )
                k0 = (idx1-idx0)/2;
                ngrad0.val = 0;
                ngrad1.val = 0;
                mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0, idx0+k0, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad0, false, esessions);
                mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0+k0, idx1, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad1, false, esessions);
                ngrad.val = ngrad0.val+ngrad1.val;
            // Retrieve and prepare session
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(esessions, ref psession);
            // Train
            for(k=idx0; k<=idx1-1; k++)
                // Split set
                trnsubsetsize = 0;
                valsubsetsize = 0;
                if( trainingmethod==0 )
                        trnsubsetsize = 0;
                        valsubsetsize = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                            if( (double)(math.randomreal())<(double)(0.66) )
                                // Assign sample to training set
                                psession.trnsubset[trnsubsetsize] = i;
                                trnsubsetsize = trnsubsetsize+1;
                                // Assign sample to validation set
                                psession.valsubset[valsubsetsize] = i;
                                valsubsetsize = valsubsetsize+1;
                    while( !(trnsubsetsize!=0 && valsubsetsize!=0) );
                if( trainingmethod==1 )
                    valsubsetsize = 0;
                    trnsubsetsize = s.npoints;
                    for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                        psession.trnsubset[i] = hqrnd.hqrnduniformi(rs, s.npoints);
                // Train
                mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, -1, psession.trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, psession.valsubset, valsubsetsize,, psession.mlprep, true, psession.mlpsessions);
                ngrad.val = ngrad.val+psession.mlprep.ngrad;
                // Save results
                i1_ = (0) - (k*wcount);
                for(i_=k*wcount; i_<=(k+1)*wcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.weights[i_] =[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnmeans[i_] =[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnsigmas[i_] =[i_+i1_];
            // Recycle session
            alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(esessions, ref psession);
Esempio n. 24
        This function sets training algorithm: batch training using L-BFGS will be

        This algorithm:
        * the most robust for small-scale problems, but may be too slow for  large
          scale ones.
        * perfoms full pass through the dataset before performing step
        * uses conditions specified by MLPSetCond() for stopping
        * is default one used by trainer object

            S           -   trainer object

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpsetalgobatch(mlptrainer s)
            s.algokind = 0;
Esempio n. 25
        This function performs step-by-step training of the neural  network.  Here
        "step-by-step" means  that training starts  with  MLPStartTrainingX  call,
        and then user subsequently calls MLPContinueTrainingX  to perform one more
        iteration of the training.

        This  function  performs  one  more  iteration of the training and returns
        either True (training continues) or False (training stopped). In case True
        was returned, Network weights are updated according to the  current  state
        of the optimization progress. In case False was  returned,  no  additional
        updates is performed (previous update of  the  network weights moved us to
        the final point, and no additional updates is needed).

            > [initialize network and trainer object]
            > MLPStartTraining(Trainer, Network, True)
            > while MLPContinueTraining(Trainer, Network) do
            >     [visualize training progress]

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 13.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static bool mlpcontinuetrainingx(mlptrainer s,
            int[] subset,
            int subsetsize,
            ref int ngradbatch,
            smlptrnsession session)
            bool result = new bool();
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int twcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            double decay = 0;
            double v = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int trnsetsize = 0;
            int epoch = 0;
            int minibatchcount = 0;
            int minibatchidx = 0;
            int cursize = 0;
            int idx0 = 0;
            int idx1 = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            // Reverse communication preparations
            // I know it looks ugly, but it works the same way
            // anywhere from C++ to Python.
            // This code initializes locals by:
            // * random values determined during code
            //   generation - on first subroutine call
            // * values from previous call - on subsequent calls
            if( session.rstate.stage>=0 )
                nin = session.rstate.ia[0];
                nout = session.rstate.ia[1];
                wcount = session.rstate.ia[2];
                twcount = session.rstate.ia[3];
                ntype = session.rstate.ia[4];
                ttype = session.rstate.ia[5];
                i = session.rstate.ia[6];
                j = session.rstate.ia[7];
                k = session.rstate.ia[8];
                trnsetsize = session.rstate.ia[9];
                epoch = session.rstate.ia[10];
                minibatchcount = session.rstate.ia[11];
                minibatchidx = session.rstate.ia[12];
                cursize = session.rstate.ia[13];
                idx0 = session.rstate.ia[14];
                idx1 = session.rstate.ia[15];
                decay = session.rstate.ra[0];
                v = session.rstate.ra[1];
                nin = -983;
                nout = -989;
                wcount = -834;
                twcount = 900;
                ntype = -287;
                ttype = 364;
                i = 214;
                j = -338;
                k = -686;
                trnsetsize = 912;
                epoch = 585;
                minibatchcount = 497;
                minibatchidx = -271;
                cursize = -581;
                idx0 = 745;
                idx1 = -533;
                decay = -77;
                v = 678;
            if( session.rstate.stage==0 )
                goto lbl_0;
            // Routine body
            // Check correctness of inputs
            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0).");
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax( )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - type of the resulting network is not similar to network type in trainer object.");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the network.");
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(subset)>=subsetsize, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter SubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(Subset)<SubsetSize).");
            for(i=0; i<=subsetsize-1; i++)
                alglib.ap.assert(subset[i]>=0 && subset[i]<=s.npoints-1, "MLPContinueTrainingX: internal error - parameter Subset contains incorrect index(Subset[I]<0 or Subset[I]>S.NPoints-1).");
            // Quick exit on empty training set
            if( s.npoints==0 || subsetsize==0 )
                result = false;
                return result;
            // Minibatch training
            if( session.algoused==1 )
                alglib.ap.assert(false, "MINIBATCH TRAINING IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET");
            // Last option: full batch training
            decay = s.decay;
            if( !minlbfgs.minlbfgsiteration(session.optimizer) )
                goto lbl_2;
            if( !session.optimizer.xupdated )
                goto lbl_3;
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
      [i_] = session.optimizer.x[i_];
            session.rstate.stage = 0;
            goto lbl_rcomm;
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
      [i_] = session.optimizer.x[i_];
            if( s.datatype==0 )
                mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsubset(, s.densexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize, ref session.optimizer.f, ref session.optimizer.g);
            if( s.datatype==1 )
                mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, subset, subsetsize, ref session.optimizer.f, ref session.optimizer.g);
            // Increment number of operations performed on batch gradient
            ngradbatch = ngradbatch+1;
            v = 0.0;
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                v +=[i_]*[i_];
            session.optimizer.f = session.optimizer.f+0.5*decay*v;
            for(i_=0; i_<=wcount-1;i_++)
                session.optimizer.g[i_] = session.optimizer.g[i_] + decay*[i_];
            goto lbl_1;
            minlbfgs.minlbfgsresultsbuf(session.optimizer, ref, session.optimizerrep);
            result = false;
            return result;
            // Saving state
            result = true;
            session.rstate.ia[0] = nin;
            session.rstate.ia[1] = nout;
            session.rstate.ia[2] = wcount;
            session.rstate.ia[3] = twcount;
            session.rstate.ia[4] = ntype;
            session.rstate.ia[5] = ttype;
            session.rstate.ia[6] = i;
            session.rstate.ia[7] = j;
            session.rstate.ia[8] = k;
            session.rstate.ia[9] = trnsetsize;
            session.rstate.ia[10] = epoch;
            session.rstate.ia[11] = minibatchcount;
            session.rstate.ia[12] = minibatchidx;
            session.rstate.ia[13] = cursize;
            session.rstate.ia[14] = idx0;
            session.rstate.ia[15] = idx1;
            session.rstate.ra[0] = decay;
            session.rstate.ra[1] = v;
            return result;
Esempio n. 26
        This function trains neural network passed to this function, using current
        dataset (one which was passed to MLPSetDataset() or MLPSetSparseDataset())
        and current training settings. Training  from  NRestarts  random  starting
        positions is performed, best network is chosen.

        Training is performed using current training algorithm.


          ! Commercial version of ALGLIB includes two  important  improvements  of
          ! this function:
          ! * multicore support (C++ and C# computational cores)
          ! * SSE support (C++ computational core)
          ! Second improvement gives constant  speedup (2-3X).  First  improvement
          ! gives  close-to-linear  speedup  on   multicore   systems.   Following
          ! operations can be executed in parallel:
          ! * NRestarts training sessions performed within each of
          !   cross-validation rounds (if NRestarts>1)
          ! * gradient calculation over large dataset (if dataset is large enough)
          ! In order to use multicore features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB
          ! * call  this  function  with  "smp_"  prefix,  which  indicates  that
          !   multicore code will be used (for multicore support)
          ! In order to use SSE features you have to:
          ! * use commercial version of ALGLIB on Intel processors
          ! * use C++ computational core
          ! This note is given for users of commercial edition; if  you  use  GPL
          ! edition, you still will be able to call smp-version of this function,
          ! but all computations will be done serially.
          ! We recommend you to carefully read ALGLIB Reference  Manual,  section
          ! called 'SMP support', before using parallel version of this function.

            S           -   trainer object
            Network     -   neural network. It must have same number of inputs and
                            output/classes as was specified during creation of the
                            trainer object.
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0 means that specified  number  of  random
                              restarts are performed, best network is chosen after
                            * NRestarts=0 means that current state of the  network
                              is used for training.

            Network     -   trained network

        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              network  is  filled  by zero  values.  Same  behavior  for functions
              MLPStartTraining and MLPContinueTraining.

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 23.07.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlptrainnetwork(mlptrainer s,
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
            int nrestarts,
            mlpreport rep)
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            alglib.smp.shared_pool trnpool = new alglib.smp.shared_pool();

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPTrainNetwork: parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( !mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainNetwork: type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainNetwork: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainNetwork: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in network");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPTrainNetwork: NRestarts<0.");
            // Train
            mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, -1, s.subset, -1, s.subset, 0, network, rep, true, trnpool);
Esempio n. 27
        This function initializes temporaries needed for training session.

        private static void initmlptrnsessions(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron networktrained,
            bool randomizenetwork,
            mlptrainer trainer,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
            int[] dummysubset = new int[0];
            smlptrnsession t = new smlptrnsession();
            smlptrnsession p = null;

            if( alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(sessions) )
                // Pool was already initialized.
                // Clear sessions stored in the pool.
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(sessions, ref p);
                while( p!=null )
                    alglib.ap.assert(mlpbase.mlpsamearchitecture(, networktrained), "InitMLPTrnSessions: internal consistency error");
                    p.bestrmserror = math.maxrealnumber;
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(sessions, ref p);
                // Prepare session and seed pool
                initmlptrnsession(networktrained, randomizenetwork, trainer, t);
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(sessions, t);
Esempio n. 28
 Single-threaded stub. HPC ALGLIB replaces it by multithreaded code.
 public static void _pexec_mlptrainnetwork(mlptrainer s,
     mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
     int nrestarts,
     mlpreport rep)
Esempio n. 29
        This function initializes temporaries needed for training session.

        private static void initmlpetrnsessions(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron individualnetwork,
            mlptrainer trainer,
            alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
            mlpetrnsession t = new mlpetrnsession();

            if( !alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(sessions) )
                initmlpetrnsession(individualnetwork, trainer, t);
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(sessions, t);
Esempio n. 30
        This function trains neural network ensemble passed to this function using
        current dataset and early stopping training algorithm. Each early stopping
        round performs NRestarts  random  restarts  (thus,  EnsembleSize*NRestarts
        training rounds is performed in total).

            S           -   trainer object;
            Ensemble    -   neural network ensemble. It must have same  number  of
                            inputs and outputs/classes  as  was  specified  during
                            creation of the trainer object.
            NRestarts   -   number of restarts, >=0:
                            * NRestarts>0 means that specified  number  of  random
                              restarts are performed during each ES round;
                            * NRestarts=0 is silently replaced by 1.

            Ensemble    -   trained ensemble;
            Rep         -   it contains all type of errors.

        NOTE: when no dataset was specified with MLPSetDataset/SetSparseDataset(),
              or  single-point  dataset  was  passed,  ensemble  is filled by zero

        NOTE: this method uses sum-of-squares error function for training.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 22.08.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlptrainensemblees(mlptrainer s,
            mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble,
            int nrestarts,
            mlpreport rep)
            int pcount = 0;
            mlpreport tmprep = new mlpreport();
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int wcount = 0;
            int ntype = 0;
            int ttype = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints>=0, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
            if( !mlpe.mlpeissoftmax(ensemble) )
                ntype = 0;
                ntype = 1;
            if( s.rcpar )
                ttype = 0;
                ttype = 1;
            alglib.ap.assert(ntype==ttype, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: internal error - type of input network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
            nin = mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount(;
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nin==nin, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in ensemble network");
            nout = mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(;
            alglib.ap.assert(s.nout==nout, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in ensemble network");
            alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts>=0, "MLPTrainEnsembleES: NRestarts<0.");
            wcount = mlpbase.mlpgetweightscount(;
            // Initialize parameter Rep
            rep.relclserror = 0;
            rep.avgce = 0;
            rep.rmserror = 0;
            rep.avgerror = 0;
            rep.avgrelerror = 0;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            // Allocate
            if( mlpbase.mlpissoftmax( )
                pcount = nin;
                pcount = nin+nout;
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.subset, s.npoints);
            apserv.ivectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.valsubset, s.npoints);
            apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.wbest, wcount);
            apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref s.wfinal, wcount);
            // Create LBFGS optimizer
            minlbfgs.minlbfgscreate(wcount, Math.Min(wcount, s.lbfgsfactor),, s.tstate);
            minlbfgs.minlbfgssetcond(s.tstate, 0.0, 0.0, s.wstep, s.maxits);
            minlbfgs.minlbfgssetxrep(s.tstate, true);
            mlpbase.mlpcopy(, s.tnetwork);
            // Train networks
            if( (s.datatype==0 || s.datatype==1) && s.npoints>1 )
                for(k=0; k<=ensemble.ensemblesize-1; k++)
                    // Split set
                        s.subsetsize = 0;
                        s.valsubsetsize = 0;
                        for(i=0; i<=s.npoints-1; i++)
                            if( (double)(math.randomreal())<(double)(0.66) )
                                // Assign sample to training set
                                s.subset[s.subsetsize] = i;
                                s.subsetsize = s.subsetsize+1;
                                // Assign sample to validation set
                                s.valsubset[s.valsubsetsize] = i;
                                s.valsubsetsize = s.valsubsetsize+1;
                    while( !(s.subsetsize!=0 && s.valsubsetsize!=0) );
                    // Train
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s,, s.tnetwork, s.tstate, nrestarts, s.subset, s.subsetsize, s.valsubset, s.valsubsetsize, s.wbest, s.wfinal, tmprep);
                    rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+tmprep.ngrad;
                    // Save results
                    i1_ = (0) - (k*wcount);
                    for(i_=k*wcount; i_<=(k+1)*wcount-1;i_++)
                        ensemble.weights[i_] =[i_+i1_];
                    i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                    for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                        ensemble.columnmeans[i_] =[i_+i1_];
                    i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                    for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                        ensemble.columnsigmas[i_] =[i_+i1_];
                for(i=0; i<=ensemble.ensemblesize*wcount-1; i++)
          [i] = 0.0;
                    ensemble.columnmeans[i] = 0.0;
                    ensemble.columnsigmas[i] = 1.0;
            // Calculate errors.
            if( s.datatype==0 )
                mlpe.mlpeallerrors(ensemble, s.densexy, s.npoints, ref rep.relclserror, ref rep.avgce, ref rep.rmserror, ref rep.avgerror, ref rep.avgrelerror);
            if( s.datatype==1 )
                mlpe.mlpeallerrorssparse(ensemble, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, ref rep.relclserror, ref rep.avgce, ref rep.rmserror, ref rep.avgerror, ref rep.avgrelerror);