Esempio n. 1
 // Show the image the is -1 in the imagesInLesson list
 private void addLessonMediaPreviousButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (mediaInLesson.Count > 1)
         //Save the current image stuff
         mediaStruct mediaToAdd = new mediaStruct();
         mediaToAdd.Description = addLessonMediaDescription.Text;
         mediaToAdd.Title       = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
         mediaToAdd.Media       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media;
         mediaInLesson.Insert(currentShownImageIndex, mediaToAdd);
         if (0 > currentShownImageIndex - 1)
             currentShownImageIndex = mediaInLesson.Count - 1;
             currentShownImageIndex -= 1;
         //Show that image
         MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media);
         addLessonMedia.Image           = Image.FromStream(ms);
         addLessonMediaTitle.Text       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Title;
         addLessonMediaDescription.Text = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Description;
Esempio n. 2
         * Forward (+1) through the images uploaded, but not saved currently
         * */
        private void addLessonMediaNextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mediaInLesson.Count > 1)
                //Save old media's title and description
                //mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Title = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
                mediaStruct mediaToAdd = new mediaStruct();
                mediaToAdd.Description = addLessonMediaDescription.Text;
                mediaToAdd.Title       = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
                mediaToAdd.Media       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media;
                mediaInLesson.Insert(currentShownImageIndex, mediaToAdd);

                if (mediaInLesson.Count == currentShownImageIndex + 1)
                    currentShownImageIndex = 0;
                    currentShownImageIndex += 1;
                //Show that image, description, title
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media);
                addLessonMedia.Image           = Image.FromStream(ms);
                addLessonMediaTitle.Text       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Title;
                addLessonMediaDescription.Text = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Description;
Esempio n. 3
         * Check all the fields to see if valid and adds the lesson to the lesson table.
         * Should also add to the MediaLesson table all of the Media
         * */
        private void addLessonUploadLessonButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (addLessonLessonTitle.Text.Length < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("No Title for the Lesson!");
            else if (addLessonPrereq.Text.Length > 0 && !db.checkIfLessonTitleExists(addLessonPrereq.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("That Pre-Req doesn't exist!");
            else if (addLessonDifficulty.Value > 5 && addLessonDifficulty.Value < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The Difficulty must be between 0 and 5!");
            else if (addLessonVisualRating.Value > 5 && addLessonVisualRating.Value < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The Visual Rating must be between 0 and 5!");
            else if (addLessonAudioRating.Value > 5 && addLessonAudioRating.Value < 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The Audio Rating must be between 0 and 5!");
                if (addLessonMedia.Image != null)
                    mediaStruct oldMedia = new mediaStruct();
                    oldMedia.Description = addLessonMediaDescription.Text;
                    oldMedia.Media       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media;
                    oldMedia.Title       = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
                    mediaInLesson.Insert(currentShownImageIndex, oldMedia);
                    currentShownImageIndex = mediaInLesson.Count - 1;

                int     newLID     = db.getAllLessonsCount() + 1;
                String  title      = addLessonLessonTitle.Text;
                int     prereq     = ((addLessonPrereq.Text.Length == 0) ? 0 : db.getLidFromTitle(addLessonPrereq.Text));
                int     difficulty = (int)addLessonDifficulty.Value;
                Boolean markedTypo = false;
                int     contentV   = (int)addLessonVisualRating.Value;
                int     contentA   = (int)addLessonAudioRating.Value;
                int     contentO   = 10 - (contentV + contentA);
                String  content    = addLessonContent.Text;

                // DO DB CALL TO CREATE!!!!
                db.addLesson(newLID, title, prereq, difficulty, markedTypo, contentV, contentA, contentO, content);

                // DO DB CALL TO CREATE MEDIA-LESSON!!!!
                foreach (mediaStruct image in mediaInLesson)
                    //DB call to add to Lesson
                    db.addMediaLesson(newLID, image.Media, image.Title, image.Description);

                MessageBox.Show("Successfully added a lesson! Press New Lesson to erase fields");
Esempio n. 4
         * Add an image to the Lesson by openning up a windows explorer for them to look at
         * */
        private void addLessonMediaAddNewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String imageLocation = "";

            try {
                OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                dialog.Filter = "jpg files(*.jpg)|*.jpg| png files(*.png)|*.png| All files(*.*)|*.*";

                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    //This Works!!!
                    imageLocation = dialog.FileName;
                    //addLessonMedia.ImageLocation = imageLocation;
                //Save old image
                if (addLessonMedia.Image != null)
                    mediaStruct oldMedia = new mediaStruct();
                    oldMedia.Description = addLessonMediaDescription.Text;
                    oldMedia.Media       = mediaInLesson[currentShownImageIndex].Media;
                    oldMedia.Title       = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
                    mediaInLesson.Insert(currentShownImageIndex, oldMedia);
                    currentShownImageIndex = mediaInLesson.Count - 1;
                //Testing to byte[]
                byte[]       image  = null;
                FileStream   stream = new FileStream(imageLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryReader brs    = new BinaryReader(stream);
                image = brs.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
                //Testing byte[] to image
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
                addLessonMedia.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);

                mediaStruct newMedia = new mediaStruct();
                newMedia.Description = "";
                newMedia.Media       = image;
                newMedia.Title       = "";

                //newMedia.Title = addLessonMediaTitle.Text;
                //newMedia.Description = addLessonMediaDescription.Text;

                //Adjust the look of the page
                addLessonMediaTitle.Enabled       = true;
                addLessonMediaDescription.Enabled = true;
                addLessonMediaTitle.Text          = "";
                addLessonMediaDescription.Text    = "";
            catch (Exception) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error openning up your dialog box");