// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { room = GameObject.Find("Room"); mG = room.GetComponent <mapGenerator>(); length = Random.Range(minLength, maxLength); width = Random.Range(minWidth, maxWidth); }
void Start() { mapMother = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rigidBody.freezeRotation = true; die(); }
public void initiate() { poolmanager.instance.initiate(); elementaryAffection.instance.initiate(); if (_map == null) { _map = new GameObject("(" + mapSize + "x" + mapSize + ") map"); mapData data = _map.AddComponent <mapData>(); mapGfx gfx = _map.AddComponent <mapGfx>(); mapGenerator generator = _map.AddComponent <mapGenerator>(); List <string> layerNames = new List <string>() { "ground", "path", "decoration", "tower" }; data.mapSize = mapSize; data.layers = layerNames; data.initiate(); layerNames.Add("waypoint"); gfx.prefixIdentifier = new List <string>() { "basis", "ground", "spawn", "bottomLeftPath", "bottomRightPath", "horizontalPath", "upperLeftPath", "upperRightPath", "verticalPath" }; gfx.initiate(layerNames); generator.buildBoardFoundation(data, gfx); generator.buildRandomBoard(data, gfx); gfx.instantiateBoard(data.getBoard(), data.mapSize); createWavesystem(generator.startWaypoint); } else { Destroy(_map); _map = null; Destroy(_wavesystem); _wavesystem = null; elementaryAffection.instance.reset(); initiate(); } }
private void Start() { mapGen = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); maxViewDst = detailLevels[detailLevels.Length - 1].visibleDstThreshold; chunkSize = mapGenerator.mapChunkSize - 1; chunksVisibleInViewDst = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxViewDst / chunkSize); UpdateVisibleChunks(); }
void Awake() { dataFromTiles = new Dictionary <TileBase, TileData>(); clintConnects = FindObjectOfType <Clintconnects>(); tileUpdater = FindObjectOfType <TileUpdater>(); mapGenerator = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); mapManager = FindObjectOfType <MapManager>(); map = FindObjectOfType <Tilemap>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { lifeSprites.Add(transform.GetChild(i).gameObject); } scoreText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("scoreText").GetComponent <Text>(); highScoreText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("scoreText2").GetComponent <Text>(); mapGen = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { mapGenerator mapGen = (mapGenerator)target; if (DrawDefaultInspector()) { if (mapGen.autoUpdate) { mapGen.GenerateMap(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Generator")) { mapGen.GenerateMap(); } }
public void newMap() { Transform rT = room.GetComponent <Transform>(); float posx = rT.position.x; float posy = rT.position.y; mG = room.GetComponent <mapGenerator>(); length = Random.Range(minLength, maxLength); width = Random.Range(minWidth, maxWidth); side = mG.secSide; oSide = Random.Range(0, 3); if ((side == 1 && oSide == 0) || (side == 3 && oSide == 2) || (side == 2 && oSide == 3) || (side == 0 && oSide == 1)) { int tempSide = oSide; while (tempSide == oSide) { oSide = Random.Range(0, 3); } } if (side == 0) { posy = rT.position.y + (((mG.width / 2) * testy) + ((width / 2) * testy)); } else if (side == 1) { posy = rT.position.y - (((mG.width / 2) * testy) + ((width / 2) * testy)); } else if (side == 2) { posx = rT.position.x - (((mG.length / 2) * testx) + ((length / 2) * testx)); } else { posx = rT.position.x + ((mG.length / 2) * testx) + ((length / 2) * testx); } GameObject clone = Instantiate(roomPrefab, new Vector2(posx, posy), Quaternion.identity); rooms[arrayIndex] = clone; room = clone; arrayIndex++; if (arrayIndex > 3) { arrayIndex = 0; } }
void Awake() { mapGenerator = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); windGenerator = FindObjectOfType <WindGenerator>(); mapManager = FindObjectOfType <MapManager>(); clintConnects = FindObjectOfType <Clintconnects>(); solarZellen = FindObjectOfType <SolarZellen>(); kohleGenerator = FindObjectOfType <KohleGenerator>(); steinSeller = FindObjectOfType <SteinSeller>(); seller = FindObjectOfType <Seller>(); miner = FindObjectOfType <Miner>(); goldSeller = FindObjectOfType <GoldSeller>(); goldMiner = FindObjectOfType <GoldMiner>(); eisenMiner = FindObjectOfType <EisenMiner>(); doubleSeller = FindObjectOfType <DoubleSeller>(); diamondMiner = FindObjectOfType <DiamondMiner>(); map = FindObjectOfType <Tilemap>(); Alive = true; if (isLocalPlayer) { test(); } StartCoroutine(Waitforplayer()); }
void Start() { mapMother = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); controller = FindObjectOfType <Controller>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(this); } tiles = new List <List <Hex> >(); //tilesToGameObjects = new Dictionary<Hex, GameObject>(); #region debug if (debug) { if (generateHeigthMap) { perlinNoiseScale = 25f; heigthMapTexture = GenerateHeigthMap(); } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { temp = new List <Hex>(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { generatePrefab(x, y, colorMappings[0]); tilesSpawned++; } tiles.Add(temp); } if (calcNeigboursOnStartUp) { foreach (List <Hex> hexList in tiles) { foreach (Hex hex in hexList) { Hex[] gos = hex.GetNeighbours(); //Debug.Log("Tile at pos " + hex.x + "," + hex.y + " has " + gos.Length + " neighbours"); } } } if (generateDebugPlayer) { GameObject go = Instantiate(debugUnit, GameObject.Find("Hex_0_0").transform.position, Quaternion.identity); go.name = "TestUnit"; } } #endregion else { width = map.width; height = map.height; if (generateHeigthMap) { heigthMapTexture = GenerateHeigthMap(); } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { temp = new List <Hex>(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { generateTile(x, y); } tiles.Add(temp); } } Debug.Log("nr of tiles spawned = " + tilesSpawned); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { map = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); ui = FindObjectOfType <UIDisplay>(); pathFinder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("pathfinding").GetComponent <PathFinding>(); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Pellet") { ui.IncrementScore(1); if (collision.gameObject.name.Contains("Power")) { GhostHivemindMovement hivemind = FindObjectOfType <GhostHivemindMovement>(); if (hivemind) { hivemind.BecomeFrightened(); } else { foreach (GameObject g in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ghost")) { g.GetComponent <UpdatedGhostMovement>().BecomeFrightened(); } } isInvincible = true; invincibleTimer += invDurationPerPellet; // power pellets stack } Destroy(collision.gameObject); } if (collision.gameObject.tag == "ghost") { GhostHivemindMovement hivemind = FindObjectOfType <GhostHivemindMovement>(); UpdatedGhostMovement singular = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <UpdatedGhostMovement>(); if (singular && singular.respawn) { return; } if (isInvincible) { // do invincible behavior ui.IncrementScore(ghostScore); ghostScore *= 2; if (hivemind) { string ghostName = collision.gameObject.name; if (ghostName.Contains("Blinky")) { hivemind.Eaten("blinky"); } else if (ghostName.Contains("Pinky")) { hivemind.Eaten("pinky"); } else if (ghostName.Contains("Inky")) { hivemind.Eaten("inky"); } else if (ghostName.Contains("Clyde")) { hivemind.Eaten("clyde"); } } else if (singular) { singular.Eaten(); } } else { mapGenerator mapGen = FindObjectOfType <mapGenerator>(); mapGen.DecLives(); GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeAll; dead = true; GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("Dead", true); GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().enabled = false; StartCoroutine(Respawn()); } } }
private void Start() { MG = GameObject.Find("Pipe").GetComponent <mapGenerator>(); }