Esempio n. 1
        public static bool addDatabaseLogging(string level, int priority, string Text, LogState State)
            int s = (int)State;

            if (s >= DAL.Session.LogState)
                    var log = new logging();
                    log.created  = DateTime.Now;
                    log.level    = level;
                    log.priority = priority;
                    Text        += " : User : "******"CheckMailReminder", "addLogin", DAL.Tools.LoggingTool.LogState.low);

        public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
            if (filterContext.Exception != null)
                logging logger = new logging()
                    exception_message     = filterContext.Exception.Message,
                    exception_stack_trace = filterContext.Exception.StackTrace,
                    controller_name       = filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(),
                    action_name           = filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(),
                    user_ip  = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
                    user_id  = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"]),
                    log_time = DateTime.Now
                filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;

                //Redirect or return a view, but not both.
                filterContext.Result = new ViewResult()
                    ViewName = "InnerErrorView",
Esempio n. 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("", false);
            String paymentID, udfAmount, tkId, result, postdate, tranid, auth, trackid, refr;//, RefId, BrTranId;
            String udfTempDecNo     = String.Empty;
            String udfDeclaraTionId = String.Empty;
            String udfPaymentType   = String.Empty; //,  udf5

            paymentID      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["paymentID"]) ? "0" : Request.Form["paymentID"];
            result         = Request.Form["result"];
            postdate       = Request.Form["postdate"];
            tranid         = Request.Form["tranid"];
            auth           = Request.Form["auth"];
            refr           = Request.Form["ref"];
            trackid        = Request.Form["trackid"];
            udfTempDecNo   = Request.Form["udf2"];
            tkId           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf3"]) ? "0" : Request.Form["udf3"];
            udfPaymentType = Request.Form["udf4"];
            udfAmount      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["udf1"]) ? "0" : Request.Form["udf1"];

            //string data = paymentID + ":paymentID   |||||     " +
            //result + ":result   |||||     " +
            //postdate + ":postdate   |||||     " +
            //tranid + ":tranid   |||||     " +
            //auth + ":auth   |||||     " +
            //refr + ":refr   |||||     " +
            //trackid + ":trackid   |||||     " +
            //udfTempDecNo + ":udfTempDecNo   |||||     " +
            //tkId + ":tkId   |||||     " +
            //udfPaymentType + ":udfPaymentType   |||||     udfAmount:" +

            logging log = new logging();

            //log.SaveLog("NewResponse BeforeVerification", "Data =" + data, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);

            if (!log.VerifyOnlinePaymentDetailsGCSReceiptsKnet(tkId, paymentID, udfAmount))
                KnetPayment.PayResp Pr = new KnetPayment.PayResp()
                    paymentID = paymentID,
                    result    = result,
                    postdate  = postdate,
                    tranid    = tranid,
                    auth      = auth,
                    refn      = refr,
                    trackid   = trackid,
                    udf1      = udfAmount,
                    udf3      = tkId,
                    udf2      = udfTempDecNo,
                    udf4      = udfPaymentType
                AH.LoggerCall <KnetPayment.PayResp>(activity, KnetPayment.LogLevel.Warn, null, tkId, "False Response - VerifyOnlinePaymentDetailsGCSReceiptsKnet", KnetPayment.ErrorAt.PaymentResp, Pr);
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
Esempio n. 4
        public static void logToDB(string message, frycz_pcdbEntities entities, string userName)
            logging logging = new logging();

              = message;
            logging.time            = DateTime.Now;
            logging.registered_user = entities.registered_user.FirstOrDefault(u => u.login.Equals((userName)));
Esempio n. 5
    void Awake()
        logging = GameObject.Find("Text").GetComponent <logging>();
        antenna = GameObject.Find("AntennaObject").GetComponent <Antenna>();
        antenna.DisplayNewGridEvent += OnDisplayNewGridEvent;
        antenna.WinEvent            += OnGameOverEvent;

        changeColor        = gameObject.GetComponent <changeColor>();
        changeColor.colors = antenna.colors;

Esempio n. 6
        //Using reflection to construct C# object from datatable
        public T BindData <T>(DataTable dt)
            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

            List <string> columns = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)

            var ob = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();

            var fields = typeof(T).GetFields();

            foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
                if (columns.Contains(fieldInfo.Name))
                    fieldInfo.SetValue(ob, dr[fieldInfo.Name]);

            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

            foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                if (columns.Contains(propertyInfo.Name))
                    // Fill the data into the property
                    //Below line is to avoid exception for case - 'Object of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Decimal]'.'

                    var     propval = dr[propertyInfo.Name] == DBNull.Value ? null : dr[propertyInfo.Name];
                    logging LWS     = new logging();
                    //Encrypting the the Token(bigint) from dataset and assigning the encrypted string to TokenId property
                    propval = propertyInfo.Name == "TokenId" ? LWS.Encrypt(propval.ToString()) : propval;
                    //if(propertyInfo.Name == "Amount")
                    //    Convert.ToDecimal(propval) + 0.210
                    //Below line to retain decimal value as string (18,3).. Normal decimal property round off it and removes unneccesary trailing zeroes
                    propval = propertyInfo.Name == "Amount" ? propval.ToString() : propval;
                    propertyInfo.SetValue(ob, propval, null);

Esempio n. 7
        protected override void InitializeCulture()
            String  language       = "ar-KW"; // "en-us";
            logging log            = new logging();
            String  tokenId        = String.Empty;
            DataSet paymentDataSet = new DataSet();

                if (Request.QueryString["TokenId"] != null)
                    tokenId = Request.QueryString["TokenId"].ToString();

                    paymentDataSet = log.getPaymentDetails(tokenId);

                    if (paymentDataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                        Session["lang"] = paymentDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["lang"].ToString();
                        if (Session["lang"] != null)
                            language = Session["lang"].ToString();

                    if (language.Contains("ar") || language.Contains("Ar"))
                        language        = "ar-KW";
                        Session["lang"] = "ar-KW";
                    else if (language.Contains("en") || language.Contains("En"))
                        language        = "en-us";
                        Session["lang"] = "en-US";

                //Set the Culture.
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = new CultureInfo(language);
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(language);
            catch (Exception)
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = new CultureInfo(language);
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(language);
        public static bool addDatabaseLogging(string level, int priority, string Text, LogState State)
            int s = (int)State;

            if (s >= DAL.Session.LogState)
                    var log = new logging();
                    log.created  = DateTime.Now;
                    log.level    = level;
                    log.priority = priority;
                    string username = DAL.Session.GetValidUser.benutzername;

                    //if (DAL.Session.User == null)
                    //    username = "******";
                    //    username = DAL.Session.User.benutzername;

                    //Text += " : User : "******"Kein User abgemeldet";
                    Text    += " : User : "******"addDatabaseLogging", "addLogin", DAL.Tools.LoggingTool.LogState.low);

Esempio n. 9
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "GetLogs")] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
                Uri            serviceEndpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CosmosEndPoint"));
                string         key             = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ConnectionStringCosmosDB");
                DocumentClient client          = new DocumentClient(serviceEndpoint, key);
                var            collectionUrl   = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("StapOutData", "StepOutData");
                FeedOptions    queryOptions    = new FeedOptions {
                    MaxItemCount = -1, EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true

                string  query  = $"SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.Gebruik = 'Log'";
                logging result = client.CreateDocumentQuery <logging>(collectionUrl, query, queryOptions).AsEnumerable().SingleOrDefault();

                return(new OkObjectResult(result.Logs));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new StatusCodeResult(500));
 /// <summary>
 /// Logging wrapper
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="level"></param>
 /// <param name="colour"></param>
 /// <param name="noLineBreak"></param>
 public void log(string text, logging.loglevel level = logging.loglevel.normal, ConsoleColor colour = ConsoleColor.White, bool noLineBreak = false)
     Roboto.log.log(text, level, colour, noLineBreak, false, false, false, 2);
Esempio n. 11
        public static ReceiptAction IsReceiptValid(string ReceiptNumber, string Mobile, string Email, string SecurityCode)
            ReceiptAction ra = new ReceiptAction();

            Activity <ExternalPay> activity = new Activity <ExternalPay>()
                ActivityType = ActivityType.ExtPay,
            ExternalPay ep = new ExternalPay()
                TempReceiptNumber = ReceiptNumber, Mobile = Mobile, Email = Email, SecurityCode = SecurityCode

            activity.ActivityToLog = ep;
            ActivityHandler AH = new ActivityHandler();

                logging Lvws = new logging();
                VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite Vrfr = Lvws.VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite(ReceiptNumber, Mobile, Email, SecurityCode);

                ra.VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite = Vrfr;

                ReceiptDetailsMinified rd = null;
                string TokenId            = "0";
                if (Vrfr.Proceed)
                    System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();

                    ds = Lvws.GetPaymentDetailsforGCSSite(ReceiptNumber, Mobile, Email, false);
                    //to retain decimal value as string (18, 3)..Normal decimal property round off it and removes unneccesary trailing zeroes
                    ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"] = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Amount"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(0.210);
                    GCSPayment GP = new GCSPayment();
                    rd = GP.BindData <ReceiptDetailsMinified>(ds.Tables[0]);

                    TokenId = Lvws.ExplicitDecryptTokenCall(rd.TokenId);

                    //RandomStringGenerator4DotNet is installed to get random text -- To inject false string in token
                    RandomStringGenerator.StringGenerator RSG = new RandomStringGenerator.StringGenerator()
                        MinNumericChars = 1, MinLowerCaseChars = 2, MinUpperCaseChars = 1
                    string randstr = RSG.GenerateString(4);
                    rd.TokenId = rd.TokenId.Insert(3, randstr);

                    activity.TokenId = TokenId;
                ra.ReceiptDetailsMinified = rd;

                AH.LoggerCall <ExternalPay>(activity, LogLevel.Info, null, TokenId, "Receipt Lookup", ErrorAt.None, ep);

            catch (Exception ex)
                AH.LoggerCall <ExternalPay>(activity, LogLevel.Error, ex, "0", "Receipt Lookup", ErrorAt.ReceiptLookup, ep);

                VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite = new VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite()
                    Proceed = false, Message = "Some error has occured . Please Contact IT Team"

                ra.VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite = VerifyReceiptDetailsforGCSSite;
Esempio n. 12
        public void Log <T>(Activity <T> Activity)
                bool   AllowLog          = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowLog"].ToString());
                bool   AllowLogNotifier  = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowLogNotifier"].ToString());
                String NLogDestination   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogDestination"].ToString();
                String NLogNotifyingMode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogNotifyingMode"].ToString();
                string LogMode           = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogMode"].ToString());
                string AppName           = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoggingAppName"].ToString());

                if (AllowLog)
                    string XMLString = (Activity.ActivityToLog != null) ? XMLSerialize(Activity.ActivityToLog) : "";

                    string    ReqLog, RespLog;
                    Exception Ex;

                    ReqLog = (Activity.ActivityToLog != null & (Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.ReqLog | Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.ExtPay)) ?
                             XMLString : null;
                    RespLog = (Activity.ActivityToLog != null & Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.RespLog) ?
                              XMLString : null;
                    Activity.Other = (Activity.ActivityToLog != null & Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.Other) ?
                                     XMLString : null;

                    Ex = (Activity.ErrorAt == ErrorAt.PaymentReq
                          | Activity.ErrorAt == ErrorAt.PaymentResp | Activity.ErrorAt == ErrorAt.ReceiptLookup) ? Activity.ex : null;

                    ExceptionTracker et        = new ExceptionTracker();
                    string           ErrMsgDet = Ex != null?et.GetAllErrMessages(Ex) : null;

                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["App"].Text              = AppName;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["ReqLog"].Text           = ReqLog;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["RespLog"].Text          = RespLog;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["Other"].Text            = Activity.Other;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["ErrorAt"].Text          = Activity.ErrorAt.ToString();
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["ExceptionDetails"].Text = ErrMsgDet;               //ExceptionDetails;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["AdditionalInfo"].Text   = Activity.AdditionalInfo; // AdditionalInfo;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["TokenId"].Text          = Activity.TokenId;        // TokenId;

                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["CustomLogger"].Text = Activity.CallingMethod;

                    string ReqTime  = (Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.ReqLog | Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.ExtPay) ? DateTime.Now.ToString() : null;
                    string RespTime = (Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.RespLog | Activity.ActivityType == ActivityType.Other) ? DateTime.Now.ToString() : null;

                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["ReqTime"].Text  = ReqTime;
                    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["RespTime"].Text = RespTime;

                    NLog.Logger NLoggerD = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger(NLogDestination);

                    //LogDestination and LogNotifyingMode passed in Activity object has been overidden here

                    if (LogMode == "Manual")
                        logging l = new logging();

                        string URL           = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
                        string ExceptionType = Ex != null?Ex.GetType().ToString() : null;  // Ex.GetType().ToString();

                        string stackTrace            = Ex != null ? Ex.StackTrace : null;
                        string InnerExceptionMessage = Ex != null ? Ex.InnerException.Message : null;
                        string ExMessage             = Ex != null ? Ex.Message : null;

                        switch (Activity.LogLevel)
                        case LogLevel.Trace:
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Info), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Debug:
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Debug), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Info:
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Info), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Warn:
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Warn), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Error:
                            //NLoggerD.Error(Activity.ex, Activity.AdditionalInfo);
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Error), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Fatal:
                            l.Nlogmanual(Activity.TokenId, Enum.GetName(typeof(LogLevel), LogLevel.Fatal), "KnetPayment.ActivityHandler.Log", ExceptionType,
                                         stackTrace, InnerExceptionMessage, ExMessage,
                                         ReqTime, RespTime, GetHostIPAddress(), GetClientIPAddress(), URL, Activity.CallingMethod, AppName,
                                         ReqLog, RespLog, Activity.Other, Activity.ErrorAt.ToString(), ErrMsgDet, Activity.AdditionalInfo);
                    else if (LogMode == "NLog")
                        switch (Activity.LogLevel)
                        case LogLevel.Trace:


                        case LogLevel.Debug:

                        case LogLevel.Info:

                        case LogLevel.Warn:

                        case LogLevel.Error:
                            NLoggerD.Error(Activity.ex, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

                        case LogLevel.Fatal:
                    //FileLogger Test
                    //NLog.Logger NLoggerFL = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("FileLogger");
                    //NLoggerFL.Info(Activity.ex, Activity.AdditionalInfo + " , Exception : " + ErrMsgDet + " , " + " {ReqRespParam}", Activity.ActivityToLog);

                    //EventLogger Test
                    //NLog.Logger NLoggerEL = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("EventLogger");
                    //NLoggerEL.Info(Activity.ex, Activity.AdditionalInfo +" , Exception : "+ ErrMsgDet+" , "+ " {ReqRespParam}", Activity.ActivityToLog);

                    if (AllowLogNotifier)//Not implemented
                        LogNotifier(NLogNotifyingMode, Activity.AdditionalInfo);

            catch (Exception ex)
                //NLog.Logger NLoggerD = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("FileLogger");
                //This is just for logging, ignore if there is any issue and proceed
                //NLog.Logger NLoggerFL = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("FileLogger");
                //NLoggerFL.Error(ex, Activity.AdditionalInfo  + " {ReqRespParam}", Activity.ActivityToLog);
Esempio n. 13
        public void setup()
            logging Logging = logging.Instance;

            b_logger = Logging.getLogger(this);
Esempio n. 14
        public void setup()
            logging Logging = logging.Instance;

            b = Logging.getLogger("blahhh");