Esempio n. 1
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     db = new ClientDBEntities();
     if (!IsPostBack)
         //Debug.WriteLine("user page load size=" + UsersPager.PageSize + " index=" + UsersPager.PageIndex);
         ObjectParameter totalCount          = new ObjectParameter("RecordCount", typeof(int));
         List <Report_Users_All_Result> list = db.Report_Users_All(UsersPager.PageIndex, UsersPager.PageSize, Request.QueryString[SORT_KEY], totalCount).ToList();
         UsersPager.RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(totalCount.Value);
         rptUsers.DataSource    = list;
Esempio n. 2
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            //NOTE: all available keys are in js/tinymce.plugin.js: line 20+ and implemented in the dictionary below
            Dictionary <string, string> emailKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            ClientElementCollection     clients;

            res             = context.Response;
            req             = context.Request;
            res.ContentType = "text/plain";
            int count;

            //get client settings
            clients = new ClientElementCollection();
            clients.AddElement("astellas", "metadata=res://*/DataModel.DataModel.csdl|res://*/DataModel.DataModel.ssdl|res://*/DataModel.DataModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='data source=;initial catalog=lms_access_astellas;persist security info=True;user id=lms_access_astellas;password=lkahsdh128e275e45e8;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework'");
            clients = ClientSettings.Get();

            //scan through all clients
            foreach (ClientSetting client in clients)
                if (client.Enabled)                                  //scan only enabled clients
                    db = new ClientDBEntities(client.EntityConnStr); //open client db
                    WriteMsg("Processing:\"" + client.Name + "\"");
                    IList <Assignment> assignments = db.Assignments.ToList();

                    foreach (Assignment asg in assignments)
                        WriteMsg("Assignment id=" + asg.assignmentId + " \"" + asg.title + "\"");

                        if (asg.enabled) //scan only enabled assignments
                            //get only users that are enabled AND have not completed ALL courses in assignment
                            List <Assignment_UsersGet_Result> allUsers = db.Assignment_UsersGet(asg.assignmentId, false).ToList();
                            List <int> userIds = allUsers.Where(u => u.enabled == true && u.IsComplete == false).Select(u => u.userId).ToList();

                            //get list of courses in assignment
                            List <Assignment_CoursesGet_Result> allCourses = db.Assignment_CoursesGet(asg.assignmentId).ToList();
                            List <int> courseIds    = allCourses.Where(c => c.IsInAssignment == true && c.enabled).Select(c => c.courseId).ToList();                 //get enabled courses
                            string     courseTitles = string.Join(", ", allCourses.Where(c => c.IsInAssignment == true && c.enabled).Select(c => c.title).ToList()); //get enabled courses

                            //add keys
                            emailKeys.Add("{CoursesAssigned}", courseTitles);
                            emailKeys.Add("{LMSUrl}", req.Url.Scheme + "://" + req.Url.Host);
                            emailKeys.Add("{DueDate}", "");
                            emailKeys.Add("{FrequencyOfPeriodicReminders}", asg?.periodicDays.ToString());
                            //emailKeys.Add("{ActivityTitle}", asg.title);

                            #region Handle emails sent on assignment
                            // handle emails that are supposed to be sent when
                            // the activity is assigned to user
                            if (asg.sendEmailOnAssigned)
                                //get list of new people NOT sent the "assigned activity" email
                                List <int?> list = db.Users_EmailsNotSent(
                                    string.Join(",", userIds),

                                List <int> UnEmailedUsers = new List <int>(list.Cast <int>());

                                SendEmails(EmailTemplate.ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY, UnEmailedUsers, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                count = (int)db.Users_Email_Add(string.Join(",", UnEmailedUsers), asg.assignmentId, (int)EmailTemplate.ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY).FirstOrDefault();

                            #region Handle periodic emails
                            // handle emails sent periodically every X days
                            if (asg.sendEmailPeriodic && asg.periodicDays > 0)
                                if (asg.periodicEmailSent == null ||
                                    (((DateTime)asg.periodicEmailSent).AddDays((double)asg.periodicDays).Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days < 1) //0=today; < -1=in the past
                                    SendEmails(EmailTemplate.PERIODIC_REMINDER, userIds, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                    //set today's date in assig table. Not recorded in users
                                    asg.periodicEmailSent = DateTime.Today;

                            #region Handle emails when a specific due date was specified in assignment
                            // check if there's a due date to take into account
                            if (asg.dueDate != null)
                                emailKeys["{DueDate}"] = asg.dueDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); //reset

                                //handle emails that are sent "NEAR" due date - sent only ONCE
                                if (asg.sendEmailNearDueDate && asg.nearDueDateDays > 0)
                                    if (asg.nearDueDateEmailSent == null &&
                                        ((DateTime)asg.dueDate).Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days == asg.nearDueDateDays
                                        //it's today, send it
                                        SendEmails(EmailTemplate.NEAR_DUE_DATE_REMINDER, userIds, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                        //set today's date
                                        asg.nearDueDateEmailSent = DateTime.Today;

                                //handle emails on the date that activity is due TODAY - sent only ONCE
                                if (asg.sendEmailOnDueDate)
                                    if (asg.dueEmailSent == null &&
                                        ((DateTime)asg.dueDate).Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days == 0
                                        //today is due date
                                        SendEmails(EmailTemplate.ON_DUE_DATE_REMINDER, userIds, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                        //set today's date
                                        asg.dueEmailSent = DateTime.Today;

                                //handle emails on activities that are over due - sent only ONCE
                                if (asg.sendEmailOverdue)
                                    if (asg.sendOverdueEmailSent == null &&
                                        DateTime.Today.Subtract((DateTime)asg.dueDate).Days == asg.overdueDays
                                        //today is past due date
                                        SendEmails(EmailTemplate.OVERDUE_REMINDER, userIds, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                        //set today's date
                                        asg.sendOverdueEmailSent = DateTime.Today;

                            #region Handle emails when due date is relative to assignment
                            // check if assignment has due date RELATIVE to assignment
                            if (asg.dueDaysAfterAssigned > 0)
                                foreach (int userId in userIds)
                                    // scan ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY
                                    count = (int)db.Users_Email_Add(userId.ToString(), asg.assignmentId, (int)EmailTemplate.ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (count == 1)
                                        SendEmails(EmailTemplate.ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY, new List <int> {
                                        }, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                    //get person's assigned date
                                    List <User_EmailsSent_Result> emailsSent = db.User_EmailsSent(userId, asg.assignmentId).ToList();
                                    User_EmailsSent_Result        email      = emailsSent.Where(e => e.emailId == (int)EmailTemplate.ASSIGNED_ACTIVITY).FirstOrDefault();
                                    DateTime assignedDate = email.timestamp.Date; //(whole) date when user was sent .. no time

                                    //due date for this particular person
                                    emailKeys["{DueDate}"] = assignedDate.AddDays((double)asg.dueDaysAfterAssigned).ToShortDateString();

                                    // scan NEAR_DUE_DATE_REMINDER
                                    email = emailsSent.Where(e => e.emailId == (int)EmailTemplate.NEAR_DUE_DATE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (email == null &&
                                        assignedDate.AddDays((double)(asg.dueDaysAfterAssigned)).Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days == asg.nearDueDateDays)
                                        count = (int)db.Users_Email_Add(userId.ToString(), asg.assignmentId, (int)EmailTemplate.NEAR_DUE_DATE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            SendEmails(EmailTemplate.NEAR_DUE_DATE_REMINDER, new List <int> {
                                            }, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                    // scan ON_DUE_DATE_REMINDER
                                    email = emailsSent.Where(e => e.emailId == (int)EmailTemplate.ON_DUE_DATE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (email == null &&
                                        assignedDate.AddDays((double)asg.dueDaysAfterAssigned).Subtract(DateTime.Today).Days == 0) //today is due date
                                        count = (int)db.Users_Email_Add(userId.ToString(), asg.assignmentId, (int)EmailTemplate.ON_DUE_DATE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            SendEmails(EmailTemplate.ON_DUE_DATE_REMINDER, new List <int> {
                                            }, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);

                                    //scan OVERDUE_REMINDER
                                    email = emailsSent.Where(e => e.emailId == (int)EmailTemplate.OVERDUE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (email == null &&
                                        DateTime.Today.Subtract(assignedDate.AddDays((double)asg.dueDaysAfterAssigned)).Days == asg.overdueDays)
                                        count = (int)db.Users_Email_Add(userId.ToString(), asg.assignmentId, (int)EmailTemplate.OVERDUE_REMINDER).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            SendEmails(EmailTemplate.OVERDUE_REMINDER, new List <int> {
                                            }, emailKeys, courseIds, asg.assignmentId);
                            //assignment disabled
                            WriteMsg("Assignment disabled");

                        emailKeys.Clear(); //clear for next assignment sweep
                    //done with db .. save if needed

                    WriteMsg("Scanner completed");
                    WriteMsg("Scanner processing:\"" + client.Name + "\" skipped (disabled).");