/// <summary> /// Set Listtype /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> public void setListType(listType value) { if (value >= listType.UL && value <= listType.DIR) { _listType = value; } }
/* oma_buddylist (not explicitly used in RCS) * -->rcs * -->oma_pocbuddylist * -->list-c * -->list-d * oma_grantedcontacts * -->rcs * -->oma_buddylist * oma_blockedcontacts * -->rcs_blockedcontacts * -->rcs_revokedcontacts * rcs * -->me (RCS 2) * -->Default * -->list-a * -->list-b */ private listType[] GetRCSLists() { listType[] rcsLists; // Do not cache rcsLists = new listType[3] { new listType(), new listType(), new listType() }; /*== rcs ==*/ rcsLists[0].displayname = new displaynameType(); rcsLists[0].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS; rcsLists[0].displayname.Value = "All Contacts"; rcsLists[0].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_DOUBANGO)); /* rcs 2: The RCS presentity is always part of this list, refer to § 11.4 */ entryType me = new entryType(); me.uri = this.xcapStack.XUI; rcsLists[0].EntryTypes.Add(me); /*== rcs_blockedcontacts ==*/ rcsLists[1].displayname = new displaynameType(); rcsLists[1].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS_BLOCKEDCONTACTS; rcsLists[1].displayname.Value = "Blocked Contacts"; /*== rcs_revokedcontacts ==*/ rcsLists[2].displayname = new displaynameType(); rcsLists[2].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS_REVOKEDCONTACTS; rcsLists[2].displayname.Value = "Revoked Contacts"; return(rcsLists); }
private void GetGroupContact(listType listGroup, ContactItem contctParent) { IContactService cntService = this.serviceManager.ContactService; Group group = null; if (listGroup != null && listGroup.name != null) { string strGroupDisName = listGroup.name; if (listGroup.displayname != null) { strGroupDisName = listGroup.displayname.Value; } string strUil = UriUtils.GetValidSipUri(listGroup.name); group = new Group(listGroup.name, strGroupDisName, strUil, false, contctParent); cntService.AddGroup(group, contctParent); foreach (entryType entry in listGroup.EntryTypes) { Person psContact = this.EntryToContact(entry, group); cntService.AddPerson2Group(group, psContact); } } foreach (listType list in listGroup.ListTypeLists) { if (list != null && list.name != null) { if (group != null) { this.GetGroupContact(list, group); } } } }
public static List <string> txtToList(listType x) { List <string> empty = new List <string>(); switch (x) { case listType.Location: return(File.ReadAllLines("locations.txt").ToList()); case listType.Enemy: return(File.ReadAllLines("enemies.txt").ToList()); case listType.Medicine: return(File.ReadAllLines("meds.txt").ToList()); case listType.Character: return(File.ReadAllLines("players.txt").ToList()); case listType.Transport: return(File.ReadAllLines("transport.txt").ToList()); case listType.Weapon: return(File.ReadAllLines("weapons.txt").ToList()); case listType.NPCs: return(File.ReadLines("npcs.txt").ToList()); case listType.Items: return(File.ReadAllLines("items.txt").ToList()); default: return(empty); } }
private listType GroupToList(Group group) { listType list = new listType(); list.name = group.Name; list.displayname = new displaynameType(); list.displayname.Value = group.DisplayName; return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Ctor /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> public CHTMLList(listType value) { _listType = listType.UL; if (value >= listType.UL && value <= listType.DIR) { _listType = value; } }
//For calling this for a list of formulas (as they need both selected subject and topic) public ListEdit(BindingList <Subject> sb, Subject selSub, Topic selTop, listType t) { type = t; subjects = sb; selectedSubject = selSub; selectedTopic = selTop; InitializeComponent(); }
//For calling this for a list of formulas (as they need both selected subject and topic) public ListEdit(BindingList<Subject> sb, Subject selSub, Topic selTop, listType t) { type = t; subjects = sb; selectedSubject = selSub; selectedTopic = selTop; InitializeComponent(); }
//For calling this for a list of subjects public ListEdit(BindingList <Subject> sb, listType t) { type = t; subjects = sb; selectedSubject = null; selectedTopic = null; InitializeComponent(); }
//For calling this for a list of subjects public ListEdit(BindingList<Subject> sb, listType t) { type = t; subjects = sb; selectedSubject = null; selectedTopic = null; InitializeComponent(); }
private Group ListToGroup(listType list) { Group group = new Group(list.name, list.displayname.Value); group.Authorization = SpecialNames.GetAutorization(group.Name); if (group.Authorization == Authorization.UnKnown) { group.Authorization = Authorization.Allowed; // FIXME } return(group); }
private int GetRandomValue(listType lt) { int value; Collector currentCulture = cultureList.Find(o => o.name == cultureBox.Text); if (lt == listType.Male) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.maleNameList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.Female) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.femaleNameList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.Last) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.lastNameList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.jobHigh) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.jobHighList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.jobLow) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.jobLowList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.homeHigh) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.homeHighList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.homeLow) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.homeLowList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.physicalTrait) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.physTraitList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.personalityTrait) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.persTraitList.Count()); } else if (lt == listType.item) { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.itemList.Count()); } else { value = rand.Next(currentCulture.otherNameList.Count()); } return(value); }
private bool FromResouceListToContacts(resourcelists rlist) { ContactItem parent = this.addressBook; listType[] list2 = rlist.list; for (int i = 0; i < list2.Length; i++) { listType list = list2[i]; if (list != null && list.name != null) { this.GetGroupContact(list, parent); } } return(true); }
/* oma_buddylist (not explicitly used in RCS) * -->rcs * -->oma_pocbuddylist * -->list-c * -->list-d * oma_grantedcontacts * -->rcs * -->oma_buddylist * oma_blockedcontacts * -->rcs_blockedcontacts * -->rcs_revokedcontacts * rcs * -->Default * -->list-a * -->list-b */ private listType[] GetOMALists() { listType[] omaLists; // Do not cache omaLists = new listType[5] { new listType(), new listType(), new listType(), new listType(), new listType() }; /*== oma_allcontacts ==*/ omaLists[0] = new listType(); omaLists[0].displayname = new displaynameType(); omaLists[0].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_ALLCONTACTS; omaLists[0].displayname.Value = "OMA All Contacts"; /*== oma_blockedcontacts ==*/ omaLists[1] = new listType(); omaLists[1].displayname = new displaynameType(); omaLists[1].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_BLOCKEDCONTACTS; omaLists[1].displayname.Value = "OMA Blocked Contacts"; omaLists[1].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS_BLOCKEDCONTACTS)); omaLists[1].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS_REVOKEDCONTACTS)); /*== oma_buddylist ==*/ omaLists[2] = new listType(); omaLists[2].displayname = new displaynameType(); omaLists[2].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_BUDDYLIST; omaLists[2].displayname.Value = "OMA BuddyList"; omaLists[2].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS)); omaLists[2].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_POCBUDDYLIST)); /*== oma_grantedcontacts ==*/ omaLists[3] = new listType(); omaLists[3].displayname = new displaynameType(); omaLists[3].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_GRANTEDCONTACTS; omaLists[3].displayname.Value = "OMA Granted Contacts"; omaLists[3].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_RCS)); omaLists[3].ExternalTypes.Add(this.GetResourceListAnchorAsExternalType(SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_BUDDYLIST)); /*== oma_pocbuddylist ==*/ omaLists[4] = new listType(); omaLists[4].displayname = new displaynameType(); omaLists[4].name = SpecialNames.SHARED_OMA_POCBUDDYLIST; omaLists[4].displayname.Value = "OMA POC BuddyList"; return(omaLists); }
private static string[] SortList(string[] ocurrences, listType type) { SortedList sl = new SortedList(); foreach (string elm in ocurrences) { switch (type) { case listType.MonthDay: if (!sl.ContainsKey(Int32.Parse(elm)) && elm != string.Empty) { sl.Add(Int32.Parse(elm), elm); } break; case listType.Time: if (!sl.ContainsKey(elm) && elm != string.Empty) { sl.Add(elm, elm); } break; case listType.WeekDay: int wDay = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(ssWeekDay), elm, true); if (elm != string.Empty && !sl.ContainsKey(wDay)) { sl.Add((int)wDay, elm); } break; } } int index = 0; string[] result = new string[sl.Count]; foreach (string elm in sl.Values) { result[index++] = elm; } return(result); }
public bool GroupUpdate(Group group) { if (!this.hasResourceLists) { LOG.Warn("Group connot be updated as XDMS doesn't support 'resource-lists'"); return(false); } listType list = this.GroupToList(group); byte[] payload = this.Serialize(list, true, true, this.GetSerializerNSFromAUID(XcapService.XCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_ID)); String url; lock (this.xcapSelector) { this.xcapSelector.reset(); this.xcapSelector.setAUID(XcapService.XCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_ID) .setAttribute("list", "name", group.Name); url = this.xcapSelector.getString(); } MyXcapMessage xcapMessage = this.xcapStack.PutElement(url, payload, (uint)payload.Length); return(xcapMessage != null && XcapService.IsSuccessCode(xcapMessage.Code)); }
new CoreTypeMappingParameters( listType, elementMapping.Converter is ValueConverter elementConverter
private List <EquipKnow> readEquipKnowConfig(XmlNodeList nodes, XmlUtil xmlUtil, listType listType, EquipKnow equip = null) { List <EquipKnow> items = new List <EquipKnow>(); try { foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { EquipKnow item = new EquipKnow(); item.ParentEquipKnow = equip; item.Name = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "菜单名字"); item.Model = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "模型名"); item.Detail = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "详细信息"); item.Warm = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "警告信息"); string[] offs = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "偏移").Split(','); if (xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "解说语音") != null) { item.audio = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "解说语音"); } if (offs.Length == 3) { item.Offset = new Vector3(float.Parse(offs[0]), float.Parse(offs[1]), float.Parse(offs[2])); } if (xmlUtil.GetChildNodes(node).Count > 0) { item.EquipKnows.AddRange(readEquipKnowConfig(xmlUtil.GetChildNodes(node), xmlUtil, listType, item)); } if (node.Attributes["范围"] != null) { string[] limit = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "范围").Split(','); float minyaw = float.Parse(limit[0]); float maxyaw = float.Parse(limit[1]); item.LimitYaw = new Vector2(maxyaw > minyaw ? minyaw : maxyaw, maxyaw > minyaw ? maxyaw : minyaw); float minpitch = float.Parse(limit[2]); float maxpitch = float.Parse(limit[3]); item.LimitPitch = new Vector2(maxpitch > minpitch ? minpitch : maxpitch, maxpitch > minpitch ? maxpitch : minpitch); float minDistance = float.Parse(limit[4]); float maxDistance = float.Parse(limit[5]); item.LimitDistance = new Vector2(maxDistance > minDistance ? minDistance : maxDistance, maxDistance > minDistance ? maxDistance : minDistance); } items.Add(item); if (listType == listType.treeMune) { if (equipKnowDic.ContainsKey(item.Model)) { Debug.LogWarning("已存在"); } else { equipKnowDic.Add(item.Model, item); } } else { item.showInfo = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "显示名称"); if (xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "隐藏模型").Split(',') != null) { string[] touming = xmlUtil.ReadAttrValue(node, "隐藏模型").Split(','); if (touming != null) { for (int i = 0; i < touming.Length; i++) { item.transparent.Add(touming[i]); } } } if (childrenBtnDic.ContainsKey(item.Model)) { Debug.LogWarning("已存在"); } else { childrenBtnDic.Add(item.Name, item); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("读取xml文件错误" + e); } return(items); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { globalLists myGlobalLists = (globalLists)target; typeToAdd = (listType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type to Add:", typeToAdd); switch (typeToAdd) { case listType.species: #region Add Species speciesName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Species Name:", speciesName); speciesDesc = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Species Description:", speciesName); baseStats[4] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Base Max HP Stat:", baseStats[4]); baseStats[5] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Base Attack Stat:", baseStats[5]); baseStats[6] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Base Defense Stat:", baseStats[6]); baseStats[7] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Base Speed Stat:", baseStats[7]); overworldSprite = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Overworld Sprite", overworldSprite, typeof(Sprite), allowSceneObjects: false) as Sprite; speciesPortrait = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Species Portrait Sprite", speciesPortrait, typeof(Sprite), allowSceneObjects: false) as Sprite; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); evoNum = EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField("Number of Evolutions:", evoNum); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { evos = new int[evoNum]; } if (evos != null && evos.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < evos.Length; i++) { evos[i] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Evolution " + i + ":", evos[i]); } } statReqs[4] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Minimum Max HP:", statReqs[4]); statReqs[5] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Minimum Attack:", statReqs[5]); statReqs[6] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Minimum Defense:", statReqs[6]); statReqs[7] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Minimum Speed:", statReqs[7]); decReq = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Required Decoration", decReq, typeof(decorationObject), allowSceneObjects: false) as decorationObject; timeReq = (timeOfDay)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Time Requirement:", timeReq); levelCoefficient = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Level Coefficient:", levelCoefficient, .5f, 2f); seenMon = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Required Decoration", decReq, typeof(baseSpecies), allowSceneObjects: false) as baseSpecies; egg = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Egg:", egg); if (egg) { hatchTime = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Hatch Time in Sec:", hatchTime); } if (overworldSprite != null && speciesPortrait != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("New Species")) { baseSpecies newSpecies = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("baseSpecies") as baseSpecies; newSpecies.speciesNumber = myGlobalLists.speciesList.Count; newSpecies.speciesName = speciesName == "" ? "Error" : speciesName; newSpecies.speciesDesc = speciesDesc == "" ? "Error" : speciesDesc; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { newSpecies.baseStats[i] = baseStats[i] < 0 ? 0: baseStats[i]; } newSpecies.overworld = overworldSprite; newSpecies.speciesPortrait = speciesPortrait; newSpecies.evolutions = new int[evoNum]; for (int i = 0; i < evoNum; i++) { newSpecies.evolutions[i] = evos[i] < 0 ? 0: evos[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { newSpecies.statReqs[i] = statReqs[i] < 0 ? 0: statReqs[i]; } newSpecies.decReq = decReq; newSpecies.timeReq = (int)timeReq; newSpecies.levelCoefficient = levelCoefficient; newSpecies.seenMon = seenMon; newSpecies.egg = egg; if (egg) { newSpecies.hatchtime = hatchTime < 0? 0:hatchTime; } else { newSpecies.hatchtime = 0; } myGlobalLists.speciesList.Add(newSpecies); if (speciesName != "") { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newSpecies, "Assets/Monsters/" + speciesName + ".asset"); } else { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newSpecies, "Assets/Monsters/Error.asset"); } } } #endregion break; case listType.decoration: #region Add Decoration decName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Decoration Name:", decName); decDescription = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Decoration Description:", decDescription); statBoosts[2] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("XP Boost:", statBoosts[2]); statBoosts[4] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Max HP Boost:", statBoosts[4]); statBoosts[5] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Attack Boost:", statBoosts[5]); statBoosts[6] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Defense Boost:", statBoosts[6]); statBoosts[7] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Speed Boost:", statBoosts[7]); statBoosts[8] = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Happiness Boost:", statBoosts[8]); decSprite = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Overworld Sprite", decSprite, typeof(Sprite), allowSceneObjects: false) as Sprite; if (decSprite != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("New Decoration")) { decorationObject newDecoration = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("decorationObject") as decorationObject; newDecoration.decorationNumber = myGlobalLists.decorationList.Count; newDecoration.decName = decName == "" ? "Error" : decName; newDecoration.decDescription = decDescription == "" ? "Error" : decDescription; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { newDecoration.statBoosts[i] = statBoosts[i] < 0 ? 0: statBoosts[i]; } newDecoration.decSprite = decSprite; if (decName != "") { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newDecoration, "Assets/Decorations/" + decName + ".asset"); } else { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newDecoration, "Assets/Decorations/Error.asset"); } myGlobalLists.decorationList.Add(newDecoration); } } #endregion break; case listType.none: break; } DrawDefaultInspector(); }