Esempio n. 1
    static void B2()
        WriteLine("\n Problem B2\n");
        int    n = 8;
        matrix A = rand_sym_mat(n);
        matrix B = A.copy();

        WriteLine("Random symmetric matrix A with size {0}", n);
        WriteLine("Perform eigenvalue by eigenvalue calculation for first 4 values");
        int       evalnum    = 4;
        bool      val_by_val = true;
        jcbi_cycl test_vbv   = new jcbi_cycl(B, val_by_val, evalnum);

        Write("Found eigenvalues = ");
        for (int i = 0; i < evalnum; i++)
            Write(" {0:g3} ", test_vbv.Eigvals[i]);

        ((test_vbv.V).T * A * test_vbv.V - test_vbv.D).print("V.T*A*V - D = ", "{0,10:f6}");
        WriteLine("\n Total rotations used = {0}", test_vbv.Rotations);
        B.print("\n Matrix copy used, after value by value operations = ", "{0,10:f6}");

        matrix C = A.copy();

        WriteLine("\nSimilar calculation with cyclic sweeps");
        jcbi_cycl test_cycl = new jcbi_cycl(C);

        test_cycl.Eigvals.print("Found eigenvalues = ");
        (test_cycl.V.T * A * test_cycl.V - test_cycl.D).print("V.T*A*V - D = ", "{0,10:f6}");
        WriteLine("\n Total rotations used = {0}", test_cycl.Rotations);
        C.print("\n Matrix copy used, after cyclic sweeps = ", "{0,10:f6}");
Esempio n. 2
    static void B5()
        WriteLine("\n Problem B5\n");

        int    n = 5;
        matrix A = rand_sym_mat(n);
        matrix B = A.copy();
        matrix C = A.copy();

        WriteLine($"Random symmetric matrix A with size {n}");
        WriteLine("We find all eigenvalues with cyclic routine");

        jcbi_cycl test_cycl = new jcbi_cycl(B);

        test_cycl.Eigvals.print("Eigenvalues found by cyclic routine, low to high");

        WriteLine("\nNow we use the value-by-value routine to calculate eigenvalues from last to first");
        WriteLine("We do this by changing the calculation of " +
                  "rotation angle theta to 0.5*Atan2(-Apq, App-Aqq)\n");

        bool      invert   = true;
        int       evalnum  = n;
        bool      vbv      = true;
        jcbi_cycl test_vbv = new jcbi_cycl(C, vbv, evalnum, invert);

        test_vbv.Eigvals.print("Eigenvalues value-by-value, in order of calculation");
Esempio n. 3
    static void B4()
        WriteLine("\n Problem B4\n");
        WriteLine("See PlotB4r.svg and PlotB4t.svg for results");
        int l = 50;        // max matrix size
        int k = 5;         // number of tries for each avg

        Stopwatch sw         = new Stopwatch();
        var       timewriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.b4time.txt");
        var       rotwriter  = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.b4rot.txt");

        vector tvbv = new vector(l);
        vector tcyc = new vector(l);
        vector rvbv = new vector(l);
        vector rcyc = new vector(l);

        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
            tvbv[i] = 0;
            tcyc[i] = 0;
            rvbv[i] = 0;
            rcyc[i] = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                matrix A = rand_sym_mat(i + 1);

                matrix B       = A.copy();
                bool   vbv     = true;
                int    evalnum = l;
                jcbi_cycl test_vbv = new jcbi_cycl(B, vbv, evalnum);
                tvbv[i] += sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                rvbv[i] += test_vbv.Rotations;

                matrix C = A.copy();
                jcbi_cycl test_cyc = new jcbi_cycl(C);
                tcyc[i] += sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
                rcyc[i] += test_cyc.Rotations;
            tvbv[i] = tvbv[i] / k;
            tcyc[i] = tcyc[i] / k;
            rvbv[i] = rvbv[i] / k;
            rcyc[i] = rcyc[i] / k;

            timewriter.WriteLine($"{i} {tvbv[i]} {tcyc[i]}");
            rotwriter.WriteLine($"{i} {rvbv[i]} {rcyc[i]}");
Esempio n. 4
    static int Main()
        WriteLine("\n Problem A1: Test Jacobi functionality \n");

        var    rand = new System.Random();
        int    n    = rand.Next(1, 15);
        matrix A    = rand_sym_mat(n);

        WriteLine("Symmetric random test matrix A");
        A.print("A = ");
        matrix B = A.copy();

        jcbi_cycl test = new jcbi_cycl(B);

        WriteLine("\nJacobi diagonalisation A=V*D*V.T");
        matrix V = test.V;
        matrix D = test.D;

        V.print("\nV = ");
        D.print("\nD = ");

        ((V.T * A) * V - D).print("\n(V.T*A)*V - D =", "{0,10:f6}");

        WriteLine("\n\n Problem A2: Quantum Particle in box \n");

        n = 99;
        double s = 1.0 / (n + 1);
        matrix H = new matrix(n, n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
            H[i, i]     = -2;
            H[i, i + 1] = 1;
            H[i + 1, i] = 1;
        H[n - 1, n - 1] = -2;
        H = H * (-1 / s / s);

        matrix    H1      = H.copy();
        jcbi_cycl h_jac   = new jcbi_cycl(H1);
        matrix    Vh      = h_jac.V;
        matrix    Dh      = h_jac.D;
        vector    eigvals = h_jac.Eigvals;

        //H.print("\n H = ");
        //WriteLine("\n Jacobi diagonalisation H=V*D*V.T");
        //Vh.print("\n V = ");
        //Dh.print("\n D = ");

        // Calculate analytic energies and compare
        WriteLine("Compare first {0} eigvals with analytic energies", n / 3);
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 3; i++)
            double exact      = PI * PI * (i + 1) * (i + 1);
            double calculated = eigvals[i];
            WriteLine("{0} {1:f6} {2:f6}", i, calculated, exact);

        var datw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("");
        // Write analytic function to file
        //double a = 0.149;
        //double a=0.141;
        double a = Sqrt(2 * s);
        int    q = 1;
        Func <double, double> psiev = (x) => a *Sin(q *x *PI);

        Func <double, double> psiod = (x) => a *Sin(q *x *PI - PI);

        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            vector psinum             = Vh.col_toVector(k);
            Func <double, double> psi = pick_analytic_func(a, n, q, psinum);
            datw.WriteLine($"{0} {0}");
            for (double x = 0.005; x < 1; x += 0.005)
                datw.WriteLine($"{x} {psi(x)/a}");

/*				if (k % 2 == 0)
 *                              {
 *                                      datw.WriteLine($"{x} {psi(x)}");
 *                              }
 *                              else
 *                              {
 *                                      datw.WriteLine($"{x} {psiod(x)}");
 *                              }
 */         }
            datw.WriteLine($"{1} {0}\n\n");

        // Write function plot data to file
        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            datw.WriteLine($"{0} {0}");
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                datw.WriteLine($"{(i+1.0)/(n+1)} {Vh[i, k]/a}");
            datw.WriteLine($"{1} {0} \n\n");
Esempio n. 5
    static void B1()
        WriteLine("\n Problem B1: Test Jacobi cycle time \n");
        int n = 50;

        WriteLine("Symmetric random test matrix A of size {0}", n);
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

        double time_avg = 0;
        int    k        = 15;
        vector times    = new vector(k);

        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            matrix A = rand_sym_mat(n);
            matrix B = A.copy();
            jcbi_cycl test = new jcbi_cycl(B);
            times[i]  = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            time_avg += times[i];
        time_avg = time_avg / times.size;
        WriteLine("Average Jacobi diagonalisation time");
        WriteLine("time_avg = {0} ms\n", time_avg);

        WriteLine("Perform calculation for different matrix sizes");
        var timewriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.time.txt");

        k = 5;             // number of tries for each avg
        int    l     = 30; // upper range of matrix sizes;
        vector tavgs = new vector(l - 5);
        vector xs    = new vector(l - 5);
        vector terr  = new vector(l - 5);

        for (int i = 5; i < l; i++)
            xs[i - 5]    = i * 1.0;
            tavgs[i - 5] = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                matrix A = rand_sym_mat(i);
                matrix B = A.copy();
                jcbi_cycl test = new jcbi_cycl(B);
                tavgs[i - 5] += sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            tavgs[i - 5] = tavgs[i - 5] / k;
            terr[i - 5]  = tavgs[i - 5] * 0.025;
            timewriter.WriteLine($"{i} {tavgs[i-5]}");
        Func <double, double>[] tfun = new Func <double, double> [2];
        tfun[0] = (x) => 1; tfun[1] = (x) => x * x * x;
        //tfun[0] = (x) => 1; tfun[1] = (x) => x; tfun[2] = (x) => x*x; tfun[3] = (x) => x*x*x;
        lsfit tfit = new lsfit(xs, tavgs, terr, tfun);

        WriteLine("exec time fit params {0} {1}", tfit.C[0], tfit.C[1]);
        vector fiteval = tfit.evaluate(xs);
        var    tfunw   = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.tfun.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
            tfunw.WriteLine($"{xs[i]} {fiteval[i]}");

        WriteLine("See PlotB1.svg for execution time calculation and a+b*x^3 fit");