void selectpurchase() { inireader ir = new inireader(gv.inifile); try { gv.conn.Open(); gv.ds = new DataSet(); gv.sql = "select head, id from spacc where head = '" + ir.readstring("item", "defaultpurchaseac") + "'"; Debug.WriteLine(gv.sql); gv.adap = new OleDbDataAdapter(gv.sql, gv.conn); gv.adap.Fill(gv.ds, "purchaseac"); if (gv.ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { purchaseacnum = Convert.ToInt32(gv.ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"]); lbl7.Text = gv.ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["head"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { gv.conn.Close(); } }
public void print() { try { gv.conn.Open(); gv.ds = new DataSet(); gv.adap = new OleDbDataAdapter(); gv.sql = " select bill.brandname from bill where id = " + gv.billid; Debug.WriteLine(gv.sql); gv.adap.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(gv.sql, gv.conn); gv.adap.Fill(gv.ds, "firm"); //brandname = gv.ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); //format(item.id,'00000') as [Bar Code] gv.sql = " select item.itemname as [Item Name],item.id ,item.barcode as [Bar Code],itemb.mrp as [MRP],itemb.pkgdate as [PKG Date]" + " from itemb " + "inner join item on item.id=itemb.itemid"; Debug.WriteLine(gv.sql); gv.adap.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(gv.sql, gv.conn); gv.adap.Fill(gv.ds, "item"); // DataColumn boolcol = new DataColumn("Select",typeof(bool)); // boolcol.DefaultValue = false; // gv.ds.Tables[1].Columns.Add(boolcol); DataColumn doublecol = new DataColumn("Number of Sticker", typeof(double)); doublecol.DefaultValue = 0; gv.ds.Tables[1].Columns.Add(doublecol); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); searchbox.Show("Select Item Name and Number of Sticker", null, gv.ds.Tables[1], ref dt, "[Number of Sticker] > 0", "[Item Name]", ""); dtchoice = dt; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { gv.conn.Close(); } nostk = 1; pricounter = 1; recnum = 0; bool.TryParse(ir.readstring("printing", "dateinlabel"), out printdate); doc = new PrintDocument(); doc.BeginPrint += new PrintEventHandler(docbeginprint); doc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(docprint); /* * PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new PrintPreviewDialog(); * ppd.Document = doc; * ppd.ShowDialog(); * /**/ doc.Print(); doc = null; }
public invoice(int invoiceid) { WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; AutoScroll = true; lbl1 = new Label(); lbl1.Text = "Bill Book"; lbl1.Location = new Point(0, 0); lbl1.Parent = this; lbl2 = new Label(); lbl2.Location = new Point(100, 0); lbl2.Text = ""; lbl2.Parent = this; lbl3 = new Label(); lbl3.Text = "Series"; lbl3.Location = new Point(240, 0); lbl3.Parent = this; lbl4 = new Label(); lbl4.Location = new Point(340, 0); lbl4.Text = ""; lbl4.Parent = this; lbl5 = new Label(); lbl5.Text = "Party Name"; lbl5.Location = new Point(0, 30); lbl5.Parent = this; lbl6 = new Label(); lbl6.Location = new Point(100, 30); lbl6.Parent = this; lbl7 = new Label(); lbl7.Location = new Point(0, 60); lbl7.Text = "Bill Number"; lbl7.Parent = this; tb1 = new TextBox(); tb1.Location = new Point(100, 60); tb1.Validating += new CancelEventHandler(tb1validating); tb1.Validated += new EventHandler(tb1validated); tb1.Parent = this; err = new ErrorProvider(); lbl8 = new Label(); lbl8.Location = new Point(240, 60); lbl8.Text = "Date"; lbl8.Parent = this; dtp1 = new DateTimePicker(); dtp1.Location = new Point(340, 60); dtp1.Parent = this; chb1 = new CheckBox(); chb1.Text = "Credit Invoice"; chb1.Checked = true; chb1.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; chb1.Location = new Point(0, 90); chb1.Parent = this; lbl10 = new Label(); lbl10.Location = new Point(240, 90); lbl10.Text = "Sale Type"; lbl10.Parent = this; cb2 = new ComboBox(); cb2.Location = new Point(340, 90); cb2.Items.Add("VAT"); cb2.Items.Add("CST"); cb2.SelectedIndex = 0; cb2.Parent = this; chb2 = new CheckBox(); chb2.Text = "Against C Form"; chb2.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; chb2.Location = new Point(0, 120); chb2.Parent = this; dgv = new DataGridView(); dgv.Location = new Point(0, 150); dgv.Width = 540; //dgv.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditOnEnter; dgv.CellValidating += new DataGridViewCellValidatingEventHandler(cellvalidating); dgv.EditingControlShowing += new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler(editingcontrolshowing); dgv.Parent = this; lbl12 = new Label(); lbl12.Text = "Amount"; lbl12.Location = new Point(0, 320); lbl12.Parent = this; lbl13 = new Label(); lbl13.Location = new Point(100, 320); lbl13.Parent = this; lbl14 = new Label(); lbl14.Location = new Point(0, 350); lbl14.Text = "Tax Amount"; lbl14.Parent = this; lbl15 = new Label(); lbl15.Location = new Point(100, 350); lbl15.Text = ""; lbl15.Parent = this; lbl16 = new Label(); lbl16.Location = new Point(0, 380); lbl16.Text = "Surcharge Amount"; lbl16.Parent = this; lbl17 = new Label(); lbl17.Location = new Point(100, 380); lbl17.Text = ""; lbl17.Parent = this; lbl18 = new Label(); lbl18.Location = new Point(240, 320); lbl18.Text = "Cash Discount (Rs.)"; lbl18.Parent = this; tb2 = new TextBox(); tb2.Location = new Point(340, 320); tb2.Parent = this; lbl19 = new Label(); lbl19.Location = new Point(240, 350); lbl19.Text = "Invoice Amount"; lbl19.Parent = this; lbl21 = new Label(); lbl21.Location = new Point(340, 350); lbl21.Text = ""; lbl21.Parent = this; lbl22 = new Label(); lbl22.Location = new Point(0, 410); lbl22.Text = "Error:"; lbl22.Parent = this; btn1 = new Button(); btn1.Text = "First"; btn1.Location = new Point(0, 440); btn1.Click += new EventHandler(firclick); btn1.Parent = this; btn2 = new Button(); btn2.Text = "Previous"; btn2.Location = new Point(100, 440); btn2.Click += new EventHandler(preclick); btn2.Parent = this; tb3 = new TextBox(); tb3.Location = new Point(200, 440); tb3.Width = 75; tb3.Parent = this; btn3 = new Button(); btn3.Text = "Next"; btn3.Location = new Point(300, 440); btn3.Click += new EventHandler(nexclick); btn3.Parent = this; btn4 = new Button(); btn4.Text = "Last"; btn4.Location = new Point(400, 440); btn4.Click += new EventHandler(lasclick); btn4.Parent = this; btn5 = new Button(); btn5.Text = "Insert"; btn5.Location = new Point(100, 470); btn5.Click += new EventHandler(insclick); btn5.Parent = this; btn6 = new Button(); btn6.Text = "Update"; btn6.Location = new Point(200, 470); btn6.Click += new EventHandler(updclick); btn6.Parent = this; btn7 = new Button(); btn7.Text = "Delete"; btn7.Location = new Point(300, 470); btn7.Click += new EventHandler(delclick); btn7.Parent = this; btn8 = new Button(); btn8.Text = "New"; btn8.Location = new Point(200, 500); btn8.Click += new EventHandler(newclick); btn8.Parent = this; btn9 = new Button(); btn9.Text = "Goto"; btn9.Location = new Point(200, 530); btn9.Click += new EventHandler(gotclick); btn9.Parent = this; btn10 = new Button(); btn10.Text = "Select Bill Book"; btn10.Location = new Point(0, 500); btn10.Width = 175; btn10.Click += new EventHandler(selbbclick); btn10.Parent = this; btn11 = new Button(); btn11.Text = "Select Party"; btn11.Location = new Point(0, 530); btn11.Width = 175; btn11.Click += new EventHandler(selpartyclick); btn11.Parent = this; btn12 = new Button(); btn12.Text = "Print"; btn12.Location = new Point(300, 500); btn12.Click += new EventHandler(priclick); btn12.Parent = this; bool.TryParse(ir.readstring("invoicing", "rateinclusive"), out inclusive); recstartstop(); num = reccount; num++; if (invoiceid != 0) { num = invoiceid; //if choose to open a particular invoice externally } tb3.Text = num + " of " + reccount; fillform(); if (invoiceid == 0) { selectbillbook(); selectbillnumber(); billnum++; tb1.Text = billnum.ToString(); selectparty(); } }
public configuration() { WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.RestoreDirectory = true; ofd.DefaultExt = "rpt"; ofd.Filter = "rpt files (*.rpt)|*.rpt|All files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.FilterIndex = 0; ofd.CheckFileExists = true; ofd.CheckPathExists = true; ofd.Multiselect = false; ofd.ReadOnlyChecked = true; ofd.ShowReadOnly = true; tc = new TabControl(); tc.Size = new Size(600, 500); tc.Parent = this; tp1 = new TabPage(); tp1.Text = "General Configuration"; tp1.Parent = tc; tp2 = new TabPage(); tp2.Text = "Report Files"; tp2.Parent = tc; chb1 = new CheckBox(); chb1.Location = new Point(0, 0); chb1.Text = "Print Date in Barcode Sticker"; chb1.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; chb1.Width = 250; chb1.Parent = tp1; lbl1 = new Label(); lbl1.Location = new Point(0, 30); lbl1.Text = "Default Sale A/c"; lbl1.Width = 125; lbl1.Parent = tp1; cb1 = new ComboBox(); cb1.Location = new Point(150, 30); cb1.Width = 300; cb1.Parent = tp1; lbl2 = new Label(); lbl2.Location = new Point(0, 60); lbl2.Text = "Default Purchase A/c"; lbl2.Width = 125; lbl2.Parent = tp1; cb2 = new ComboBox(); cb2.Location = new Point(150, 60); cb2.Width = 300; cb2.Parent = tp1; lbl3 = new Label(); lbl3.Location = new Point(0, 90); lbl3.Text = "Selected Language"; lbl3.Width = 125; lbl3.Parent = tp1; cb3 = new ComboBox(); cb3.Location = new Point(150, 90); cb3.Width = 300; cb3.Parent = tp1; lbl4 = new Label(); lbl4.Location = new Point(0, 0); lbl4.Text = "Invoice Report File"; lbl4.Width = 125; lbl4.Parent = tp2; tb1 = new TextBox(); tb1.Location = new Point(150, 0); tb1.Width = 300; tb1.Parent = tp2; btn1 = new Button(); btn1.Location = new Point(500, 0); btn1.Text = "Open File"; btn1.Click += new EventHandler(rptinvclick); btn1.Parent = tp2; lbl5 = new Label(); lbl5.Location = new Point(0, 30); lbl5.Text = "Claim Report File"; lbl5.Parent = tp2; tb2 = new TextBox(); tb2.Location = new Point(150, 30); tb2.Width = 300; tb2.Parent = tp2; btn2 = new Button(); btn2.Location = new Point(500, 30); btn2.Text = "Open File"; btn2.Click += new EventHandler(rptclaimclick); btn2.Parent = tp2; chb2 = new CheckBox(); chb2.Location = new Point(0, 120); chb2.Text = "Batch wise stock and sale facility "; chb2.CheckAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; chb2.Width = 250; chb2.Parent = tp1; lbl6 = new Label(); lbl6.Location = new Point(0, 150); lbl6.Text = "Data Base File"; lbl6.Parent = tp1; tb3 = new TextBox(); tb3.Location = new Point(150, 150); tb3.Width = 300; tb3.Parent = tp1; btn3 = new Button(); btn3.Location = new Point(500, 150); btn3.Text = "Open File"; btn3.Click += new EventHandler(seledbclick); btn3.Parent = tp1; btn4 = new Button(); btn4.Location = new Point(100, 500); btn4.Text = "Save"; btn4.Click += new EventHandler(savclick); btn4.Parent = this; // fill combos try { gv.conn.Open(); gv.ds = new DataSet(); gv.sql = "select head from spacc where type ='S'"; gv.adap = new OleDbDataAdapter(gv.sql, gv.conn); gv.adap.Fill(gv.ds, "saleac"); cb1.DataSource = gv.ds.Tables[0]; cb1.DisplayMember = "head"; gv.ds = new DataSet(); gv.sql = "select head from spacc where type ='P'"; gv.adap = new OleDbDataAdapter(gv.sql, gv.conn); gv.adap.Fill(gv.ds, "purchaseac"); cb2.DataSource = gv.ds.Tables[0]; cb2.DisplayMember = "head"; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { gv.conn.Close(); } cb3.Items.Add("en-US"); cb3.Items.Add("hi-IN"); cb3.Items.Add("pr-BR"); // read settings bool chkb; bool.TryParse(ir.readstring("printing", "dateinlabel"), out chkb); chb1.Checked = chkb; bool.TryParse(ir.readstring("invoicing", "batchwisestockandsale"), out chkb); chb2.Checked = chkb; cb1.SelectedIndex = cb1.FindStringExact(ir.readstring("item", "defaultsaleac")); cb2.SelectedIndex = cb2.FindStringExact(ir.readstring("item", "defaultpurchaseac")); cb3.SelectedIndex = cb3.FindStringExact(ir.readstring("general", "language")); tb1.Text = ir.readstring("reportfiles", "invoice"); tb2.Text = ir.readstring("reportfiles", "medicalclaim"); tb3.Text = ir.readstring("database", "datafile"); }