private void Write_Single_Row(StringBuilder resultsBldr, iSearch_Title_Result titleRow, int index_in_page, string textRedirectStem, string base_url, bool internal_user)
            // Start this row
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t<tr valign=\"top\">");
            iSearch_Item_Result itemRow = titleRow.Get_Item(0);
            string identifier = titleRow.BibID.ToUpper() + "_" + itemRow.VID;

            // Add the actions as the first column
            resultsBldr.Append("\t\t<td class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\" width=\"170px\" >( ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Remove this item from your bookshelf\" href=\"javascript:remove_item( '" + identifier + "' );\">remove</a> | ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Move this item to a new bookshelf\" href=\"\" name=\"item_move_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_move_" + index_in_page + "\" onclick=\"return move_form_open('item_move_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "' );\">move</a> | ");
            resultsBldr.Append("<a title=\"Send this item to a friend\" href=\"\" name=\"item_send_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_send_" + index_in_page + "\" onclick=\"return email_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "' );\">send</a>");

            if (internal_user)
                resultsBldr.Append(" | <a title=\"Edit this item\" href=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + "my/edit/" + titleRow.BibID + "/" + itemRow.VID + "\" name=\"item_edit_" + index_in_page + "\" id=\"item_edit_" + index_in_page + "\" >edit</a> )</td>\n");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine(" ) </td>");

            // Add the check box
            resultsBldr.AppendLine("\t\t<td><input title=\"Select or unselect this item\"  type=\"checkbox\" name=\"item_select_" + index_in_page.ToString() + "\" id=\"item_select_" + index_in_page.ToString() + "\" value=\"" + identifier + "\" /></td>");

            string user_notes = titleRow.UserNotes;

            // Add the title and user notes next
            resultsBldr.Append("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + base_url + titleRow.BibID + "/" + itemRow.VID + textRedirectStem + "\">" + itemRow.Title);
            if ((itemRow.Level1_Text.Length > 0) || (itemRow.Level2_Text.Length > 0) || (itemRow.Level3_Text.Length > 0))
                resultsBldr.Append(" ( ");
                if (itemRow.Level1_Text.Length > 0)
                if (itemRow.Level2_Text.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.Append(" - " + itemRow.Level2_Text);
                if (itemRow.Level3_Text.Length > 0)
                    resultsBldr.Append(" - " + itemRow.Level3_Text);
                resultsBldr.Append(" ) ");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user_notes))
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br />" + user_notes + " <span class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\">( <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return edit_notes_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "','" + user_notes.Replace("\"", "%22").Replace("'", "%27").Replace("=", "%3D").Replace("&", "%26") + "' );\">edit note</a> )</span></td>");
                resultsBldr.AppendLine("<br /><span class=\"SobekFolderActionLink\">( <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return edit_notes_form_open('item_send_" + index_in_page + "', '" + identifier + "','' );\" >add note</a> )</span></td>");

            // End this row
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> Builds the tree view control for all the issues related to a single result title and
        /// adds the tree view to the provided place holder </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the results are being built for display</param>
        /// <param name="TitleRow"> Title row for this title to be displayed, from the dataset of results </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedTextRedirectStem"> Redirect string specifically for textual items, which includes the search terms to pass to the final item viewer </param>
        /// <param name="BaseURL"> Writer-adjusted base_url ( i.e., may include /l at the end if logged in currently ) </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentResultRow"> Counter indicates which result number this is within the current page of results </param>
        /// <remarks> This only adds the root node for the tree.  Any further computations and tree-creation are left for the tree node populate event when the user requests any issue information.</remarks>
        protected void Add_Issue_Tree(PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, iSearch_Title_Result TitleRow, int CurrentResultRow, string CalculatedTextRedirectStem, string BaseURL)
            // Determine term to use
            string single_item_term = "item";
            string multi_item_term  = "items";

            string multiple_type_upper = TitleRow.MaterialType.ToUpper();

            switch (multiple_type_upper)
            case "NEWSPAPER":
                single_item_term = "issue";
                multi_item_term  = "issues";

            case "AERIAL":
            case "IMAGEAERIAL":
                single_item_term = "flight line";
                multi_item_term  = "flight lines";

            case "IMAGEMAP":
            case "MAP":
                single_item_term = "map set";
                multi_item_term  = "map sets";

            case "PHOTOGRAPH":
                single_item_term = "photograph set";
                multi_item_term  = "photograph sets";

            case "VIDEO":
                single_item_term = "video";
                multi_item_term  = "videos";

            case "AUDIO":
                single_item_term = "audio";
                multi_item_term  = "audios";

            case "ARTIFACT":
                single_item_term = "artifact";
                multi_item_term  = "artifacts";

            // Set the actual term
            string multi_term = multi_item_term;

            if (TitleRow.Item_Count <= 1)
                multi_term = single_item_term;

            // Create the root node first
            TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode
                SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand,
                Value        = CurrentResultRow + "_" + TitleRow.BibID,
                Text         = (TitleRow.GroupTitle.Length < 70) ? TitleRow.GroupTitle + " ( " + TitleRow.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )" : TitleRow.GroupTitle.Substring(0, 65) + "... ( " + TitleRow.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )"

            // Build the tree view object and tree view nodes now
            TreeView treeView1 = new TreeView {
                EnableClientScript = true, PopulateNodesFromClient = true

            treeView1.TreeNodePopulate += treeView1_TreeNodePopulate;
            rootNode.Expanded           = false;
            rootNode.PopulateOnDemand   = true;


            // Add this tree view to the place holder
        /// <summary> Builds the tree view control for all the issues related to a single result title and
        /// adds the tree view to the provided place holder </summary>
        /// <param name="MainPlaceHolder"> Main place holder ( &quot;mainPlaceHolder&quot; ) in the itemNavForm form into which the results are being built for display</param>
        /// <param name="TitleRow"> Title row for this title to be displayed, from the dataset of results </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedTextRedirectStem"> Redirect string specifically for textual items, which includes the search terms to pass to the final item viewer </param>
        /// <param name="BaseURL"> Writer-adjusted base_url ( i.e., may include /l at the end if logged in currently ) </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentResultRow"> Counter indicates which result number this is within the current page of results </param>
        /// <remarks> This only adds the root node for the tree.  Any further computations and tree-creation are left for the tree node populate event when the user requests any issue information.</remarks>
        protected void Add_Issue_Tree( PlaceHolder MainPlaceHolder, iSearch_Title_Result TitleRow, int CurrentResultRow, string CalculatedTextRedirectStem, string BaseURL )
            // Determine term to use
            string single_item_term = "item";
            string multi_item_term = "items";

            string multiple_type_upper = TitleRow.MaterialType.ToUpper();
            switch (multiple_type_upper)
                case "NEWSPAPER":
                    single_item_term = "issue";
                    multi_item_term = "issues";

                case "AERIAL":
                case "IMAGEAERIAL":
                    single_item_term = "flight line";
                    multi_item_term = "flight lines";

                case "IMAGEMAP":
                case "MAP":
                    single_item_term = "map set";
                    multi_item_term = "map sets";

                case "PHOTOGRAPH":
                    single_item_term = "photograph set";
                    multi_item_term = "photograph sets";

                case "VIDEO":
                    single_item_term = "video";
                    multi_item_term = "videos";

                case "AUDIO":
                    single_item_term = "audio";
                    multi_item_term = "audios";

                case "ARTIFACT":
                    single_item_term = "artifact";
                    multi_item_term = "artifacts";

            // Set the actual term
            string multi_term = multi_item_term;
            if (TitleRow.Item_Count <= 1)
                multi_term = single_item_term;

            // Create the root node first
            TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode
                                        SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand,
                                        Value = CurrentResultRow + "_" + TitleRow.BibID,
                                        Text = (TitleRow.GroupTitle.Length < 70) ? TitleRow.GroupTitle + " ( " + TitleRow.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )" : TitleRow.GroupTitle.Substring(0, 65) + "... ( " + TitleRow.Item_Count + " " + multi_term + " )"

            // Build the tree view object and tree view nodes now
            TreeView treeView1 = new TreeView {EnableClientScript = true, PopulateNodesFromClient = true};
            treeView1.TreeNodePopulate += treeView1_TreeNodePopulate;
            rootNode.Expanded = false;
            rootNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;


            // Add this tree view to the place holder
        /// <summary> Event handler loads the nodes on request to the serial hierarchy trees when the user requests them
        /// by expanding a node </summary>
        /// <param name="Sender"> TreeView object that fired this event </param>
        /// <param name="E"> Event arguments includes the tree node which was expanded </param>
        void treeView1_TreeNodePopulate(object Sender, TreeNodeEventArgs E)
            // Determine the index of this result within the entire page of results
            string resultsIndex = E.Node.Value;
            string node_value   = E.Node.Value;

            if (E.Node.Value.IndexOf("_") > 0)
                resultsIndex = E.Node.Value.Substring(0, E.Node.Value.IndexOf("_"));
                node_value   = node_value.Substring(resultsIndex.Length + 1);

            // Get the appropriate title result
            iSearch_Title_Result titleResult = Paged_Results[Convert.ToInt32(resultsIndex)];

            // Is this tree built?
            if (titleResult.Item_Tree == null)

            Search_Result_Item_TreeNode retrieved_node = titleResult.Item_Tree.Get_Node_By_Value(node_value);

            if (retrieved_node == null)

            string base_url = CurrentMode.Base_URL;

            if (CurrentMode.Writer_Type == Writer_Type_Enum.HTML_LoggedIn)
                base_url = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "l/";

            foreach (Search_Result_Item_TreeNode childNode in retrieved_node.ChildNodes)
                TreeNode childViewNode = new TreeNode
                    Value        = resultsIndex + "_" + childNode.Value,
                    SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None

                string name    = Translator.Get_Translation(childNode.Name, CurrentMode.Language);
                string tooltip = String.Empty;
                if (name.Length > 100)
                    tooltip = name;
                    name    = name.Substring(0, 100) + "...";

                if (childNode.Link.Length > 0)
                    childViewNode.ToolTip = tooltip;
                    childViewNode.Text    = "<a href=\"" + base_url + childNode.Link + textRedirectStem + "\">" + name + "</a>";
                    childViewNode.ToolTip = tooltip;
                    childViewNode.Text    = name;
                if (childNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    childViewNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;