Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a data table filled with users under the specified account id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acctId">long: Account id.</param>
        /// <returns>iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable</returns>
        internal iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable GetUsers(long acctId)
            //  Instantiate the data objects
            iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable dataTable = new UserDs.UsersDataTable();
            iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
            tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);

            //  Try to get the records from the database
                tableAdapter.FillByAcctId(dataTable, acctId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            return dataTable;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize all the ADO.NET objects.
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeData()
     dataTable = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable();
     tableAdapter = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
     tableAdapter.Connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
     userAdapter = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserRolesDsTableAdapters.UserRoleViewTableAdapter();
     userAdapter.Connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
     roleTable = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserRoleViewDs.UserRoleViewDataTable();
     roleAdapter = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserRoleViewDsTableAdapters.UserRoleViewTableAdapter();
     roleAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
     projectTable = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserProjectsDs.UserProjectsDataTable();
     projectAdapter = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserProjectsDsTableAdapters.UserProjectsTableAdapter();
     projectAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the account id of the specified username.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">string: Username.</param>
        /// <returns>long: Account id.</returns>
        internal static long GetUserAccountId(string user)
            long acctid = -1;

            //  Create the ADO.NET objects required
            Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable usersTable = new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable();
            Data.UserDs.UsersRow usersRow = null;
            Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
            tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);

            //  Lookup the record in the database
                tableAdapter.FillByUserAcctId(usersTable, user);
                if (usersTable.Rows.Count != 0)
                    usersRow = usersTable[0];
                    acctid = usersRow.AcctId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            return acctid;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reset the password of the specified user in the TACS.NET database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: object.</param>
        /// <param name="encpass">string: Encrypted password.</param>
        public void ResetPassword(Credentials credentials, string encpass)
            //  Check the session token first
            if (!TacsSession.IsTokenValid(credentials.Username, credentials.SessionToken))
                throw new System.Exception(TacsSession.MSG_INVALSESS);

            //  Reset the password
            Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
            tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
                tableAdapter.ResetPassword(encpass, credentials.Username);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TacsSession.WriteEventLogEntry("AccessService", EventTypeEnum.Error,
                    "ResetPassword: " + ex.Message);
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes list of user profiles for account id specified in Credentials.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: object.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Collections.Generic.List T:iCampaign.TACS.UserProfile</returns>
        public List<UserProfile> GetUserProfiles(Credentials credentials)
            List<UserProfile> userProfiles = new List<UserProfile>();

            //  Check to see if user has sufficient access
            if (!credentials.AccountOwner)
                throw new SystemException(TacsSession.MSG_INSUFPRIV);

            //  Check for valid session token
            if (!TacsSession.IsTokenValid(credentials.Username, credentials.SessionToken))
                throw new SystemException(TacsSession.MSG_INVALSESS);

            //  Go and retrieve the list of user profiles
            Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable dataTable = new UserDs.UsersDataTable();
            Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
            tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
                tableAdapter.FillByAcctId(dataTable, credentials.AccountId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            //  Now populate the list collection from the data table
            foreach (Data.UserDs.UsersRow row in dataTable)
                UserProfile profile = new UserProfile();
                profile.AccountExpirey = row.ExpireOn;
                profile.AccountId = row.AcctId;
                profile.AccountName = credentials.AccountName;
                profile.AccountOwner = row.AccountOwner;
                profile.Disable = row.UserDisabled;
                profile.Email = row.Email;
                profile.FullName = row.FullName;
                profile.Password = row.Password;
                profile.SuperAdministrator = row.SuperAdministrator;

            return userProfiles;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the provided user profile in the TACS.NET user table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">iCampaign.TACS.UserProfile: object.</param>
        /// <param name="role">string: Caller role being used.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: object.</param>
        /// <returns>Status code</returns>
        public string UpdateUser(UserProfile profile, string role, Credentials credentials)
            bool errorStatus = false;
            string statusMsg = "";

            //  Check to see if user has sufficient access
            if (!credentials.HasAccess(role, AccessLevelEnum.Owner) &&
                !credentials.AccountOwner && !credentials.SuperAdministrator)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INSUFPRIV;

            //  Check to see if requestor owns the username in profile
            if (TacsSession.GetUserAccountId(profile.Username) != credentials.AccountId)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_USERWRONGACCT;

            //  Check for valid session token
            if (!TacsSession.IsTokenValid(credentials.Username, credentials.SessionToken))
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INVALSESS;

            //  Check for super administrator being set
            if (profile.SuperAdministrator == true && credentials.SuperAdministrator == false)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_SUPERONLY;

            //  Check username to see if it exists
            if (!errorStatus)
                if (!TacsSession.DoesUserExist(profile.Username))
                    errorStatus = true;
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_USERNOEXIST;

            //  If no error condition exists, go ahead and update database
            if (!errorStatus)
                Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                    new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
                tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
                    tableAdapter.UpdateUserProfile(profile.Username, profile.Password, profile.FullName,
                        profile.Email, profile.CreatedOn, profile.UserExpirey, profile.Disable,
                        profile.SessionToken, profile.AccountId, profile.AccountOwner, profile.SuperAdministrator, profile.Username);
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_SUCCESS;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorStatus = true;
                    statusMsg = ex.Message;
            return statusMsg;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the requested user profile from the TACS.NET user table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">string: Username.</param>
        /// <param name="role">string: Caller role being used.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: object.</param>
        /// <returns>iCampaign.TACS.UserProfile</returns>
        public UserProfile GetUserProfile(string user, string role, Credentials credentials)
            bool errorStatus = false;
            UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile();

            //  Check to see if user has sufficient access
            if (!credentials.HasAccess(role, AccessLevelEnum.Owner) && user != credentials.Username &&
                !credentials.AccountOwner && !credentials.SuperAdministrator)
                errorStatus = true;
                userProfile.ErrorMessage = TacsSession.MSG_INSUFPRIV;

            //  Check to see if requestor owns the username in profile
            if (TacsSession.GetUserAccountId(user) != credentials.AccountId)
                errorStatus = true;
                userProfile.ErrorMessage = TacsSession.MSG_USERWRONGACCT;

            //  Get the user profile
            if (!errorStatus)
                Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable userTable = new UserDs.UsersDataTable();
                Data.UserDs.UsersRow userRow = null;
                Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                    new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
                tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
                    tableAdapter.FillByUsername(userTable, user);
                    if (userTable.Rows.Count != 0)
                        userRow = userTable[0];
                        userProfile.ErrorMessage = TacsSession.MSG_UNKUSER;
                        errorStatus = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorStatus = true;
                    userProfile.ErrorMessage = ex.StackTrace;
                if (!errorStatus)
                    userProfile.Username = userRow.Username;
                    userProfile.AccountId = userRow.AcctId;
                    userProfile.CreatedOn = userRow.CreatedOn;
                    userProfile.Email = userRow.Email;
                    userProfile.FullName = userRow.FullName;
                    userProfile.ErrorMessage = TacsSession.MSG_SUCCESS;
                    userProfile.UserExpirey = userRow.ExpireOn;
                    userProfile.Disable = userRow.UserDisabled;
                    userProfile.Password = userRow.Password;

            return userProfile;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the specified user id from the TACS.NET user table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">string: Username to delete.</param>
        /// <param name="role">string: Caller role being used.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: object.</param>
        /// <returns>string: Status code.</returns>
        public string DeleteUser(string user, string role, Credentials credentials)
            bool errorStatus = false;
            string statusMsg = "";

            //  Check to see if user has sufficient access
            if (!credentials.HasAccess(role, AccessLevelEnum.Owner) &&
                !credentials.AccountOwner && !credentials.SuperAdministrator)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INSUFPRIV;

            //  Check to see if requestor owns the username in profile
            if (TacsSession.GetUserAccountId(user) != credentials.AccountId)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_USERWRONGACCT;

            //  Check for valid session token
            if (!TacsSession.IsTokenValid(credentials.Username, credentials.SessionToken))
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INVALSESS;

            //  Check username to see if it exists
            if (!errorStatus)
                if (!TacsSession.DoesUserExist(user))
                    errorStatus = true;
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_USERNOEXIST;

            //  If no error has occurred go ahead and delete the user profile
            if (!errorStatus)
                Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                    new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
                tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);
                    tableAdapter.DeleteAccountUser(user, credentials.AccountId);
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_SUCCESS;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    statusMsg = ex.StackTrace;
            return statusMsg;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new user profile to a TACS.NET account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">string: Unique user name.</param>
        /// <param name="pass">string: Encrypted password.</param>
        /// <param name="name">string: Full name.</param>
        /// <param name="email">string: Email address.</param>
        /// <param name="expirey">DateTime: Expiration date.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">bool: Account owner flag.</param>
        /// <param name="superAdmin">bool: Super administrator flag.</param>
        /// <param name="role">string: Caller role being used.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">iCampaign.TACS.Client.Credentials: Object.</param>
        /// <returns>string: Status code.</returns>
        public string AddUser(string user, string pass, string name, string email, DateTime expirey,
            bool owner, bool superAdmin, string role, Credentials credentials)
            bool errorStatus = false;
            string statusMsg = "";

            //  Check to see if user has sufficient access
            if (!credentials.HasAccess(role, AccessLevelEnum.Owner) &&
                !credentials.AccountOwner && !credentials.SuperAdministrator)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INSUFPRIV;

            //  Check for valid session token
            if (!TacsSession.IsTokenValid(credentials.Username, credentials.SessionToken))
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_INVALSESS;

            //  Check to see if new account is a super admin
            if (superAdmin == true && credentials.SuperAdministrator == false)
                errorStatus = true;
                statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_SUPERONLY;

            //  Check username to see if it exists
            if (!errorStatus)
                if (TacsSession.DoesUserExist(user) == true)
                    errorStatus = true;
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_USEREXISTS;

            //  Create the user profile
            if (!errorStatus)
                //  Instantiate ADO.NET objects
                Data.UserDs.UsersDataTable userTable = new UserDs.UsersDataTable();
                Data.UserDs.UsersRow userRow = userTable.NewUsersRow();
                Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter tableAdapter =
                    new iCampaign.TACS.Data.UserDsTableAdapters.UsersTableAdapter();
                tableAdapter.Connection = new SqlConnection(TacsSession.ConnectionString);

                //  Build the new user profile
                userRow.AcctId = credentials.AccountId;
                userRow.CreatedOn = System.DateTime.Now;
                userRow.Email = email;
                userRow.ExpireOn = expirey;
                userRow.FullName = name;
                userRow.Password = pass;
                userRow.UserDisabled = false;
                userRow.Username = user;
                userRow.AccountOwner = owner;
                userRow.SuperAdministrator = superAdmin;

                //  Add the record to the database
                    statusMsg = TacsSession.MSG_SUCCESS;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    statusMsg = ex.StackTrace;
                    errorStatus = true;
            return statusMsg;