Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Call the from the IN instruction to play the sounds as per the original hardware's sound board
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="machine"></param>
        internal static void PlaySounds(i8080 machine)
            if (machine.PORT_OUT_3 != LastOutPort3)
                if ((machine.PORT_OUT_3 & 0x1) != 0 && (LastOutPort3 & 0x1) == 0)
                else if ((machine.PORT_OUT_3 & 0x1) == 0 && (LastOutPort3 & 0x1) != 0)
                    PlaySound(machine.PORT_OUT_3, LastOutPort3, Port3Sounds, true);
                LastOutPort3 = machine.PORT_OUT_3;

            if (machine.PORT_OUT_5 != m_lastOutPort5)
                PlaySound(machine.PORT_OUT_5, m_lastOutPort5, Port5Sounds, true);
                m_lastOutPort5 = machine.PORT_OUT_5;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the controllers buttons, Inputs set by a controller will be cleared if they are no longer active
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="machine"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 /// <param name="flag"></param>
 /// <param name="portByte"></param>
 private static void CheckXInputButtons(i8080 machine, State state, GamepadButtonFlags flag, byte portByte)
     if ((state.Gamepad.Buttons & flag) != 0)
         machine.PORT_IN_1 |= portByte;
         m_controllerState |= (ushort)flag;
         if ((m_controllerState & (ushort)flag) != 0)
             machine.PORT_IN_1 = unchecked ((byte)(machine.PORT_IN_1 & (byte)~portByte));
             m_controllerState = unchecked ((ushort)(m_controllerState & (ushort)~flag));
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the controllers left stick, Inputs set by a controller will be cleared if they are no longer active
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="machine"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 private static void CheckXInputSticks(i8080 machine, State state)
     if (state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX > Gamepad.LeftThumbDeadZone)
         machine.PORT_IN_1 |= 0x40;
         m_stickRight       = true;
     else if (state.Gamepad.LeftThumbX < -Gamepad.LeftThumbDeadZone)
         machine.PORT_IN_1 |= 0x20;
         m_stickLeft        = true;
     else if (state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY < -Gamepad.LeftThumbDeadZone)
         machine.PORT_IN_1 |= 0x08;
         m_stickDown        = true;
     else if (state.Gamepad.LeftThumbY > Gamepad.LeftThumbDeadZone)
         machine.PORT_IN_1 |= 0x80;
         m_stickUp          = true;
         if (m_stickRight)
             machine.PORT_IN_1 = unchecked ((byte)(machine.PORT_IN_1 & (byte)~0x40));
             m_stickRight      = false;
         else if (m_stickLeft)
             machine.PORT_IN_1 = unchecked ((byte)(machine.PORT_IN_1 & (byte)~0x20));
             m_stickLeft       = false;
         else if (m_stickUp)
             machine.PORT_IN_1 = unchecked ((byte)(machine.PORT_IN_1 & (byte)~0x80));
             m_stickUp         = false;
         else if (m_stickDown)
             machine.PORT_IN_1 = unchecked ((byte)(machine.PORT_IN_1 & (byte)~0x08));
             m_stickDown       = false;
Esempio n. 4
        // This will send values to the Input port in response to controller actions
        public static void Check(i8080 machine)
            State state;

            if (machine.controller.GetState(out state))
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.Back, 0x01);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.Start, 0x04);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.A, 0x10);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft, 0x20);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight, 0x40);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp, 0x80);
                CheckXInputButtons(machine, state, GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown, 0x08);

                CheckXInputSticks(machine, state);
Esempio n. 5
        private void LoadProgram(UInt16 startingAddress)
            FileLoader load = new FileLoader();


            _cpu = new i8080();
            _cpu.LoadInstructions(load.LoadData(), startingAddress);

            ShiftOffsetDevice _soDevice = new ShiftOffsetDevice();
            ShiftDevice       _device   = new ShiftDevice(_soDevice);

            // input device port 1: First Arcade Port
            _cpu.AddInputDevice(_port1, 1);

            // input device port 2: Second Arcade Port
            _cpu.AddInputDevice(_port2, 2);

            // input device port 3: shift register output to cpu
            _cpu.AddInputDevice(_device, 3);

            // output device port 2: shift offset
            _cpu.AddOutputDevice(_soDevice, 2);

            // output device port 3: add sound port
            _cpu.AddOutputDevice(_sound3, 3);

            // output device port 4: shift register input from cpu
            _cpu.AddOutputDevice(_device, 4);

            // output device port 5: add sound port
            _cpu.AddOutputDevice(_sound5, 5);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the screen to a device context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics"></param>
        /// <param name="machine"></param>
        /// <param name="rectangle"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="factor"></param>
        internal static void Paint(Graphics graphics, i8080 machine, Rectangle rectangle, int offset, int factor)
            m_scaleFactor = factor;

            if (m_gameBitmap == null || m_lastScaleFactor != m_scaleFactor)
                m_lastScaleFactor = m_scaleFactor;
                m_gameBitmap      = new Bitmap(224 * m_scaleFactor, 256 * m_scaleFactor + offset / m_scaleFactor);
                m_graphics        = Graphics.FromImage(m_gameBitmap);
                m_fpsCounter      = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < Cache.Length; ++i)
                    Cache[i] = 0xff;
            machine.Painting = true;
            bool changed = Render(m_graphics, machine.RAM, offset / m_scaleFactor);

            if (changed)

            graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(m_gameBitmap, (rectangle.Width - m_gameBitmap.Width) / 2, rectangle.Top);
            graphics.DrawString("fps: " + m_fps.ToString("F"), DrawFont, Brushes.Green, 3.0f, rectangle.Height - 20);

            if (m_fpsCounter.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000)
                m_fps = (double)machine.Frames / m_fpsCounter.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000.0;
                m_fps = Math.Round(m_fps * 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2;
                machine.Frames = 0;
            machine.Painting = false;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="machine"></param>
        public static void Run(i8080 machine)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();


            int ticks = (int)(1000.0 / 60.0 / 2.0) * 10000;

            bool top = true;

            int    c = 0;
            long   t = 0;
            double s1;
            double s2;
            double clockRate = 0;

            machine.MemoryProtection = true;

            while (machine.On)
                if (c % 100 == 0)
                    s1        = (double)(machine.Cycles + 1);
                    s2        = (double)(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + 1);
                    clockRate = s1 / s2;

                if (clockRate < 2000)
                if (t > ticks)
                    if (machine.Interupt((byte)(top ? 0xcf : 0xd7)))
                        top = !top;
                if (c % 100 == 0)
                    t = sw2.ElapsedTicks;

                //if (c % 250 == 0)
                //    Thread.Sleep(1);
                if (c % 25 == 0)
                    if (machine.controller != null)
                        if (machine.controller.IsConnected)