internal static bool UpdateBegin(global::Terraria.Item item, ref int i) { var res = Hooks.Item.PreUpdate?.Invoke(item, ref i); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
internal static bool QuickStack(int playerId, global::Terraria.Item item, int chestIndex) { var res = Hooks.Chest.QuickStack?.Invoke(playerId, item, chestIndex); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
internal static bool CheckMaterialBegin(global::Terraria.Item item, ref bool result) { var res = Hooks.Item.PreCheckMaterial?.Invoke(item, ref result); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the start of the NetDefaults method. /// The return value will dictate if normal vanilla code should continue to run. /// </summary> /// <returns>True to continue on to vanilla code, otherwise false</returns> internal static bool NetDefaultsBegin(global::Terraria.Item item, ref int type) { var res = Hooks.Item.PreNetDefaults?.Invoke(item, ref type); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the start of the SetDefaults(string) method. /// The return value will dictate if normal vanilla code should continue to run. /// </summary> /// <returns>True to continue on to vanilla code, otherwise false</returns> internal static bool SetDefaultsByNameBegin(global::Terraria.Item item, ref string itemName) { var res = Hooks.Item.PreSetDefaultsByName?.Invoke(item, ref itemName); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the start of the SetDefaults(int,bool) method. /// The return value will dictate if normal vanilla code should continue to run. /// </summary> /// <returns>True to continue on to vanilla code, otherwise false</returns> internal static bool SetDefaultsByIdBegin(global::Terraria.Item item, ref int type, ref bool noMatCheck) { var res = Hooks.Item.PreSetDefaultsById?.Invoke(item, ref type, ref noMatCheck); if (res.HasValue) { return(res.Value == HookResult.Continue); } return(true); }
internal static void UpdateEnd(global::Terraria.Item item, int i) => Hooks.Item.PostUpdate?.Invoke(item, i);
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the end of the NetDefaults method. /// </summary> internal static void NetDefaultsEnd(global::Terraria.Item item, ref int type) => Hooks.Item.PostNetDefaults?.Invoke(item, ref type);
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the end of the SetDefaults(string) method. /// </summary> internal static void SetDefaultsByNameEnd(global::Terraria.Item item, ref string itemName) => Hooks.Item.PostSetDefaultsByName?.Invoke(item, ref itemName);
/// <summary> /// This method is injected into the end of the SetDefaults(int,bool) method. /// </summary> internal static void SetDefaultsByIdEnd(global::Terraria.Item item, ref int type, ref bool noMatCheck) => Hooks.Item.PostSetDefaultsById?.Invoke(item, ref type, ref noMatCheck);