}//end getAStarPath


    //Given a start and an end supergrid, we create compound flowfield between both grids and any adjacent tiles (if they are diagonal)
    public void getNextFlowfield(int curr_i, int curr_j, int nex_i, int nex_j)
        //GetComponent<unit_behavior>().ff_table.deleteFF(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); //unlink the previous flowfield from this object's id

        int current_i = curr_i;
        int current_j = curr_j;
        int next_i    = nex_i;
        int next_j    = nex_j;

        int row_length = 0;
        int col_length = 0;
        int xOff       = 0; //offset for calculating global
        int zOff       = 0; //grid indices
        int destRow    = 0; //calculate local grid
        int destCol    = 0; //indices
        int type       = 0; //tells us which direction we are generating our flowfield in

        //this way we can figure out what cells are blocked when plotting a route
        generate_obstacle_grid obs = new generate_obstacle_grid();

        //row_length, col_length, xOff,zOff, and destrow and col depend
        //on which direction the next cell is in

        if (current_i == next_i && current_j == next_j)
            row_length = grid_ratio;
            col_length = grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = subGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item1 % grid_ratio;
            destRow    = subGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item2 % grid_ratio;

            if (destCol < 0) //deal with negatives
                destCol = grid_ratio + destCol;

            if (destRow < 0)
                destRow = grid_ratio + destRow;

            type = 0;
        else if (current_i < next_i && current_j == next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio; //for dynamic sizing, use 10 * Math.abs(current_i - next_i)
            col_length = grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = grid_ratio / 2;       //these are fixed destinations, we need to dynamically
            destRow    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1; //pick destinations based on which cells are blocked or not
            type       = 0;
        //[ ][E]
        //[S][ ] 2.
        else if (current_i < next_i && current_j < next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1;
            destRow    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1;
            type       = 0;
        //[S] 3.
        else if (current_i == next_i && current_j < next_j)
            row_length = grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1;
            destRow    = grid_ratio / 2;
            type       = 0;
        //[E][ ]
        //[ ][S] 4.
        else if (current_i > next_i && current_j < next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i - 1);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1;
            destRow    = 0;
            type       = 1;
        //[E][S] 5.
        else if (current_i > next_i && current_j == next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            col_length = grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i - 1);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j);
            destCol    = grid_ratio / 2;
            destRow    = 0;
            type       = 1;
        //[ ][S]
        //[E][ ] 6.
        else if (current_i > next_i && current_j > next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i - 1);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j - 1);
            destCol    = 0;
            destRow    = 0;
            type       = 2;
        //[E] 7.
        else if (current_i == next_i && current_j > next_j)
            row_length = grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j - 1);
            destCol    = 0;
            destRow    = grid_ratio / 2;
            type       = 3;
        //[S][ ]
        //[ ][E]
        else if (current_i < next_i && current_j > next_j)
            row_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            col_length = 2 * grid_ratio;
            xOff       = grid_ratio * (current_i);
            zOff       = grid_ratio * (current_j - 1);
            destCol    = 0;
            destRow    = (2 * grid_ratio) - 1;
            type       = 3;

        //find the obstacles
        int[,] obstacle_grid = obs.Generate_grid(subGrid.cellSize, row_length, col_length, xOff, zOff);

        if (Path.Count == 0)                                               //if we are at the final supergrid location
            destRow = subGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item1 % grid_ratio; //subgrid cells per supergrid
            destCol = subGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item2 % grid_ratio;

            //needs to be done for negative indices
            if (destRow < 0)
                destRow = grid_ratio + destRow;

            if (destCol < 0)
                destCol = grid_ratio + destCol;

            //allows us to flowfield in all 4 quadrants
            switch (type)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                destRow = destRow + grid_ratio;

            case 2:
                destRow = destRow + grid_ratio;
                destCol = destCol + grid_ratio;

            case 3:
                destCol = destCol + grid_ratio;

        //get destination (find nearest unblocked cell)
        Pair <int, int> p = obs.find_nearest_unblocked(obstacle_grid, destRow, destCol, row_length, col_length);

        destRow = p.first;
        destCol = p.second;

        //make sure that the destination isn't entirely blocked
        //if it isn't, then we say that the cell is blocked
        switch (type)
        case 0:
            if (destRow < grid_ratio && destCol < grid_ratio)
                if (next_i != current_i || next_j != current_j)            //make sure we are not in the destination cell
                    aStarBlocked.Add(new Pair <int, int>(next_i, next_j)); //
                    buffer++;                                              //expand our search grid
                    getAstarPath(ref Path);                                //recalculate path

        case 1:
            //Debug.Log("Destrow is: " + destRow);
            //Debug.Log("Destcol is: " + destCol);
            if (destCol < grid_ratio && destRow >= grid_ratio)
                aStarBlocked.Add(new Pair <int, int>(next_i, next_j)); //
                buffer++;                                              //expand our search grid
                getAstarPath(ref Path);                                //recalculate path

         * case 2:
         * if (destRow >= grid_ratio && destCol >= grid_ratio)
         * {
         *  aStarBlocked.Add(new Pair<int, int>(next_i, next_j)); //
         *  buffer++; //expand our search grid
         *  getAstarPath(ref Path); //recalculate path
         *  return;
         * }
         * break;

        case 3:
            if (destRow < grid_ratio && destCol >= grid_ratio)
                aStarBlocked.Add(new Pair <int, int>(next_i, next_j)); //
                buffer++;                                              //expand our search grid
                getAstarPath(ref Path);                                //recalculate path

        default: break;

        Djikstra dijk = new Djikstra();

        //Debug.Log("Type = " + type);
        //Debug.Log("row_length: " + row_length + " col_length: " + col_length);
        //Debug.Log("destCol: " + destCol + " destRow: " + destRow);
        int[,] dijkstra = dijk.generate_djikstra_grid(row_length, col_length, obstacle_grid, new Pair <int, int>(destCol, destRow));

        //these values contextualize our Dijkstra grid for future use
        djgrid.grid       = dijkstra;
        djgrid.row_length = row_length;
        djgrid.col_length = col_length;
        djgrid.type       = type;
        djgrid.xOff       = xOff;
        djgrid.zOff       = zOff;

        //if there is no path, mark this astar cell as blocked
        if (djgrid.getValuefromObject(gameObject) == -1)
            //Debug.Log("next_i: " + next_i + " next_j: " + next_j);
            aStarBlocked.Add(new Pair <int, int>(next_i, next_j)); //
            buffer++;                                              //expand our search grid
            getAstarPath(ref Path);                                //recalculate path
        else if (djgrid.getValuefromObject(gameObject) == 0) //if we have reached an objective, but this function is still active for some reason, reset our pathfinding

        Generate_Flowfield field_obj = new Generate_Flowfield();

        Vector3[,] field = field_obj.generate_flowfield(row_length, col_length, dijkstra, xOff, zOff, subGrid.cellSize);

        //these values also contextualize our flowfield for future use
        Flowfield ff = new Flowfield();

        ff.flowfield  = field;
        ff.row_length = row_length;
        ff.col_length = col_length;
        ff.type       = type;
        ff.xOff       = xOff;
        ff.zOff       = zOff;

        GetComponent <unit_behavior>().ff_table.addFF(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), ff);    //add flowfield to dictionary and link by ID
    }//end function

    //generates stack for our flowfields
    void getAstarPath(ref Stack <Pair <int, int> > path)
        //Debug.Log("Starting cells: " + superGrid.worldToCell(transform.position));

        //extract position data from tuples
        int i_start = superGrid.worldToCell(transform.position).Item1;
        int j_start = superGrid.worldToCell(transform.position).Item2;
        int i_end   = superGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item1;
        int j_end   = superGrid.worldToCell(destination).Item2;
        var astar   = new Astar_search();

        //we need to perform a coordinate transform on our starting and destination
        //points and then re-transform them to get global coordinates


        /* // Suppose we originally draw a path from [1,1] to [3,2] on the current grid

        //The first step is to figure out how to index the array. For this example [1,1] should be [0,0]
        //and [3,2] should be [2,1]. That way we can calculate an Astar path with normalized indices (start point
        //equal to [0,0])

        //However, suppose we go from [3,0] to [1,3]
        //In this case [1,0] will become [0,0] and [1,3] will become [0,3] and [3,0] will become [2,0]

        //let's re-use our example of [1,1] to [3,2] again
        //if we create an array with width equal to (horizontal displacement x 2) + 1, and height equal to
        //(vertical displacement x 2) + 1, then we will have an array where our start position is at the center

        /* X = [1,1] and Y = [3,2]
         * [0][0][0][0][Y]
         * [0][0][X][0][0]
         * [0][0][0][0][0]

        //notice how 75% of this grid is space that will not be searched,
        //this is pretty inefficient. Instead of assuming a width of
        //displacement x2 - 1, we will do a width of displacement + 1 + a buffer (more about the buffer later)
        //our new grid looks like this:

        /* X = [1,1] and Y = [3,2]
         * [0][0][Y]
         * [X][0][0]
         * height = (2 - 1) + 1 = 2
         * width = (3 - 1) + 1 = 3
         * origin is at bottom-left, destination is at top-right

        //this works well for an example where we go north-east, north, or east. However different displacements
        //require different grids

        /* X = [3,0] and Y = [1,3]
         * [Y][0][0]
         * [0][0][0]
         * [0][0][0]
         * [0][0][X]

        //now the start point is in the bottom-right, and our end position is in the top-left
        //these positions are calculated based on which quadrant we start and end in, as well as the buffer size of the A*
        //this coordinate transform is what allows us to perform an A* in all directions in both positive and negative
        //world space

        int ROW = (Mathf.Abs(i_end - i_start)) + (2 * buffer) + 1; //figure out the size of the array to create
        int COL = (Mathf.Abs(j_end - j_start)) + (2 * buffer) + 1;

        int i_local_end   = 0;
        int j_local_end   = 0;
        int i_local_start = 0;
        int j_local_start = 0;
        int i_offset      = 0;
        int j_offset      = 0;

        //[ ][E]
        //[S][ ]
        if (i_end >= i_start && j_end >= j_start)
            i_local_start = buffer;
            j_local_start = buffer;
            i_local_end   = ROW - 1 - buffer;
            j_local_end   = COL - 1 - buffer;
        //[S][ ]
        //[ ][E]
        else if (i_end > i_start && j_end < j_start)
            i_local_start = buffer;
            j_local_start = COL - 1 - buffer;
            j_offset      = COL - 1 - (2 * buffer);
            i_local_end   = ROW - 1 - buffer;
            j_local_end   = buffer;
        //[ ][S]
        //[E][ ]
        else if (i_end <= i_start && j_end <= j_start)
            i_local_start = ROW - 1 - buffer;
            j_local_start = COL - 1 - buffer;
            i_offset      = ROW - 1 - (2 * buffer);
            j_offset      = COL - 1 - (2 * buffer);
            i_local_end   = buffer;
            j_local_end   = buffer;
        //[E][ ]
        //[ ][S]
        else if (i_end < i_start && j_end > j_start)
            i_local_start = ROW - 1 - buffer;
            j_local_start = buffer;
            i_offset      = ROW - 1 - (2 * buffer);
            i_local_end   = buffer;
            j_local_end   = COL - 1 - buffer;

        //Debug.Log("Ending cells: " + superGrid.worldToCell(destination));
        //Debug.Log("Buffer size: " + buffer);
        //Debug.Log("i_local_start: " + i_local_start + " j_local_start: " + j_local_start);
        //Debug.Log("i_local_end: " + i_local_end + " j_local_end: " + j_local_end);

        //This part updates our list of blocked cells before we calculate a new path
        //this is similar to a D* search

        var temp_grid = new int[ROW, COL];

        for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++)         //create an array of unblocked cells (1 open, 0 blocked)
            for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++)
                temp_grid[i, j] = 1;

        foreach (Pair <int, int> blockedCell in aStarBlocked)        //loop through the list of blocked cells and transform to local coordinates, then apply
            //apply the offset
            int i_index = ((blockedCell.first) - i_start + i_offset + buffer);
            int j_index = ((blockedCell.second) - j_start + j_offset + buffer);
            //Debug.Log("blocked_i_index: " + i_index + " blocked_j_index: " + j_index);

            if ((i_index < ROW && j_index < COL) && (i_index >= 0 && j_index >= 0))
                temp_grid[i_index, j_index] = 0;

            //if the destination is blocked, get the next best thing
            if ((i_index == i_local_end) && (j_index == j_local_end))
                //convert our blocked grid to a new format so we can find the closest unblocked neighbor
                int[,] new_grid = new int[ROW, COL];

                for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++)     //create an array of unblocked cells (Int32.MaxValue = BLOCKED)
                    for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++)
                        if (temp_grid[i, j] == 0)
                            new_grid[i, j] = Int32.MaxValue;     //our "find_nearest_unblocked" function only sees Int32.MaxValue as a blocked space

                //get a new pair of destination cells
                generate_obstacle_grid obstacle_helper = new generate_obstacle_grid();         //create this to use its' utility function
                Pair <int, int>        newDestPair     = obstacle_helper.find_nearest_unblocked(new_grid, i_local_end, j_local_end, ROW, COL);
                i_local_end = newDestPair.first;
                j_local_end = newDestPair.second;
                //Debug.Log("Rowsize = " + ROW + " Colsize = " + COL);
                //Debug.Log("new_dest_i: " + i_local_end + " new_dest_j: " + j_local_end);

        //finally calculate the new A star search
        astar.aStarSearch(temp_grid, new Pair <int, int>(i_local_start, j_local_start), new Pair <int, int>(i_local_end, j_local_end), ROW, COL, ref path);      //print A* stuff

        Stack <Pair <int, int> > temp_path = new Stack <Pair <int, int> >();

        //restore global coordinates

        //create temporary Stack that holds our restored path values
        while (!(path.Count == 0))          //while stack not empty
            Pair <int, int> p = path.Pop(); //get item off top of stack
            //re-apply the offset
            p.first  = ((p.first) + i_start - i_offset - buffer);
            p.second = ((p.second) + j_start - j_offset - buffer);

        //restore Stack
        while (!(temp_path.Count == 0))         //while stack not empty
    }//end getAStarPath