public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData storage, ref object instance, Type storageType) { var result = fsResult.Success; if (UseBool(storageType)) { if ((result += CheckType(storage, fsDataType.Boolean)).Succeeded) { instance = storage.AsBool; } return result; } if (UseDouble(storageType) || UseInt64(storageType)) { if (storage.IsDouble) { instance = Convert.ChangeType(storage.AsDouble, storageType); } else if (storage.IsInt64) { instance = Convert.ChangeType(storage.AsInt64, storageType); } else { return fsResult.Fail(GetType().Name + " expected number but got " + storage.Type + " in " + storage); } return fsResult.Success; } if (UseString(storageType)) { if ((result += CheckType(storage, fsDataType.String)).Succeeded) { instance = storage.AsString; } return result; } return fsResult.Fail(GetType().Name + ": Bad data; expected bool, number, string, but got " + storage); }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { var result = fsResult.Success; // Verify that we actually have an Object if ((result += CheckType(data, fsDataType.Object)).Failed) { return result; } fsMetaType metaType = fsMetaType.Get(storageType); for (int i = 0; i < metaType.Properties.Length; ++i) { fsMetaProperty property = metaType.Properties[i]; if (property.CanWrite == false) continue; fsData propertyData; if (data.AsDictionary.TryGetValue(property.Name, out propertyData)) { object deserializedValue = null; var itemResult = Serializer.TryDeserialize(propertyData, property.StorageType, ref deserializedValue); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) continue; property.Write(instance, deserializedValue); } } return result; }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { var instanceType = instance.GetType(); if (fsConfig.Serialize64BitIntegerAsString && (instanceType == typeof(Int64) || instanceType == typeof(UInt64))) { serialized = new fsData((string)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(string))); return fsResult.Success; } if (UseBool(instanceType)) { serialized = new fsData((bool)instance); return fsResult.Success; } if (UseInt64(instanceType)) { serialized = new fsData((Int64)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(Int64))); return fsResult.Success; } if (UseDouble(instanceType)) { serialized = new fsData((double)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(double))); return fsResult.Success; } if (UseString(instanceType)) { serialized = new fsData((string)Convert.ChangeType(instance, typeof(string))); return fsResult.Success; } serialized = null; return fsResult.Fail("Unhandled primitive type " + instance.GetType()); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { var database = Serializer.Context.Get<List<UnityEngine.Object>>(); var o = instance as UnityEngine.Object; var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < database.Count; i++){ if (ReferenceEquals(database[i], o)){ index = i; break; } } //this is done to avoid serializing 0 because it's default value of int and will not be printed, //which is done for performance. Thus we always start from index 1. if (database.Count == 0){ database.Add(null); } if (index <= 0){ index = database.Count; database.Add(o); } serialized = new fsData(index); return fsResult.Success; }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance_, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { var instance = (IEnumerable)instance_; var result = fsResult.Success; Type elementType = GetElementType(storageType); serialized = fsData.CreateList(HintSize(instance)); var serializedList = serialized.AsList; foreach (object item in instance) { fsData itemData; // note: We don't fail the entire deserialization even if the item failed var itemResult = Serializer.TrySerialize(elementType, item, out itemData); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) continue; serializedList.Add(itemData); } // Stacks iterate from back to front, which means when we deserialize we will deserialize // the items in the wrong order, so the stack will get reversed. if (IsStack(instance.GetType())) { serializedList.Reverse(); } return result; }
public override void OnBeforeDeserializeAfterInstanceCreation(Type storageType, object instance, ref fsData data) { if (instance is fsISerializationCallbacks == false) { throw new InvalidCastException("Please ensure the converter for " + storageType + " actually returns an instance of it, not an instance of " + instance.GetType()); } ((fsISerializationCallbacks)instance).OnBeforeDeserialize(storageType, ref data); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { // note: IList[index] is **significantly** faster than Array.Get, so make sure we use // that instead. IList arr = (Array)instance; Type elementType = storageType.GetElementType(); var result = fsResult.Success; serialized = fsData.CreateList(arr.Count); var serializedList = serialized.AsList; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; ++i) { object item = arr[i]; fsData serializedItem; var itemResult = Serializer.TrySerialize(elementType, item, out serializedItem); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) continue; serializedList.Add(serializedItem); } return result; }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { var result = fsResult.Success; // Verify that we actually have an List if ((result += CheckType(data, fsDataType.Array)).Failed) { return result; } Type elementType = storageType.GetElementType(); var serializedList = data.AsList; var list = new ArrayList(serializedList.Count); int existingCount = list.Count; for (int i = 0; i < serializedList.Count; ++i) { var serializedItem = serializedList[i]; object deserialized = null; if (i < existingCount) deserialized = list[i]; var itemResult = Serializer.TryDeserialize(serializedItem, elementType, ref deserialized); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) continue; if (i < existingCount) list[i] = deserialized; else list.Add(deserialized); } instance = list.ToArray(elementType); return result; }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = fsData.CreateDictionary(); var result = fsResult.Success; fsMetaType metaType = fsMetaType.Get(Serializer.Config, instance.GetType()); metaType.EmitAotData(); for (int i = 0; i < metaType.Properties.Length; ++i) { fsMetaProperty property = metaType.Properties[i]; if (property.CanRead == false) continue; fsData serializedData; var itemResult = Serializer.TrySerialize(property.StorageType, property.OverrideConverterType, property.Read(instance), out serializedData); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) { continue; } serialized.AsDictionary[property.JsonName] = serializedData; } return result; }
private static IEnumerable<string> Print(fsData data) { if (data.IsBool) { yield return "" + data.AsBool.ToString().ToLower() + ""; yield return " " + data.AsBool.ToString().ToLower() + ""; yield return " " + data.AsBool.ToString().ToLower() + " "; yield return " \n" + data.AsBool.ToString().ToLower() + "\n "; } else if (data.IsDouble) { yield return "" + ConvertDoubleToString(data.AsDouble) + ""; yield return " " + ConvertDoubleToString(data.AsDouble) + ""; yield return " " + ConvertDoubleToString(data.AsDouble) + " "; yield return " \n" + ConvertDoubleToString(data.AsDouble) + "\n "; } else if (data.IsInt64) { yield return "" + data.AsInt64 + ""; yield return " " + data.AsInt64 + ""; yield return " " + data.AsInt64 + " "; yield return " \n" + data.AsInt64 + "\n "; } else if (data.IsNull) { yield return "null"; yield return " null"; yield return " null "; yield return " \nnull\n "; } else if (data.IsString) { yield return "\"" + data.AsString + "\""; yield return " \"" + data.AsString + "\""; yield return "\"" + data.AsString + "\" "; yield return " \"" + data.AsString + "\" "; yield return "\n\"" + data.AsString + "\" \n "; } else if (data.IsList) { foreach (string permutation in Permutations(data.AsList, 0)) { yield return "[" + permutation + "]"; yield return " [" + permutation + "]"; yield return "[ " + permutation + "]"; yield return "[" + permutation + " ]"; yield return "[" + permutation + "] "; yield return " \n[\n" + permutation + "\n] \n"; } } else if (data.IsDictionary) { foreach (string permutation in Permutations(data.AsDictionary.ToList(), 0)) { yield return "{" + permutation + "}"; yield return " {" + permutation + "}"; yield return "{ " + permutation + "}"; yield return "{" + permutation + " }"; yield return "{" + permutation + "} "; yield return " \n{\n" + permutation + "\n} \n"; } } }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { var obj = (UnityObject)instance; var serializationOperator = Serializer.Context.Get<ISerializationOperator>(); int id = serializationOperator.StoreObjectReference(obj); return Serializer.TrySerialize<int>(id, out serialized); }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { Type objectType = (Type)instance; fsResult result = fsResult.Success; instance = JsonUtility.FromJson(fsJsonPrinter.CompressedJson(data), objectType); return result; }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { if (data.IsString) { instance = new Guid(data.AsString); return fsResult.Success; } return fsResult.Fail("fsGuidConverter encountered an unknown JSON data type"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the data in a pretty printed JSON format. /// </summary> public static string PrettyJson(fsData data) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb)) { BuildPrettyString(data, writer, 0); return sb.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the data in a relatively compressed JSON format. /// </summary> public static string CompressedJson(fsData data) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = new StringWriter(sb)) { BuildCompressedString(data, writer); return sb.ToString(); } }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance_, Type storageType) { var instance = (IEnumerable)instance_; var result = fsResult.Success; if ((result += CheckType(data, fsDataType.Array)).Failed) return result; if (data.AsList.Count == 0){ return fsResult.Success; } //Most used thus special care if (instance is IList){ var args = storageType.GetGenericArguments(); if (args.Length == 1){ var targetList = (IList)instance; var elementType = args[0]; for (var i = 0; i < data.AsList.Count; i++){ object item = null; Serializer.TryDeserialize(data.AsList[i], elementType, ref item); targetList.Add(item); } return fsResult.Success; } } // For general strategy, instance may already have items in it. We will try to deserialize into // the existing element. var elementStorageType = GetElementType(storageType); var addMethod = GetAddMethod(storageType); var getMethod = storageType.GetFlattenedMethod("get_Item"); var setMethod = storageType.GetFlattenedMethod("set_Item"); if (setMethod == null) TryClear(storageType, instance); var existingSize = TryGetExistingSize(storageType, instance); var serializedList = data.AsList; for (int i = 0; i < serializedList.Count; ++i) { var itemData = serializedList[i]; object itemInstance = null; if (getMethod != null && i < existingSize) { itemInstance = getMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { i }); } // note: We don't fail the entire deserialization even if the item failed var itemResult = Serializer.TryDeserialize(itemData, elementStorageType, ref itemInstance); result.AddMessages(itemResult); if (itemResult.Failed) continue; if (setMethod != null && i < existingSize) { setMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { i, itemInstance }); } else { addMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { itemInstance }); } } return result; }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { int index = -1; var result = Serializer.TryDeserialize<int>(data, ref index); if (index == -1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Error deserializing Unity object of type " + storageType + ". Index shouldn't be -1. Message: " + result.FormattedMessages); instance = serializedObjects[index]; return fsResult.Success; }
private static void BuildCompressedString(fsData data, TextWriter stream) { switch (data.Type) { case fsDataType.Null: stream.Write("null"); break; case fsDataType.Boolean: if (data.AsBool) stream.Write("true"); else stream.Write("false"); break; case fsDataType.Double: // doubles must *always* include a decimal stream.Write(ConvertDoubleToString(data.AsDouble)); break; case fsDataType.Int64: stream.Write(data.AsInt64); break; case fsDataType.String: stream.Write('"'); stream.Write(EscapeString(data.AsString)); stream.Write('"'); break; case fsDataType.Object: { stream.Write('{'); bool comma = false; foreach (var entry in data.AsDictionary) { if (comma) stream.Write(','); comma = true; stream.Write('"'); stream.Write(entry.Key); stream.Write('"'); stream.Write(":"); BuildCompressedString(entry.Value, stream); } stream.Write('}'); break; } case fsDataType.Array: { stream.Write('['); bool comma = false; foreach (var entry in data.AsList) { if (comma) stream.Write(','); comma = true; BuildCompressedString(entry, stream); } stream.Write(']'); break; } } }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance_, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = fsData.Null; var result = fsResult.Success; var instance = (IDictionary)instance_; Type keyStorageType, valueStorageType; GetKeyValueTypes(instance.GetType(), out keyStorageType, out valueStorageType); // No other way to iterate dictionaries and still have access to the // key/value info IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = instance.GetEnumerator(); bool allStringKeys = true; var serializedKeys = new List<fsData>(instance.Count); var serializedValues = new List<fsData>(instance.Count); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { fsData keyData, valueData; if ((result += Serializer.TrySerialize(keyStorageType, enumerator.Key, out keyData)).Failed) return result; if ((result += Serializer.TrySerialize(valueStorageType, enumerator.Value, out valueData)).Failed) return result; serializedKeys.Add(keyData); serializedValues.Add(valueData); allStringKeys &= keyData.IsString; } if (allStringKeys) { serialized = fsData.CreateDictionary(); var serializedDictionary = serialized.AsDictionary; for (int i = 0; i < serializedKeys.Count; ++i) { fsData key = serializedKeys[i]; fsData value = serializedValues[i]; serializedDictionary[key.AsString] = value; } } else { serialized = fsData.CreateList(serializedKeys.Count); var serializedList = serialized.AsList; for (int i = 0; i < serializedKeys.Count; ++i) { fsData key = serializedKeys[i]; fsData value = serializedValues[i]; var container = new Dictionary<string, fsData>(); container["Key"] = key; container["Value"] = value; serializedList.Add(new fsData(container)); } } return result; }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = fsData.Null; var result = fsResult.Success; fsMetaProperty property; if ((result += GetProperty(instance, out property)).Failed) return result; var actualInstance = property.Read(instance); return Serializer.TrySerialize(property.StorageType, actualInstance, out serialized); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the specified input. Returns a failure state if parsing failed. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input to parse.</param> /// <param name="data">The parsed data. This is undefined if parsing fails.</param> /// <returns>The parsed input.</returns> public static fsResult Parse(string input, out fsData data) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { data = default(fsData); return fsResult.Fail("No input"); } var context = new fsJsonParser(input); return context.RunParse(out data); }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType){ var database = Serializer.Context.Get<List<UnityEngine.Object>>(); var index = (int)data.AsInt64; if (index >= database.Count) return fsResult.Warn("A Unity Object reference has not been deserialized"); instance = database[index]; return fsResult.Success; }
/// <summary> /// Construct an object instance that will be passed to TryDeserialize. This should **not** /// deserialize the object. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data the object was serialized with.</param> /// <param name="storageType">The field/property type that is storing the instance.</param> /// <returns>An object instance</returns> public virtual object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { if (RequestCycleSupport(storageType)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Please override CreateInstance for " + GetType().FullName + "; the object graph for " + storageType + " can contain potentially contain cycles, so separated instance creation " + "is needed"); } return storageType; }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { if (data.IsString == false) { return fsResult.Fail("Type converter requires a string"); } instance = fsTypeLookup.GetType(data.AsString); if (instance == null) { return fsResult.Fail("Unable to find type " + data.AsString); } return fsResult.Success; }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { var serializationOperator = Serializer.Context.Get<ISerializationOperator>(); int id = default(int); var fail = Serializer.TryDeserialize(data, ref id); if (fail.Failed) return fail; instance = serializationOperator.RetrieveObjectReference(id); return fsResult.Success; }
public override void OnBeforeDeserialize(Type storageType, ref fsData data) { if (data.IsNull){ return; } var json = data.AsDictionary; fsData typeData; if (json.TryGetValue("$type", out typeData)){ var serializedType = ReflectionTools.GetType( typeData.AsString ); if (serializedType == null || serializedType == typeof(MissingConnection)){ //TargetType is either the one missing or the one previously stored as missing in the MissingConnection. var targetFullTypeName = serializedType == null? typeData.AsString : json["missingType"].AsString; //Try find type with same name in some other namespace that is subclass of Connection var typeNameWithoutNS = targetFullTypeName.Split('.').LastOrDefault(); foreach(var type in ReflectionTools.GetAllTypes()){ if (type.Name == typeNameWithoutNS && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(NodeCanvas.Framework.Connection))){ json["$type"] = new fsData(type.FullName); return; } } } //Handle missing serialized Connection type if (serializedType == null){ //inject the 'MissingConnection' type and store recovery serialization state. //recoveryState and missingType are serializable members of MissingConnection. json["recoveryState"] = new fsData( data.ToString() ); json["missingType"] = new fsData( typeData.AsString ); json["$type"] = new fsData( typeof(MissingConnection).FullName ); } //Recover possible found serialized type if (serializedType == typeof(MissingConnection)){ //Does the missing type now exists? If so recover var missingType = ReflectionTools.GetType( json["missingType"].AsString ); if (missingType != null){ var recoveryState = json["recoveryState"].AsString; var recoverJson = fsJsonParser.Parse(recoveryState).AsDictionary; //merge the recover state *ON TOP* of the current state, thus merging only Declared recovered members json = json.Concat( recoverJson.Where( kvp => !json.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) ) ).ToDictionary( c => c.Key, c => c.Value ); json["$type"] = new fsData( missingType.FullName ); data = new fsData( json ); } } } }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { var result = fsResult.Success; fsMetaProperty property; if ((result += GetProperty(instance, out property)).Failed) return result; object actualInstance = null; if ((result += Serializer.TryDeserialize(data, property.StorageType, ref actualInstance)).Failed) return result; property.Write(instance, actualInstance); return result; }
public override void OnBeforeDeserialize(Type storageType, ref fsData data) { if (data.IsNull) return; var json = data.AsDictionary; if (json.ContainsKey("$type")){ var serializedType = ReflectionTools.GetType( json["$type"].AsString ); //Handle missing serialized Node type if (serializedType == null){ //inject the 'MissingTask' type and store recovery serialization state json["recoveryState"] = new fsData( data.ToString() ); json["missingType"] = new fsData( json["$type"].AsString ); Type missingNodeType = null; if (storageType == typeof(ActionTask)) missingNodeType = typeof(MissingAction); if (storageType == typeof(ConditionTask)) missingNodeType = typeof(MissingCondition); if (missingNodeType == null){ Debug.LogError("Can't resolve missing Task type"); return; } json["$type"] = new fsData( missingNodeType.FullName ); //There is no way to know DecalredOnly properties to save just them instead of the whole object since we dont have an actual type } //Recover possible found serialized type if (serializedType == typeof(MissingAction) || serializedType == typeof(MissingCondition)){ //Does the missing type now exists? If so recover var missingType = ReflectionTools.GetType( json["missingType"].AsString ); if (missingType != null){ var recoveryState = json["recoveryState"].AsString; var recoverJson = fsJsonParser.Parse(recoveryState).AsDictionary; //merge the recover state *ON TOP* of the current state, thus merging only Declared recovered members json = json.Concat( recoverJson.Where( kvp => !json.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) ) ).ToDictionary( c => c.Key, c => c.Value ); json["$type"] = new fsData( missingType.FullName ); data = new fsData( json ); } } } }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { if (data.IsString == false) { return fsResult.Fail("Date deserialization requires a string, not " + data.Type); } if (storageType == typeof(DateTime)) { DateTime result; if (DateTime.TryParse(data.AsString, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out result)) { instance = result; return fsResult.Success; } // DateTime.TryParse can fail for some valid DateTime instances. // Try to use Convert.ToDateTime. if (fsGlobalConfig.AllowInternalExceptions) { try { instance = Convert.ToDateTime(data.AsString); return fsResult.Success; } catch (Exception e) { return fsResult.Fail("Unable to parse " + data.AsString + " into a DateTime; got exception " + e); } } return fsResult.Fail("Unable to parse " + data.AsString + " into a DateTime"); } if (storageType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { DateTimeOffset result; if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(data.AsString, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out result)) { instance = result; return fsResult.Success; } return fsResult.Fail("Unable to parse " + data.AsString + " into a DateTimeOffset"); } if (storageType == typeof(TimeSpan)) { TimeSpan result; if (TimeSpan.TryParse(data.AsString, out result)) { instance = result; return fsResult.Success; } return fsResult.Fail("Unable to parse " + data.AsString + " into a TimeSpan"); } throw new InvalidOperationException("FullSerializer Internal Error -- Unexpected deserialization type"); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { var obj = instance as UnityObject; int idx = serializedObjects.IndexOf(obj); if (idx == -1) { Serializer.TrySerialize<int>(serializedObjects.Count, out serialized); serializedObjects.Add(obj); } else Serializer.TrySerialize<int>(idx, out serialized); return fsResult.Success; }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new LayerMask()); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new SaveFile_HeadData()); }
private fsResult DeserializeImportedComponents(fsData fsData, GameObject gameObject, Mod mod) { fsResult fsResult = fsResult.Success; if ((fsResult += CheckType(fsData, fsDataType.Object)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } Dictionary <string, fsData> dict = fsData.AsDictionary; // Restore components on this gameobject fsData components; if ((fsResult += CheckKey(dict, "Components", out components)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } if (!components.IsNull) { if ((fsResult += CheckType(components, fsDataType.Array)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } foreach (fsData componentData in components.AsList) { // Get type name string typeName; if ((fsResult += DeserializeMember(componentData.AsDictionary, null, "$type", out typeName)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } // Add component and deserialize Type type = FindType(mod, typeName); if (type == null) { return(fsResult += fsResult.Fail(string.Format("Failed to find type {0}.", typeName))); } object instance = gameObject.AddComponent(type); if ((fsResult += fsSerializer.TryDeserialize(componentData, type, ref instance)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } } } // Restore components on children fsData children; if ((fsResult += CheckKey(dict, "Children", out children)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } if (!children.IsNull) { if ((fsResult += CheckType(children, fsDataType.Object)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, fsData> childData in children.AsDictionary) { Transform child = gameObject.transform.Find(childData.Key); if (child == null) { return(fsResult += fsResult.Fail(string.Format("{0} not found on {1}", childData.Key,; } if ((fsResult += DeserializeImportedComponents(childData.Value, child.gameObject, mod)).Failed) { return(fsResult); } } } return(fsResult); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new GUIStyle()); }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance_, Type storageType) { IDictionary instance = (IDictionary)instance_; fsResult result = fsResult.Success; Type keyStorageType, valueStorageType; GetKeyValueTypes(instance.GetType(), out keyStorageType, out valueStorageType); if (data.IsList) { List <fsData> list = data.AsList; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { fsData item = list[i]; fsData keyData, valueData; if ((result += CheckType(item, fsDataType.Object)).Failed) { return(result); } if ((result += CheckKey(item, "Key", out keyData)).Failed) { return(result); } if ((result += CheckKey(item, "Value", out valueData)).Failed) { return(result); } object keyInstance = null, valueInstance = null; if ((result += Serializer.TryDeserialize(keyData, keyStorageType, ref keyInstance)).Failed) { return(result); } if ((result += Serializer.TryDeserialize(valueData, valueStorageType, ref valueInstance)).Failed) { return(result); } AddItemToDictionary(instance, keyInstance, valueInstance); } } else if (data.IsDictionary) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, fsData> entry in data.AsDictionary) { if (fsSerializer.IsReservedKeyword(entry.Key)) { continue; } fsData keyData = new fsData(entry.Key), valueData = entry.Value; object keyInstance = null, valueInstance = null; if ((result += Serializer.TryDeserialize(keyData, keyStorageType, ref keyInstance)).Failed) { return(result); } if ((result += Serializer.TryDeserialize(valueData, valueStorageType, ref valueInstance)).Failed) { return(result); } AddItemToDictionary(instance, keyInstance, valueInstance); } } else { return(FailExpectedType(data, fsDataType.Array, fsDataType.Object)); } return(result); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { LogSystem.InstallDefaultReactors(); VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials(); fsData data = null; string result = null; string credentialsFilepath = "../sdk-credentials/credentials.json"; // Load credentials file if it exists. If it doesn't exist, don't run the tests. if (File.Exists(credentialsFilepath)) { result = File.ReadAllText(credentialsFilepath); } else { yield break; } // Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types. result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES"); // Convert json to fsResult fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials object obj = vcapCredentials; r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Set credentials from imported credntials Credential credential = vcapCredentials.GetCredentialByname("text-to-speech-sdk")[0].Credentials; // Create credential and instantiate service TokenOptions tokenOptions = new TokenOptions() { IamApiKey = credential.IamApikey, }; // Create credential and instantiate service Credentials credentials = new Credentials(tokenOptions, credential.Url); // Wait for tokendata while (!credentials.HasIamTokenData()) { yield return(null); } _textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(credentials); //// Synthesize //Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting synthesize."); //_textToSpeech.Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Allison; //_textToSpeech.ToSpeech(HandleToSpeechCallback, OnFail, _testString, true); //while (!_synthesizeTested) // yield return null; //// Synthesize Conversation string //Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting synthesize a string as returned by Watson Conversation."); //_textToSpeech.Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Allison; //_textToSpeech.ToSpeech(HandleConversationToSpeechCallback, OnFail, _testConversationString, true); //while (!_synthesizeConversationTested) // yield return null; // Get Voices Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get voices."); _textToSpeech.GetVoices(OnGetVoices, OnFail); while (!_getVoicesTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Voice Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get voice {0}.", VoiceType.en_US_Allison); _textToSpeech.GetVoice(OnGetVoice, OnFail, VoiceType.en_US_Allison); while (!_getVoiceTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Pronunciation Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get pronunciation of {0}", _testWord); _textToSpeech.GetPronunciation(OnGetPronunciation, OnFail, _testWord, VoiceType.en_US_Allison); while (!_getPronuciationTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Customizations Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a list of customizations"); _textToSpeech.GetCustomizations(OnGetCustomizations, OnFail); while (!_getCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Customization Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to create a customization"); _textToSpeech.CreateCustomization(OnCreateCustomization, OnFail, _customizationName, _customizationLanguage, _customizationDescription); while (!_createCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Customization Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a customization"); if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomization(OnGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Failed to get custom voice model!"); } while (!_getCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Customization Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to update a customization"); Word[] wordsToUpdateCustomization = { new Word() { word = "hello", translation = "hullo" }, new Word() { word = "goodbye", translation = "gbye" }, new Word() { word = "hi", translation = "ohioooo" } }; _customVoiceUpdate = new CustomVoiceUpdate() { words = wordsToUpdateCustomization, description = "My updated description", name = "My updated name" }; if (!_textToSpeech.UpdateCustomization(OnUpdateCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, _customVoiceUpdate)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.UpdateCustomization()", "Failed to update customization!"); } while (!_updateCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Customization Words Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get a customization's words"); if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords(OnGetCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWords()", "Failed to get {0} words!", _createdCustomizationId); } while (!_getCustomizationWordsTested) { yield return(null); } // Add Customization Words Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to add words to a customization"); Word[] wordArrayToAddToCustomization = { new Word() { word = "bananna", translation = "arange" }, new Word() { word = "orange", translation = "gbye" }, new Word() { word = "tomato", translation = "tomahto" } }; Words wordsToAddToCustomization = new Words() { words = wordArrayToAddToCustomization }; if (!_textToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords(OnAddCustomizationWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordsToAddToCustomization)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.AddCustomizationWords()", "Failed to add words to {0}!", _createdCustomizationId); } while (!_addCustomizationWordsTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Customization Word Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to get the translation of a custom voice model's word."); string customIdentifierWord = wordsToUpdateCustomization[0].word; if (!_textToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord(OnGetCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, customIdentifierWord)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.GetCustomizationWord()", "Failed to get the translation of {0} from {1}!", customIdentifierWord, _createdCustomizationId); } while (!_getCustomizationWordTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Customization Word Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to delete customization word from custom voice model."); string wordToDelete = "goodbye"; if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord(OnDeleteCustomizationWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId, wordToDelete)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomizationWord()", "Failed to delete {0} from {1}!", wordToDelete, _createdCustomizationId); } while (!_deleteCustomizationWordTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Customization Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Attempting to delete a customization"); if (!_textToSpeech.DeleteCustomization(OnDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationId)) { Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.DeleteCustomization()", "Failed to delete custom voice model!"); } while (!_deleteCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } Log.Debug("TestTextToSpeech.RunTest()", "Text to Speech examples complete."); yield break; }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new DynamicFloat()); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(fsMetaType.Get(storageType).CreateInstance()); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { Parameters parameters = (Parameters)instance; serialized = null; Dictionary <string, fsData> serialization = new Dictionary <string, fsData>(); if (parameters.text != null) { serialization.Add("text", new fsData(parameters.text)); } if (parameters.url != null) { serialization.Add("url", new fsData(parameters.url)); } if (parameters.html != null) { serialization.Add("html", new fsData(parameters.html)); } if (parameters.clean != null) { serialization.Add("clean", new fsData((bool)parameters.clean)); } if (parameters.xpath != null) { serialization.Add("xpath", new fsData(parameters.xpath)); } if (parameters.fallback_to_raw != null) { serialization.Add("fallback_to_raw", new fsData((bool)parameters.fallback_to_raw)); } if (parameters.return_analyzed_text != null) { serialization.Add("return_analyzed_text", new fsData((bool)parameters.return_analyzed_text)); } if (parameters.xpath != null) { serialization.Add("xpath", new fsData(parameters.xpath)); } if (parameters.limit_text_characters != null) { serialization.Add("limit_text_characters", new fsData((int)parameters.limit_text_characters)); } fsData tempData = null; _serializer.TrySerialize(parameters.features, out tempData); serialization.Add("features", tempData); serialized = new fsData(serialization); return(fsResult.Success); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance_, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = fsData.Null; fsResult result = fsResult.Success; IDictionary instance = (IDictionary)instance_; Type keyStorageType, valueStorageType; GetKeyValueTypes(instance.GetType(), out keyStorageType, out valueStorageType); // No other way to iterate dictionaries and still have access to the // key/value info IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = instance.GetEnumerator(); bool allStringKeys = true; List <fsData> serializedKeys = new List <fsData>(instance.Count); List <fsData> serializedValues = new List <fsData>(instance.Count); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { fsData keyData, valueData; if ((result += Serializer.TrySerialize(keyStorageType, enumerator.Key, out keyData)).Failed) { return(result); } if ((result += Serializer.TrySerialize(valueStorageType, enumerator.Value, out valueData)).Failed) { return(result); } serializedKeys.Add(keyData); serializedValues.Add(valueData); allStringKeys &= keyData.IsString; } if (allStringKeys) { serialized = fsData.CreateDictionary(); Dictionary <string, fsData> serializedDictionary = serialized.AsDictionary; for (int i = 0; i < serializedKeys.Count; ++i) { fsData key = serializedKeys[i]; fsData value = serializedValues[i]; serializedDictionary[key.AsString] = value; } } else { serialized = fsData.CreateList(serializedKeys.Count); List <fsData> serializedList = serialized.AsList; for (int i = 0; i < serializedKeys.Count; ++i) { fsData key = serializedKeys[i]; fsData value = serializedValues[i]; Dictionary <string, fsData> container = new Dictionary <string, fsData>(); container["Key"] = key; container["Value"] = value; serializedList.Add(new fsData(container)); } } return(result); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, System.Type storageType) { return(new DynamicString()); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { LogSystem.InstallDefaultReactors(); VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials(); fsData data = null; string result = null; string credentialsFilepath = "../sdk-credentials/credentials.json"; // Load credentials file if it exists. If it doesn't exist, don't run the tests. if (File.Exists(credentialsFilepath)) { result = File.ReadAllText(credentialsFilepath); } else { yield break; } // Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types. result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES"); // Convert json to fsResult fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials object obj = vcapCredentials; r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Set credentials from imported credntials Credential credential = vcapCredentials.GetCredentialByname("visual-recognition-sdk-cf")[0].Credentials; _apikey = credential.ApiKey.ToString(); _url = credential.Url.ToString(); // Create credential and instantiate service Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_apikey, _url); _visualRecognition = new VisualRecognition(credentials); _visualRecognition.VersionDate = _visualRecognitionVersionDate; // Get all classifiers Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to get all classifiers"); if (!_visualRecognition.GetClassifiersBrief(OnGetClassifiers, OnFail)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.GetClassifiers()", "Failed to get all classifiers!"); } while (!_getClassifiersTested) { yield return(null); } #if TRAIN_CLASSIFIER _isClassifierReady = false; // Train classifier Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to train classifier"); string positiveExamplesPath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/visual-recognition-classifiers/"; string negativeExamplesPath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/visual-recognition-classifiers/"; Dictionary <string, string> positiveExamples = new Dictionary <string, string>(); positiveExamples.Add("giraffe", positiveExamplesPath); if (!_visualRecognition.TrainClassifier(OnTrainClassifier, OnFail, "unity-test-classifier-ok-to-delete", positiveExamples, negativeExamplesPath)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.TrainClassifier()", "Failed to train classifier!"); } while (!_trainClassifierTested) { yield return(null); } // Find classifier by ID Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to find classifier by ID"); if (!_visualRecognition.GetClassifier(OnGetClassifier, OnFail, _classifierID)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.GetClassifier()", "Failed to get classifier!"); } while (!_getClassifierTested) { yield return(null); } #endif // Classify get Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to get classify via URL"); if (!_visualRecognition.Classify(_imageURL, OnClassifyGet, OnFail)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.Classify()", "Classify image failed!"); } while (!_classifyGetTested) { yield return(null); } // Classify post image Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to classify via image on file system"); string imagesPath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/visual-recognition-classifiers/giraffe_to_classify.jpg"; string[] owners = { "IBM", "me" }; string[] classifierIDs = { "default", _classifierID }; if (!_visualRecognition.Classify(OnClassifyPost, OnFail, imagesPath, owners, classifierIDs, 0.5f)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.Classify()", "Classify image failed!"); } while (!_classifyPostTested) { yield return(null); } // Detect faces get Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to detect faces via URL"); if (!_visualRecognition.DetectFaces(_imageURL, OnDetectFacesGet, OnFail)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.DetectFaces()", "Detect faces failed!"); } while (!_detectFacesGetTested) { yield return(null); } // Detect faces post image Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to detect faces via image"); string faceExamplePath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/visual-recognition-classifiers/obama.jpg"; if (!_visualRecognition.DetectFaces(OnDetectFacesPost, OnFail, faceExamplePath)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.DetectFaces()", "Detect faces failed!"); } while (!_detectFacesPostTested) { yield return(null); } #if DELETE_TRAINED_CLASSIFIER Runnable.Run(IsClassifierReady(_classifierToDelete)); while (!_isClassifierReady) { yield return(null); } // Download Core ML Model Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to get Core ML Model"); if (!_visualRecognition.GetCoreMLModel(OnGetCoreMLModel, OnFail, _classifierID)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.GetCoreMLModel()", "Failed to get core ml model!"); } while (!_getCoreMLModelTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete classifier by ID Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Attempting to delete classifier"); if (!_visualRecognition.DeleteClassifier(OnDeleteClassifier, OnFail, _classifierToDelete)) { Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.DeleteClassifier()", "Failed to delete classifier!"); } while (!_deleteClassifierTested) { yield return(null); } #endif Log.Debug("TestVisualRecognition.RunTest()", "Visual Recogition tests complete"); yield break; }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { LogSystem.InstallDefaultReactors(); VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials(); fsData data = null; string result = null; string credentialsFilepath = "../sdk-credentials/credentials.json"; // Load credentials file if it exists. If it doesn't exist, don't run the tests. if (File.Exists(credentialsFilepath)) { result = File.ReadAllText(credentialsFilepath); } else { yield break; } // Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types. result = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(result, "VCAP_SERVICES"); // Convert json to fsResult fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(result, out data); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials object obj = vcapCredentials; r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Set credentials from imported credntials Credential credential = vcapCredentials.GetCredentialByname("assistant-sdk")[0].Credentials; // Create credential and instantiate service TokenOptions tokenOptions = new TokenOptions() { IamApiKey = credential.IamApikey, }; Credentials credentials = new Credentials(tokenOptions, credential.Url); _workspaceId = credential.WorkspaceId.ToString(); // Wait for tokendata while (!credentials.HasIamTokenData()) { yield return(null); } _service = new Assistant(credentials); _service.VersionDate = _assistantVersionDate; // List Workspaces _service.ListWorkspaces(OnListWorkspaces, OnFail); while (!_listWorkspacesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Workspace CreateWorkspace workspace = new CreateWorkspace() { Name = _createdWorkspaceName, Description = _createdWorkspaceDescription, Language = _createdWorkspaceLanguage, LearningOptOut = true }; _service.CreateWorkspace(OnCreateWorkspace, OnFail, workspace); while (!_createWorkspaceTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Workspace _service.GetWorkspace(OnGetWorkspace, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_getWorkspaceTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Workspace UpdateWorkspace updateWorkspace = new UpdateWorkspace() { Name = _createdWorkspaceName + "-updated", Description = _createdWorkspaceDescription + "-updated", Language = _createdWorkspaceLanguage }; _service.UpdateWorkspace(OnUpdateWorkspace, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updateWorkspace); while (!_updateWorkspaceTested) { yield return(null); } // Message with customerID // Create customData object Dictionary <string, object> customData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // Create a dictionary of custom headers Dictionary <string, string> customHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // Add to the header dictionary customHeaders.Add("X-Watson-Metadata", "customer_id=" + _unitySdkTestCustomerID); // Add the header dictionary to the custom data object customData.Add(Constants.String.CUSTOM_REQUEST_HEADERS, customHeaders); Dictionary <string, object> input = new Dictionary <string, object>(); input.Add("text", _inputString); MessageRequest messageRequest = new MessageRequest() { Input = input }; _service.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, _workspaceId, messageRequest, null, customData); while (!_messageTested) { yield return(null); } _messageTested = false; input["text"] = _conversationString0; MessageRequest messageRequest0 = new MessageRequest() { Input = input, Context = _context }; _service.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, _workspaceId, messageRequest0); while (!_messageTested) { yield return(null); } _messageTested = false; input["text"] = _conversationString1; MessageRequest messageRequest1 = new MessageRequest() { Input = input, Context = _context }; _service.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, _workspaceId, messageRequest1); while (!_messageTested) { yield return(null); } _messageTested = false; input["text"] = _conversationString2; MessageRequest messageRequest2 = new MessageRequest() { Input = input, Context = _context }; _service.Message(OnMessage, OnFail, _workspaceId, messageRequest2); while (!_messageTested) { yield return(null); } // List Intents _service.ListIntents(OnListIntents, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_listIntentsTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Intent CreateIntent createIntent = new CreateIntent() { Intent = _createdIntent, Description = _createdIntentDescription }; _service.CreateIntent(OnCreateIntent, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, createIntent); while (!_createIntentTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Intent _service.GetIntent(OnGetIntent, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdIntent); while (!_getIntentTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Intents string updatedIntent = _createdIntent + "-updated"; string updatedIntentDescription = _createdIntentDescription + "-updated"; UpdateIntent updateIntent = new UpdateIntent() { Intent = updatedIntent, Description = updatedIntentDescription }; _service.UpdateIntent(OnUpdateIntent, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdIntent, updateIntent); while (!_updateIntentTested) { yield return(null); } // List Examples _service.ListExamples(OnListExamples, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent); while (!_listExamplesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Examples CreateExample createExample = new CreateExample() { Text = _createdExample }; _service.CreateExample(OnCreateExample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent, createExample); while (!_createExampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Example _service.GetExample(OnGetExample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent, _createdExample); while (!_getExampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Examples string updatedExample = _createdExample + "-updated"; UpdateExample updateExample = new UpdateExample() { Text = updatedExample }; _service.UpdateExample(OnUpdateExample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent, _createdExample, updateExample); while (!_updateExampleTested) { yield return(null); } // List Entities _service.ListEntities(OnListEntities, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_listEntitiesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Entities CreateEntity entity = new CreateEntity() { Entity = _createdEntity, Description = _createdEntityDescription }; _service.CreateEntity(OnCreateEntity, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, entity); while (!_createEntityTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Entity _service.GetEntity(OnGetEntity, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdEntity); while (!_getEntityTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Entities string updatedEntity = _createdEntity + "-updated"; string updatedEntityDescription = _createdEntityDescription + "-updated"; UpdateEntity updateEntity = new UpdateEntity() { Entity = updatedEntity, Description = updatedEntityDescription }; _service.UpdateEntity(OnUpdateEntity, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdEntity, updateEntity); while (!_updateEntityTested) { yield return(null); } // List Values _service.ListValues(OnListValues, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity); while (!_listValuesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Values CreateValue value = new CreateValue() { Value = _createdValue }; _service.CreateValue(OnCreateValue, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, value); while (!_createValueTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Value _service.GetValue(OnGetValue, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, _createdValue); while (!_getValueTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Values string updatedValue = _createdValue + "-updated"; UpdateValue updateValue = new UpdateValue() { Value = updatedValue }; _service.UpdateValue(OnUpdateValue, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, _createdValue, updateValue); while (!_updateValueTested) { yield return(null); } // List Synonyms _service.ListSynonyms(OnListSynonyms, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue); while (!_listSynonymsTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Synonyms CreateSynonym synonym = new CreateSynonym() { Synonym = _createdSynonym }; _service.CreateSynonym(OnCreateSynonym, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue, synonym); while (!_createSynonymTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Synonym _service.GetSynonym(OnGetSynonym, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue, _createdSynonym); while (!_getSynonymTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Synonyms string updatedSynonym = _createdSynonym + "-updated"; UpdateSynonym updateSynonym = new UpdateSynonym() { Synonym = updatedSynonym }; _service.UpdateSynonym(OnUpdateSynonym, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue, _createdSynonym, updateSynonym); while (!_updateSynonymTested) { yield return(null); } // List Dialog Nodes _service.ListDialogNodes(OnListDialogNodes, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_listDialogNodesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Dialog Nodes CreateDialogNode createDialogNode = new CreateDialogNode() { DialogNode = _dialogNodeName, Description = _dialogNodeDesc }; _service.CreateDialogNode(OnCreateDialogNode, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, createDialogNode); while (!_createDialogNodeTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Dialog Node _service.GetDialogNode(OnGetDialogNode, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _dialogNodeName); while (!_getDialogNodeTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Dialog Nodes string updatedDialogNodeName = _dialogNodeName + "_updated"; string updatedDialogNodeDescription = _dialogNodeDesc + "_updated"; UpdateDialogNode updateDialogNode = new UpdateDialogNode() { DialogNode = updatedDialogNodeName, Description = updatedDialogNodeDescription }; _service.UpdateDialogNode(OnUpdateDialogNode, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _dialogNodeName, updateDialogNode); while (!_updateDialogNodeTested) { yield return(null); } // List Logs In Workspace _service.ListLogs(OnListLogs, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_listLogsInWorkspaceTested) { yield return(null); } // List All Logs var filter = "(language::en,request.context.metadata.deployment::deployment_1)"; _service.ListAllLogs(OnListAllLogs, OnFail, filter); while (!_listAllLogsTested) { yield return(null); } // List Counterexamples _service.ListCounterexamples(OnListCounterexamples, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_listCounterexamplesTested) { yield return(null); } // Create Counterexamples CreateCounterexample example = new CreateCounterexample() { Text = _createdCounterExampleText }; _service.CreateCounterexample(OnCreateCounterexample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, example); while (!_createCounterexampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Get Counterexample _service.GetCounterexample(OnGetCounterexample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdCounterExampleText); while (!_getCounterexampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Update Counterexamples string updatedCounterExampleText = _createdCounterExampleText + "-updated"; UpdateCounterexample updateCounterExample = new UpdateCounterexample() { Text = updatedCounterExampleText }; _service.UpdateCounterexample(OnUpdateCounterexample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, _createdCounterExampleText, updateCounterExample); while (!_updateCounterexampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Counterexample _service.DeleteCounterexample(OnDeleteCounterexample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedCounterExampleText); while (!_deleteCounterexampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Dialog Node _service.DeleteDialogNode(OnDeleteDialogNode, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedDialogNodeName); while (!_deleteDialogNodeTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Synonym _service.DeleteSynonym(OnDeleteSynonym, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue, updatedSynonym); while (!_deleteSynonymTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Value _service.DeleteValue(OnDeleteValue, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity, updatedValue); while (!_deleteValueTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Entity _service.DeleteEntity(OnDeleteEntity, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedEntity); while (!_deleteEntityTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Example _service.DeleteExample(OnDeleteExample, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent, updatedExample); while (!_deleteExampleTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Intent _service.DeleteIntent(OnDeleteIntent, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId, updatedIntent); while (!_deleteIntentTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete Workspace _service.DeleteWorkspace(OnDeleteWorkspace, OnFail, _createdWorkspaceId); while (!_deleteWorkspaceTested) { yield return(null); } // Delete User Data _service.DeleteUserData(OnDeleteUserData, OnFail, _unitySdkTestCustomerID); while (!_deleteUserDataTested) { yield return(null); } Log.Debug("TestAssistant.RunTest()", "Assistant examples complete."); yield break; }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { // In .NET compact, Enum.ToObject(Type, Object) is defined but the overloads like // Enum.ToObject(Type, int) are not -- so we get around this by boxing the value. return(Enum.ToObject(storageType, (object)0)); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new AnimationCurve()); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = new fsData(((LooseAssemblyName)instance).name); return(fsResult.Success); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(fsMetaType.Get(Serializer.Config, storageType).CreateInstance()); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { serialized = new fsData(((Namespace)instance).FullName); return(fsResult.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. /// </summary> public bool Equals(fsData other) { if (other == null || Type != other.Type) { return(false); } switch (Type) { case fsDataType.Null: return(true); case fsDataType.Double: return(AsDouble == other.AsDouble || Math.Abs(AsDouble - other.AsDouble) < double.Epsilon); case fsDataType.Int64: return(AsInt64 == other.AsInt64); case fsDataType.Boolean: return(AsBool == other.AsBool); case fsDataType.String: return(AsString == other.AsString); case fsDataType.Array: var thisList = AsList; var otherList = other.AsList; if (thisList.Count != otherList.Count) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < thisList.Count; ++i) { if (thisList[i].Equals(otherList[i]) == false) { return(false); } } return(true); case fsDataType.Object: var thisDict = AsDictionary; var otherDict = other.AsDictionary; if (thisDict.Count != otherDict.Count) { return(false); } foreach (string key in thisDict.Keys) { if (otherDict.ContainsKey(key) == false) { return(false); } if (thisDict[key].Equals(otherDict[key]) == false) { return(false); } } return(true); } throw new Exception("Unknown data type"); }
public override void OnAfterSerialize(Type storageType, object instance, ref fsData data) { ((fsISerializationCallbacks)instance).OnAfterSerialize(storageType, ref data); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new WeakReference(null)); }
public override fsResult TryDeserialize(fsData data, ref object instance, Type storageType) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(null); }
void OnMessage(object resp, Dictionary <string, object> customData) { // Convert resp to fsdata fsData fsdata = null; fsResult r = _serializer.TrySerialize(resp.GetType(), resp, out fsdata); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Convert fsdata to MessageResponse MessageResponse messageResponse = new MessageResponse(); object obj = messageResponse; r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(fsdata, obj.GetType(), ref obj); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } if (resp != null && (messageResponse.intents.Length > 0 || messageResponse.entities.Length > 0)) { string intent = messageResponse.intents[0].intent; Debug.Log("Intent: " + intent); string currentMat = null; string currentScale = null; string direction = null; if (intent == "move") { foreach (RuntimeEntity entity in messageResponse.entities) { Debug.Log("entityType: " + entity.entity + " , value: " + entity.value); direction = entity.value; gameManager.MoveObject(direction); } } if (intent == "create") { bool createdObject = false; foreach (RuntimeEntity entity in messageResponse.entities) { Debug.Log("entityType: " + entity.entity + " , value: " + entity.value); if (entity.entity == "material") { currentMat = entity.value; } if (entity.entity == "scale") { currentScale = entity.value; } else if (entity.entity == "object") { gameManager.CreateObject(entity.value, currentMat, currentScale); createdObject = true; currentMat = null; currentScale = null; } } if (!createdObject) { gameManager.PlayError(sorryClip); } } else if (intent == "destroy") { gameManager.DestroyAtPointer(); } else if (intent == "help") { if (helpClips.Count > 0) { gameManager.PlayClip(helpClips[Random.Range(0, helpClips.Count)]); } } } else { Debug.Log("Failed to invoke OnMessage();"); } }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new UnityEngine.Vector2()); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { LogSystem.InstallDefaultReactors(); try { VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials(); fsData data = null; // Get credentials from a credential file defined in environmental variables in the VCAP_SERVICES format. // See var environmentalVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_SERVICES"); var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(environmentalVariable); // Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types. fileContent = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(fileContent, "VCAP_SERVICES"); // Convert json to fsResult fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(fileContent, out data); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials object obj = vcapCredentials; r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj); if (!r.Succeeded) { throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages); } // Set credentials from imported credntials Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["speech_to_text"][TestCredentialIndex].Credentials; _username = credential.Username.ToString(); _password = credential.Password.ToString(); _url = credential.Url.ToString(); } catch { Log.Debug("TestSpeechToText.RunTest()", "Failed to get credentials from VCAP_SERVICES file. Please configure credentials to run this test. For more information, see:"); } // Create credential and instantiate service Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url); // Or authenticate using token //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url) //{ // AuthenticationToken = _token //}; _speechToText = new SpeechToText(credentials); _customCorpusFilePath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/theJabberwocky-utf8.txt"; _customWordsFilePath = Application.dataPath + "/Watson/Examples/ServiceExamples/TestData/test-stt-words.json"; _acousticResourceMimeType = Utility.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(_acousticResourceUrl)); Runnable.Run(DownloadAcousticResource()); while (!_isAudioLoaded) { yield return(null); } // Recognize Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to recognize"); List <string> keywords = new List <string>(); keywords.Add("speech"); _speechToText.KeywordsThreshold = 0.5f; _speechToText.InactivityTimeout = 120; _speechToText.StreamMultipart = false; _speechToText.Keywords = keywords.ToArray(); _speechToText.Recognize(HandleOnRecognize, OnFail, _acousticResourceData, _acousticResourceMimeType); while (!_recognizeTested) { yield return(null); } // Get models Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get models"); _speechToText.GetModels(HandleGetModels, OnFail); while (!_getModelsTested) { yield return(null); } // Get model Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get model {0}", _modelNameToGet); _speechToText.GetModel(HandleGetModel, OnFail, _modelNameToGet); while (!_getModelTested) { yield return(null); } // Get customizations Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customizations"); _speechToText.GetCustomizations(HandleGetCustomizations, OnFail); while (!_getCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Create customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting create customization"); _speechToText.CreateCustomization(HandleCreateCustomization, OnFail, "unity-test-customization", "en-US_BroadbandModel", "Testing customization unity"); while (!_createCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Get customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.GetCustomization(HandleGetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_getCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Get custom corpora Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpora for {0}", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.GetCustomCorpora(HandleGetCustomCorpora, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_getCustomCorporaTested) { yield return(null); } // Add custom corpus Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName); string corpusData = File.ReadAllText(_customCorpusFilePath); _speechToText.AddCustomCorpus(HandleAddCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName, true, corpusData); while (!_addCustomCorpusTested) { yield return(null); } // Get custom corpus Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName); _speechToText.GetCustomCorpus(HandleGetCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName); while (!_getCustomCorpusTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization Runnable.Run(CheckCustomizationStatus(_createdCustomizationID)); while (!_isCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // Get custom words Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom words."); _speechToText.GetCustomWords(HandleGetCustomWords, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_getCustomWordsTested) { yield return(null); } // Add custom words from path Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words json path {1}", _createdCustomizationID, _customWordsFilePath); string customWords = File.ReadAllText(_customWordsFilePath); _speechToText.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromPath, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, customWords); while (!_addCustomWordsFromPathTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization _isCustomizationReady = false; Runnable.Run(CheckCustomizationStatus(_createdCustomizationID)); while (!_isCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // Add custom words from object Words words = new Words(); Word w0 = new Word(); List <Word> wordList = new List <Word>(); w0.word = "mikey"; w0.sounds_like = new string[1]; w0.sounds_like[0] = "my key"; w0.display_as = "Mikey"; wordList.Add(w0); Word w1 = new Word(); w1.word = "charlie"; w1.sounds_like = new string[1]; w1.sounds_like[0] = "char lee"; w1.display_as = "Charlie"; wordList.Add(w1); Word w2 = new Word(); w2.word = "bijou"; w2.sounds_like = new string[1]; w2.sounds_like[0] = "be joo"; w2.display_as = "Bijou"; wordList.Add(w2); words.words = wordList.ToArray(); Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to add custom words in customization {0} using Words object", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.AddCustomWords(HandleAddCustomWordsFromObject, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words); while (!_addCustomWordsFromObjectTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization _isCustomizationReady = false; Runnable.Run(CheckCustomizationStatus(_createdCustomizationID)); while (!_isCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // Get custom word Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word); _speechToText.GetCustomWord(HandleGetCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[0].word); while (!_getCustomWordTested) { yield return(null); } // Train customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.TrainCustomization(HandleTrainCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_trainCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization _isCustomizationReady = false; Runnable.Run(CheckCustomizationStatus(_createdCustomizationID)); while (!_isCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // Upgrade customization - not currently implemented in service //Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to upgrade customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID); //_speechToText.UpgradeCustomization(HandleUpgradeCustomization, _createdCustomizationID); //while (!_upgradeCustomizationTested) // yield return null; // Delete custom word Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom word {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word); _speechToText.DeleteCustomWord(HandleDeleteCustomWord, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, words.words[2].word); while (!_deleteCustomWordTested) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } _readyToContinue = false; // Delete custom corpus Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete custom corpus {1} in customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName); _speechToText.DeleteCustomCorpus(HandleDeleteCustomCorpus, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID, _createdCorpusName); while (!_deleteCustomCorpusTested) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } _readyToContinue = false; // Reset customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.ResetCustomization(HandleResetCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_resetCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete environment for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } _readyToContinue = false; // Delete customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to delete customization {0}", _createdCustomizationID); _speechToText.DeleteCustomization(HandleDeleteCustomization, OnFail, _createdCustomizationID); while (!_deleteCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // List acoustic customizations Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customizations"); _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticModels(HandleGetCustomAcousticModels, OnFail); while (!_getAcousticCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Create acoustic customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create acoustic customization"); _speechToText.CreateAcousticCustomization(HandleCreateAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelName); while (!_createAcousticCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Get acoustic customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId); _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticModel(HandleGetCustomAcousticModel, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId); while (!_getAcousticCustomizationTested) { yield return(null); } while (!_isAudioLoaded) { yield return(null); } // Create acoustic resource Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to create audio resource {1} on {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName); string mimeType = Utility.GetMimeType(Path.GetExtension(_acousticResourceUrl)); _speechToText.AddAcousticResource(HandleAddAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName, mimeType, mimeType, true, _acousticResourceData); while (!_addAcousticResourcesTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false; Runnable.Run(CheckAcousticCustomizationStatus(_createdAcousticModelId)); while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // List acoustic resources Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resources {0}", _createdAcousticModelId); _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticResources(HandleGetCustomAcousticResources, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId); while (!_getAcousticResourcesTested) { yield return(null); } // Train acoustic customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to train acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId); _speechToText.TrainAcousticCustomization(HandleTrainAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, null, true); while (!_trainAcousticCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Get acoustic resource Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to get audio resource {1} from {0}", _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName); _speechToText.GetCustomAcousticResource(HandleGetCustomAcousticResource, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId, _acousticResourceName); while (!_getAcousticResourceTested) { yield return(null); } // Wait for customization _isAcousticCustomizationReady = false; Runnable.Run(CheckAcousticCustomizationStatus(_createdAcousticModelId)); while (!_isAcousticCustomizationReady) { yield return(null); } // Delete acoustic resource DeleteAcousticResource(); while (!_deleteAcousticResource) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic resource for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } // Reset acoustic customization Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", "Attempting to reset acoustic customization {0}", _createdAcousticModelId); _speechToText.ResetAcousticCustomization(HandleResetAcousticCustomization, OnFail, _createdAcousticModelId); while (!_resetAcousticCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying delete acoustic customization for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } // Delete acoustic customization DeleteAcousticCustomization(); while (!_deleteAcousticCustomizationsTested) { yield return(null); } // Delay Log.Debug("ExampleSpeechToText.Examples()", string.Format("Delaying complete for {0} sec", _delayTimeInSeconds)); Runnable.Run(Delay(_delayTimeInSeconds)); while (!_readyToContinue) { yield return(null); } Log.Debug("TestSpeechToText.RunTest()", "Speech to Text examples complete."); yield break; }
public override object CreateInstance(fsData data, Type storageType) { return(new EventData()); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { Features features = (Features)instance; serialized = null; Dictionary <string, fsData> serialization = new Dictionary <string, fsData>(); fsData tempData = null; if (features.concepts != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.concepts, out tempData); serialization.Add("concepts", tempData); } if (features.emotion != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.emotion, out tempData); serialization.Add("emotion", tempData); } if (features.entities != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.entities, out tempData); serialization.Add("entities", tempData); } if (features.keywords != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.keywords, out tempData); serialization.Add("keywords", tempData); } if (features.metadata != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.metadata, out tempData); serialization.Add("metadata", tempData); } if (features.relations != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.relations, out tempData); serialization.Add("relations", tempData); } if (features.semantic_roles != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.semantic_roles, out tempData); serialization.Add("semantic_roles", tempData); } if (features.sentiment != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.sentiment, out tempData); serialization.Add("sentiment", tempData); } if (features.categories != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(features.categories, out tempData); serialization.Add("categories", tempData); } serialized = new fsData(serialization); return(fsResult.Success); }
public override fsResult TrySerialize(object instance, out fsData serialized, Type storageType) { QueryLarge queryLarge = (QueryLarge)instance; serialized = null; Dictionary <string, fsData> serialization = new Dictionary <string, fsData>(); fsData tempData = null; if (queryLarge.Filter != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Filter, out tempData); serialization.Add("filter", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Query != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Query, out tempData); serialization.Add("query", tempData); } if (queryLarge.NaturalLanguageQuery != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.NaturalLanguageQuery, out tempData); serialization.Add("natural_language_query", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Passages != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Passages, out tempData); serialization.Add("passages", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Aggregation != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Aggregation, out tempData); serialization.Add("aggregation", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Count != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Count, out tempData); serialization.Add("count", tempData); } if (queryLarge.ReturnFields != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.ReturnFields, out tempData); serialization.Add("return", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Offset != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Offset, out tempData); serialization.Add("offset", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Sort != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Sort, out tempData); serialization.Add("sort", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Highlight != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Highlight, out tempData); serialization.Add("highlight", tempData); } if (queryLarge.PassagesFields != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.PassagesFields, out tempData); serialization.Add("passages.fields", tempData); } if (queryLarge.PassagesCount != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.PassagesCount, out tempData); serialization.Add("passages.count", tempData); } if (queryLarge.PassagesCharacters != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.PassagesCharacters, out tempData); serialization.Add("passages.characters", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Deduplicate != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Deduplicate, out tempData); serialization.Add("deduplicate", tempData); } if (queryLarge.DeduplicateField != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.DeduplicateField, out tempData); serialization.Add("deduplicate.field", tempData); } if (queryLarge.CollectionIds != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.CollectionIds, out tempData); serialization.Add("collection_ids", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Similar != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Similar, out tempData); serialization.Add("similar", tempData); } if (queryLarge.SimilarDocumentIds != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.SimilarDocumentIds, out tempData); serialization.Add("similar.document_ids", tempData); } if (queryLarge.SimilarFields != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.SimilarFields, out tempData); serialization.Add("similar.fields", tempData); } if (queryLarge.Bias != null) { _serializer.TrySerialize(queryLarge.Bias, out tempData); serialization.Add("bias", tempData); } serialized = new fsData(serialization); return(fsResult.Success); }