Esempio n. 1
    private void LoadData()
        string strConnection = SQL_CONNECTION_STRING;

        // Display a status message saying that we're attempting to connect to SQL Server.
        // This only needs to be done the very first time a connection is
        // attempted.  After we've determined that MSDE or SQL Server is
        // installed, this message no longer needs to be displayed.

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect first to the local SQL server instance,
        // if that is not successful try a local
        // MSDE installation (with the Northwind DB).

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
            try {
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in to SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group on your local machine for this to work. No password or user id is
                // included in this type of string.

                SqlConnection northwindConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnection);

                // The SqlDataAdapter is used to populate a Dataset

                SqlDataAdapter ProductAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT * "
                    + "FROM products",

                // Populate the Dataset with the information from the products
                // table.  Since a Dataset can hold multiple result sets, it's
                // a good idea to "name" the result set when you populate the
                // DataSet.  In this case, the result set is named "Products".

                ProductAdapter.Fill(dsProducts, PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME);

                //create the dataview; use a constructor to specify
                // the sort, filter criteria for performance purposes

                dvProducts = new DataView(dsProducts.Tables["products"], "", DEFAULT_SORT, DataViewRowState.OriginalRows);

                // Data has been retrieved successfully
                // Signal to break out of the loop by setting isConnecting to false.

                IsConnecting = false;

                //Handle the situation where a connection attempt has failed
            } catch
                if (strConnection == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.

                    strConnection = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE

                    MessageBox.Show("To run this sample, you must have SQL " +
                                    "or MSDE with the Northwind database installed.  For " +
                                    "instructions on installing MSDE, view  Readthis.",
                                    CAPTION_TITLE, CAPTION_BUTTON, CAPTION_ICON);
                    //quit the program; could not connect to either SQL Server

Esempio n. 2
    private void InitDataSets()
        // Display a status message box saying that we are attempting to connect.
        // This only needs to be done the first time a connection is attempted.
        // After we have determined that MSDE or SQL Server is installed, this

        // message no longer needs to be displayed

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        if (HasConnected == false)
            frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect to SQL server or MSDE

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);


                // Connection successful

                IsConnecting = false;

                HasConnected = true;


                // Since this the first time a conection is made
                // The table being used for this How-To must be created
                // Instantiate Command Object to execute SQL Statements

                SqlCommand cmInitSQL = new SqlCommand();

                // Attach the command to the connection

                cmInitSQL.Connection = con;

                // Set the command type to Text

                cmInitSQL.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                // Drop ProductsDS table if it exists.

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ProductsDS]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) " + "DROP TABLE [dbo].[ProductsDS] ";

                // Execute the statement


                // Drop ProductsTDS table if it exists.

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ProductsTDS]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) " + "DROP TABLE [dbo].[ProductsTDS] ";

                // Execute the statement


                // Create ProductsDS Table

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductsDS] ( " + "[ProductID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY ," + "[ProductName] [nvarchar] (40) NOT NULL , " + "[SupplierID] [int] NULL , " + "[CategoryID] [int] NULL , " + "[QuantityPerUnit] [nvarchar] (20) NULL , " + "[UnitPrice] [money] NULL , " + "[UnitsInStock] [smallint] NULL , " + "[UnitsOnOrder] [smallint] NULL , " + "[ReorderLevel] [smallint] NULL , " + "[Discontinued] [bit] NOT NULL )";

                // Execute the statement


                // Create ProductsTDS Table

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductsTDS] ( " + "[ProductID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY ," + "[ProductName] [nvarchar] (40) NOT NULL , " + "[SupplierID] [int] NULL , " + "[CategoryID] [int] NULL , " + "[QuantityPerUnit] [nvarchar] (20) NULL , " + "[UnitPrice] [money] NULL , " + "[UnitsInStock] [smallint] NULL , " + "[UnitsOnOrder] [smallint] NULL , " + "[ReorderLevel] [smallint] NULL , " + "[Discontinued] [bit] NOT NULL )";

                // Execute the statement


                // Insert data into new table from products table in northwind

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ProductsDS " + "(ProductName,SupplierID,CategoryID," + "QuantityPerUnit,UnitPrice,UnitsInStock," + "UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel, Discontinued) " + "SELECT ProductName,SupplierID,CategoryID," + "QuantityPerUnit,UnitPrice,UnitsInStock," + "UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel, Discontinued FROM Products";


                // Insert data into new table from products table in northwind

                cmInitSQL.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ProductsTDS " + "(ProductName,SupplierID,CategoryID," + "QuantityPerUnit,UnitPrice,UnitsInStock," + "UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel, Discontinued) " + "SELECT ProductName,SupplierID,CategoryID," + "QuantityPerUnit,UnitPrice,UnitsInStock," + "UnitsOnOrder,ReorderLevel, Discontinued FROM Products";



                // Create command object to pull data for datasets

                SqlCommand cmdProductsDS = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM ProductsDS", con);

                SqlCommand cmdProductsTDS = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM ProductsTDS", con);

                // create instances of the dataset and typed dataset

                tdsNorthwind = new Northwind();

                dsNorthwind = new DataSet();

                // Use the sqldataadapter to fill datasets

                SqlDataAdapter daLocal = new SqlDataAdapter();

                // Select command for Typed Dataset

                daLocal.SelectCommand = cmdProductsTDS;

                // Fill typed Dataset

                daLocal.Fill(tdsNorthwind, "ProductsTDS");

                // Select command for Untyped Dataset

                daLocal.SelectCommand = cmdProductsDS;

                // Fill untyped Dataset

                daLocal.Fill(dsNorthwind, "ProductsDS");

            catch (SqlException e)
                if (Connectionstring == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL server. Now try MSDE

                    Connectionstring = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;

                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE


                    MessageBox.Show("To run this sample you must have SQL Server ot MSDE with " + "the Northwind database installed.  For instructions on " + "installing MSDE, view the Readme file.", "SQL Server/MSDE not found");

                    // Quit program if neither connection method was successful.
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "General Error");
Esempio n. 3
    // Close the frmStatusMessage when the connection is completed, regardless
    //   of success.

    private void m_DAL_ConnectionCompleted(string success)
Esempio n. 4
    // This routine creates the XML data document used for the hash comparison.

    void CreateOriginalProductsList()
        // Display a status message saying that the user is attempting to connect.
        // This only needs to be done the very first time a connection is
        // attempted.  After we've determined that MSDE or SQL Server is
        // installed, this message no longer needs to be displayed.

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        if (!DidPreviouslyConnect)
            frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect to the local SQL server instance, and a local
        // MSDE installation (with Northwind).

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
            try {
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group for this to work.

                SqlConnection scnnNW = new SqlConnection(strConn);
                string        strSQL = "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice " +
                                       "FROM Products";

                // A SqlCommand object is used to execute the SQL commands.

                SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, scnnNW);

                // A SqlDataAdapter uses the SqlCommand object to fill a DataSet.

                SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(scmd);

                // Create a new Dataset and fill its first DataTable.

                DataSet dsProducts = new DataSet();

                // Persist the Dataset to XML.

                try {
                } catch (Exception exp)
                    MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                // The data has been successfully retrieved, so break out of the loop
                // and close the status form.

                IsConnecting         = false;
                DidPreviouslyConnect = true;
            } catch (SqlException expSql)
                MessageBox.Show(expSql.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                if (strConn == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.
                    strConn = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE
                    MessageBox.Show(CONNECTION_ERROR_MSG, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Esempio n. 5
    private void BindDataGrid()
        // Display a status message saying that we're attempting to connect.
        // This only needs to be done the very first time a connection is
        // attempted.  After we've determined that MSDE or SQL Server is
        // installed, this message no longer needs to be displayed.

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        if (!DidPreviouslyConnect)
            frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect to the local SQL server instance, and a local
        // MSDE installation (with Northwind).

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
            try {
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group for this to work.

                SqlConnection northwindConnection = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);

                // The SqlDataAdapter is used to move data between SQL Server,

                // and a DataSet.

                SqlDataAdapter ProductAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock FROM products", northwindConnection);

                // Populate the Dataset with the information from the products

                // table.  Since a Dataset can hold multiple result sets, it's

                // a good idea to "name" the result set when you populate the

                // DataSet.  In this case, the result set is named "Products".

                ProductAdapter.Fill(ProductData, PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME);

                // Data has been successfully retrieved, so break out of the loop.

                IsConnecting = false;

                DidPreviouslyConnect = true;
            } catch
                if (Connectionstring == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.
                    Connectionstring = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE
                    MessageBox.Show("To run this sample, you must have SQL " +
                                    "or MSDE with the Northwind database installed.  For " +
                                    "instructions on installing MSDE, view the ReadMe file.");


        // Bind the DataGrid to the desired table in the DataSet. This

        // will cause the product information to display.

        grdProducts.DataSource = ProductData.Tables[PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME];
Esempio n. 6
    private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        if (!didPreviouslyConnect)
            frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        bool isConnecting = true;

        while (isConnecting)
            try {
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group for this to work.  You must also have Nortiwind installed
                // in either SQL Server, or the MSDE sample database.  See the
                // readme for details.

                SqlConnection northwindConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);

                // The SqlDataAdapter is used to move data between SQL Server,
                // and a DataSet.

                SqlDataAdapter ProductAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "select * from products",

                // Clear out any old data that has been previously loaded into
                // the DataSet


                // Populate the Dataset with the information from the products
                // table.  Since a Dataset can hold multiple result sets, it's
                // a good idea to "name" the result set when you populate the
                // DataSet.  In this case, the result set is named "Products".

                ProductAdapter.Fill(ProductData, PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME);

                // Bind the DataGrid to the desired table in the DataSet. This
                // will cause the product information to display.

                grdProducts.DataSource = ProductData.Tables[PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME];

                // Now that the grid is populated, let the user filter the results.

                btnFilter.Enabled = true;
                isConnecting      = false;
                if (connectionstring == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.
                    connectionstring = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE
                                    "Connection Failed!", MessageBoxButtons.OK,


Esempio n. 7
    // Creates a connection to the database and uses a SqlDataAdapter
    // object to fill a DataSet.

    protected DataSet GetDataSource()
        // Display a status message saying that we're attempting to connect.
        // This only needs to be done the very first time a connection is
        // attempted.  After we've determined that MSDE or SQL Server is
        // installed, this message no longer needs to be displayed.

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();
        DataSet   dsProducts       = null;

        if (!DidPreviouslyConnect)
            frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect to the local SQL server instance, and a local
        // MSDE installation (with Northwind).

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
            try {
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group for this to work.

                SqlConnection cnNorthwind = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);

                // The SqlDataAdapter is used to move data between SQL Server,
                // and a DataSet.

                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock " +
                    "FROM products", cnNorthwind);

                dsProducts = new DataSet();

                // Populate the Dataset with the information from the products
                // table.  Since a Dataset can hold multiple result sets, it's
                // a good idea to "name" the result set when you populate the
                // DataSet.  In this case, the result set is named "Products".

                da.Fill(dsProducts, "Products");

                // Data has been successfully retrieved, so break out of the loop
                // and close the status form.

                IsConnecting         = false;
                DidPreviouslyConnect = true;
            } catch
                if (connectionstring == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.

                    connectionstring = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE

                    MessageBox.Show("To run this sample, you must have SQL " +
                                    "or MSDE with the Northwind database installed.  For " +
                                    "instructions on installing MSDE, view the ReadMe file.",
                                    "Connection Problem", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

Esempio n. 8
    private void frmMain_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        string strConnection = SQL_CONNECTION_STRING;

        // Display a status message saying that we're attempting to connect to SQL Server.

        // This only needs to be done the very first time a connection is

        // attempted.  After we've determined that MSDE or SQL Server is

        // installed, this message no longer needs to be displayed.

        frmStatus frmStatusMessage = new frmStatus();

        frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to SQL Server");

        // Attempt to connect first to the local SQL server instance,

        // if that is not successful try a local

        // MSDE installation (with the Northwind DB).

        bool IsConnecting = true;

        while (IsConnecting)
                // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
                // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
                // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
                // must have a login in to SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
                // group on your local machine for this to work. No password or user id is
                // included in this type of string.

                SqlConnection northwindConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnection);

                // The SqlDataAdapter is used to populate a Dataset

                SqlDataAdapter ProductAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductName,UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder FROM products", northwindConnection);

                // Populate the Dataset with the information from the products
                // table.  Since a Dataset can hold multiple result sets, it's
                // a good idea to "name" the result set when you populate the
                // DataSet.  In this case, the result set is named "Products".

                ProductAdapter.Fill(dsProducts, PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME);

                //create the dataview; use a constructor to specify
                // the sort, filter criteria for performance purposes

                dvProducts = new DataView(dsProducts.Tables["products"], DEFAULT_FILTER, DEFAULT_SORT, DataViewRowState.OriginalRows);

                // Data has been retrieved successfully
                // Signal to break out of the loop by setting isConnecting to false.

                IsConnecting = false;

                //Handle the situation where a connection attempt has failed
            catch (Exception exc)
                if (strConnection == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.

                    strConnection = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;

                    frmStatusMessage.Show("Connecting to MSDE");
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE


                    MessageBox.Show("To run this sample, you must have SQL " + "or MSDE with the Northwind database installed.  For " + "instructions on installing MSDE, view  Readthis.", CAPTION_TITLE);

                    //quit the program; could not connect to either SQL Server



        // Bind the DataGrid to the dataview created above

        grdProducts.DataSource = dvProducts;

        //Populate the combo box for productName filtering.

        // Allow a user to select the first letter of products that they wish to view

        cboProducts.Items.AddRange(new Object[] { "<ALL>", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" });

        cboProducts.Text = "<ALL>";

        //Populate the combo box for UnitsInStock filtering

        // Allow the usual arithmetic comparision operators

        cboCompare.Items.AddRange(new Object[] { "<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">" });

        cboCompare.Text = "<";

        //Display labeling status information

        lblRecords.Text = STATUS_MESSAGE + this.dsProducts.Tables[PRODUCT_TABLE_NAME].Rows.Count.ToString();

        grdProducts.CaptionText = CAPTION_MESSAGE_ORIG;

        lblSort.Text = DEFAULT_SORT;

        lblFilter.Text = DEFAULT_FILTER;