/// <summary>
        /// Gets each file within a directory and checks to see if the room gameobject already exists.
        /// if it does not exist it pushes the room to a stack to be read
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Dir"></param>
        public void LoadRoom(DirectoryInfo Dir)
            foreach (FileInfo f in Dir.GetFiles())
                fileToLoad file = new fileToLoad();
                int        numNameComponents = f.Name.Split('.').Length;

                file.filePath = f.FullName;
                file.name     = f.Name.Split('.')[0];
                string extension = '.' + f.Name.Split('.')[numNameComponents - 1];

                if (extension.Equals(Config.Current.Room.TangoFileExtension))
                    bool cached = false;
                    foreach (GameObject g in roomList)
                        if (g.name == file.name)
                            cached = true;
                    if (cached == false)
Esempio n. 2
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (FilesToLoad.Count > 0)
         fileToLoad f = FilesToLoad.Pop();
         ReadRoom(f.filePath, f.name);
        void Update()
            if (FilesToLoad.Count > 0)
                fileToLoad f = FilesToLoad.Pop();
                ReadRoom(f.filePath, f.name);
