public object answer(fflib_InvocationOnMock invocation)
     actualInvocation = invocation;
     string argument = (string)invocation.getArgument(1);
     System.assertNotEquals(null, argument, " the argument should have some value");
     argument = argument.replace("Hi", "Bye");
     return argument;
            public object answer(fflib_InvocationOnMock invocation)
                actualInvocation = invocation;
                    object noExistingObj = invocation.getArgument(-1);
                    System.assert(false, "an exception was expected because the argument index cannot be negative");
                catch (fflib_ApexMocks.ApexMocksException exp)
                    string expectedMessage = "Invalid index, must be greater or equal to zero and less of 2.";
                    string actualMessage = exp.getMessage();
                    System.assertEquals(expectedMessage, actualMessage, "the message return by the exception is not as expected");

                return null;