Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Comments(int id)
            IEnumerable <CommentModel> comments;

            using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities())
                using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities())
                    var listUsers    = new List <AspNetUser>(entCommon.AspNetUsers);
                    var listComments = new List <Comment>(entVote.Comments);

                    // Do a join to listUsers to get the UserName
                    comments = (from c in listComments
                                join u in listUsers on c.UserID equals u.UserID
                                where (c.AnswerID == id)
                                select new CommentModel
                        Author = u.UserName,
                        Text = c.Comment1,
                        UserID = u.UserID
            return(Json(comments, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 2
        // GET: Comment View
        public ActionResult Index(int id)   // id is answerID (e.g., 10 for Minato Sushi Restaurant)
            // If user is logged in, get UserID and set it to ViewBag to pass to the View.
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities())
                    var userName = User.Identity.Name;

                    var userID = (from i in entCommon.AspNetUsers
                                  where i.UserName == User.Identity.Name
                                  select i.UserID).FirstOrDefault();

                    ViewBag.UserName = userName;
                    ViewBag.UserID   = userID.ToString();
                ViewBag.UserID = "0";

            using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities())
                var answer = (from o in entVote.Answers
                              where o.AnswerID == id
                              select new { o.TopicID, o.Title }).FirstOrDefault();

                ViewBag.AnswerTitle = answer.Title;

                var topic = (from t in entVote.Topics
                             where t.TopicID == answer.TopicID
                             select new { t.Topic1, t.TopicURL }).FirstOrDefault();

                // Topic title and id to be passed into comments view to create ReturnURL
                ViewBag.TopicTitle    = topic.Topic1;
                ViewBag.TopicTitleURL = topic.TopicURL;
                ViewBag.TopicID       = answer.TopicID.ToString();

            ViewBag.AnswerID = id.ToString();

            // Get base URL (e.g.,
            ViewBag.BaseUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/";

            IEnumerable <CommentModel> comments;

            using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities())
                using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities())
                    var listUsers    = new List <AspNetUser>(entCommon.AspNetUsers);
                    var listComments = new List <Comment>(entVote.Comments);

                    // Do a join to listUsers to get the UserName
                    comments = (from c in listComments
                                join u in listUsers on c.UserID equals u.UserID
                                where (c.AnswerID == id)
                                select new CommentModel
                        Author = u.UserName,
                        Text = c.Comment1,
                        UserID = u.UserID

Esempio n. 3
        // POST
        public void Common(string Filter, string FilterData)
            string jsonReturn = "";

                switch (Filter)
                case "ErrorHandle":      // log error into eusCommon.dbo.Admin_ErrorLog
                    // Parse out JSON data
                    JObject o = JObject.Parse(FilterData);

                    string user          = o.SelectToken("user").ToString();
                    string detail        = o.SelectToken("detail").ToString();
                    string action        = o.SelectToken("action").ToString();
                    string errorLocation = o.SelectToken("errorLocation").ToString();
                    string level         = o.SelectToken("level").ToString();

                    if (level == "high")
                        // email admin to notify !!

                    using (eusCommonEntities ent = new eusCommonEntities())
                        Admin_ErrorLog log = new Admin_ErrorLog();

                        log.User          = user;
                        log.Action        = action;
                        log.Details       = detail;
                        log.ErrorLocation = errorLocation;
                        log.Level         = level;
                        log.Timestamp     = DateTime.Now;
                        log.IsOpen        = true;



                case "Email":
                    // Send email !

                    //var seriesContent = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    //        {
                    //            {"error", "true"} , {"message", "Controller: eusVote_Topic.Topic doesn't have matching filter for filter = " + Filter }
                    //        };

                    //jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var seriesContent = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "user", "inside catch" }, { "detail", ex.ToString() }, { "action", "Failed to log error." },
                    { "errorLocation", "CommonController > ErrorHandle " }

                jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent);

                // Log error
                CommonController cont = new CommonController();
                cont.Common("ErrorHandle", jsonReturn);

            //return jsonReturn;