Esempio n. 1
 private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
     if (axMapControl1.LayerCount > 0)
         esriTOCControlItem pItem = new esriTOCControlItem();
         pGlobalFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
         IBasicMap pBasicMap = new MapClass();
         object    pOther    = new object();
         object    pIndex    = new object();
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pBasicMap, ref player, ref pOther, ref pIndex);
     if (e.button == 2)
         contextMenuStrip1.Show(axTOCControl1, e.x, e.y);
     if (axMapControl1.LayerCount > 0)
         esriTOCControlItem pItem = new esriTOCControlItem();
         pGlobalFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
         IBasicMap pBasicMap = new MapClass();
         object    pOther    = new object();
         object    pIndex    = new object();
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pBasicMap, ref player, ref pOther, ref pIndex);
     if (e.button == 2)
         contextMenuStrip1.Show(axTOCControl1, e.x, e.y);
        private void axTOCControl1_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)
            object unk  = null;
            object data = null;

            // 双击TOCControl控件时触发的事件
            esriTOCControlItem itemType = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          basicMap = null;
            ILayer             layer    = null;

            this.axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref itemType, ref basicMap, ref layer, ref unk, ref data);
            if (e.button == 1)
                if (itemType == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
                    ILegendClass pLegendClass = ((ILegendGroup)unk).get_Class((int)data);
                    SymbolSelectorFrm SymbolSelectorFrm = new SymbolSelectorFrm(pLegendClass, layer);
                    if (SymbolSelectorFrm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        m_mapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                        pLegendClass.Symbol = SymbolSelectorFrm.pSymbol;
Esempio n. 3
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseUp(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseUpEvent e)
            if (e.button == 1 && pMovelayer != null)
                esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
                IBasicMap          map   = null;
                ILayer             layer = null;
                object             other = null;
                object             index = null;
                axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
                IMap   pMap = axMapControl1.ActiveView.FocusMap;
                ILayer pTempLayer;
                int    toindex = 0;
                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && layer != null)
                    if (pMovelayer != layer)
                        for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                            pTempLayer = pMap.get_Layer(i);
                            if (pTempLayer == layer)
                                toindex = i;;
                        pMap.MoveLayer(pMovelayer, toindex);

                pMovelayer = null;
Esempio n. 4
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            axTOCControl1.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
            //judge the type of item selected in the TOC
            IBasicMap map   = new MapClass();
            ILayer    layer = null;

            System.Object      other = null;
            System.Object      index = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
            if (e.button == 2 && item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                //transfer the screen point location to form location to popup the contextmenu
                System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point();
                p.X = e.x;
                p.Y = e.y;
                p   = this.axTOCControl1.PointToScreen(p);
                layerName = layer.Name;
            if (e.button == 1 && item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                strFileName = layer.Name;
Esempio n. 5
        private void tocControl_OnMouseDown(int button, int shift, int x, int y)
            esriTOCControlItem esriTOCControlItem = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            object             obj      = null;
            object             obj2     = null;
            IBasicMap          basicMap = null;
            ILayer             layer    = null;

            this._tocControl.HitTest(x, y, ref esriTOCControlItem, ref basicMap, ref layer, ref obj, ref obj2);
            if (button == 2)
                switch (esriTOCControlItem)
                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap:
                    this._tocControl.SelectItem(basicMap, null);
                    this._mapControl.CustomProperty = basicMap;

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer:
                    this._tocControl.SelectItem(layer, null);
                    this._mapControl.CustomProperty = layer;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// tocControl鼠标按下事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void m_tocControl_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          map   = null;
            ILayer             layer = null;
            object             index = null;
            object             other = null;

            m_tocControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

            if (e.button == 2) // 鼠标右键
                switch (item)
                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap:      // 点击的是地图
                    tocControl_contextMenuStrip.Show(m_tocControl, new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y));

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer:        // 点击的是图层
                    tocControlLayer_ContextMenu.Show(m_tocControl, new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y));

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemHeading:

                    tocControl_contextMenuStrip.Show(m_tocControl, new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y));
Esempio n. 7
        private void GetWorkPath() //get the path of the first layer in the TOC table
            IMap pMap = axTOCControl1.ActiveView.FocusMap;

                ILayer pLayer = pMap.Layer[0];
                // get first layer of the Map
                IFeatureLayer pFLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass pFC     = pFLayer.FeatureClass;
                /// get dataset of the standalone feature class
                IDataset   pDataset = pFC as IDataset;
                IWorkspace pWS      = pDataset.Workspace;
                this.strFilePath = pWS.PathName;
                // get selected layers
                object             legendGroup = new object();
                object             index       = new object();
                IBasicMap          map         = new MapClass();
                ILayer             layer       = new FeatureLayerClass();
                esriTOCControlItem item        = new esriTOCControlItem();
                axTOCControl1.GetSelectedItem(ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref legendGroup, ref index);
                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    MessageBox.Show("Selected layer name: " + layer.Name);
                MessageBox.Show("Add at least one layer to the map");
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 打开属性表右键菜单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void openAttTable_ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IBasicMap          map   = null;
            ILayer             layer = null;
            object             unk   = null;
            object             data  = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            m_tocControl.GetSelectedItem(ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref unk, ref data);

            IFeatureLayer selectedLayer = layer as IFeatureLayer;

            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && selectedLayer != null)
                if (selectedLayer is IFeatureLayer)
                {   // 打开属性表窗口,如果当前没有属性表,就创建一个,如果当前有,就在原有窗口中添加一张表格
                    if (m_attForm == null || m_attForm.IsDisposed == true)
                        m_attForm = new AttributeTableForm(selectedLayer, this.getMapControl());
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// 移除图层右键菜单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void removeLayer_ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IBasicMap          map           = null;
            ILayer             selectedLayer = null;
            object             unk           = null;
            object             data          = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item          = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            m_tocControl.GetSelectedItem(ref item, ref map, ref selectedLayer, ref unk, ref data);

            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                IDataLayer2 datalayer = selectedLayer as IDataLayer2;
                if (datalayer.DataSourceName.NameString != "")
                if (m_attForm != null && selectedLayer is IFeatureLayer)
                    m_attForm.att_removetable(selectedLayer as IFeatureLayer);
Esempio n. 10
 private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
     if (e.button == 1) //左键
         esriTOCControlItem pItem = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
         IBasicMap          pMap = null; object unk = null;
         object             data   = null;
         ILayer             pLayer = null;
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pMap, ref pLayer, ref unk, ref data);
         pCurrentLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
     else if (e.button == 2)
         esriTOCControlItem pItem = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
         IBasicMap          pMap = null; object unk = null;
         object             data   = null;
         ILayer             pLayer = null;
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pMap, ref pLayer, ref unk, ref data);
         pCurrentLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
         if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && pCurrentLayer != null)
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            IBasicMap          map   = new MapClass();
            ILayer             layer = new FeatureLayerClass();
            object             other = new object();
            object             index = new object();
            esriTOCControlItem item  = new esriTOCControlItem();

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
            if (e.button == 2)
                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
                    m_controlsSynchronizer.MapControl.CustomProperty = map;
                    m_TocMapMenu.PopupMenu(e.x, e.y, axTOCControl1.hWnd);
                else if (layer is IFeatureLayer)
                    m_controlsSynchronizer.MapControl.CustomProperty = layer;
                    m_TocLayerMenu.PopupMenu(e.x, e.y, axTOCControl1.hWnd);
            if (e.button == 1)
                if (layer == null)
                IFeatureLayer featurelayer = layer as IFeatureLayer;
                if (featurelayer == null)
                IGeoFeatureLayer geoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)featurelayer;
                ILegendClass     legendClass     = new LegendClassClass();
                ISymbol          symbol          = null;
                if (other is ILegendGroup && (int)index != -1)
                    legendClass = ((ILegendGroup)other).get_Class((int)index);
                    symbol      = legendClass.Symbol;
                if (symbol == null)
                symbol = GetSymbolByControl(symbol);
                if (symbol == null)
                legendClass.Symbol = symbol;

                axMapControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
Esempio n. 12
//        axTOCControl1 中判断鼠标点中的项目并弹出右键菜单

        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button == 2)
                esriTOCControlItem item = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

                IBasicMap map = null;

                ILayer layer = null;

                Object other = null;

                Object index = null;

                    e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index

//                如果点中了一个 Map 项目

                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
                    mapTOCMenuStrip.Show(axTOCControl1, e.x, e.y);

                    _hitMap = map as IMap;

                else if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    layerTOCMenuStrip.Show(axTOCControl1, e.x, e.y);

                    _hitLayer = layer;
Esempio n. 13
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            axTOCControl1.ContextMenuStrip = null;
            IBasicMap map = new MapClass();

            System.Object      other = null;
            System.Object      index = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && e.button == 2)
                System.Drawing.Point pt = new System.Drawing.Point();
                pt.X = e.x;
                pt.Y = e.y;
                pt   = this.axTOCControl1.PointToScreen(pt);
            else if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && e.button == 1)
                if (layer is IAnnotationSublayer)   //注记层在表层,不参与移动
                    pMoveLayer = layer;
Esempio n. 14
        private void TOCControl_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button != 2)
            //if ( m_pToolbarMenu.
            IBasicMap          map     = null;
            ILayer             layer   = null;
            ILayer             m_layer = null;
            object             other   = null;
            object             index   = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item    = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            TOCControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer,
                               ref other, ref index);
            if ((item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer))
                if (layer is IFeatureLayer)
                    MapControl.CustomProperty = layer;
                    m_pToolbarMenu.PopupMenu(e.x, e.y, (int)TOCControl.Handle);
Esempio n. 15
 private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseUp(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseUpEvent e)
     if (e.button == 1)//判断是否为左键点击
         esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
         IBasicMap          map   = null;
         ILayer             layer = null;
         object             other = null;
         object             index = null;
         mTOCControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
         IMap pMap = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView.FocusMap;
         if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer || layer != null)
             if (pMoveLayer != null)
                 ILayer pTempLayer;
                 for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                     pTempLayer = pMap.get_Layer(i);
                     if (pTempLayer == layer)
                         toIndex = i;
                 pMap.MoveLayer(pMoveLayer, toIndex);
Esempio n. 16
        public void m_tocControl_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)
            if (e.button == 1)
                esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
                IBasicMap          map   = null;
                ILayer             layer = null;
                object             other = null;
                object             index = null;
                m_tocControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    /*                   AttributeForm af = new AttributeForm((IMapControl3)m_mapControl);
                     *                 af.m_layer = layer;
                     *                 af.ShowDialog();*/

                    // iAttribute_Click(null, null);

Esempio n. 17
 private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseUp(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseUpEvent e)
     if (e.button == 1)
         esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
         IBasicMap          map   = null;
         ILayer             layer = null;
         object             other = null;
         object             index = null;
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
         IMap pMap = axMapControl_1.ActiveView.FocusMap;
         if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer || layer != null)
             if (pMoveLayer != layer)
                 ILayer pTempLayer;
                 for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                     pTempLayer = pMap.get_Layer(i);
                     if (pTempLayer == layer)
                         toIndex = i;
                 pMap.MoveLayer(pMoveLayer, toIndex);
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            //make sure that the user right clicked
            if (2 != e.button)

            //use HitTest in order to test whether the user has selected a featureLayer
            esriTOCControlItem item = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          map = null; ILayer layer = null;
            object             other = null; object index = null;

            //do the HitTest
            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

            //Determine what kind of item has been clicked on
            if (null == layer || !(layer is IFeatureLayer))

            //set the featurelayer as the custom property of the MapControl
            axMapControl1.CustomProperty = layer;

            //popup a context menu with a 'Properties' command
            m_contextMenu.PopupMenu(e.x, e.y, axTOCControl1.hWnd);
Esempio n. 19
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            /* ArcGIS Snippet Title:
             * Find the selected layer in the table of contents
             * Add the following reference to the project:
             * ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls
             * Add the following ArcGIS Engine control to the project:
             * TOCControl
             * Intended ArcGIS Products for this snippet:
             * ArcGIS Engine
             * Notes:
             * This snippet is intended to be inserted into the OnMouseDown event of the TOC Control
             * The code assumes that a module-level variable (m_layer) has been declared as ILayer */

            IBasicMap          map   = null;
            ILayer             layer = null;
            object             other = null;
            object             index = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
            if ((item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer))
                m_layer = layer;
Esempio n. 20
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button != 2)
            esriTOCControlItem item = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          map = null; ILayer layer = null;
            object             other = null; object index = null;

            this.axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
                this.axTOCControl1.SelectItem(map, null);
            else if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                this.axTOCControl1.SelectItem(layer, null);
            axMapControl1.CustomProperty = layer;
            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
            if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                pToolMenuLayer.PopupMenu(e.x, e.y, this.axTOCControl1.hWnd);
Esempio n. 21
        private void 图层下移ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            esriTOCControlItem pTocItem = new esriTOCControlItem();

            ILayer    pLayer    = new FeatureLayerClass();
            IBasicMap pBasicMap = new MapClass();
            object    obj1      = new object();
            object    obj2      = new object();

            axTOCControl1.GetSelectedItem(ref pTocItem, ref pBasicMap, ref pLayer, ref obj1, ref obj2);
            if (pTocItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                int iIndex;
                for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < axMapControl1.LayerCount; iIndex++)
                    if (axMapControl1.get_Layer(iIndex) == pLayer)
                        if (iIndex == axMapControl1.LayerCount - 1)
                        axMapControl1.MoveLayerTo(iIndex, iIndex + 1);
Esempio n. 22
        private void TOCLayer_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)
            if (e.button != 1)
            esriTOCControlItem itemType  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          pBasicMap = null;
            ILayer             pLayer    = null;
            object             unk       = null;
            object             data      = null;

            TOCLayer.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref itemType, ref pBasicMap, ref pLayer, ref unk, ref data);

            if (e.button == 1)
                if (itemType == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
                    ILegendClass pLegendClass = ((ILegendGroup)unk).get_Class((int)data);

                    FrmSymbolSelect SymbolSelectorFrm = new FrmSymbolSelect(pLegendClass, pLayer);

                    if (SymbolSelectorFrm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        m_MapMain.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
                        pLegendClass.Symbol = SymbolSelectorFrm.pSymbol;
Esempio n. 23
        private void AxTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            IBasicMap          pMap     = null;
            ILayer             pLayer   = null;
            object             legendgp = null;
            object             index    = null;
            esriTOCControlItem pItem    = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pMap, ref pLayer, ref legendgp, ref index);  //点击测试,点击图例打开符号选择器
            if (e.button == 1)
                ILegendGroup pLegendGroup = new LegendGroup();
                ILegendClass pLegendClass = new LegendClass();
                pLegendGroup = (ILegendGroup)legendgp;
                if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
                    pLegendClass = pLegendGroup.get_Class(Convert.ToInt32(index.ToString()));
                    if (pLegendClass == null)
                    FormSymbolSelector dlg = new FormSymbolSelector(pLegendClass, pLayer);
                    if (dlg != null)
                        m_mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
Esempio n. 24
        private void axTOCControlLayerTree_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)//TOCC左键设置图例,右键弹出菜单
            esriTOCControlItem pItem = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            IBasicMap          pMap = null;
            object             unk = null, data = null;

            axTOCControlLayerTree.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pMap, ref _toccSelectedLayer, ref unk, ref data);
            if (e.button == 1)
                if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
                    ILegendClass legendClass        = ((ILegendGroup)unk).get_Class((int)data);
                    var          symbolSelectorForm = new SymbolSelectorDevForm(legendClass, _toccSelectedLayer);
                    if (symbolSelectorForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        legendClass.Symbol = symbolSelectorForm.PSymbol;                                                //设置新的符号
                        axMapControlMainMap.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null); //更新主Map控件和图层控件
                    _effectLayer.SwipeLayer = _toccSelectedLayer;
            else if (e.button == 2)
                if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    cMenuStripTocc.Show(axTOCControlLayerTree, new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y));
Esempio n. 25
        private void axTOCControl1_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)//双击legend修改symbol
            ILayer             pLayer       = null;
            IBasicMap          pBasicMap    = null;
            object             plegendGroup = null;
            object             pIndex       = null;
            esriTOCControlItem pTocItem     = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

            axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pTocItem, ref pBasicMap, ref pLayer,
                                  ref plegendGroup, ref pIndex);
            if (pTocItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
                ILegendClass legendClass = (plegendGroup as ILegendGroup).get_Class((int)pIndex);
                if (!((pLayer is IRasterLayer &&
                       (pLayer as IRasterLayer).Renderer is IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer) ||
                      (pLayer is IFeatureLayer &&
                       (pLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer).Renderer is IProportionalSymbolRenderer)))
                    ISymbolSelector selector = new SymbolSelectorClass();
                    if (selector.SelectSymbol(0) == true)
                        legendClass.Symbol = selector.GetSymbolAt(0);
Esempio n. 26
        private void TocControl_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
            object             other = null;
            object             index = null;
            IBasicMap          map   = null;
            ILayer             layer = null;

            CurTOCControl = (sender as AxTOCControl).Object as ITOCControl2;
            CurTOCControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

            if ((e.button == 1) && (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass))
            else if ((e.button == 1) && (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer))
                object obj = m_MapLayersController.GetLayerParent(layer);
                if (obj is ICompositeLayer)
                    ILayer pParentLayer = (ILayer)obj;
                    bool   b            = layer.Visible;
                    if (b == false)
                        pParentLayer.Visible = true;
            else if (e.button == 2) //鼠标右键
                switch (item)
                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone:

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap:
                    CurTOCControl.SelectItem(map, null);

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass:

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer:
                    m_CurrentSelectLayer = layer;
                    CurTOCControl.SelectItem(layer, null);
                    popMenuTOCLayer.ShowPopup(MousePosition);     // new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y));

                case esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemHeading:

                CurActivityMapControl.CustomProperty = layer;
            CurTOCControl = null;
Esempio n. 27
 private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)//事件图层列表框(TOCControl)的右键弹出框
     if (e.button == 2)
         ILayer             pLayer       = null;
         IBasicMap          pBasicMap    = null;
         object             plegendGroup = null;
         object             pIndex       = null;
         esriTOCControlItem pTocItem     = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
         axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pTocItem, ref pBasicMap, ref pLayer,
                               ref plegendGroup, ref pIndex);
         selectLayerIndex = Convert.ToInt16(pIndex);
         if (pTocItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
             if (pLayer != null)
                 selectLayer = pLayer;
             popupMenu1.ShowPopup(axTOCControl1.PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y)));
         else if (pTocItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
             popupMenu2.ShowPopup(axTOCControl1.PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y)));
Esempio n. 28
        private void axTOOControl_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
                if (e.button == 1)
                esriTOCControlItem pItem = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
                IBasicMap          pMap  = null;
                ILayer             Lyr   = null;
                object             unk   = null;
                object             data  = null;
                this.axTOOControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pMap, ref Lyr, ref unk, ref data);

                if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer && (Lyr as IFeatureLayer) != null)
                if (pItem == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemMap)
                featureLyr = Lyr as IFeatureLayer;
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 29
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseUp(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseUpEvent e)
            if (e.button == 2)
                IBasicMap          map   = null;
                ILayer             layer = null;
                object             other = null;
                object             index = null;
                esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;

                axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);
                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    if (layer is IAnnotationSublayer)
                        _curLayer = null;
                        _curLayer = layer;
                    _curLayer = null;

                PopupContextMenu(e.x, e.y);
        public void SelectMoveLayer(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button == 1)
                esriTOCControlItem item  = esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemNone;
                IBasicMap          map   = null;
                ILayer             layer = null;
                object             other = null;
                object             index = null;

                m_TOCControl.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                    if (layer is IAnnotationSublayer)
                        m_MoveLayer = layer;
        public static ILayer GetLayerFromTOCControl(AxTOCControl _axTOCControl)
            IBasicMap map = new MapClass();
            ILayer layer = new FeatureLayerClass();
            object legendGroup = new object();
            object index = new object();
            esriTOCControlItem item = new esriTOCControlItem();

            _axTOCControl.GetSelectedItem(ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref legendGroup, ref index);
            return layer;
Esempio n. 32
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            IBasicMap map = null;//实现TOC的右键快捷菜单
            object other = null;
            object index = null;
            esriTOCControlItem item = new esriTOCControlItem();
            this.axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref m_layer, ref other, ref index);
            if (e.button == 2 && item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)
                this.OpenAttribute.Enabled = false;
                this.ClearAttribute.Enabled = false;
                this.SelectBand.Enabled = false;
                if (m_layer is IFeatureLayer)
                    this.OpenAttribute.Enabled = true;
                    this.ClearAttribute.Enabled = true;
                    this.SelectBand.Enabled = true;

                System.Drawing.Point point = new System.Drawing.Point(e.x, e.y);
                this.conMenuTOC.Show(axTOCControl1, point);
		private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
			//Exit if not right mouse button
			if (e.button != 2) return;

			IBasicMap map = new MapClass();
			ILayer layer = new FeatureLayerClass();
			object other = new Object();
			object index = new Object();
			esriTOCControlItem item = new esriTOCControlItem(); 

			//Determine what kind of item has been clicked on
			axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

			//QI to IFeatureLayer and IGeoFeatuerLayer interface
			if (layer == null) return;
			IFeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as IFeatureLayer;
			if (featureLayer == null) return;
			IGeoFeatureLayer geoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer) featureLayer;
			ISimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = (ISimpleRenderer) geoFeatureLayer.Renderer;

			//Create the form with the SymbologyControl
			frmSymbol symbolForm = new frmSymbol();

			//Get the IStyleGalleryItem
			IStyleGalleryItem styleGalleryItem = null;
			//Select SymbologyStyleClass based upon feature type
			switch (featureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType)
				case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
					styleGalleryItem = symbolForm.GetItem(esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassMarkerSymbols, simpleRenderer.Symbol);
				case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
					styleGalleryItem = symbolForm.GetItem(esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassLineSymbols, simpleRenderer.Symbol);
				case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
					styleGalleryItem = symbolForm.GetItem(esriSymbologyStyleClass.esriStyleClassFillSymbols, simpleRenderer.Symbol);

			//Release the form

			if (styleGalleryItem == null) return; 

			//Create a new renderer
			simpleRenderer = new SimpleRendererClass();
			//Set its symbol from the styleGalleryItem
			simpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol) styleGalleryItem.Item;
			//Set the renderer into the geoFeatureLayer
			geoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer) simpleRenderer;

			//Fire contents changed event that the TOCControl listens to
			//Refresh the display
			axPageLayoutControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);

Esempio n. 34
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (e.button == 2)
                IBasicMap map = new MapClass();
                ILayer layer = new FeatureLayerClass();
                object other = new object();
                object index = new object();
                esriTOCControlItem item = new esriTOCControlItem();

                    axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref layer, ref other, ref index);

                catch (Exception eX)


                if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLayer)

                    if (layer != null)


Esempio n. 35
        private void axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ITOCControlEvents_OnMouseDownEvent e)
            if (axMapControl1.LayerCount > 0)
                esriTOCControlItem pItem = new esriTOCControlItem();

                 pGlobalFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();

                IBasicMap pBasicMap = new MapClass();

                object pOther = new object();

                object pIndex = new object();

                axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref pItem, ref pBasicMap, ref pGlobalFeatureLayer, ref pOther, ref pIndex);

            if (e.button == 2)
                context.Show(axTOCControl1, e.x, e.y);
Esempio n. 36
 private void axTOCControl1_OnDoubleClick(object sender, ITOCControlEvents_OnDoubleClickEvent e)
     IBasicMap map = null;//设置要素符号
     object other = null;
     object index = null;
     esriTOCControlItem item = new esriTOCControlItem();
     this.axTOCControl1.HitTest(e.x, e.y, ref item, ref map, ref m_layer, ref other, ref index);
     if (item == esriTOCControlItem.esriTOCControlItemLegendClass)
         ILegendGroup legendGroup = other as ILegendGroup;
         ILegendClass legendClass = legendGroup.get_Class(Convert.ToInt32(index));
         ISymbol symbol = legendClass.Symbol;
         ISymbolSelector pSS = new SymbolSelectorClass();
         Boolean bOK = pSS.SelectSymbol(0);
         if (bOK == true)
             legendClass.Symbol = pSS.GetSymbolAt(0);