Esempio n. 1
        internal static eqmodvector.Coordt Delta_Matrix_Reverse_Map(double RA, double DEC)
            eqmodvector.Coordt result = new eqmodvector.Coordt();
            eqmodvector.Coord  obtmp  = new eqmodvector.Coord();

            if ((RA >= 0x1000000) || (DEC >= 0x1000000))
                result.x = RA;
                result.Y = DEC;
                result.z = 1;
                result.f = 0;

            obtmp.x = RA + gRASync01;
            obtmp.Y = DEC + gDECSync01;
            obtmp.z = 1;

            // re transform using the 3 nearest stars
            int i = eqmodvector.EQ_UpdateAffine(obtmp.x, obtmp.Y);

            eqmodvector.Coord obtmp2 = eqmodvector.EQ_plAffine(obtmp);

            result.x = obtmp2.x;
            result.Y = obtmp2.Y;
            result.z = 1;
            result.f = (short)i;

            Alignment.gSelectStar = 0;

Esempio n. 2
        internal static int GetQuadrant(eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord)
            int ret = 0;

            if (tmpcoord.x >= 0)
                if (tmpcoord.Y >= 0)
                    ret = 0;
                    ret = 1;
                if (tmpcoord.Y >= 0)
                    ret = 2;
                    ret = 3;

Esempio n. 3
        internal static eqmodvector.Coordt Delta_Matrix_Map(double RA, double DEC)
            eqmodvector.Coordt result = new eqmodvector.Coordt();
            eqmodvector.Coord  obtmp  = new eqmodvector.Coord();

            if ((RA >= 0x1000000) || (DEC >= 0x1000000))
                result.x = RA;
                result.Y = DEC;
                result.z = 1;
                result.f = 0;

            obtmp.x = RA;
            obtmp.Y = DEC;
            obtmp.z = 1;

            // re transform based on the nearest 3 stars
            int i = eqmodvector.EQ_UpdateTaki(RA, DEC);

            eqmodvector.Coord obtmp2 = eqmodvector.EQ_plTaki(obtmp);

            result.x = obtmp2.x;
            result.Y = obtmp2.Y;
            result.z = 1;
            result.f = (short)i;

Esempio n. 4
        // Attribute VB_Name = "Nstar_Polar"
        // Copyright © 2007 Raymund Sarmiento
        // Permission is hereby granted to use this Software for any purpose
        // including combining with commercial products, creating derivative
        // works, and redistribution of source or binary code, without
        // limitation or consideration. Any redistributed copies of this
        // Software must include the above Copyright Notice.
        // Nstar_polar.bas - Polar Alignment using the N-star table
        // Written:  07-Oct-06   Raymund Sarmiento
        // Edits:
        // When      Who     What
        // --------- ---     --------------------------------------------------
        // 21-Dec-07 rcs     Initial edit for EQ Mount Driver Function Prototype
        //  SYNOPSIS:
        //  This is a demonstration of a EQ6/ATLAS/EQG direct stepper motor control access
        //  using the EQCONTRL.DLL driver code.
        //  File EQCONTROL.bas contains all the function prototypes of all subroutines
        //  encoded in the EQCONTRL.dll
        //  The EQ6CONTRL.DLL simplifies execution of the Mount controller board stepper
        //  commands.
        //  The mount circuitry needs to be modified for this test program to work.
        //  Circuit details can be found at

        //  DISCLAIMER:

        //  You can use the information on this site COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        //  The modification steps and other information on this site is provided
        //  to you "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express, statutory,
        //  implied or otherwise, including without limitation any warranty of
        //  merchantability or fitness for any particular or intended purpose.
        //  In no event the author will  be liable for any direct, indirect,
        //  punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages or loss of any
        //  kind whether or not the author  has been advised of the possibility
        //  of such loss.

        //  WARNING:

        //  Circuit modifications implemented on your setup could invalidate
        //  any warranty that you may have with your product. Use this
        //  information at your own risk. The modifications involve direct
        //  access to the stepper motor controls of your mount. Any "mis-control"
        //  or "mis-command"  / "invalid parameter" or "garbage" data sent to the
        //  mount could accidentally activate the stepper motors and allow it to
        //  rotate "freely" damaging any equipment connected to your mount.
        //  It is also possible that any garbage or invalid data sent to the mount
        //  could cause its firmware to generate mis-steps pulse sequences to the
        //  motors causing it to overheat. Make sure that you perform the
        //  modifications and testing while there is no physical "load" or
        //  dangling wires on your mount. Be sure to disconnect the power once
        //  this event happens or if you notice any unusual sound coming from
        //  the motor assembly.
        //  CREDITS:
        //  Portions of the information on this code should be attributed
        //  to Mr. John Archbold from his initial observations and analysis
        //  of the interface circuits and of the ASCII data stream between
        //  the Hand Controller (HC) and the Go To Controller.

        internal static double EQGet_Polar_Offset(double RA, double DEC, double radius, double raprobe, double pscale)
            object HC = null;

            eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord1 = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord2 = new eqmodvector.Coord();

            // Must perform the usual Update Affine here

            // Transform using the Negative RA boundary

            int i = EQ_UpdateAffine_PolarDrift(RA - raprobe, DEC);

            tmpcoord1.x = RA - raprobe;
            tmpcoord1.Y = DEC;

            tmpcoord1 = eqmodvector.EQ_plAffine2(tmpcoord1);

            // Transform using the Positive RA Boundary

            i = EQ_UpdateAffine_PolarDrift(RA + raprobe, DEC);

            tmpcoord2.x = RA + raprobe;
            tmpcoord2.Y = DEC;

            tmpcoord2 = eqmodvector.EQ_plAffine2(tmpcoord2);

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpcoord1).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpcoord1).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpcoord2).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpcoord2).Y, pscale), Color.Red);

            // Get the drift points

            double dy1 = DEC - tmpcoord1.Y;
            double dy2 = DEC - tmpcoord2.Y;

            // Coompute for the run data for slope computations

            double dx = raprobe * Math.Sin(360 * (radius / EQMath.gTot_step) * EQMath.DEG_RAD) * 2;

            if (dx == 0)
                dx = 0.00000001d;

            // Get the Perpendicular offset error

            return(Math.Tan(Math.Atan((dy2 - dy1) / dx)) * Math.Abs(radius));
Esempio n. 5
        //Function to convert polar coordinates to Cartesian using the Coord structure (for Polar Alignment function)

        internal static eqmodvector.Coord EQ_pl2Cs_Polar(eqmodvector.Coord obj, double poffset)
            eqmodvector.Coord       result = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.CartesCoord tmpobj = eqmodvector.EQ_Polar2Cartes(obj.x, obj.Y - poffset, EQMath.gTot_step, EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos);

            result.x = tmpobj.x;
            result.Y = tmpobj.Y;
            result.z = 1;

Esempio n. 6
        // Function to Normalize the Virtual Horizon Measurement data

        internal static eqmodvector.Coord EQNormalize_Polar(double Alt, double Az, double vhoriz)
            // Transform Alt/Az data based on the horiz value

            // 90 degrees from the virtual horizon
            eqmodvector.Coord       result = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.CartesCoord crt    = eqmodvector.EQ_Polar2Cartes(vhoriz + (EQMath.gTot_step / 4d), Alt, EQMath.gTot_step, 0, 0);

            // 180 degrees from the virtual horizon
            eqmodvector.CartesCoord crt2 = eqmodvector.EQ_Polar2Cartes(vhoriz + (EQMath.gTot_step / 2d), Az, EQMath.gTot_step, 0, 0);

            // Return the normalized data
            result.x = (crt.x + crt2.x) * -1;
            result.Y = crt.Y + crt2.Y;

Esempio n. 7
        //Implement an Affine transformation on a Polar coordinate system
        //This is done by converting the Polar Data to Cartesian, Apply affine transformation
        //then return the transformed coordinates

        internal static eqmodvector.Coord EQ_plAffineCartes(eqmodvector.Coord obj)
            eqmodvector.Coord result  = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.Coord tmpobj2 = new eqmodvector.Coord();

            eqmodvector.CartesCoord tmpobj1 = eqmodvector.EQ_Polar2Cartes(obj.x, obj.Y, EQMath.gTot_step, EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos);

            tmpobj2.x = tmpobj1.x;
            tmpobj2.Y = tmpobj1.Y;
            tmpobj2.z = 1;

            eqmodvector.Coord tmpobj3 = eqmodvector.EQ_Transform_Affine(tmpobj2);

            result.x = tmpobj3.x;
            result.Y = tmpobj3.Y;
            result.z = 1;

Esempio n. 8
        internal static eqmodvector.Coord PolarAlignDrift_Map(double RA1, double DEC1, double RA2, double DEC2, double raprobe, double pscale)
            eqmodvector.Coord result = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            object            HC     = null;

            if ((RA1 >= 0x1000000) || (DEC1 >= 0x1000000) || (!Alignment.gThreeStarEnable))
                result.x = 0;
                result.Y = 0;
                result.z = 0;


            // re transform using the 3 nearest stars

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member EncoderTimer is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.EncoderTimer.Enabled = false;

            double dy1 = EQGet_Polar_Offset(RA1, DEC1, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos - DEC1, raprobe, pscale);
            double dy2 = EQGet_Polar_Offset(RA2, DEC2, EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos - DEC1, raprobe, pscale);

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member EncoderTimer is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.EncoderTimer.Enabled = true;

            eqmodvector.Coord obtmp2 = EQNormalize_Polar(dy1, dy2, EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos - RA1);

            result.x = obtmp2.x;
            result.Y = obtmp2.Y;
            result.z = 1;

Esempio n. 9
        internal static int EQ_UpdateAffine_PolarDrift(double x, double Y)
            eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord = new eqmodvector.Coord();

            int i = 0;

            double[] datholder   = new double[Alignment.MAX_STARS];
            double[] dotidholder = new double[Alignment.MAX_STARS];

            // Adjust only if there are four alignment stars
            if (Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count < 3)

            tmpcoord.x = x;
            tmpcoord.Y = Y;
            tmpcoord   = eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpcoord);

            int tempForEndVar = Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count;

            for (i = 1; i <= tempForEndVar; i++)
                // Compute for total X-Y distance.
                datholder[i - 1] = Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[i - 1].x - tmpcoord.x) + Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[i - 1].Y - tmpcoord.Y);
                // Also save the reference star id for this particular reference star
                dotidholder[i - 1] = i;

            eqmodvector.EQ_Quicksort(datholder, dotidholder, 1, Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count);
            // Get the nearest Star (lowest at the head of the sorted list)
            i = Convert.ToInt32(dotidholder[0]);
            int j = Convert.ToInt32(dotidholder[1]);
            int k = Convert.ToInt32(dotidholder[2]);

            return(eqmodvector.EQ_AssembleMatrix_Affine(tmpcoord.x, tmpcoord.Y, Alignment.ct_PointsC[i - 1], Alignment.ct_PointsC[j - 1], Alignment.ct_PointsC[k - 1], Alignment.my_PointsC[i - 1], Alignment.my_PointsC[j - 1], Alignment.my_PointsC[k - 1]));
Esempio n. 10
        internal static void Position_polar(double pscale)
            object HC = null;

            if (!Alignment.gThreeStarEnable)

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member HScroll4 is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            double raprobe = Convert.ToDouble(HC.HScroll4.Value);

            raprobe *= 100;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member HScroll2 is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            double vh = Convert.ToDouble(HC.HScroll2.Value);

            vh = (vh / 360d) * EQMath.gTot_step;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member HScroll3 is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            double vy = 90 + Convert.ToDouble(HC.HScroll3.Value);

            vy = (vy / 360d) * EQMath.gTot_step;

            double RA1  = EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos + vh;
            double DEC1 = EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos - vy;
            double RA2  = EQMath.RAEncoder_Home_pos + vh - (EQMath.gTot_step / 4d);
            double DEC2 = EQMath.gDECEncoder_Home_pos + vy;

            NStar_Polar_plot(RA1, DEC1, RA2, DEC2, pscale);
            eqmodvector.Coord obtmp = PolarAlignDrift_Map(RA1, DEC1, RA2, DEC2, raprobe, pscale);
            //    HC.Label62.Caption = Format(obtmp.x * 0.0024, "####0.0000000000")   '.144 * 60
            //    HC.Label64.Caption = Format(obtmp.y * 0.0024, "####0.0000000000")
Esempio n. 11
        internal static int GetNearest(double RA, double DEC)
            object HC = null;
            int    i  = 0;

            eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord   = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.Coord tmpcoord2  = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            double[]          datholder  = new double[Alignment.MAX_STARS];
            int[]             datholder2 = new int[Alignment.MAX_STARS];

            tmpcoord.x = RA;
            tmpcoord.Y = DEC;
            tmpcoord   = eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpcoord);

            int Count = 0;

            int tempForEndVar = Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count;

            for (i = 1; i <= tempForEndVar; i++)
                tmpcoord2 = Alignment.my_PointsC[i - 1];

                switch (Common.gPointFilter)
                case 0:
                    // all points


                case 1:
                    // only consider points on this side of the meridian
                    if (tmpcoord2.Y * tmpcoord.Y < 0)
                        goto NextPoint;


                case 2:
                    // local quadrant
                    if (GetQuadrant(tmpcoord) != GetQuadrant(tmpcoord2))
                        goto NextPoint;


                //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member CheckLocalPier is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
                if (Convert.ToDouble(HC.CheckLocalPier.Value) == 1)
                    // calculate polar distance
                    datholder[Count - 1] = Math.Pow(Alignment.my_Points[i - 1].x - RA, 2) + Math.Pow(Alignment.my_Points[i - 1].Y - DEC, 2);
                    // calculate cartesian disatnce
                    datholder[Count - 1] = Math.Pow(tmpcoord2.x - tmpcoord.x, 2) + Math.Pow(tmpcoord2.Y - tmpcoord.Y, 2);

                datholder2[Count - 1] = i;

                NextPoint :;

            if (Count == 0)
                //    i = EQ_FindLowest(datholder(), 1, gAlignmentStars_count)
                i = eqmodvector.EQ_FindLowest(datholder, 1, Count);
                if (i == -1)
                    return(datholder2[i - 1]);
Esempio n. 12
        internal static void NStar_Polar_plot(double RA1, double DEC1, double RA2, double DEC2, double pscale)
            object HC = null;
            double i  = 0;

            eqmodvector.Coord tmpobj      = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            eqmodvector.Coord tmpobj2     = new eqmodvector.Coord();
            double[]          datholder   = new double[Alignment.MAX_STARS];
            double[]          dotidholder = new double[Alignment.MAX_STARS];

            if (!Alignment.gThreeStarEnable)

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member HScroll4 is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            double raprobe = Convert.ToDouble(HC.HScroll4.Value);

            raprobe *= 100;

            tmpobj.x = RA1;
            tmpobj.Y = DEC1;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Circle(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), 30, Color.Yellow);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(0, pscale), pxlate_y(0, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), Color.Yellow);

            tmpobj.x  = RA1 - raprobe;
            tmpobj2.x = RA1 + raprobe;
            tmpobj2.Y = DEC1;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj2).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj2).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);

            tmpobj.x = RA2;
            tmpobj.Y = DEC2;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Circle(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), 30, Color.Lime);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(0, pscale), pxlate_y(0, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), Color.Lime);

            tmpobj.x  = RA2 - raprobe;
            tmpobj2.x = RA2 + raprobe;
            tmpobj2.Y = DEC2;

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj2).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(tmpobj2).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);

            tmpobj.x = RA1;
            tmpobj.Y = DEC1;

            int tempForEndVar = Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count;

            for (i = 1; i <= tempForEndVar; i++)
                //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
                HC.polarplot.Circle(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), 30, Color.Cyan);
                // Compute for total X-Y distance.
                datholder[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1] = Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1].x - eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpobj).x) + Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1].Y - eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpobj).Y);
                // Also save the reference star id for this particular reference star
                dotidholder[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1] = i;

            eqmodvector.EQ_Quicksort(datholder, dotidholder, 1, Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count);
            // Get the nearest Star (lowest at the head of the sorted list)
            i = dotidholder[0];
            double j = dotidholder[1];
            double k = dotidholder[2];

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Yellow);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Yellow);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Yellow);

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);

            tmpobj.x = RA2;
            tmpobj.Y = DEC2;

            int tempForEndVar2 = Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count;

            for (i = 1; i <= tempForEndVar2; i++)
                // Compute for total X-Y distance.
                datholder[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1] = Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1].x - eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpobj).x) + Math.Abs(Alignment.my_PointsC[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1].Y - eqmodvector.EQ_sp2Cs(tmpobj).Y);

                // Also save the reference star id for this particular reference star
                dotidholder[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1] = i;
            eqmodvector.EQ_Quicksort(datholder, dotidholder, 1, Alignment.gAlignmentStars_count);
            // Get the nearest Star (lowest at the head of the sorted list)
            i = dotidholder[0];
            j = dotidholder[1];
            k = dotidholder[2];

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Lime);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Lime);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.my_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Lime);

            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(j) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member polarplot is not defined in type Variant. More Information:
            HC.polarplot.Line(pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(i) - 1]).Y, pscale), pxlate_x(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).x, pscale), pxlate_y(eqmodvector.EQ_pl2Cs(Alignment.ct_Points[Convert.ToInt32(k) - 1]).Y, pscale), Color.Blue);