Esempio n. 1
    private void FixedUpdate()
        magic1 = enemyMagic.ToString();

        // activate movement animation
        animator.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(HorizontalMove) * speed);

        /* this part check with linecast, if the enemy reach the end of a plattform or if something else (not enemy or player)
         * block his way. If yes, flipp.
        Vector2 lineCastPos = (Vector2)trans.position - (Vector2)trans.right * widh;
        bool    isGrounded  = Physics2D.Linecast(lineCastPos, lineCastPos + Vector2.down, enemyMask);
        bool    isBlock     = Physics2D.Linecast(lineCastPos, lineCastPos - (Vector2)trans.right * 0.05f, enemyMask);

         * this is yout smoothMovement part, i just add it here
        Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2((Time.fixedDeltaTime * speed) * 10f, rgb.velocity.y);

        rgb.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(rgb.velocity, targetVelocity, ref velocity, MovementSmoothing);

        if (!isGrounded || isBlock)

         * Movement speed
        Vector2 myVel = rgb.velocity;

        myVel.x      = trans.right.x * speed;
        rgb.velocity = myVel;

         * check if child is archer or not (important for the arrows creating part)
        if (IsArcher != 0)
            attacker = this.GetComponent <NPCArcherAttack>();

         * Attack cooldown part: time is attack cooldown value. If play time is bigger then enemy can attack one time, after this this time cooldown value
         * has to change intern, because times go forward, so the next time flag has to suits the new situation. But 1.2s after attack, the attack-
         * animation stop. I suppost this is the animation time. Of cause animation attack stop also, when the attack flag is default
        if (attackingF)
            //enemy stop move by attack
            horizontalMove = 0;
            EnemySpeed     = 0;
            if (Time.time > time)
                //only for archer important. I dont like it, but it was late, when i create this
                if (IsArcher != 0)
                    attacker.Attack(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, -transform.rotation.y);

                animator.SetBool("Attack", attackingF);

                /*cooldown has to go with new time
                 * Example: attackcooldown 3s, time starts with 0s
                 * when time is 3 -> attack. Next attack has to be in time 6s -> time+cooldown = 6s
                time = Time.time + timerA;

            if (Time.time > (time - timerA + 1.2f))
                animator.SetBool("Attack", false);
        else if (!attackingF)
            animator.SetBool("Attack", false);