public void playerAttack() { bool shouldAttack = false; if (oldSwordX != currentSwordX || oldSwordY != currentSwordY) { shouldAttack = true; } if (shouldAttack) { for (int i = 0; i < enemyList.Count; i++) { if (enemyList[i].GetType() == typeof(enemyStruct)) { enemyStruct tempEnemy = (enemyStruct)enemyList[i]; if (detectCollision(new Rectangle(swordOffsetX + playerX, swordOffsetY + playerY, 32, 32), new Rectangle(tempEnemy.x, tempEnemy.y, 32, 32))) { -= 1; enemyList[i] = tempEnemy; } } } } }
public void spawnEnemy() { int enemyX = rng.Next(600); int enemyY = rng.Next(600); int lockToSide = rng.Next(3); //ensure that enemys spawn on the sides if (lockToSide == 0) { enemyX = 0; } if (lockToSide == 1) { enemyX = 600; } if (lockToSide == 2) { enemyY = 0; } if (lockToSide == 3) { enemyY = 600; } enemyStruct newEnemy = new enemyStruct(enemyX, enemyY, 3); enemyList.Add(newEnemy); enemySpawnRate -= 10; }
public enemyStruct enemyLogic(enemyStruct enemy) { if ( <= 0) { enemyList.Remove(enemy); shouldReturnEnemy = false; } if (enemy.x < playerX) { enemy.x++; } if (enemy.x > playerX) { enemy.x--; } if (enemy.y < playerY) { enemy.y++; } if (enemy.y > playerY) { enemy.y--; } enemy.attackTimer++; if (enemy.attackTimer == enemyAttackRate) { //if enemy in range, deal damage bool shouldAttack = false; if (detectCollision(new Rectangle(playerX, playerY, 32, 32), new Rectangle(enemy.x, enemy.y, 32, 32))) { shouldAttack = true; } if (shouldAttack) { playerHealth -= 1; } enemy.attackTimer = 0; } return(enemy); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); spriteBatch.Begin(); //start drawing for (int i = 0; i < enemyList.Count; i++) { if (enemyList[i].GetType() == typeof(enemyStruct)) { enemyStruct tempEnemy = (enemyStruct)enemyList[i]; //render enemy; spriteBatch.Draw(enemy, new Vector2(tempEnemy.x, tempEnemy.y), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(boundingbox, new Vector2(tempEnemy.x, tempEnemy.y), Color.White); } } spriteBatch.Draw(player, new Vector2(playerX, playerY), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(boundingbox, new Vector2(playerX, playerY), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(sword, new Vector2(swordOffsetX + playerX, swordOffsetY + playerY), Color.White); for (int i = 0; i < trailFragmentList.Count; i++) { if (trailFragmentList[i].GetType() == typeof(trailFragment)) { trailFragment tempTrail = (trailFragment)trailFragmentList[i]; spriteBatch.Draw(trail, new Rectangle(tempTrail.x, tempTrail.y, tempTrail.width, tempTrail.height), Color.White); } } //ui stuff for (int i = 0; i < playerHealth; i++) { spriteBatch.Draw(heart, new Vector2(i * 32, 0), Color.White); } spriteBatch.Draw(cursor, new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y), Color.White); //end drawing spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W)) { //move forward playerY -= 2; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) { //move left playerX -= 2; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { //move down playerY += 2; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) { //move right playerX += 2; } //sword movement swordOffsetX = Mouse.GetState().X - playerX; swordOffsetY = Mouse.GetState().Y - playerY; int maxReach = 48; //keep the sword in check if (swordOffsetX > maxReach) { swordOffsetX = maxReach; } if (swordOffsetX < -maxReach) { swordOffsetX = -maxReach; } if (swordOffsetY > maxReach) { swordOffsetY = maxReach; } if (swordOffsetY < -maxReach) { swordOffsetY = -maxReach; } //for trails and stuff oldSwordX = currentSwordX; oldSwordY = currentSwordY; currentSwordX = swordOffsetX; currentSwordY = swordOffsetY; if (currentSwordX != oldSwordX || currentSwordY != oldSwordY) { //create trail //this is purely visual for now //this will later determine attack damage and speed trailFragmentList.Add(new trailFragment(oldSwordX + playerX, oldSwordY + playerY)); } enemySpawnTimer++; playerAttackTimer++; if (playerAttackTimer == playerAttackRate) { playerAttack(); playerAttackTimer = 0; } if (enemySpawnTimer == enemySpawnRate) { spawnEnemy(); enemySpawnTimer = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < enemyList.Count; i++) { if (enemyList[i].GetType() == typeof(enemyStruct)) { enemyStruct tempEnemy = (enemyStruct)enemyList[i]; //something weird is happening here if (i < enemyList.Count) { enemyList[i] = enemyLogic(tempEnemy); } else { enemyList[enemyList.Count] = enemyLogic(tempEnemy); } } } updateTrailFragments(); //update stuff base.Update(gameTime); }