         * - quot_accept()
         * - Purpose: Send mail to transporter for quote accept
         * - In: class emailParams {
         *        pickup,
         *        delivery,
         *        AcceptedbyName
         * }
        public static jResponse quot_accept(List <string> toList, dynamic emailParams)
            emailDraft draft       = new emailDraft();
            string     productWeb  = genApiController.getURL();
            string     productName = genApiController.getProductName();

            draft.subject = "Ammann India Pvt. Ltd. - RFQ #" + emailParams.rfqID + "- selected";
            //draft.displayName = emailParams.displayName;

                draft.content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/HTML/Emails/acpt_quotationOfTransporter.html"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new jResponse(true, "No template found!", null));

            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{rfqID}", emailParams.rfqID);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{pickup}", emailParams.pickup);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{delivery}", emailParams.delivery);
            //   draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{product}", emailParams.product);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{customerCompany}", emailParams.companyName);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{link}", emailParams.link);

            draft.toList = toList;

         * - transpoterNegotiationQuote()
         * - Purpose: Send mail to transporter
         * - In: class emailParams {
         *          product,
         *          pickup,
         *          delivery,
         *          quoteby,
         *          emailAddres,
         *          source,
         *          destination,
         *          link,
         *          companyName
         * }
        public static jResponse transpoterNegotiationQuote(List <string> toList, dynamic emailParams)
            emailDraft draft         = new emailDraft();
            string     productWeb    = genApiController.getURL();
            string     productName   = genApiController.getProductName();
            string     dynamicFields = "";

            draft.subject     = "Ammann India Pvt. Ltd. - RFQ #" + emailParams.rfqID;
            draft.displayName = emailParams.displayName;

                draft.content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/HTML/Emails/link_quoteNegotiationToTransporter.html"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new jResponse(true, "No template found!", null));

            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{productName}", productName);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{link}", emailParams.link);
            //  draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{destination}",emailParams.destination);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{pickup}", emailParams.pickup);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{delivery}", emailParams.delivery);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{quoteby}", emailParams.quoteby);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{negotiationComments}", emailParams.negotiationComments);

            foreach (var k in emailParams.emailDynamicFields)
                if (k.ShowVendors == true)
                    dynamicFields += k.FieldValue == "" ? "" : " <p><b>" + k.FieldName + ": &nbsp;</b>" + k.FieldValue + "</p>";

            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{dynamicFields}", dynamicFields);

            draft.toList = toList;

         * - link_Customer()
         * - Purpose: Sent link to customer for
         * - In: class emailParams {
         *          product,
         *         // pickup,
         *         // delivery,
         *         // quoteby,
         *          emailAddres,
         *         // source,
         *         // destination,
         *          link,
         *          companyName,
         *          quoteCount
         *  }
        public static jResponse link_Customer(List <string> toList, dynamic emailParmas)
            emailDraft draft       = new emailDraft();
            string     productWeb  = genApiController.getURL();
            string     productName = genApiController.getProductName();

            draft.subject = "Ammann India Pvt. Ltd. - Vendor Quote on RFQ #" + emailParmas.rfqID;

            draft.displayName = emailParmas.displayName;
                draft.content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/HTML/Emails/link_quotationToCustomer.html"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new jResponse(true, "No template found!", null));

            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{productName}", productName);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{link}", emailParmas.link);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{rfqID}", emailParmas.rfqID);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{quoteCount}", emailParmas.quoteCount);
            //draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{source}", emailParmas.source);
            //draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{destination}", emailParmas.destination);
            //draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{pickup}", emailParmas.pickup);
            // draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{delivery}", emailParmas.delivery);
            // draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{charges}", emailParmas.charges);
            // draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{payment}", emailParmas.payment);
            // string notesDiv = emailParmas.notes == "" ? "" : " <p><b>Notes: &nbsp;</b>"+ emailParmas.notes +"</p>";
            // draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{notesDiv}", notesDiv);
            //  draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{product}", emailParmas.product);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{customerName}", emailParmas.displayName);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{userName}", emailParmas.userName);
            draft.toList  = toList;

         * - quot_Received()
         * - Purpose: Sent quote received to executive
         * - In: class emailParams {
         *          product,
         *         // pickup,
         *         // delivery,
         *         // quoteby,
         *          emailAddres,
         *         // source,
         *         // destination,
         *          link,
         *          companyName,
         *          quoteCount
         *  }
        public static jResponse quot_Received(List <string> toList, dynamic emailParmas)
            emailDraft draft       = new emailDraft();
            string     productWeb  = genApiController.getURL();
            string     productName = genApiController.getProductName();

            draft.subject = "Quote received from " + emailParmas.companyName;

                draft.content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/HTML/Emails/quot_received.html"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new jResponse(true, "No template found!", null));

            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{rfqID}", emailParmas.rfqID);
            draft.content = draft.content.Replace("{companyName}", emailParmas.companyName);
            draft.toList  = toList;

        //#region "Core"

        public static jResponse sendEmail(emailDraft myParams)
            // #region "Validations"

            // Basic validations
            if (myParams == null || myParams.toList == null ||
                myParams.subject == "" || myParams.content == "")
                return(new jResponse(true, "Invalid parameters", null));

            // Extract parameters
            List <string> toList            = myParams.toList;
            string        subject           = myParams.subject;
            string        content           = myParams.content;
            string        webConDisplayName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailDisplayName"];

            string      displayName       = myParams.displayName == null || myParams.displayName == "" ? webConDisplayName : myParams.displayName;
            string      fromEmailAddress  = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailAccount"];
            string      fromEmailPassword = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailPassword"];
            MailAddress fromAddr          = new MailAddress(fromEmailAddress, webConDisplayName);

            if (subject.Length > 80 || content.Length < 10 || toList.Count < 1)
                return(new jResponse(true, "Invalid parameters", null));

            // #endregion

            // #region "Send email"

            foreach (var recipient in toList)
                //string fromEmailAddress = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailAccount"];
                //string fromEmailPassword = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailPassword"];
                //MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(fromEmailAddress, recipient); //apdcomproject
                MailAddress toAddr = new MailAddress(recipient, displayName);
                MailMessage mail   = new MailMessage(fromAddr, toAddr);
                mail.Subject    = subject;
                mail.IsBodyHtml = true; // Raw HTML code will be displayed otherwise.
                mail.Body       = content;

                SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                client.Host                  = "smtp.gmail.com";
                client.Port                  = 587;
                client.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                client.EnableSsl             = true;
                client.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(fromEmailAddress, fromEmailPassword);

                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(p =>
                    catch (Exception e)
                        var str = e;

            // #endregion

            return(new jResponse(false, "Email(s) will be sent!", null));