Esempio n. 1
 public attack(int dmg, elements ele, string attackName, statusconditions status)
     damage        = dmg;
     attackElement = ele;
     name          = attackName;
     attackStatus  = status;
Esempio n. 2
        private static Element create(elements e)
            switch (e)
            case elements.truss22:
                return(new ElemTruss2d2());

            case elements.truss32:
                return(new ElemTruss3d2());

            case elements.quad4:
                return(new ElementLin2D());

            case elements.quad8r:
                return(new ElementQuad2D());

            case elements.hex8:
                return(new ElementLin3D());

            case elements.hex20r:
                return(new ElementQuad3D());

                return(new NonExistentElement());
Esempio n. 3
 public pokemon(int hitpoints, string pokemonName, elements pokemonElement, int PokemonSpeed)
     isAlive   = true;
     hp        = hitpoints;
     name      = pokemonName;
     pmElement = pokemonElement;
     Speed = PokemonSpeed;
        public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            elements elements = await db.elements.FindAsync(id);

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 5
 private static int CalcEleMulti(elements ele1, elements ele2)
     if (ele1 == elements.None || ele2 == elements.None)
         return 1;
     int eleOffset = Mathf.Abs( ele1 - ele2);
     if (eleOffset <= 4 )
         return eleOffset;
         return 8 - eleOffset;
    public void collect(elements e)
        if (hasCollected(e))

        collected[(int)e] = true;
Esempio n. 7
 //returns true if the same element
 public static bool ElementCheck(elements thisElement, elements otherElement)
     if (otherElement == thisElement)
Esempio n. 8
        static void TreadProc(object a) // while creating new thread pass through function and ONE object
        {                               // funtion defines thread's tasks
            elements b = (elements)a;   // to get acces to variables i have to convert object 'a' to element

            decimal[] x         = b.tabela;
            decimal   y         = b.zmienna_0;
            decimal   z         = b.zmienna_1;
            decimal   min_temp  = b.kmin;
            decimal   diff_temp = b.kdiff;
            int       id        = 0;

            if (y == min_temp)
                id = 0;
            else if (y == min_temp + diff_temp / 4)
                id = 1;
            else if (y == min_temp + (diff_temp / 4) * 2)
                id = 2;
            else if (y == min_temp + (diff_temp / 4) * 3)
                id = 3;

            List <decimal> temp = new List <decimal>(); // creating temp list

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)          // x.length = lenght of array created in main function
                if (x[i] >= y && x[i] < z)              // checking if value from list is in set
                    temp.Add(x[i]);                     // if yes it saves to temp list
                else if (id == 3 && x[i] == z)

            _sort(temp);        // sorting temp list

            write_temp(temp, id);   // saving temp list to list[id]

            //Console.WriteLine("End using Thread nr {0}", id);
            Thread.Sleep(5000); // 5 seconds break
Esempio n. 9
        static void TreadProc(object a)
            elements b = (elements)a;

            decimal[] x         = b.tabela;
            decimal   y         = b.zmienna_0;
            decimal   z         = b.zmienna_1;
            decimal   min_temp  = b.kmin;
            decimal   diff_temp = b.kdiff;
            int       id        = 0;

            if (y == min_temp)
                id = 0;
            else if (y == min_temp + diff_temp / 4)
                id = 1;
            else if (y == min_temp + (diff_temp / 4) * 2)
                id = 2;
            else if (y == min_temp + (diff_temp / 4) * 3)
                id = 3;

            List <decimal> temp = new List <decimal>();

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                if (x[i] >= y && x[i] < z)
                else if (id == 3 && x[i] == z)


            write_temp(temp, id);

            Thread.Sleep(5000); // 5s przerwy
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,path,type_name_id,item_type_id,item_layout_id")] elements elements)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(elements).State = EntityState.Modified;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewBag.type_name_id   = new SelectList(db.ELEMENTS_TYPES, "Id", "TYPE_NAME", elements.type_name_id);
            ViewBag.item_type_id   = new SelectList(db.ITEM_TYPE, "Id", "NAME", elements.item_type_id);
            ViewBag.item_layout_id = new SelectList(db.layout, "Id", "name", elements.item_layout_id);
        // GET: elements/Details/5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            elements elements = await db.elements.FindAsync(id);

            if (elements == null)
Esempio n. 12
        // Construct new element
        // name - element name
        public static Element newElement(String name)
            elements el = elements.nonexistent;

                el = (elements)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(elements), name);
            catch (Exception E)
                UTIL.errorMsg("Incorrect element type: " + name);
Esempio n. 13
        private static void ApplyColorToThemeElement(this Theme theme, elements element, Color color)
            switch (element)
            case elements.windowBGGradientStart:
                theme.BGGradientStart = color;

            case elements.windowBGGradientEnd:
                theme.BGGradientEnd = color;

        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            elements elements = await db.elements.FindAsync(id);

            if (elements == null)
            ViewBag.type_name_id   = new SelectList(db.ELEMENTS_TYPES, "Id", "TYPE_NAME", elements.type_name_id);
            ViewBag.item_type_id   = new SelectList(db.ITEM_TYPE, "Id", "NAME", elements.item_type_id);
            ViewBag.item_layout_id = new SelectList(db.layout, "Id", "name", elements.item_layout_id);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds an element to the list of combined elements
    /// The we check if its valid or not and update the UI
    /// Provides feedback and stores crafted elements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Element to be added"></param>
    public static void addElement(elements e)
        bool valid = false;

        foreach ((chemical c, int j) in GameStateManager.singleton.chemicals.Select((x, y) => (x, y)))
            // store a mutable copy of our list
            List <elements> chemComp = c.elements.ToList();

            // iterate through the list of combined elements and check if they are in the chemical
            // remove elements as we go to ensure that something with multiple of the same elements is handled
            for (int i = 0; i < combined.Count; i++)
                if (!chemComp.Contains(combined[i]))
                else if (i == combined.Count - 1)
                    valid = true;
            if (valid)
                // while something may be valid, it may not have all the requirements to create a full chemical
                if (!chemComp.Any())
                    craftChemical(c, j);
        if (!valid)
            // clear combined
            combined = new List <elements>();
            // show feedback
            showFeedback(Resources.Load <Sprite>("X"));
            AudioManager.singleton.audioSource.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.singleton.wrong, 0.7F);

        // update feedback
        t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = combined.Any() ? toString() : "";
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ImageUpload,type_name_id, item_type_id, item_layout_id")] ImageViewModel model)
            var validImageTypes = new string[]

            if (model.ImageUpload == null || model.ImageUpload.ContentLength == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("ImageUpload", "This field is required");
            else if (!validImageTypes.Contains(model.ImageUpload.ContentType))
                ModelState.AddModelError("ImageUpload", "Please choose either a GIF, JPG or PNG image.");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var elements = new elements
                    type_name_id = model.type_name_id
                if (model.ImageUpload != null && model.ImageUpload.ContentLength > 0)
                    var uploadDir = "~/Files";
                    var imagePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(uploadDir), model.ImageUpload.FileName);
                    var imageUrl  = Path.Combine(uploadDir, model.ImageUpload.FileName);
                    elements.path           = imageUrl;
                    elements.item_type_id   = model.item_type_id;
                    elements.type_name_id   = model.type_name_id;
                    elements.item_layout_id = model.item_layout_id;
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();


            ViewBag.type_name_id = new SelectList(db.ELEMENTS_TYPES, "Id", "TYPE_NAME", model.type_name_id);

    // gets row and col and returns value in table chart for multiplication
    public static float GetEffectiveness(elements ATK_Element, elements DEF_Element)
        // return neutral multiplier if there is no element on the skill
        // or the defender does not have an element
        if (ATK_Element == elements.None || DEF_Element == elements.None)

        // get row and column
        int row = (int)ATK_Element - 1;
        int col = (int)DEF_Element - 1;

        // debug to check if it returns correct multiplier

Esempio n. 18
    public static TileMeta.GemType elementToGem(elements element)
        switch (element)
        case MonsterMeta.elements.Sea: return(TileMeta.GemType.Silver);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Nature: return(TileMeta.GemType.Green);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Wind: return(TileMeta.GemType.Silver);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Disease: return(TileMeta.GemType.Purple);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Magma: return(TileMeta.GemType.Red);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Lightning: return(TileMeta.GemType.Gold);

        case MonsterMeta.elements.Fight: return(TileMeta.GemType.Fight);

        default: return(TileMeta.GemType.Fight);
Esempio n. 19
        public static List <elements> GetElements()
            if (connectionState == ConnectionState.Open)
                List <elements> result = new List <elements>();

                SqliteCommand    cmd    = new SqliteCommand(SQLiteQueries.GetElements, conn);
                SqliteDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    elements row = new elements();



            throw new Exception("SQLite: Connection needs to be open to pull data from db.");
Esempio n. 20
        public ActionResult Book(elements elementsforbooking)
            var booking = new Booking
                ApplicationUserId = 1,
                //Accomodation = elementsforbooking.Accommodation,
                AccommodationId = elementsforbooking.Accommodation_Id,
                Arrival         = elementsforbooking.Arrival,

                Departure = elementsforbooking.Departure,

                Occupancy = 1,
                Rating    = 1


Esempio n. 21
        public static Theme Convert(string fileName)
            Theme  _convertedTheme  = new Theme();
            string _themeFolderPath = (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"Resource\Themes\");
            string _themePath       = _themeFolderPath + fileName + ".theme";

            string[] _themeRawStringLines = File.ReadAllLines(_themePath);
            foreach (string _line in _themeRawStringLines)
                string[] _elementAndValue = _line.Split('=');

                int      _elementPosition = _elementAndValue[0].IsPresentInEnum(typeof(elements));
                elements _thisElement     = new elements();
                _thisElement = (elements)_elementPosition;

                Debug.WriteLine("elementPosition is " + _elementPosition + ". That is " + _thisElement);

                Color _valueColor = _elementAndValue[1].ToColor();
                _convertedTheme.ApplyColorToThemeElement(_thisElement, _valueColor);
Esempio n. 22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string modelName = "Model 2 Test";

            ModelFactory.ModelName = modelName;

            //model modelArchisurance = ObjectFactory.NewModel("Archisurance");
            //DataSet dsArchisurance = new DataSet();
            //string xmlArchiSurance = @"..\..\..\PSN.ModelMate.Schema\Samples\Archisurance\Archisurance-psn.xml";
            //var mmpArchisurance = new ModelMateProcessor(ModelMateProcessor.ConvertAMEFFDataSet2Model);
            //// TODO TODO mmpArchisurance.ProcessModel(dsArchisurance, (DbContext)null, new Collection<model> { modelArchisurance });

            string tenantName = "Tenant 0 " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ModelFactory.TenantName = tenantName;

            var tenant0 = ModelFactory.NewTenantWithRootFolder(tenantName);

            tenantName = "Tenant 1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            ModelFactory.TenantName = tenantName;

            var tenant1 = ModelFactory.NewTenant(tenantName,
                                                                        new folder[] { ModelFactory.NewFolder("Model Templates"), ModelFactory.NewFolder("Production Models") }

            ModelConst.PropertyDataType dtStringType = ModelConst.PropertyDataType.stringType;
            propertydef  pdefString = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDef("String Propertydef " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), dtStringType);
            propertydefs pdefs      = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDefs(pdefString);

            ModelConst.ElementType etAC = ModelConst.ElementType.ApplicationComponent;
            element[] elementArray      = new element[10];
            for (int iElement = 0; iElement < 10; iElement++)
                property p = ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Element Property Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()),
                elementArray[iElement] = ModelFactory.NewElement("Element " + iElement.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), etAC, p);
            elements elements = ModelFactory.NewElements(elementArray);

            tenantName = "Tenant 2 Test";
            ModelFactory.TenantName = tenantName;

            model model2;
            //var tenant2 = ModelFactory.NewTenant(tenantName,
            //                ModelFactory.NewFolder("/",
            //                    ModelFactory.NewFolder("Production Models",
            //                        ModelFactory.NewFolder("HQ Models Folder " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                            model2 = ModelFactory.NewModel(modelName, ModelConst.LANG_EN,
            //                                                            elements, pdefs
            //                            )
            //                        )
            //                    )
            //                )
            //              );

            var tenant2 = ModelFactory.NewTenant(tenantName,
                                                                        model2 = ModelFactory.NewModel(modelName, ModelConst.LANG_EN,
                                                                                                       elements, pdefs

            Console.WriteLine("Tenant.tenant_Id " + tenant2.tenant_Id.ToString());
            foreach (folders fs in tenant2.folders)
                Console.WriteLine("Folders.tenant_Id " + fs.tenant_Id.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Folders.folders_Id " + fs.folders_Id.ToString());

                foreach (folder f in fs.folder)
                    Console.WriteLine("Folder " + f.folders_Id.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Folder " + f.folder_Id.ToString());

            var name = ModelFactory.NewName("Model 2 Name " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

            var documentation = ModelFactory.NewDocumentation("Model 2 Documentation " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

            var metadata = ModelFactory.NewMetadata(
                ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Model 2 Metadata Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString)


            var properties = ModelFactory.NewProperties(
                ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Model 2 Property Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString)


            var relationship1 = ModelFactory.NewRelationship("Association Relationship " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                                             elementArray[0], elementArray[1]
            var relationships = ModelFactory.NewRelationships(relationship1);


            var organization = ModelFactory.NewOrganization(


            var style1 = ModelFactory.NewStyle(
                ModelFactory.NewFillColor(255, 0, 0),
                ModelFactory.NewLineColor(0, 255, 0),
                ModelFactory.NewFont("Times Roman", (float)10.5, "bold", ModelFactory.NewColor(0, 0, 255)), 3
            var style2 = ModelFactory.NewStyle(
                ModelFactory.NewFillColor(255, 0, 0),
                ModelFactory.NewLineColor(0, 255, 0),
                ModelFactory.NewFont("Times Roman", (float)12.5, "bold", ModelFactory.NewColor(0, 0, 255)), 3

            var node0 = ModelFactory.NewNode("Node 0 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50,
                                             elementArray[0], null, null, style1,
                                             new node[] { ModelFactory.NewNode("Sub Node " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                                                               10, 10, 10, 25, 25, 25,
                                                                               elementArray[3]) }
            var node1 = ModelFactory.NewNode("Node 1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50,
                                             elementArray[1], null, null, style2,

            var bendpoint1  = ModelFactory.NewBendPoint(25, 25, 25);
            var connection1 = ModelFactory.NewConnection("Connection 1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                                         node0, node1, relationship1


            view view2;
            var  views = ModelFactory.NewViews(
                view2 = ModelFactory.NewView("View 2 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), ModelConst.ViewType.Layered,
                                             new node[] {
                node0, node1
                                             new connection[] { connection1 }


                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                   , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString

                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                   , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString

                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                   , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString

                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
                    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                   , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                             null, null,
                                             ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString

            //using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create("model2.xml"))
            //    //XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(model));
            //    DataContractSerializerSettings settings = new DataContractSerializerSettings();
            //    DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(model));
            //    serializer.WriteObject(writer, model2);
            //    writer.Close();

            string xmlSchemaFile = @"..\..\..\PSN.ModelMate.Schema\Schema\Reference ModelGood9.xsd";

            // DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            // ds.ReadXmlSchema(xmlSchemaFile);
            // BUG DataSet ds2 = new DataSet();
            // BUG ds2.ReadXmlSchema(xmlSchemaFile);

            //DataTable dttenant = ds.Tables["tenant"];
            //DataRow drtentant1 = dttenant.NewRow();
            //DataRow drtentant2 = ds.Tables["tenant"].NewRow();

            //DataTable dtfolders = ds.Tables["folders"];
            //DataTable dtfolder = ds.Tables["folder"];
            //DataTable dtmodels = ds.Tables["models"];
            //DataTable dtmodel = ds.Tables["model"];

            //DataTable dtprocessinghistory = ds.Tables["processinghistory"];
            //DataTable dtusage = ds.Tables["usage"];
            //DataTable dtperformance = ds.Tables["performance"];
            //DataTable dtmanagement = ds.Tables["management"];
            //DataTable dttimesnap = ds.Tables["timesnap"];

            //DataTable dtproperties = ds.Tables["properties"];
            //DataTable dtproperty = ds.Tables["property"];

            //DataTable dtpropertydefs = ds.Tables["propertydefs"];
            //DataTable dtpropertydef = ds.Tables["propertydef"];

            //DataTable dtelements = ds.Tables["elements"];
            //DataTable dtelement = ds.Tables["element"];

            //DataTable dtrelationships = ds.Tables["relationships"];
            //DataTable dtrelationship = ds.Tables["relationship"];

            //DataTable dtviews = ds.Tables["views"];
            //DataTable dtview = ds.Tables["view"];
            //DataTable dtconnection = ds.Tables["connection"];
            //DataTable dtnode = ds.Tables["node"];

            //DataTable dtstyle = ds.Tables["style"];
            //DataTable dtfont = ds.Tables["font"];
            //DataTable dtfillColor = ds.Tables["fillColor"];
            //DataTable dtlineColor = ds.Tables["lineColor"];
            //DataTable dtcolor = ds.Tables["color"];
            //DataTable dtbendpoint = ds.Tables["bendpoint"];

            //DataTable dtmetadata = ds.Tables["metadata"];

            //DataTable dtorganization = ds.Tables["organization"];
            //DataTable dtitem = ds.Tables["item"];

            //DataTable dtname = ds.Tables["name"];
            //DataTable dtvalue = ds.Tables["value"];
            //DataTable dtdocumentation = ds.Tables["documentation"];
            //DataTable dtlabel = ds.Tables["label"];

            using (var ctx = new ModelMateEFModel9Context())
                ctx.Database.Log = Console.Write;

                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Add tenant0", ctx.ChangeTracker);
                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Save tenant0", ctx.ChangeTracker);


                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Add tenant2", ctx.ChangeTracker);
                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Save tenant2", ctx.ChangeTracker);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("tenant2", ctx.Entry(tenant2).CurrentValues, null);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("model2", ctx.Entry(model2).CurrentValues, null);
                Console.WriteLine("Tenant.tenant_Id " + tenant2.tenant_Id.ToString());
                foreach (folders fs in tenant2.folders)
                    Console.WriteLine("Folders.tenant_Id " + fs.tenant_Id.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Folders.folders_Id " + fs.folders_Id.ToString());

                    foreach (folder f in fs.folder)
                        Console.WriteLine("Folder " + f.folders_Id.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Folder " + f.folder_Id.ToString());

                folders fs0 = tenant2.folders.ElementAt(0);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("fs0", ctx.Entry(fs0).CurrentValues, null);

                folder f0 = fs0.folder.ElementAt(0);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("f0", ctx.Entry(f0).CurrentValues, null);

                Console.WriteLine("RECURSION ==================================================");
                //DataSet dsTenant = new DataSet();
                ////dsTenant.Tables["tenant"].Namespace = "";
                ////dsTenant.Tables["tenant"].Prefix = "xml";
                //var tenant = ctx.tenant.Find(new object[] { tenant2.tenant_Id });
                //var mmp = new ModelMateProcessor(ModelMateProcessor.ProcessObjectPopulateXMLDataSet);
                //mmp.ProcessTenant(dsTenant, (DbContext)ctx, new Collection<tenant> { tenant });

                string  modelSchemaFile = @"..\..\..\PSN.ModelMate.Schema\Schema\ModelMateModel9.xsd";
                DataSet dsModel         = new DataSet();
                //DataSet ds3 = dsModel.Copy();
                //var mmpModel = new ModelMateProcessor();
                var mmpModel = new ModelProcessor(ModelProcessor.ConvertModel2AMEFFDataSet);
                mmpModel.ProcessModel(dsModel, (DbContext)ctx, new Collection <model> {
                dsModel.WriteXml("modelds.xml", XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema);
                string filename = "modelds2.xml";
                mmpModel.SaveAMEFFDataSetAsXML(dsModel, filename);

                tenant2.version = ModelConst.TENANT_TESTVERSION;
                var name2 = ModelFactory.NewName("Model Name FR " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), ModelConst.LANG_FR);
                var name3 = ModelFactory.NewName("Model Name EN " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Change tenant2", ctx.ChangeTracker);
                ModelDump.DisplayTrackedEntities("Save tenant2", ctx.ChangeTracker);

                object[] keys    = { -1702823521 };
                tenant   tenant9 = ctx.tenant.Find(keys);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exist...");
Esempio n. 23
 var(elements, attributes) = GetObjects(XDocument.Load(path), xpath, namespaces);
Esempio n. 24
 Reverse(elements, position, length);
Esempio n. 25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string tTargetName       = "Tenant 2 Test";
            string       tTargetIdentifier = Util.MakeIdentifierRootIdentifier(typeof(tenant).Name, Util.TrimWhitespace(tTargetName));

            const string mTargetName       = "Model 2 Test";
            string       mTargetIdentifier = Util.MakeIdentifierFromParentIdentifier(
                Util.MakeIdentifierRootIdentifier(typeof(tenant).Name, tTargetName),
                typeof(model).Name, Util.TrimWhitespace(mTargetName));

            tenant tTarget = null;
            model  mTarget = null;

            using (var ctxTarget = new ModelMateEFModel9Context())
                ctxTarget.Database.Log = Console.Write;
                Console.WriteLine("LazyLoadingEnabled: " + ctxTarget.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled.ToString());

                tTarget = ModelFinder.FindTenant(ctxTarget, tTargetIdentifier, "");
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("tTarget", ctxTarget.Entry(tTarget).CurrentValues, null);

                mTarget = ModelFinder.FindModel(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTargetIdentifier, null);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("mTarget", ctxTarget.Entry(mTarget).CurrentValues, null);

                element[] es0 = ModelFinder.FindElements(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTarget, ModelConst.ElementType.ApplicationComponent);
                Console.WriteLine("es0.Count: " + es0.Count <element>().ToString());
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("es0", ctxTarget.Entry(es0[0]).CurrentValues, null);

                es0 = ModelFinder.FindElements(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTarget, ModelConst.ElementType.AllElementTypes);
                Console.WriteLine("es0.Count: " + es0.Count <element>().ToString());
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("es0", ctxTarget.Entry(es0[0]).CurrentValues, null);

                relationship[] rs0 = ModelFinder.FindRelationships(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTarget, ModelConst.RelationshipType.AllRelationshipTypes);
                Console.WriteLine("es0.Count: " + es0.Count <element>().ToString());
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("es0", ctxTarget.Entry(es0[0]).CurrentValues, null);

                foreach (relationship r in rs0)
                    element eSource = ModelFinder.FindElement(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTarget, r.source, null);
                    element eTarget = ModelFinder.FindElement(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTarget,, null);
                    ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("eSource", ctxTarget.Entry(eSource).CurrentValues, null);
                    ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("r", ctxTarget.Entry(r).CurrentValues, null);
                    ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("eTarget", ctxTarget.Entry(eTarget).CurrentValues, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

            string tSourceName = "Tenant 2";

            ModelFactory.TenantName = tSourceName;

            string mSourceIdentifier = mTargetIdentifier;
            string mSourceName       = mTargetName; // "Model 2 " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            ModelFactory.ModelName = mSourceName;

            tenant tSource = null;
            model  mSource = null;

            propertydef pdef1 = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDef("String Propertydef 1", ModelConst.PropertyDataType.stringType);
            propertydef pdef2 = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDef("Boolean Propertydef 2", ModelConst.PropertyDataType.booleanType);
            propertydef pdef3 = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDef("Number Propertydef 3", ModelConst.PropertyDataType.numberType);

            propertydef[] pdfArray = new propertydef[] { pdef1, pdef2, pdef3 };
            propertydefs  pdefs    = ModelFactory.NewPropertyDefs(pdfArray);

            ModelConst.ElementType etAC = ModelConst.ElementType.ApplicationComponent;
            element[] elementArray      = new element[10];
            for (int iElement = 0; iElement < 10; iElement++)
                property p1 = ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Element Property Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()),
                                                       pdfArray[iElement % 3]);
                property p2 = ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Element Property Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()),
                                                       pdfArray[(iElement + 1) % 3]);
                properties ps = ModelFactory.NewProperties(new property[] { p1, p2 });
                elementArray[iElement] = ModelFactory.NewElement("Element " + iElement.ToString(), etAC, ps);
            elements elements = ModelFactory.NewElements(elementArray);

            tSource = ModelFactory.NewTenant(tSourceName,
                                                                    mSource = ModelFactory.NewModel(mSourceName, ModelConst.LANG_EN,
                                                                                                    elements, pdefs

            mSource.version = "9.0";

            var properties = ModelFactory.NewProperties(ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Model 2 Value 1"), pdef1));


            //var name = ModelFactory.NewName("Model 2 Name " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

            var relationship1 = ModelFactory.NewRelationship("Association Relationship 1",
                                                             elementArray[0], elementArray[1]
            var relationship2 = ModelFactory.NewRelationship("Association Relationship 2",
                                                             elementArray[2], elementArray[3]
            var relationships = ModelFactory.NewRelationships(new relationship[] { relationship1, relationship2 });


            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit...");

            //var organization = ModelFactory.NewOrganization(
            //            ModelFactory.NewItem(elementArray[0],
            //                ModelFactory.NewItem(null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewItem(elementArray[1]
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //       );

            //var documentation = ModelFactory.NewDocumentation("Model 2 Documentation " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

            //var metadata = ModelFactory.NewMetadata(
            //            ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Model 2 Metadata Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString)
            //        );

            //var style1 = ModelFactory.NewStyle(
            //                ModelFactory.NewFillColor(255, 0, 0),
            //                ModelFactory.NewLineColor(0, 255, 0),
            //                ModelFactory.NewFont("Times Roman", (float)10.5, "bold", ModelFactory.NewColor(0, 0, 255)), 3
            //            );
            //var style2 = ModelFactory.NewStyle(
            //    ModelFactory.NewFillColor(255, 0, 0),
            //    ModelFactory.NewLineColor(0, 255, 0),
            //    ModelFactory.NewFont("Times Roman", (float)12.5, "bold", ModelFactory.NewColor(0, 0, 255)), 3

            //var node0 = ModelFactory.NewNode("Node 0 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                            0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50,
            //                            elementArray[0], null, null, style1,
            //                            new node[] { ModelFactory.NewNode("Sub Node " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                                            10, 10, 10, 25, 25, 25,
            //                                            elementArray[3])
            //                            }
            //            );
            //var node1 = ModelFactory.NewNode("Node 1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                            100, 100, 100, 50, 50, 50,
            //                            elementArray[1], null, null, style2,
            //                            null
            //            );

            //var bendpoint1 = ModelFactory.NewBendPoint(25, 25, 25);
            //var connection1 = ModelFactory.NewConnection("Connection 1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    node0, node1, relationship1
            //                  );

            //view view2;
            //var views = ModelFactory.NewViews(
            //                view2 = ModelFactory.NewView("View 2 " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), ModelConst.ViewType.Layered,
            //                    new node[] {
            //                        node0, node1
            //                    },
            //                    new connection[] { connection1 }
            //                )
            //            );

            //    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //        ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //        null, null,
            //        ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //        )
            //    )
            //            ModelFactory.NewUsage(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewPerformance(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewManagement(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //          , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );

            //            ModelFactory.NewProcessinghistory(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewUsage(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewPerformance(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewManagement(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //          , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );

            //    ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //        ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //        null, null,
            //        ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //        )
            //    )
            //            ModelFactory.NewUsage(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewPerformance(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewManagement(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //          , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );

            //            ModelFactory.NewProcessinghistory(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Processinghistory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.processinghistory, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewUsage(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.usage, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewPerformance(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Performance " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    ModelConst.TimesnapCategory.performance, "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );
            //            ModelFactory.NewManagement(
            //                ModelFactory.NewTimesnap(DateTime.Now, "Timesnap Management " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //          , "Subcategory " + DateTime.Now.ToString(),
            //                    null, null,
            //                    ModelFactory.NewProperty(ModelFactory.NewValue("Value " + DateTime.Now.ToString()), pdefString
            //                    )
            //                )
            //            )
            //            );

            using (var ctxTarget = new ModelMateEFModel9Context())
                ctxTarget.Database.Log = Console.Write;

                tTarget = ModelFinder.FindTenant(ctxTarget, tTargetIdentifier, "");
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("tTarget", ctxTarget.Entry(tTarget).CurrentValues, null);

                folders fs0 = tTarget.folders.ElementAt(0);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("fs0", ctxTarget.Entry(fs0).CurrentValues, null);
                folder f0 = fs0.folder.ElementAt(0);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("f0", ctxTarget.Entry(f0).CurrentValues, null);

                mTarget = ModelFinder.FindModel(ctxTarget, tTarget, mTargetIdentifier, null);
                ModelDump.DisplayDBPropertyValues("mTarget", ctxTarget.Entry(mTarget).CurrentValues, null);

                ModelMigrator.MigrateModel(ctxTarget, tTarget, f0,
                                           mSource, PCOOperation.merge, PCOOperation.merge, true);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exist...");
Esempio n. 26
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     i = (int)Session["i"];
     el = (elements)Session["el"];
     myDB = (database)Session["myDB"];
     curUser = (user)Session["curUser"];
     boardName = (string)Session["boardName"];
     queryItems = (List<product_image>)Session["queryItems"];
     usersBoardColl = myDB.getUsersBoardCollection(curUser);
     p = (product_image)Session["p"];
Esempio n. 27
 // ReSharper disable once PossibleMultipleEnumeration
 BindVisibilityProperties(elements, viewModel);
Esempio n. 28
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            decimal max  = _array.Max();
            decimal min  = _array.Min();
            decimal diff = max - min;

            decimal r_0 = min;
            decimal r_1 = min + diff / 4;

            List <elements> all_elem = new List <elements>();

            temp_1 = new List <List <decimal> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                temp_1.Add(new List <decimal>());

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                decimal  x   = i * diff / 4;
                decimal  a_1 = (r_0 + x);
                decimal  a_2 = (r_1 + x);
                elements all = new elements(_array, a_1, a_2, min, diff);

            Thread raz = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            Thread dwa = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            Thread trzy = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            Thread czt = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));



            int z = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < temp_1.Count; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    z += temp_1[i - 1].Count;
                for (int j = 0; j < temp_1[i].Count; j++)
                    _array[z + j] = temp_1[i][j];

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = _array[i];
Esempio n. 29
 public static int CalculateDamage(int atkDamage, elements atkEle, int defArmour, elements defEle)
     int elementalMultiplier = 1 + CalcEleMulti(atkEle,defEle);
     int damage = (atkDamage * elementalMultiplier) - defArmour;
     return damage;
Esempio n. 30
        private void button_sort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            decimal max  = _array.Max();
            decimal min  = _array.Min();
            decimal diff = max - min;

            decimal r_0 = min;                        // lower border of searching   min
            decimal r_1 = min + diff / 4;             // upper border of searching diff/4

            List <elements> all_elem = new List <elements>();     // List of elements

            temp_1 = new List <List <decimal> >();                // List of lists

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                temp_1.Add(new List <decimal>());    // filling list with list, each will be containing numbers eg for set '0' 0 - 100

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)         // filling elements each have different attributes
            {                                   // element nr 0 stores whole array, lower border = 0 i upper border = 100
                decimal  x   = i * diff / 4;
                decimal  a_1 = (r_0 + x);
                decimal  a_2 = (r_1 + x);
                elements all = new elements(_array, a_1, a_2, min, diff);

            Thread raz = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));   // creating thread nr 1 and passing element nr 0


            Thread dwa = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            Thread trzy = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            Thread czt = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TreadProc));


            raz.Join();     // main function waits as first thread finishes work

            int z = 0;                             // help variable, calculates where we should insert data into main array

            for (int i = 0; i < temp_1.Count; i++) // temp_1.count - number of lists
                if (i > 0)
                    z += temp_1[i - 1].Count;             // increases variable by length of previous list in order to start in good place
                for (int j = 0; j < temp_1[i].Count; j++) // temp[i].count - length of single list
                    _array[z + j] = temp_1[i][j];         // temp_1[i][j] - list number i and place on list j

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                dataGridView2.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = _array[i];
Esempio n. 31
 public element(string name, uint count)
     if (IsElement(name)) = GetElement(name);
     this.count = count;
Esempio n. 32
        double thelup        = HUGE8; /* is initialized only once at load time */

        unsafe int calc(int planet, double jd_ad, int flag, double *alng, double *arad, double *alat, double *alngspeed)
            double  c, s, x, knn, knv;
            double  rp = 0.0, zp = 0.0; /* needed to call hel! */
            double *azet = alat;
            bool    calc_geo, calc_helio, calc_apparent, calc_speed, calc_nut;

            /* helup checks whether it was already called with same time */
            /* we could return now if we only wanted to compute ecl and nut */

            calc_helio    = (flag & CALC_BIT_HELIO) != 0;
            calc_geo      = !calc_helio;
            calc_apparent = (flag & CALC_BIT_NOAPP) == 0;
            calc_nut      = (flag & CALC_BIT_NONUT) == 0;
            calc_speed    = (flag & CALC_BIT_SPEED) != 0;

            ** it is necessary to compute EARTH in the following cases:
            ** heliocentric MOON or EARTH
            ** geocentric any planet except MOON or nodes or LILITH
            if (calc_helio && (planet == MOON || planet == EARTH) ||
                calc_geo && planet != MOON &&
                planet != MEAN_NODE &&
                planet != TRUE_NODE &&
                planet != LILITH)
                if (earthrem.calculation_time != jd_ad)
                    hel(EARTH, jd_ad, alng, arad, azet, alngspeed, &rp, &zp);
                    /* store earthdata for geocentric calculation: */
                    earthrem.lng              = *alng;
                    earthrem.rad              = *arad;
                    earthrem.zet              = *azet;
                    earthrem.lngspeed         = *alngspeed;
                    earthrem.radspeed         = rp;
                    earthrem.zetspeed         = zp;
                    earthrem.calculation_time = jd_ad;
            switch (planet)
            case EARTH:     /* has been already computed */
                *alng = earthrem.lng;
                *arad      = earthrem.rad;
                *azet      = earthrem.zet;
                *alngspeed = earthrem.lngspeed;
                rp = earthrem.radspeed;
                zp = earthrem.zetspeed;
                if (calc_geo)       /* SUN seen from earth */
                    *alng = smod8360(*alng + 180.0);
                    *azet = -*azet;
                if (calc_apparent)
                    *alng = *alng - 0.0057683 * (*arad) * (*alngspeed);

            case MOON:
                moon(alng, arad, azet);
                moonrem.lng = *alng;      /* moonrem will be used for TRUE_NODE */
                moonrem.rad = *arad;
                moonrem.zet = *azet;
                *alngspeed = 12;
                moonrem.calculation_time = jd_ad;
                if (calc_helio || calc_speed)      /* get a second moon position */
                    double lng2, rad2, zet2;
                    helup(jd_ad + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL);
                    moon(&lng2, &rad2, &zet2);
                    if (calc_helio)     /* moon as seen from sun */
                        togeo(earthrem.lng, -earthrem.rad, moonrem.lng, moonrem.rad,
                              moonrem.zet, alng, arad);
                        togeo(earthrem.lng + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL * earthrem.lngspeed,
                              -(earthrem.rad + MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL * earthrem.radspeed),
                              lng2, rad2, zet2, &lng2, &rad2);
                    *alngspeed = diff8360(lng2, *alng) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL;
                    /* rp = (rad2 - *arad) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL;       */
                    /* zp = (zet2 - moonrem.zet) / MOON_SPEED_INTERVAL; */
                *alat = RADTODEG * Math.Asin(*azet / *arad);

                ** light time correction, not applied for moon or nodes;
                ** moon would have only term of ca. 0.02", see Expl.Sup.1961 p.109

            case MERCURY:
            case VENUS:
            case MARS:
            case JUPITER:
            case SATURN:
            case URANUS:
            case NEPTUNE:
            case PLUTO:
            case CHIRON:
            case CERES:
            case PALLAS:
            case JUNO:
            case VESTA:
                if (hel(planet, jd_ad, alng, arad, azet, alngspeed, &rp, &zp) != 0)
                    return(-1);    /* outer planets can fail if out of ephemeris range */
                if (calc_geo)
                {           /* geocentric */
                    double lng1 = 0.0, rad1 = 0.0, lng2 = 0.0, rad2 = 0.0;
                    togeo(earthrem.lng, earthrem.rad, *alng, *arad, *azet, &lng1, &rad1);
                    togeo(earthrem.lng + earthrem.lngspeed,
                          earthrem.rad + earthrem.radspeed,
                          *alng + *alngspeed, *arad + rp, *azet + zp, &lng2, &rad2);
                    *alng      = lng1;
                    *arad      = rad1;
                    *alngspeed = diff8360(lng2, lng1);
                    /* rp = rad2 - rad1; */
                *alat = RADTODEG * Math.Asin(*azet / *arad);
                if (calc_apparent)
                    *alng = *alng - 0.0057683 * (*arad) * (*alngspeed);

            case MEAN_NODE:
                *alng = smod8360(el[MOON].kn);

                 * the distance of the node is the 'orbital parameter' p = a (1-e^2);
                 * Our current use of the axis a is wrong, but is never used.
                *arad      = pd[MOON].axis;
                *alat      = 0.0;
                *alngspeed = -0.053;

            case TRUE_NODE:
                /* see comment 'Note 7 May 1991' above */
                double ln = 0, rn = 0, zn = 0,
                       lv = 0, rv = 0, zv = 0,
                       l1 = 0, r1 = 0, z1 = 0,
                       xn, yn, xv, yv, r0, x0, y0;

                helup(jd_ad + NODE_INTERVAL);
                moon(&ln, &rn, &zn);
                helup(jd_ad - NODE_INTERVAL);
                moon(&lv, &rv, &zv);
                if (moonrem.calculation_time != jd_ad)
                    moon(&l1, &r1, &z1);
                {          /* moon is already calculated */
                    l1 = moonrem.lng;
                    r1 = moonrem.rad;
                    z1 = moonrem.zet;
                rn  = Math.Sqrt(rn * rn - zn * zn);
                rv  = Math.Sqrt(rv * rv - zv * zv);
                r0  = Math.Sqrt(r1 * r1 - z1 * z1);
                xn  = rn * Math.Cos(DEGTORAD * ln);
                yn  = rn * Math.Sin(DEGTORAD * ln);
                xv  = rv * Math.Cos(DEGTORAD * lv);
                yv  = rv * Math.Sin(DEGTORAD * lv);
                x0  = r0 * Math.Cos(DEGTORAD * l1);
                y0  = r0 * Math.Sin(DEGTORAD * l1);
                x   = test_near_zero(x0 * yn - xn * y0);
                s   = (y0 * zn - z1 * yn) / x;
                c   = test_near_zero((x0 * zn - z1 * xn) / x);
                knn = smod8360(RADTODEG * Math.Atan2(s, c));         /* = ATAN8(s / c) */
                x   = test_near_zero(y0 * xv - x0 * yv);
                s   = (yv * z1 - zv * y0) / x;
                c   = test_near_zero((xv * z1 - zv * x0) / x);
                knv = smod8360(RADTODEG * Math.Atan2(s, c));
                *alng = smod8360((knv + knn) / 2);

                ** the distance of the node is the 'orbital parameter' p = a (1-e^2);
                ** Our current use of the axis a is wrong.
                *arad      = pd[MOON].axis;
                *alat      = 0.0;
                *alngspeed = diff8360(knn, knv) / NODE_INTERVAL;

            case LILITH:
                ** Added 22-Jun-93
                ** Lilith or Dark Moon is the empty focal point of the mean lunar ellipse.
                ** This is 180 degrees from the perihel.
                ** Because the lunar orbit is not in the ecliptic, it must be
                ** projected onto the ecliptic in the same way as the planetary orbits
                ** are (see for example Montenbruck, Grundlagen der Ephemeridenrechnung).
                ** We compute the MEAN Lilith, not the TRUE one which would have to be
                ** derived in a similar way as the true node.
                ** For the radius vector of Lilith we use a simple formula;
                ** to get a precise value, the fact that the focal point of the ellipse
                ** is not at the center of the earth but at the barycenter moon-earth
                ** would have to be accounted for.
                ** For the speed we always return a constant: the T term from the
                ** lunar perihel.
                ** Joelle de Gravelaine publishes in her book "Lilith der schwarze Mond"
                ** (Astrodata, 1990) an ephemeris which gives noon (12.00) positions
                ** but does not project onto the ecliptic.
                ** This creates deviations
                double   arg_lat, lon, cosi;
                elements e = el[MOON];
                arg_lat = degnorm( - + 180.0);
                cosi    = COSDEG(;
                if ( == 0 || Math.Abs(arg_lat - 90.0) < TANERRLIMIT ||
                    Math.Abs(arg_lat - 270.0) < TANERRLIMIT)
                    lon = arg_lat;
                    lon = Math.Atan(TANDEG(arg_lat) * cosi);
                    lon = RADTODEG * lon;
                    if (arg_lat > 90.0 && arg_lat < 270.0)
                        lon += 180.0;
                lon = degnorm(lon +;
                *alng      = lon;
                *alngspeed = 0.111404;          /* 6'41.05" per day */
                *arad      = 2 * pd[MOON].axis * e.ex;

                ** To test Gravalaines error, return unprojected long in alat.
                ** the correct latitude would be:
                ** *alat = RADTODEG * ASIN8(SINDEG(arg_lat) * SINDEG(e->in));
                *alat = RADTODEG * Math.Sin(SINDEG(arg_lat) * SINDEG(;

            } /* end switch */

            if (calc_nut)
                *alng += nut;
            *alng = smod8360(*alng);  /* normalize to circle */
Esempio n. 33
        unsafe int moon(double *al, double *ar, double *az)  /* return OK or ERR */
            double   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, c2, c4, arg, b, d, f, dgc, dlm, dpm, dkm, dls;
            double   ca, cb, cd, f_2d, f_4d, g1c, lk, lk1, man, ms, nib, s, sinarg, sinp, sk;
            double   t, tb, t2c, r2rad, i1corr, i2corr, dlid;
            int      i;
            elements e = el[MOON];

            t = * 36525;  /* days from epoch 1900 */

            /* new format table II, parameters in full rotations of 360 degrees */
            r2rad = 360.0 * DEGTORAD;
            tb    = t * 1e-12;     /* units of 10^12 */
            t2c   = t * t * 1e-16; /* units of 10^16 */
            a1    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.53733431 - 10104982 * tb + 191 * t2c));
            a2    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.71995354 - 147094228 * tb + 43 * t2c));
            c2    = Math.Cos(r2rad * (0.71995354 - 147094228 * tb + 43 * t2c));
            a3    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.14222222 + 1536238 * tb));
            a4    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.48398132 - 147269147 * tb + 43 * t2c));
            c4    = Math.Cos(r2rad * (0.48398132 - 147269147 * tb + 43 * t2c));
            a5    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.52453688 - 147162675 * tb + 43 * t2c));
            a6    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.84536324 - 11459387 * tb));
            a7    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.23363774 + 1232723 * tb + 191 * t2c));
            a8    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.58750000 + 9050118 * tb));
            a9    = Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.61043085 - 67718733 * tb));

            dlm = 0.84 * a3 + 0.31 * a7 + 14.27 * a1 + 7.261 * a2 + 0.282 * a4
                  + 0.237 * a6;
            dpm = -2.1 * a3 - 2.076 * a2 - 0.840 * a4 - 0.593 * a6;
            dkm = 0.63 * a3 + 95.96 * a2 + 15.58 * a4 + 1.86 * a5;
            dls = -6.4 * a3 - 0.27 * a8 - 1.89 * a6 + 0.20 * a9;
            dgc = (-4.318 * c2 - 0.698 * c4) / 3600.0 / 360.0; /* in revolutions */
            dgc = (1.000002708 + 139.978 * dgc);               /* in this form used later */
            man = DEGTORAD * ( + (dlm - dpm) / 3600.0);
            /* man with periodic and secular corr. */
            ms = DEGTORAD * (el[EARTH].ma + dls / 3600.0);
            f  = DEGTORAD * (e.lg - + (dlm - dkm) / 3600.0);
            d  = DEGTORAD * (e.lg + 180 - el[EARTH].lg + (dlm - dls) / 3600.0);

            lk     = lk1 = sk = sinp = nib = g1c = 0;
            i1corr = 1.0 - 6.8320E-8 * t;
            i2corr = dgc * dgc; /* i2 occurs only as -2, 2 */
            for (i = 0; i < m45.Count; i++)
                /* arg = mp->i0 * man + mp->i1 * ms + mp->i2 * f + mp->i3 * d; */
                arg    = m45[i].i0 * man;
                arg   += m45[i].i3 * d;
                arg   += m45[i].i2 * f;
                arg   += m45[i].i1 * ms;
                sinarg = Math.Sin(arg);

                ** now apply corrections due to changes in constants;
                ** we correct only terms in l' (i1) and F (i2), not in l (i0), because
                ** the latter are < 0.05"
                ** We don't apply corrections  for cos(arg), i.e. for parallax
                if (m45[i].i1 != 0)
                {  /* i1 can be -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 */
                    sinarg *= i1corr;
                    if (m45[i].i1 == 2 || m45[i].i1 == -2)
                        sinarg *= i1corr;
                if (m45[i].i2 != 0)  /* i2 can be -2, 0, 2 */
                    sinarg *= i2corr;
                lk   += m45[i].lng * sinarg;
                sk   += m45[i].lat * sinarg;
                sinp += m45[i].par * Math.Cos(arg);

            ** now compute some planetary terms in longitude, list i delta;
            ** we take all > 0.5" and neglect secular terms in the arguments. These
            ** produce phase errors > 10 degrees only after 3000 years.
            dlid  = 0.822 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.32480 - 0.0017125594 * t));
            dlid += 0.307 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.14905 - 0.0034251187 * t));
            dlid += 0.348 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.68266 - 0.0006873156 * t));
            dlid += 0.662 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.65162 + 0.0365724168 * t));
            dlid += 0.643 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.88098 - 0.0025069941 * t));
            dlid += 1.137 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.85823 + 0.0364487270 * t));
            dlid += 0.436 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.71892 + 0.0362179180 * t));
            dlid += 0.327 * Math.Sin(r2rad * (0.97639 + 0.0001734910 * t));

            /* without nutation */
            *al = smod8360(e.lg + (dlm + lk + lk1 + dlid) / 3600.0);

            /* solar Terms in latitude Nibeta */
            f_2d = f - 2.0 * d;
            f_4d = f - 4.0 * d;
            nib += -526.069 * Math.Sin(f_2d);
            nib += -3.352 * Math.Sin(f_4d);
            nib += 44.297 * Math.Sin(man + f_2d);
            nib += -6.000 * Math.Sin(man + f_4d);
            nib += 20.599 * Math.Sin(-man + f);
            nib += -30.598 * Math.Sin(-man + f_2d);
            nib += -24.649 * Math.Sin(-2 * man + f);
            nib += -2.000 * Math.Sin(-2 * man + f_2d);
            nib += -22.571 * Math.Sin(ms + f_2d);
            nib += 10.985 * Math.Sin(-ms + f_2d);

            /* new gamma1C from 29 Jul 88, all terms > 0.4 " in table III, code 2 */
            g1c += -0.725 * Math.Cos(d);
            g1c += 0.601 * Math.Cos(2 * d);
            g1c += 0.394 * Math.Cos(3 * d);
            g1c += -0.445 * Math.Cos(man + 4 * d);
            g1c += 0.455 * Math.Cos(man + 1 * d);
            g1c += 5.679 * Math.Cos(2 * man - 2 * d);
            g1c += -1.300 * Math.Cos(3 * man);
            g1c += -1.302 * Math.Cos(ms);
            g1c += -0.416 * Math.Cos(ms - 4 * d);
            g1c += -0.740 * Math.Cos(2 * ms - 2 * d);
            g1c += 0.787 * Math.Cos(man + ms + 2 * d);
            g1c += 0.461 * Math.Cos(man + ms);
            g1c += 2.056 * Math.Cos(man + ms - 2 * d);
            g1c += -0.471 * Math.Cos(man + ms - 4 * d);
            g1c += -0.443 * Math.Cos(-man + ms + 2 * d);
            g1c += 0.679 * Math.Cos(-man + ms);
            g1c += -1.540 * Math.Cos(-man + ms - 2 * d);

            s  = f + sk / 3600.0 * DEGTORAD;
            ca = 18519.7 + g1c;
            cb = -0.000336992 * ca * dgc * dgc * dgc;
            cd = ca / 18519.7;
            b  = (ca * Math.Sin(s) * dgc + cb * Math.Sin(3.0 * s) + cd * nib) / 3600.0;

            /* we neglect the planetary terms in latitude, code 4 in table III */

            sinp = (sinp + 3422.451);

            ** Improved lunar ephemeris and APAE until ca. 1970 had here
            ** 3422.54 as constant of moon's sine parallax.
            ** The difference can be applied by direct addition of 0.089" to
            ** our parallax results.
            ** To get the radius in A.U. from the sine parallax,
            ** we use 1964 IAU value 8.794" for solar parallax.
            ** sinp is still in seconds of arc.
            ** To calculate moon parallax in " it would be:
            ** p = sinp (1  + sinp * sinp * 3.917405E-12)
            ** based on the formula p = sinp + 1/6 sinp^3
            ** and taking into account the conversion of " to radians.
            ** The semidiameter of the moon is: (Expl.Suppl. 61, p 109)
            ** s = 0.0796 + 0.272446 * p

            *ar = 8.794 / sinp;
            *az = *ar * Math.Sin(DEGTORAD * b);
Esempio n. 34
        ** helup()
        ** prepares the orbital elements and the disturbation arguments for the
        ** inner planets and the moon. helup(t) is called by hel() and by calc().
        ** helup() returns its results in global variables.
        ** helup() remembers the t it has been called with before and does
        ** not recalculate its results when it is called more than once with
        ** the same t.
        void helup(double jd_ad)
            int      i = 0;
            elements ee = el[EARTH];     /* pointer to el[EARTH] */
            double   td, ti, ti2, tj1, tj2, tj3;

            if (thelup == jd_ad)
                return; /* if already calculated then return */
            for (i = SUN; i <= MARS; i++)
                td       = jd_ad - pd[i].epoch;
                ti       = el[i].tj = td / 36525.0; /* julian centuries from epoch */
                ti2      = ti * ti;
                tj1      = ti / 3600.0;             /* used when coefficients are in seconds of arc */
                tj2      = ti * tj1;
                tj3      = ti * tj2;
                el[i].lg = mod8360(pd[i].lg0 + pd[i].lg1 * td + pd[i].lg2 * tj2 + pd[i].lg3 * tj3);
                /* also with moon lg1 *td is exact to 10e-8 degrees within 5000 years */
                el[i].pe  = mod8360(pd[i].pe0 + pd[i].pe1 * tj1 + pd[i].pe2 * tj2 + pd[i].pe3 * tj3);
                el[i].ex  = pd[i].ex0 + pd[i].ex1 * ti + pd[i].ex2 * ti2;
                el[i].kn  = mod8360(pd[i].kn0 + pd[i].kn1 * tj1 + pd[i].kn2 * tj2 + pd[i].kn3 * tj3);
                el[i].inc = pd[i].in0 + pd[i].in1 * tj1 + pd[i].in2 * tj2;
                el[i].ma  = smod8360(el[i].lg - el[i].pe);

                if (i == MOON)
                    /* calculate ekliptic according Newcomb, APAE VI,
                    ** and nutation according Exp.Suppl. 1961, identical
                    ** with Mark Potttenger elemnut()
                    ** all terms >= 0.01" only .
                    ** The 1984 IAU Theory of Nutation, as published in
                    ** AE 1984 suppl. has not yet been implemented
                    ** because it would mean to use other elements of
                    ** moon and sun */

                    double mnode, mlong2, slong2, mg, sg, d2;

                    mnode   = DEGTORAD * el[i].kn;       /* moon's mean node */
                    mlong2  = DEGTORAD * 2.0 * el[i].lg; /* 2 x moon's mean longitude */
                    mg      = DEGTORAD * el[i].ma;       /* moon's mean anomaly (g1) */
                    slong2  = DEGTORAD * 2.0 * el[i].lg; /* 2 x sun's mean longitude (L), with
                                                          * the phase 180 deg earth-sun irrelevant
                                                          * because 2 x 180 = 360 deg */
                    sg      = DEGTORAD *;          /* sun's mean anomaly = earth's */
                    d2      = mlong2 - slong2;           /* 2 x elongation of moon from sun */
                    meanekl = ekld[0] + ekld[1] * tj1 + ekld[2] * tj2 + ekld[3] * tj3;
                    ekl     = meanekl +
                              (9.2100 * Math.Cos(mnode)
                               - 0.0904 * Math.Cos(2.0 * mnode)
                               + 0.0183 * Math.Cos(mlong2 - mnode)
                               + 0.0884 * Math.Cos(mlong2)
                               + 0.0113 * Math.Cos(mlong2 + mg)
                               + 0.5522 * Math.Cos(slong2)
                               + 0.0216 * Math.Cos(slong2 + sg)) / 3600.0;
                    nut = ((-17.2327 - 0.01737 * ti) * Math.Sin(mnode)
                           + 0.2088 * Math.Sin(2.0 * mnode)
                           + 0.0675 * Math.Sin(mg)
                           - 0.0149 * Math.Sin(mg - d2)
                           - 0.0342 * Math.Sin(mlong2 - mnode)
                           + 0.0114 * Math.Sin(mlong2 - mg)
                           - 0.2037 * Math.Sin(mlong2)
                           - 0.0261 * Math.Sin(mlong2 + mg)
                           + 0.0124 * Math.Sin(slong2 - mnode)
                           + 0.0214 * Math.Sin(slong2 - sg)
                           - 1.2729 * Math.Sin(slong2)
                           - 0.0497 * Math.Sin(slong2 + sg)
                           + 0.1261 * Math.Sin(sg)) / 3600.0;

            /* calculate the arguments sa[] for the disturbation terms */
            ti = (jd_ad - EPOCH1850) / 365.25;  /* julian years from 1850 */
            for (i = 0; i < _sd.Length; i++)
                sa[i] = mod8360(_sd[i].sd0 + _sd[i].sd1 * ti);

            ** sa[2] += 0.3315 * SIN8 (DEGTORAD *(133.9099 + 38.39365 * el[SUN].tj));
            ** correction of jupiter perturbation argument for sun from Pottenger;
            ** creates only .03" and 1e-7 rad, not applied because origin unclear */
            thelup = jd_ad;               /* note the last helup time */