private static DesktopAplikacija.Entiteti.Put dijkstra(List <edge>[] v, DAL.Entiteti.Stanica pocetak, DAL.Entiteti.Stanica kraj, long velicina) { string s = string.Format(""); bool[] visited = new bool[velicina]; edge[] dd = new edge[velicina]; for (int i = 0; i < velicina; i++) { visited[i] = false; dd[i] = new edge(-1, 0, 0); } SortedSet <edge> ss = new SortedSet <edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < v[pocetak.SifraStanice].Count; i++) { ss.Add(new edge(v[pocetak.SifraStanice][i].c, v[pocetak.SifraStanice][i].v, pocetak.SifraStanice)); } dd[pocetak.SifraStanice].v = pocetak.SifraStanice; visited[pocetak.SifraStanice] = true; dd[pocetak.SifraStanice].c = 0; edge tmp; while (ss.Count > 0) { tmp = ss.Min; ss.Remove(ss.Min); if (visited[tmp.v]) { continue; } dd[tmp.v].c = tmp.c; visited[tmp.v] = true; dd[tmp.v].v = tmp.parent; for (int i = 0; i < v[tmp.v].Count; i++) { ss.Add(new edge(dd[tmp.v].c + v[tmp.v][i].c, v[tmp.v][i].v, tmp.v)); } } if (dd[kraj.SifraStanice].c == -1) { return(new Entiteti.Put(-1, "Ne postoji put izmedju trazenih stanica!")); } long tmp2 = kraj.SifraStanice; List <long> put = new List <long>(); put.Add(tmp2); while (tmp2 != pocetak.SifraStanice) { put.Add(dd[tmp2].v); tmp2 = dd[tmp2].v; } double tmpCijena; DAL.Entiteti.Stanica stanica1, stanica2; for (int i = put.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { tmpCijena = 0; stanica1 = ks.getById(put[i]); stanica2 = ks.getById(put[i - 1]); foreach (edge ee in v[put[i]]) { if (ee.v == put[i - 1]) { tmpCijena = ee.c; break; } } s += stanica1.Naziv + ", " + stanica1.Mjesto + " - " + stanica2.Naziv + ", " + stanica2.Mjesto + ": " + tmpCijena.ToString() + "KM\n"; } return(new Entiteti.Put(dd[kraj.SifraStanice].c, s)); }
public Transform fold(face f1, edge e1, face f2) { Plane p1, p2; Point3d cen = this.From; Vector3d v = this.To - this.From; p1 = new Plane(cen, v, f1.Normal); p2 = new Plane(cen, v, f2.Normal); return Transform.PlaneToPlane(p1, p2); }
bool b_f(object sender, EventArgs e, ref int [] d) { if (!G.isDir) { label2.Text = "Метод для орієнтованоо графа"; return false; } int n = G.get_n(), m = G.get_m(); int[] p = new int[n]; edge[] ar_E; ar_E = new edge[m]; for (int i = 0, n_in_edge = 0; i < n; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) if (G.ar_sumiznist[i, j, 0] == 1 && n_in_edge < m) { ar_E[n_in_edge].a = i; ar_E[n_in_edge].b = j; ar_E[n_in_edge].cost = G.ar_sumiznist[i, j, 1]; ++n_in_edge; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { p[i] = -1; d[i] = EPS; } d[choosen_vertex] = 0; int x = 0; for (int i=0; i < n; ++i) { x = -1; for (int j=0; j < m; ++j) // если реброс с - массой, и на парном месте в списке рёбер - на него не смотреть if (d[ar_E[j].a] < EPS) if (d[ar_E[j].b] > d[ar_E[j].a] + ar_E[j].cost) { d[ar_E[j].b] = Math.Max(-EPS, d[ar_E[j].a] + ar_E[j].cost); p[ar_E[j].b] = ar_E[j].a; x = ar_E[j].b; } } if (x == -1) { label2.Text = "No negative cycle from " + (choosen_vertex + 1).ToString(); B_F = true; // кротчайший путь к вершинам Draw_Graph(sender, e); Gl.glColor3d(0, 1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { Gl.glRasterPos2f(G.ar_graph_point_position[i, 0] - 3 * devX, G.ar_graph_point_position[i, 1] + 13 * devY); string text1 = "[ " + (d[i]).ToString() + " ]"; // в цикле foreach перебираем значения из массива text, // который содержит значение строки для визуализации foreach (char char_for_draw in text1) { // визуализируем символ c, с помощью функции glutBitmapCharacter, используя шрифт GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15. Glut.glutBitmapCharacter(Glut.GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15, char_for_draw); } } Gl.glFlush(); AnT.Invalidate(); return true; } else { int y = x; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) y = p[y]; int[] path = new int[n]; int n_in_p = 0; for (int cur=y; ; cur=p[cur]) { path[n_in_p++] = cur; if (cur == y && n_in_p > 1) break; } //reverse(path.begin(), path.end()); int[] re_path = new int[n_in_p]; string text = ""; for (int k = 0; k < n_in_p; ++k) { re_path[k] = path[n_in_p - k - 1]; text += (re_path[k] + 1).ToString(); } label2.Text = "Negative cycle: "; textBox1.Text = text; B_F = false; return false; } }
public bool Deduce(edge[] edges, bool[] known, Dictionary<string, unparsedFunctionDeclaration> unparsedDeclarationsByName, Dictionary<node, unparsedFunctionDeclaration> unparsedDeclarationsByNode, Action<edge> isCorrect, Action<edge> isFlipped, sourceAsChars source) { switch (Type) { case nodeType.Declaration: // Declarations have only outputs, and they are always in the correct orientation because they define it foreach (var e in edges) { if (e != null && e.StartNode == this) isCorrect(e); if (e != null && e.EndNode == this) isFlipped(e); } Edges = edges; Connectors = edges.Select(e => e == null ? connectorType.None : connectorType.Output).ToArray(); return true; case nodeType.Literal: // Literals have only outputs foreach (var e in edges) { if (e != null && e.StartNode == this) isCorrect(e); if (e != null && e.EndNode == this) isFlipped(e); } Edges = edges; Connectors = edges.Select(e => e == null ? connectorType.None : connectorType.Output).ToArray(); return true; case nodeType.Call: unparsedFunctionDeclaration func; if (!unparsedDeclarationsByNode.TryGetValue(this, out func) && !unparsedDeclarationsByName.TryGetValue(GetContent(source), out func)) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("Call to undefined function: {0}".Fmt(GetContent(source)), X, Y, source.SourceFile)); return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, func.Connectors.Count(fc => fc != connectorType.None), new[] { func.Connectors }, source, "Incorrect number of connectors to call to function: {0}".Fmt(GetContent(source)), "Incorrect orientation of connectors to call to function: {0}".Fmt(GetContent(source))); case nodeType.TJunction: return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, 3, _tJunctionConnConf, source, "Incorrect number of connectors to T junction (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it).", "Incorrect orientation of connectors to T junction (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it)."); case nodeType.CrossJunction: return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, 4, _connConf, source, "Incorrect number of connectors to cross junction (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it).", "Incorrect orientation of connectors to cross junction (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it)."); case nodeType.LambdaExpression: return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, 4, _connConf, source, "Lambda expressions must have four connectors.", "Lambda expressions must have two adjacent inputs and two adjacent outputs."); case nodeType.LambdaInvocation: return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, 4, _connConf, source, "Lambda invocations must have four connectors.", "Lambda invocations must have two adjacent inputs and two adjacent outputs."); case nodeType.End: return deduceGiven(edges, known, isCorrect, isFlipped, 1, _endConnConf, source, "Incorrect number of connectors to end node (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it).", "Incorrect orientation of connectors to end node (this error indicates a bug in the parser; please report it)."); } throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("The parser encountered an internal error: unrecognised node type: {0}".Fmt(Type), X, Y, source.SourceFile)); }
public Mesh Unfold(Mesh mesh) { List<face> Faces = new List<face>(); List<edge> Edges = new List<edge>(); mesh.Faces.ConvertQuadsToTriangles(); mesh.UnifyNormals(); mesh.Compact(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyEdgeList el = mesh.TopologyEdges; Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyVertexList vs = mesh.TopologyVertices; mesh.FaceNormals.ComputeFaceNormals(); //Print(mesh.FaceNormals.Count.ToString()); // Print(mesh.Vertices.Count.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { face f1 = new face( new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].A]), new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].B]), new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].C]), mesh.FaceNormals[i] ); Faces.Add(f1); } for (int i = 0; i < el.Count; i++) { int[] faceid = el.GetConnectedFaces(i); edge e1 = new edge(vs[el.GetTopologyVertices(i).I], vs[el.GetTopologyVertices(i).J]); if (faceid.Length == 1) { e1.Faces = new face[1]; e1.Faces[0] = Faces[faceid[0]]; } else if (faceid.Length > 1) { e1.Faces = new face[2]; e1.Faces[0] = Faces[faceid[0]]; e1.Faces[1] = Faces[faceid[1]]; } e1.ID = i; Edges.Add(e1); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { int[] edgeid = el.GetEdgesForFace(i); face f1 = Faces[i]; f1.edges[0] = Edges[edgeid[0]]; f1.edges[1] = Edges[edgeid[1]]; f1.edges[2] = Edges[edgeid[2]]; f1.ID = i; } /* List< Mesh> output2 = new List< Mesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Count; i++) { output2.Add(Faces[i].DrawFace()); } B = output2; */ face f = Faces[0]; f.AddTransform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(new Plane(f.Center(), f.Normal), Plane.WorldXY)); FaceLoop(f); //Print(f.Pts[0].X.ToString() + "/" + f.Pts[0].Y.ToString() + "/" + f.Pts[0].Z.ToString()); Mesh output = new Mesh(); for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Count; i++) { output.Append(Faces[i].DrawFace()); } return output; }
static bool EdgeNode(edge E, string N1, string N2) { return(E.N1 == N1 && E.N2 == N2 || E.N1 == N2 && E.N2 == N1); }
private void throwDisallowedDependency(edge latestOutput, edge disallowedDependency) { throw new ParseErrorException( new ParseError("Output cannot depend on a more-deeply nested lambda expression input.", latestOutput.EndX, latestOutput.EndY, _source.SourceFile), new ParseError(" — Lambda expression input is here.", disallowedDependency.StartX, disallowedDependency.StartY, _source.SourceFile) ); }
public bool EqualTo(edge el) { if (this.From.Equals(el.From) && this.To.Equals(el.To)) return true; if (this.From.Equals(el.To) && this.To.Equals(el.From)) return true; return false; }
public tribox(point[] pts, edge[] els) { Cedges = new edge[6]; Points = new point[4]; Cedges[0] = els[0]; Cedges[1] = els[1]; Cedges[2] = els[2]; Cedges[3] = els[3]; Cedges[4] = els[4]; Cedges[5] = els[5]; Points[0] = pts[0]; Points[1] = pts[1]; Points[2] = pts[2]; Points[3] = pts[3]; }
static void swap(edge[] arr, int index1, int index2) { edge temp = arr[index1]; arr[index1] = arr[index2]; arr[index2] = temp; }
public static void Unwrap(double[,] image)//todo проверки выходов за диапазоны { int size0 = image.GetUpperBound(0); int size1 = image.GetUpperBound(1); pixel[,] pixels = new pixel[size0 + 1, size1 + 1]; List <edge> edges = new List <edge>(); for (int i = 1; i < size0; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < size1; j++) { double H = gamma(image[i, j - 1] - image[i, j]) - gamma(image[i, j] - image[i, j + 1]); //wrap(image[i,j-1]-image[i,j])-wrap(image[i,j]-image[i,j+1]) double V = gamma(image[i - 1, j] - image[i, j]) - gamma(image[i, j] - image[i + 1, j]); double D1 = gamma(image[i - 1, j - 1] - image[i, j]) - gamma(image[i, j] - image[i + 1, j + 1]); double D2 = gamma(image[i - 1, j + 1] - image[i, j]) - gamma(image[i, j] - image[i + 1, j - 1]); double R = (H * H + V * V + D1 * D1 + D2 * D2); pixels[i, j] = new pixel() { reliability = R, image = image, i = i, j = j }; } } for (int i = 0; i <= size0; i++) { int j1 = 0; pixel temp1 = new pixel() { reliability = 0, image = image, i = i, j = j1 }; pixels[i, j1] = temp1; int j2 = size1; pixel temp2 = new pixel() { reliability = 0, image = image, i = i, j = j2 }; pixels[i, j2] = temp2; } for (int j = 0; j <= size1; j++) { int i1 = 0; pixel temp1 = new pixel() { reliability = 0, image = image, i = i1, j = j }; pixels[i1, j] = temp1; int i2 = size0; pixel temp2 = new pixel() { reliability = 0, image = image, i = i2, j = j }; pixels[i2, j] = temp2; } { pixel pixel1 = pixels[0, 0]; pixel pixel2 = pixels[0, 1]; int _increment = find_wrap(pixel1.image[pixel1.i, pixel1.j], pixel2.image[pixel2.i, pixel2.j]); double r = pixel1.reliability + pixel2.reliability; // if (r > 0) { edge edge = new edge() { pixel1 = pixel1, pixel2 = pixel2, reaibility = r, increment = _increment }; edges.Add(edge); } } { pixel pixel1 = pixels[0, 0]; pixel pixel2 = pixels[1, 0]; int _increment = find_wrap(pixel1.image[pixel1.i, pixel1.j], pixel2.image[pixel2.i, pixel2.j]); double r = pixel1.reliability + pixel2.reliability; // if (r > 0) { edge edge = new edge() { pixel1 = pixel1, pixel2 = pixel2, reaibility = r, increment = _increment }; edges.Add(edge); } } for (int i = 1; i <= size0; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= size1; j++) { { pixel pixel1 = pixels[i - 1, j]; pixel pixel2 = pixels[i, j]; int _increment = find_wrap(pixel1.image[pixel1.i, pixel1.j], pixel2.image[pixel2.i, pixel2.j]); double r = pixel1.reliability + pixel2.reliability; // if (r > 0) { edge edge = new edge() { pixel1 = pixel1, pixel2 = pixel2, reaibility = r, increment = _increment }; edges.Add(edge); } } { pixel pixel1 = pixels[i, j - 1]; pixel pixel2 = pixels[i, j]; int _increment = find_wrap(pixel1.image[pixel1.i, pixel1.j], pixel2.image[pixel2.i, pixel2.j]); double r = pixel1.reliability + pixel2.reliability; // if (r > 0) { edge edge = new edge() { pixel1 = pixel1, pixel2 = pixel2, reaibility = r, increment = _increment }; edges.Add(edge); } } } } double val = ((double)edges.Count) / ((double)pixels.Length); edges.Sort(new edgeComparer()); foreach (edge _edge in edges) { pixel PIXEL1 = _edge.pixel1; pixel PIXEL2 = _edge.pixel2; pixel group1; pixel group2; int incremento; if (PIXEL2.head != PIXEL1.head) { // PIXELM 2 is alone in its group // merge this pixel with PIXELM 1 group and find the number of 2 pi to add // to or subtract to unwrap it if (( == null) && (PIXEL2.head == PIXEL2)) { = PIXEL2; PIXEL1.head.last = PIXEL2; (PIXEL1.head.number_of_pixels_in_group)++; PIXEL2.head = PIXEL1.head; PIXEL2.increment = PIXEL1.increment - _edge.increment; } // PIXELM 1 is alone in its group // merge this pixel with PIXELM 2 group and find the number of 2 pi to add // to or subtract to unwrap it else if (( == null) && (PIXEL1.head == PIXEL1)) { = PIXEL1; PIXEL2.head.last = PIXEL1; (PIXEL2.head.number_of_pixels_in_group)++; PIXEL1.head = PIXEL2.head; PIXEL1.increment = PIXEL2.increment + _edge.increment; } // PIXELM 1 and PIXELM 2 both have groups else { group1 = PIXEL1.head; group2 = PIXEL2.head; // if the no. of pixels in PIXELM 1 group is larger than the // no. of pixels in PIXELM 2 group. Merge PIXELM 2 group to // PIXELM 1 group and find the number of wraps between PIXELM 2 // group and PIXELM 1 group to unwrap PIXELM 2 group with respect // to PIXELM 1 group. the no. of wraps will be added to PIXELM 2 // group in the future if (group1.number_of_pixels_in_group > group2.number_of_pixels_in_group) { // merge PIXELM 2 with PIXELM 1 group = group2; group1.last = group2.last; group1.number_of_pixels_in_group = group1.number_of_pixels_in_group + group2.number_of_pixels_in_group; incremento = PIXEL1.increment - _edge.increment - PIXEL2.increment; // merge the other pixels in PIXELM 2 group to PIXELM 1 group while (group2 != null) { group2.head = group1; group2.increment += incremento; group2 =; } } // if the no. of pixels in PIXELM 2 group is larger than the // no. of pixels in PIXELM 1 group. Merge PIXELM 1 group to // PIXELM 2 group and find the number of wraps between PIXELM 2 // group and PIXELM 1 group to unwrap PIXELM 1 group with respect // to PIXELM 2 group. the no. of wraps will be added to PIXELM 1 // group in the future else { // merge PIXELM 1 with PIXELM 2 group = group1; group2.last = group1.last; group2.number_of_pixels_in_group = group2.number_of_pixels_in_group + group1.number_of_pixels_in_group; incremento = PIXEL2.increment + _edge.increment - PIXEL1.increment; // merge the other pixels in PIXELM 2 group to PIXELM 1 group while (group1 != null) { group1.head = group2; group1.increment += incremento; group1 =; } // while } // else } // else } // if } foreach (pixel pixel in pixels) { if (pixel.i == 0 && pixel.j == 0) { int q = 0; } pixel.image[pixel.i, pixel.j] += TWOPI * ((double)pixel.increment); } //return result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //initializing the path to get the lines from the text file //creating an array of linkedlist - each item(i) in this array is a represention of the vertex i and the linkedlist nodes is what it is connected to // LinkedList<int>[] vertices = new LinkedList<int>[v]; //initializing the vertices linkedlist array to have linkedlist as the items i.e v[i] is a linked list. int trials = 1; int min = 2518; while (trials <= 1000444) { string path = @"C:\Users\joshu\Desktop\KragerAlgorithm"; string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path); int no_of_edges = 0; int v = lines.Length; int ans = 0; List <edge> edges = new List <edge>(); //finding the edges and populating the edges of a vertice i.e vertices[i] (which is a node of linkedlist vertices) for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { FindVerticesinLine(lines[i], i); } //function to find the edges of a vertice(Vertices[i]) and adding it as a LinkedListNode void FindVerticesinLine(string s, int i) { string num = ""; foreach (char c in s) { if (c != '\t') { num += c; //Console.WriteLine("num is {0}",num); } else { if ((i + 1).ToString() != num) { int adj_ver = Convert.ToInt16(num); //addEdge(vertices, i, adj_ver); if (i < adj_ver) { no_of_edges++; edge e = new edge(); e.src = i; e.des = adj_ver - 1; edges.Add(e); } num = ""; } else { num = ""; } } } } // no_of_edges = no_of_edges; //Console.WriteLine("no of edges is {0}", no_of_edges); VerticeRepresent[] verts = new VerticeRepresent[v]; for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) { verts[i] = new VerticeRepresent(); verts[i].ver = i; } Random random = new Random(); int no_of_vertices = v; while (no_of_vertices > 2) { KragerAlgorithm(); //Console.WriteLine("no of vertices is {0}",no_of_vertices); //Console.WriteLine("no of edges is {0}",no_of_edges); } void KragerAlgorithm() { edge random_Edge = edges[random.Next() % edges.Count]; int src_random_Edge = GetVertice(random_Edge.src); int des_random_Edge = GetVertice(random_Edge.des); //checking that i is not contracted if (src_random_Edge != des_random_Edge) { //getting a random edge verts[des_random_Edge].ver = src_random_Edge; no_of_vertices--; } } for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++) { if (GetVertice(edges[i].src) != GetVertice(edges[i].des)) { ans++; } } if (ans < min) { min = ans; using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(@"C:\Users\joshu\Desktop\ans")) { sw.WriteLine(min); } Console.WriteLine(min); } int GetVertice(int edge_ver) { while (edge_ver != verts[edge_ver].ver) { edge_ver = verts[edge_ver].ver; } return(edge_ver); } trials++; } Console.ReadKey(); }
private DesktopAplikacija.Entiteti.Put dijkstra(List <edge>[] v, DAL.Entiteti.Stanica pocetak, DAL.Entiteti.Stanica kraj, long velicina) { string s = string.Format(""); bool[] visited = new bool[velicina]; edge[] dd = new edge[velicina]; for (int i = 0; i < velicina; i++) { visited[i] = false; dd[i] = new edge(); } SortedSet <edge> ss = new SortedSet <edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < v[pocetak.SifraStanice].Count; i++) { ss.Add(new edge(v[pocetak.SifraStanice][i].c, v[pocetak.SifraStanice][i].v, pocetak.SifraStanice)); } dd[pocetak.SifraStanice].v = pocetak.SifraStanice; visited[pocetak.SifraStanice] = true; dd[pocetak.SifraStanice].c = 0; edge tmp; while (ss.Count > 0) { tmp = ss.Min; ss.Remove(ss.Min); if (visited[tmp.v]) { continue; } dd[tmp.v].c = tmp.c; visited[tmp.v] = true; dd[tmp.v].v = tmp.parent; for (int i = 0; i < v[tmp.v].Count; i++) { ss.Add(new edge(dd[tmp.v].c + v[tmp.v][i].c, v[tmp.v][i].v, tmp.v)); } } long tmp2 = kraj.SifraStanice; List <long> put = new List <long>(); put.Add(tmp2); while (tmp2 != pocetak.SifraStanice) { put.Add(dd[tmp2].v); tmp2 = dd[tmp2].v; } DAL.Entiteti.Stanica stanica1, stanica2; for (int i = put.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { stanica1 = ks.getById(put[i]); stanica2 = ks.getById(put[i - 1]); s += stanica1.Naziv + ", " + stanica1.Mjesto + " - " + stanica2.Naziv + ", " + stanica2.Mjesto + "\n"; } return(new Entiteti.Put(dd[kraj.SifraStanice].c, s)); }
private bool[] computeResults() { bool[] results = new bool[difficultyLevel]; for (int i = 0; i < difficultyLevel; i++) { results[i] = false; } LinkedList <edge> ansInEdge = new LinkedList <edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < difficultyLevel; i++) { if (ans[i].Count < 2) { continue; //can't make edges with <2 vertices } //fill up ansInEdge while (ans[i].Count > 1) { int v1, v2; v1 = ans[i].First.Value; ans[i].RemoveFirst(); v2 = ans[i].First.Value; ansInEdge.AddLast(new edge(v1, v2)); } Debug.Log("# of Edges: " + ansInEdge.Count); edge[] arr1 = new edge[qnInEdges[i].Count]; bool[] arr2 = new bool[arr1.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < arr1.Length; j++) { arr2[j] = false; } qnInEdges[i].CopyTo(arr1, 0); bool hasIrrelevant = false; //compare ansInEdge w qnInEdge while (ansInEdge.Count > 0) { hasIrrelevant = true; for (int j = 0; j < arr1.Length; j++) { if (arr1[j].isEqual(ansInEdge.First.Value)) { arr2[j] = true; ansInEdge.RemoveFirst(); hasIrrelevant = false; break; } } if (hasIrrelevant) { break; } } bool checkArr2 = true; for (int k = 0; k < arr2.Length; k++) { if (!arr2[k]) { checkArr2 = false; break; } } //1st condition - check if all edges are met //2nd condition - check if if (checkArr2 && !hasIrrelevant) { results[i] = true; } } return(results); }
// Prims algorithm (Minimum spanning tree): IEnumerator prims(List <edge> vert) { print("Started - Prims Algorithm..."); // Copy the vertices. List <edge> edges = vert; List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(); treeVertices = new List <Vector3>(); treeEdges = new List <edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++) { if (!vertices.Contains(edges[i].start)) { vertices.Add(edges[i].start); } else if (!vertices.Contains(edges[i].end)) { vertices.Add(edges[i].end); } } int randomVertice = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, vertices.Count); treeVertices.Add(vertices[randomVertice]); vertices.RemoveAt(randomVertice); while (vertices.Count > 0) { edge optEdge = null; foreach (edge e in edges) { if ((vertices.Contains(e.start) && !vertices.Contains(e.end)) || (vertices.Contains(e.end) && !vertices.Contains(e.start))) { if (optEdge == null) { optEdge = e; } else if (optEdge.weight > e.weight) { optEdge = e; } } } Vector3 vertex = new Vector3(); if (vertices.Contains(optEdge.start)) { vertex = optEdge.start; } else { vertex = optEdge.end; } vertices.Remove(vertex); treeVertices.Add(vertex); edges.Remove(optEdge); treeEdges.Add(optEdge); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f)); } print("Finished - Prims algorithm."); Cam.GetComponent <cameraRender>().toggleDelaunay = false; Cam.GetComponent <cameraRender>().togglePrims = true; StartCoroutine(generateHallways()); }
public tribox(point[] pts) { Cedges = new edge[6]; Points = new point[4]; Points[0] = pts[0]; Points[1] = pts[1]; Points[2] = pts[2]; Points[3] = pts[3]; Cedges[0] = new edge(pts[0], pts[1]); Cedges[1] = new edge(pts[0], pts[2]); Cedges[2] = new edge(pts[0], pts[3]); Cedges[3] = new edge(pts[1], pts[2]); Cedges[4] = new edge(pts[2], pts[3]); Cedges[5] = new edge(pts[3], pts[1]); }
static public void AddEdge(string Node1, string Node2, int EdgeVal) { edge temp = new edge(Node1, Node2, EdgeVal); Edges.Add(temp); }
public tribox(Point3f[] pts) { Cedges = new edge[6]; Points = new point[4]; Points[0] = new point(pts[0]); Points[1] = new point(pts[1]); Points[2] = new point(pts[2]); Points[3] = new point(pts[3]); Cedges[0] = new edge(Points[0], Points[1]); Cedges[1] = new edge(Points[0], Points[2]); Cedges[2] = new edge(Points[0], Points[3]); Cedges[3] = new edge(Points[1], Points[2]); Cedges[4] = new edge(Points[2], Points[3]); Cedges[5] = new edge(Points[3], Points[1]); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /*********************************************************/ const int DEBUGHIGH = 3; const int DEBUGLOW = 2; int localdebug = DEBUGLOW; bool localinput = false; string inputFile = "input2.txt"; /*********************************************************/ List <string> lines = new List <string>(); int currentLine = 0; if (!localinput) { string tmpLine = ""; int lineIndex = 0; while ((tmpLine = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { lines.Insert(lineIndex++, tmpLine); } } else { string[] tmpLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(inputFile); lines = new List <string>(tmpLines); } /*********************************************************/ int testCases = Convert.ToInt32(lines[currentLine++]); for (int x = 0; x < testCases; x++) { int[] firstInput = Array.ConvertAll(lines[currentLine++].Split(' '), int.Parse); int numberNodes = firstInput[0]; int numberEdges = firstInput[1]; node[] nodes = new node[numberNodes]; List <node> theQ = new List <node>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberNodes; i++) { nodes[i] = new node(); nodes[i].nodeId = i; } for (int i = 0; i < numberEdges; i++) { int[] currentInput = Array.ConvertAll(lines[currentLine++].Split(' '), int.Parse); bool addEdge = true; edge leftEdge = new edge(); edge rightEdge = new edge(); leftEdge.edgeNumber = currentInput[0] - 1; leftEdge.edgeWeight = currentInput[2]; rightEdge.edgeNumber = currentInput[1] - 1; rightEdge.edgeWeight = currentInput[2]; edge tmpEdge = null; if (nodes[rightEdge.edgeNumber] != null) { tmpEdge = nodes[rightEdge.edgeNumber].edges.Find(item => item.edgeNumber == leftEdge.edgeNumber); } if (nodes[leftEdge.edgeNumber] != null) { tmpEdge = nodes[leftEdge.edgeNumber].edges.Find(item => item.edgeNumber == rightEdge.edgeNumber); } if (tmpEdge != null && tmpEdge.edgeWeight < rightEdge.edgeWeight) { addEdge = false; } if (addEdge) { nodes[rightEdge.edgeNumber].edges.Add(leftEdge); nodes[leftEdge.edgeNumber].edges.Add(rightEdge); } } int sourceNode = Convert.ToInt32(lines[currentLine++]) - 1; nodes[sourceNode].searchData.distance = 0; theQ.Add(nodes[sourceNode]); while (theQ.Count() > 0) { //get vertex with lowest calculated distance node currentNode = theQ.Aggregate((item1, item2) => item1.searchData.distance < item2.searchData.distance ? item1:item2); theQ.Remove(currentNode); if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine("SHOULD REMOVE: " + currentNode.nodeId); } for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.edges.Count(); i++) { int edgeNode = currentNode.edges[i].edgeNumber; if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine("*******************"); Console.WriteLine("current:" + currentNode.nodeId + ", edgeNode:" + edgeNode); } if (nodes[edgeNode].searchData.distance < currentNode.searchData.distance + currentNode.edges[i].edgeWeight) { if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine(nodes[edgeNode].searchData.distance + " < " + (currentNode.searchData.distance + currentNode.edges[i].edgeWeight)); } } else { if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine(nodes[edgeNode].searchData.distance + " > " + (currentNode.searchData.distance + currentNode.edges[i].edgeWeight)); } nodes[edgeNode].searchData.distance = currentNode.searchData.distance + currentNode.edges[i].edgeWeight; } if (!nodes[edgeNode].visited && !theQ.Contains(nodes[edgeNode])) { theQ.Add(nodes[edgeNode]); if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine("Adding:" + edgeNode); } } } currentNode.visited = true; if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.WriteLine("Visited:" + currentNode.nodeId); Console.ReadKey(); } } List <string> output = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberNodes; i++) { if (nodes[i] != null) { if (nodes[i].searchData.distance != 0) { if (nodes[i].searchData.distance == int.MaxValue) { output.Add("-1"); } else { output.Add(nodes[i].searchData.distance.ToString()); } } } else { output.Add("-1"); } } if (localdebug == DEBUGHIGH) { Console.ReadKey(); } Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", output.ToArray())); } if (localdebug >= DEBUGLOW) { Console.ReadKey(); } }
public double Solve(long pointCount, long[][] points) { double cost = 0; MinHeap edges = new MinHeap(pointCount * pointCount); for (int i = 0; i < pointCount - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < pointCount; j++) { edge edge = new edge(); edge.u = i; edge.v = j; edge.cost = Math.Pow(Math.Pow((points[i][0] - points[j][0]), 2) + Math.Pow((points[i][1] - points[j][1]), 2), 0.5); edges.Add(edge); } } List <long> sets = new List <long>(); for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) { sets.Add(i); } int edgeNumber = 0; int size = edges._size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (edgeNumber == pointCount - 1) { break; } edge edge = edges.Pop(); if (sets[edge.u] != sets[edge.v]) { edgeNumber++; cost += edge.cost; long tmp = sets[edge.v]; for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++) { if (sets[j] == tmp) { sets[j] = sets[edge.u]; } } } } /*List<Node> graph = new List<Node>(); * List<edge> edges = new List<edge>(); * * for (int i=0; i<pointCount; i++) * { * graph.Add(new Node()); * graph[i].x = points[i][0]; * graph[i].y = points[i][1]; * graph[i].set = i; * * } * * * for (int i=0; i < pointCount-1; i++) * { * for (int j=i+1; j < pointCount;j++) * { * edge edge = new edge(); * edge.u = graph[i]; * edge.v = graph[j]; * edge.cost = Math.Pow(Math.Pow((edge.u.x - edge.v.x), 2) + Math.Pow((edge.u.y - edge.v.y), 2), 0.5); * edges.Add(edge); * } * } * for (int i=0; i < edges.Count; i++) * { * double min = double.MaxValue; * int minIndex = int.MaxValue; * for (int j=i; j < edges.Count; j++) * { * if (edges[j].cost < min) * { * minIndex = j; * min = edges[j].cost; * } * } * edge tmp = edges[i]; * edges[i] = edges[minIndex]; * edges[minIndex] = tmp; * } * double cost = 0; * int edgeNumber = 0; * * for(int i= 0; i<edges.Count; i++) * { * if (edgeNumber == pointCount - 1) * break; * if (edges[i].u.set != edges[i].v.set) * { * edgeNumber++; * edges[i].v.edges.Add(edges[i].u); * edges[i].u.edges.Add(edges[i].v); * cost += edges[i].cost; * long tmp = edges[i].v.set; * for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++) * { * if (graph[j].set == tmp) * graph[j].set = edges[i].u.set; * } * } * * }*/ return((double)((long)(cost * 1000000 + 0.5)) / 1000000); }
private Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]> walk(edge edge, edge[] allowedDependencies, edge latestOutput) { Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]> tryNode; if (_edgesAlready.TryGetValue(edge, out tryNode)) { if (tryNode == null) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("The {0} has a cycle in it. It can never evaluate because it would always be an infinite loop.".Fmt(_function.Name == "" ? "main program" : "function " + _function.Name), edge.EndX, edge.EndY, _source.SourceFile)); var disallowedDependency = tryNode.Item2.FirstOrDefault(d => !allowedDependencies.Contains(d)); if (disallowedDependency != null) throwDisallowedDependency(latestOutput, disallowedDependency); return tryNode; } _edgesAlready[edge] = null; var node = edge.StartNode; var outputPosition = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).First(i => node.Edges[i] == edge && node.Connectors[i] == connectorType.Output); switch (node.Type) { case nodeType.TJunction: if (node.Connectors[0] == connectorType.Output) { // NAND Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[1] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[3] == connectorType.Input); var left = walk(node.Edges[3], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); var right = walk(node.Edges[1], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); return _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]>( new FuncitonFunction.NandNode(_function, left.Item1, right.Item1), left.Item2.ArrayUnion(right.Item2) ); } else { // splitter Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[0] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[1] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[3] == connectorType.Output); if (node.Edges[0] == edge) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("This splitter is connected to itself. Such a construct is not allowed as it would always cause an infinite loop.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); return _edgesAlready[edge] = walk(node.Edges[0], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); } case nodeType.CrossJunction: { Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[0] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[1] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[2] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[3] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Edges[1] == edge || node.Edges[2] == edge); var left = walk(node.Edges[0], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); var right = walk(node.Edges[3], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); var newNode = node.Edges[1] == edge ? (FuncitonFunction.Node) new FuncitonFunction.LessThanNode(_function, left.Item1, right.Item1) : (FuncitonFunction.Node) new FuncitonFunction.ShiftLeftNode(_function, left.Item1, right.Item1); return _edgesAlready[edge] = Tuple.Create(newNode, left.Item2.ArrayUnion(right.Item2)); } case nodeType.Declaration: return _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]>(new FuncitonFunction.InputNode(_function, (int) edge.DirectionFromStartNode), edge.EmptyArray); case nodeType.Call: unparsedFunctionDeclaration decl; if (!_unparsedFunctionsByNode.TryGetValue(node, out decl) && !_unparsedFunctionsByName.TryGetValue(node.GetContent(_source), out decl)) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("Call to undefined function “{0}”.".Fmt(node.GetContent(_source)), node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); FuncitonFunction func; if (!_parsedFunctions.TryGetValue(decl, out func)) func = decl.Parse(_unparsedFunctionsByName, _unparsedFunctionsByNode, _parsedFunctions); // Try to optimise away no-op functions int? inputPosition = func.GetInputForOutputIfNop(outputPosition); Helpers.Assert(inputPosition == null || node.Connectors[inputPosition.Value] == connectorType.Input); if (inputPosition != null) return _edgesAlready[edge] = walk(node.Edges[inputPosition.Value], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); if (!_callsAlready.ContainsKey(node)) { var inputs = new FuncitonFunction.Node[4]; var dependencies = edge.EmptyArray; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (node.Connectors[i] != connectorType.Input) continue; var result = walk(node.Edges[i], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); inputs[i] = result.Item1; dependencies = dependencies.ArrayUnion(result.Item2); } _callsAlready[node] = Tuple.Create(new FuncitonFunction.Call(func, inputs), dependencies); } return _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]>( new FuncitonFunction.CallOutputNode(_function, outputPosition, _callsAlready[node].Item1), _callsAlready[node].Item2 ); case nodeType.Literal: var content = Regex.Replace(node.GetContent(_source), @"\s*\n\s*", "").Trim().Replace('−', '-'); FuncitonFunction.Node newLiteralNode; if (content.Length == 0) newLiteralNode = new FuncitonFunction.StdInNode(_function); else { BigInteger literal; if (!BigInteger.TryParse(content, out literal)) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("Literal does not represent a valid integer.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); newLiteralNode = new FuncitonFunction.LiteralNode(_function, literal); } return _edgesAlready[edge] = Tuple.Create(newLiteralNode, edge.EmptyArray); case nodeType.LambdaInvocation: if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(node.GetContent(_source))) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("Lambda invocation boxes must be empty.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); if (!_lambdasAlready.ContainsKey(node)) { Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[0] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[1] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[2] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[3] == connectorType.Input); var lambdaGetter = walk(node.Edges[0], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); var argument = walk(node.Edges[3], allowedDependencies, latestOutput); _lambdasAlready[node] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.LambdaInvocation, edge[]>( new FuncitonFunction.LambdaInvocation(argument.Item1, lambdaGetter.Item1), lambdaGetter.Item2.ArrayUnion(argument.Item2)); } return _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]>( new FuncitonFunction.LambdaInvocationOutputNode(_function, outputPosition, _lambdasAlready[node].Item1), _lambdasAlready[node].Item2); case nodeType.LambdaExpression: if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(node.GetContent(_source))) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("Lambda expression boxes must be empty.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[0] == connectorType.Input); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[1] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[2] == connectorType.Output); Helpers.Assert(node.Connectors[3] == connectorType.Input); switch (outputPosition) { case 1: // parameter if (!allowedDependencies.Contains(edge)) throwDisallowedDependency(latestOutput, edge); if (!_lambdaParameters.ContainsKey(node)) _lambdaParameters[node] = new FuncitonFunction.LambdaExpressionParameterNode(_function); return _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, FuncitonLanguage.edge[]>(_lambdaParameters[node], new[] { edge }); case 2: // lambdaGetter // Need to put a skeleton instance into _edgesAlready because this node allows cycles var clonedNode = new FuncitonFunction.LambdaExpressionNode(_function); _edgesAlready[edge] = new Tuple<FuncitonFunction.Node, edge[]>(clonedNode, edge.EmptyArray); // Walk the return values first so that they will create the lambda parameter node var newAllowedDependencies = allowedDependencies.ArrayUnion(node.Edges[1]); clonedNode.ReturnValue1 = walk(node.Edges[0], newAllowedDependencies, node.Edges[0]).Item1; clonedNode.ReturnValue2 = walk(node.Edges[3], newAllowedDependencies, node.Edges[3]).Item1; // If the lambda parameter is not in _lambdaParameters, it means we did not reach the lambda input and therefore the lambda // ignores its input, so we can just pass a null node because it will never get evaluated anyway clonedNode.Parameter = _lambdaParameters.Get(node, null); return _edgesAlready[edge]; default: throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("The parser encountered an internal error parsing a lambda expression.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); } case nodeType.End: case nodeType.Comment: default: throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError("The parser encountered an internal error.", node.X, node.Y, _source.SourceFile)); } }
public void add(edge e) { le.Add(e); }
private bool deduceGiven(edge[] edges, bool[] known, Action<edge> isCorrect, Action<edge> isFlipped, int expected, connectorType[][] connectors, sourceAsChars source, string connectorsError, string orientationError) { if (edges.Count(e => e != null) != expected) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError(connectorsError, X, Y, source.SourceFile)); var result = new List<deduceInfo>(); foreach (var conn in connectors) { for (int rot = 0; rot < 4; rot++) { var rotatedEdges = edges.Skip(rot).Concat(edges.Take(rot)).ToArray(); var rotatedKnowns = known.Skip(rot).Concat(known.Take(rot)).ToArray(); var valid = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).All(i => (rotatedEdges[i] == null && conn[i] == connectorType.None) || (!rotatedKnowns[i] && conn[i] != connectorType.None) || (rotatedKnowns[i] && rotatedEdges[i].StartNode == this && conn[i] == connectorType.Output) || (rotatedKnowns[i] && rotatedEdges[i].EndNode == this && conn[i] == connectorType.Input)); if (valid) result.Add(new deduceInfo { Edges = rotatedEdges, Knowns = rotatedKnowns, Rotation = rot, Connectors = conn }); } } if (result.Count == 0) throw new ParseErrorException(new ParseError(orientationError, X, Y, source.SourceFile)); for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) { var edge = edges[i]; if (edge == null || known[i]) continue; var conns = result.Select(r => r.Connectors[(i + 4 - r.Rotation) % 4]).ToArray(); if (conns.Skip(1).All(c => c == conns[0])) { if (edge.StartNode == this && (int) edge.DirectionFromStartNode == i) (conns[0] == connectorType.Output ? isCorrect : isFlipped)(edge); else if (edge.EndNode == this && (int) edge.DirectionFromEndNode == i) (conns[0] == connectorType.Input ? isCorrect : isFlipped)(edge); } } Edges = result[0].Edges; Connectors = result[0].Connectors; return result.Count == 1; }
static polyhedron octahedron(Graphics g, PictureBox pb, int size) { point3d p1 = new point3d(-size / 2, 0, 0); point3d p2 = new point3d(0, 0, -size / 2); point3d p3 = new point3d(size / 2, 0, 0); point3d p4 = new point3d(0, 0, size / 2); point3d p5 = new point3d(0, size / 2, 0); point3d p6 = new point3d(0, -size / 2, 0); edge e1 = new edge(g, pb, ref p1, ref p2); edge e2 = new edge(g, pb, ref p2, ref p3); edge e3 = new edge(g, pb, ref p3, ref p4); edge e4 = new edge(g, pb, ref p1, ref p4); edge e5 = new edge(g, pb, ref p1, ref p5); edge e6 = new edge(g, pb, ref p2, ref p5); edge e7 = new edge(g, pb, ref p3, ref p5); edge e8 = new edge(g, pb, ref p4, ref p5); edge e9 = new edge(g, pb, ref p1, ref p6); edge e10 = new edge(g, pb, ref p2, ref p6); edge e11 = new edge(g, pb, ref p3, ref p6); edge e12 = new edge(g, pb, ref p4, ref p6); polygon plg1 = new polygon(); plg1.add(e1); plg1.add(e6); plg1.add(e5); polygon plg2 = new polygon(); plg2.add(e2); plg2.add(e7); plg2.add(e6); polygon plg3 = new polygon(); plg3.add(e3); plg3.add(e7); plg3.add(e8); polygon plg4 = new polygon(); plg4.add(e4); plg4.add(e8); plg4.add(e5); polygon plg5 = new polygon(); plg5.add(e1); plg5.add(e9); plg5.add(e10); polygon plg6 = new polygon(); plg6.add(e2); plg6.add(e10); plg6.add(e11); polygon plg7 = new polygon(); plg7.add(e3); plg7.add(e11); plg7.add(e12); polygon plg8 = new polygon(); plg1.add(e4); plg1.add(e9); plg1.add(e12); polyhedron res = new polyhedron(); res.add(plg1); res.add(plg2); res.add(plg3); res.add(plg4); res.add(plg5); res.add(plg6); res.add(plg7); res.add(plg8); return(res); }
public bool EqualTo(edge el) { /* if (this.From.Equals(el.From) && this.To.Equals(el.To)) return true; if (this.From.Equals(el.To) && this.To.Equals(el.From)) return true; return false; */ return el.ID == this.ID; }
private void addToSolution(edge e) { succ[e.node1].Add(e.node2); succ[e.node2].Add(e.node1); edgesUsed++; }
public Mesh Unfold(Mesh mesh) { List <face> Faces = new List <face>(); List <edge> Edges = new List <edge>(); mesh.Faces.ConvertQuadsToTriangles(); mesh.UnifyNormals(); mesh.Compact(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyEdgeList el = mesh.TopologyEdges; Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyVertexList vs = mesh.TopologyVertices; mesh.FaceNormals.ComputeFaceNormals(); //Print(mesh.FaceNormals.Count.ToString()); // Print(mesh.Vertices.Count.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { face f1 = new face( new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].A]), new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].B]), new Point3d(mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].C]), mesh.FaceNormals[i] ); Faces.Add(f1); } for (int i = 0; i < el.Count; i++) { int[] faceid = el.GetConnectedFaces(i); edge e1 = new edge(vs[el.GetTopologyVertices(i).I], vs[el.GetTopologyVertices(i).J]); if (faceid.Length == 1) { e1.Faces = new face[1]; e1.Faces[0] = Faces[faceid[0]]; } else if (faceid.Length > 1) { e1.Faces = new face[2]; e1.Faces[0] = Faces[faceid[0]]; e1.Faces[1] = Faces[faceid[1]]; } e1.ID = i; Edges.Add(e1); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { int[] edgeid = el.GetEdgesForFace(i); face f1 = Faces[i]; f1.edges[0] = Edges[edgeid[0]]; f1.edges[1] = Edges[edgeid[1]]; f1.edges[2] = Edges[edgeid[2]]; f1.ID = i; } /* List< Mesh> output2 = new List< Mesh>(); * for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Count; i++) * { * output2.Add(Faces[i].DrawFace()); * } * B = output2; */ face f = Faces[0]; f.AddTransform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(new Plane(f.Center(), -f.Normal), Plane.WorldXY)); FaceLoop(f); //Print(f.Pts[0].X.ToString() + "/" + f.Pts[0].Y.ToString() + "/" + f.Pts[0].Z.ToString()); Mesh output = new Mesh(); for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Count; i++) { output.Append(Faces[i].DrawFace()); } return(output); }
int so; // originating node #endregion Fields #region Constructors public edge() { so = 0; si = 0; next = NULL; }
void CalculateEdges(){ edge tempEdge = new edge(); for (int x = 0; x < cityMapBW.width; x++){ for (int y = 0; y < cityMapBW.height; y++){ if (cityMapBW.GetPixel(x,y).grayscale < 0.5f){ if (cityMapBW.GetPixel(x-1,y).grayscale > 0.5f || cityMapBW.GetPixel(x+1,y).grayscale > 0.5f || cityMapBW.GetPixel(x,y-1).grayscale > 0.5f || cityMapBW.GetPixel(x,y+1).grayscale > 0.5f){ //edgePos = new Vector3(x, 1f, y); tempEdge.edgeX = x; tempEdge.edgeY = y; edges.Add(tempEdge); RoadMap.SetPixel(tempEdge.edgeX, tempEdge.edgeY,; //edges.Add(cityMapBW.GetPixel(x,y).); } } } } }
(double adjustedTravelTime, double baseTravelTime) = CalculateWalkingTimeWithCongestion(edge, edgeOccupancies);