public string CreateRebillCustomer(VMCreateRebillCustomer customer)
     var client = new eWay.Rebill.Test.manageRebill_testSoapClient();
     var ewayHeader = GetRebillEwayHeader();
         client.CreateRebillCustomer(ref ewayHeader, customer.Title, customer.FirstName, customer.LastName, "",
                                     "", "", "", "", "au", customer.Email, "", "", "", "", "", "", "").RebillCustomerID;
 public string BillRecurring(VMRebillCustomer customer)
     var client = new eWay.Rebill.Test.manageRebill_testSoapClient();
     var ewayHeader = GetRebillEwayHeader();
     return "";//client.CreateRebillEvent(ref ewayHeader, customer.RebillCustomerID, ).Result;
        public Subscription SubscribePet(VMSubscription subscription)
            var user = _db.Users.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == subscription.UserId);
            var product = _db.Products.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == subscription.ProductId);
            var price = ((double) product.Price*100).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var day = DateTime.Now.Day;
            var month = DateTime.Now.Month;
            var year = DateTime.Now.Year;

            var rebillIntDate = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", (day + 2).ToString("00"), month.ToString("00"), year);
            var rebillStartDate = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 1.ToString("00"), (month + 1).ToString("00"), year);
            var rebillEndDate = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", day.ToString("00"), month.ToString("00"), year + 2);

            var clientRecurring = new eWay.Rebill.Test.manageRebill_testSoapClient();
            var ewayHeader = GetRebillEwayHeader();
            var status =
                clientRecurring.CreateRebillEvent(ref ewayHeader, user.RebillCustomerID, "Felix and Rover Subscription", "Product Subscription: " + product.DisplayName, subscription.NameOnCard,
                                                  subscription.CCNumber, subscription.CCExpMonth, subscription.CCExpYear,
                                                  price, rebillIntDate, price, rebillStartDate, "1", "3",

            if (status.Result.ToLower() == "success")
                var sub = new Subscription()
                                  UserId = subscription.UserId,
                                  PetId = subscription.PetId,
                                  ProductId = subscription.ProductId,
                                  VetId = subscription.VetId,
                                  RebillID = status.RebillID
                var newSub = _subRepo.CreateSubscription(sub);

                //var client = new managedCreditCardPaymentTestSoapClient();
                //var success = client.ProcessPayment(GetEwayHeader(), Convert.ToInt64(user.TokenCustomerID), ((int) product.Price * 100),
                //                                    "Initial Payment for Subscription", "Subscribed to Product: " + product.Name).ewayTrxnStatus;
                //string RebillCustomerID, string RebillInvRef, string RebillInvDes, string RebillCCName, string RebillCCNumber,
                //string RebillCCExpMonth, string RebillCCExpYear, string RebillInitAmt, string RebillInitDate, string RebillRecurAmt,
                //string RebillStartDate, string RebillInterval, string RebillIntervalType, string RebillEndDate
                //var successRecurring = clientRecurring.CreateRebillEvent(ref ewayHeader, user.RebillCustomerID, )

                    var body = "<h1>Subscription Successful</h1>";
                    body += "<p>Thank you for subscribing to felix and rover</p>";
                    body += "<p>The pet owner " + newSub.User.FullName + " and pet named " + newSub.Pet.Name +
                            " will now receive the following product monthly:</p>";
                    body += "<p>Product name: " + newSub.Product.DisplayName + "</p>";
                    body += "<p>Amount: $" + newSub.Product.Price + "</p>";
                    body += "<p>Thank you,</p>";
                    body += "<p>Felix and Rover Team ^.^</p>";
                    EmailHelper.SendEmail(newSub.User.Email, "Felix and Rover (Product Subscription)", body);
                catch (Exception)
                return newSub;

            return null;
        public string Unsubscribe(int id)
            var subscription = _db.Subscriptions.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == id);
            var user = _db.Users.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == subscription.UserId);

            var clientRecurring = new eWay.Rebill.Test.manageRebill_testSoapClient();
            var ewayHeader = GetRebillEwayHeader();

            var result = clientRecurring.DeleteRebillEvent(ref ewayHeader, user.RebillCustomerID, subscription.RebillID).Result;

            if (result.ToLower() == "success")
                _db.Subscriptions.Remove(_db.Subscriptions.SingleOrDefault(r => r.Id == id));

                    var body = "<h1>Successfully Unsubscribed</h1>";
                    body += "<p>We hope you enjoyed our services.</p>";
                    body += "<p>The pet owner " + subscription.User.FullName + " and pet named " + subscription.Pet.Name + " will now stop receiving the following product monthly:</p>";
                    body += "<p>Product name: " + subscription.Product.DisplayName + "</p>";
                    body += "<p>Amount: $" + subscription.Product.Price + "</p>";
                    body += "<p>Thank you,</p>";
                    body += "<p>Felix and Rover Team ^.^</p>";
                    EmailHelper.SendEmail(subscription.User.Email, "Felix and Rover (Unsubscribed)", body);
                catch (Exception)

                return "success";
            return "fail";
        public User RegisterUser(VMRegisterUser registerUser)
            if (_db.Users.Any(r => r.Username == registerUser.Username) || _db.Users.Any(r => r.Email == registerUser.Email))
                return null;

            var user = new User()
                               Username = registerUser.Username,
                               Password = registerUser.Password,
                               FirstName = registerUser.FirstName,
                               LastName = registerUser.LastName,
                               Email = registerUser.Email,
                               PhoneNumber = registerUser.PhoneNumber,
                               Address = registerUser.Address,
                               VetId = registerUser.VetId

            //var client = new managedCreditCardPaymentTestSoapClient();

            //user.TokenCustomerID = client.CreateCustomer(GetEwayHeader(), "Mr.", registerUser.FirstName, registerUser.LastName, "", "", "", "",
            //                      "", "au", registerUser.Email, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", registerUser.CCNumber,
            //                      registerUser.NameOnCard, registerUser.CCExpMonth, registerUser.CCExpYear);

            var rebillClient = new eWay.Rebill.Test.manageRebill_testSoapClient();
            var ewayHeader = GetRebillEwayHeader();
            user.RebillCustomerID =
                rebillClient.CreateRebillCustomer(ref ewayHeader, "Mr.", registerUser.FirstName, registerUser.LastName, "",
                                            "", "", "", "", "au", registerUser.Email, "", "", "", "", "", "", "").RebillCustomerID;

            if (user.Email != null)
                    EmailHelper.SendEmail(user.Email, "FelixAndRover Registration",
                                          "<h1>Registration Successful</h1><p>You have successfully registered to Felix and Rover App..</p>");
            return user;