public static Product GetInstance(eProduct productType) { Product p = null; switch (productType) { case eProduct.A: { p = new ProductA(); } break; case eProduct.B: { p = new ProductB(); } break; case eProduct.C: { p = new ProductC(); } break; default: { p = new Product(); } break; } return(p); }
public CopyleaksProcess(LoginToken authorizationToken, eProduct product, CreateResourceResponse response, Dictionary <string, string> customFields) { this.PID = response.ProcessId; this.CreationTimeUtc = response.CreationTimeUTC; this.SecurityToken = authorizationToken; this.CustomFields = customFields; this.Product = product; }
public CopyleaksProcess(LoginToken authorizationToken, eProduct product, ProcessInList rawProcess) { this.PID = rawProcess.ProcessId; this.CreationTimeUtc = rawProcess.CreationTimeUTC; this.SecurityToken = authorizationToken; this.CustomFields = rawProcess.CustomFields; this.ListProcesses_IsCompleted = rawProcess.Status.ToLower() == "finished"; this.Product = product; }
public static string ToName(this eProduct product) { switch (product) { case eProduct.Businesses: return(Resources.BusinessesServicePage); case eProduct.Academic: return(Resources.AcademicServicePage); case eProduct.Websites: return(Resources.WebsitesServicePage); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public static string ToName(this eProduct product) { switch (product) { case eProduct.Businesses: return(Consts.BusinessesServicePage); case eProduct.Education: return(Consts.EducationServicePage); case eProduct.Websites: return(Consts.WebsitesServicePage); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
/// <summary> /// Connection to Copyleaks cloud. /// </summary> /// <param name="product">The product for scanning the documents</param> public CopyleaksCloud(eProduct product) { this.Product = product; }
/// <summary> /// Receives the client's choice /// and retrieves the product's price. /// </summary> /// <returns>Price of selected product.</returns> /// <exception cref="VendingMachine.Exceptions.SoldOutException">Thrown when product is sold out.</exception> /// <param name="i_VendingMachine">Vending machine instance.</param> /// <param name="i_Product">Selected product.</param> private static int selectProductAndGetPrice(NewVendingMachine i_VendingMachine, eProduct i_Product) { bool isAvailable = true; do { try { if (i_VendingMachine.ProductInventory.getQuantity(i_Product) > 0) { i_VendingMachine.CurrentProduct = i_Product; } else { isAvailable = false; throw new SoldOutException(); } } catch (SoldOutException SoldOut) { UIInterface.PrintToCMD(SoldOut.Message); } }while (!isAvailable); return((int)i_Product); }