Esempio n. 1
        //populates a dateset with information from the Vehicle Table
        public dsVehicle findVehicle(int vehicleID)
            //creates an SQL query that returns vehicles with a specific vehicleID
            string           sqlStmt        = "select * from Vehicle where vehicleID like '" + vehicleID + "'";
            OleDbDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStmt, dbConnection);

            dsVehicle tempDataSet = new dsVehicle();


            //returns the resulting data set -- should be only up to 1 line
Esempio n. 2
        //populates a dropDownMenu with all Vehicles for sale from the Vehicles Table
        public dsVehicle dsVehicleDropDown()
            //This SQL query creates a dataset with two columns
            //Column 1:  Vehicle ID
            //Column 2:  Vehicle ID: VIN
            //(Future TO DO): Remove all vehicles that have sold
            //(Future TO DO): Include new vehicle Year/Make/Model Information for the dropDownMenu
            string           sqlStmt        = "Select vehicleID, vehicleID & ': ' & vin AS Vehicle FROM Vehicle";
            OleDbDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStmt, dbConnection);

            dsVehicle tempDataSet = new dsVehicle();


            //returns as resulting data set -- should expect multiple rows
Esempio n. 3
        //populates the dropdown list with information from the Vehicle Table
        public void populateDropDownList(int sValue)
                dsVehicle    dsPopulate   = new dsVehicle();
                string       tempPath     = Server.MapPath("~/HTVDatabase1.mdb");
                clsDataLayer dataLayerObj = new HTV.clsDataLayer(tempPath);
                dsPopulate = dataLayerObj.dsVehicleDropDown();

                ddlVehicleID.DataSource     = dsPopulate;
                ddlVehicleID.DataTextField  = "Vehicle";
                ddlVehicleID.DataValueField = "vehicleID";

                //re-selects the vehicle with the value of sValue one the dropdownmenu has been repopulated
                ddlVehicleID.SelectedValue = sValue.ToString();
            catch (Exception error)
                Warnings.Text = "Critical Error: " + error;