Esempio n. 1
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Categorical))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Categorical distribution");

                var param_shape = new List <long>();


                var shape = param_shape.ToArray();

                var p = _probs?.expand(shape);
                var l = _logits?.expand(shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Categorical(p, l) : instance) as Categorical;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.num_events = this.num_events;
                    newDistribution._probs     = p;
                    newDistribution._logits    = l;
Esempio n. 2
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Gamma))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Chi2 distribution");

                if (instance == null)
                    instance = new Chi2(concentration);
                return(base.expand(batch_shape, instance));
Esempio n. 3
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Cauchy))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Cauchy distribution");

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Cauchy(loc.expand(batch_shape), scale.expand(batch_shape)) : instance) as Cauchy;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.loc   = loc.expand(batch_shape);
                    newDistribution.scale = scale.expand(batch_shape);
Esempio n. 4
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Poisson))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Poisson distribution");

                var r = rate.expand(batch_shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Poisson(r) : instance) as Poisson;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.rate = r;
Esempio n. 5
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Geometric))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Geometric distribution");

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ?
                                       new Geometric(p: _probs?.expand(batch_shape), l: logits?.expand(batch_shape)) :
                                       instance) as Geometric;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution._probs  = _probs?.expand(batch_shape);
                    newDistribution._logits = _logits?.expand(batch_shape);
Esempio n. 6
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Uniform))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Uniform distribution");

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ?
                                       new Uniform(low.expand(batch_shape), high.expand(batch_shape)) :
                                       instance) as Uniform;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.low  = low.expand(batch_shape);
                    newDistribution.high = high.expand(batch_shape);
Esempio n. 7
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Binomial))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Binomial distribution");

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ?
                                       new Binomial(total_count.expand(batch_shape), p: _probs?.expand(batch_shape), l: logits?.expand(batch_shape)) :
                                       instance) as Binomial;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.total_count = total_count.expand(batch_shape);
                    newDistribution._probs      = _probs?.expand(batch_shape);
                    newDistribution._logits     = _logits?.expand(batch_shape);
Esempio n. 8
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Gamma))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Gamma distribution");

                var c = concentration.expand(batch_shape);
                var r = rate.expand(batch_shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Gamma(c, r) : instance) as Gamma;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.concentration = c;
                    newDistribution.rate          = r;
Esempio n. 9
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Bernoulli))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Bernoulli distribution");

                var p = _probs?.expand(batch_shape);
                var l = _logits?.expand(batch_shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Bernoulli(p, l) : instance) as Bernoulli;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution._probs  = p;
                    newDistribution._logits = l;
Esempio n. 10
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Beta))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Beta distribution");

                var c0 = concentration0.expand(batch_shape);
                var c1 = concentration1.expand(batch_shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Beta(c1, c0) : instance) as Beta;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.dirichlet      = new Dirichlet(torch.stack(new Tensor[] { c1, c0 }, -1));
                    newDistribution.concentration1 = c1;
                    newDistribution.concentration0 = c0;
Esempio n. 11
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Multinomial))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Multinomial distribution");

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ?
                                       new Multinomial(total_count, categorical.expand(batch_shape) as Categorical) :
                                       instance) as Multinomial;

                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.total_count = total_count;
                    newDistribution.categorical = categorical.expand(batch_shape) as Categorical;
                    newDistribution.batch_shape = newDistribution.categorical.batch_shape;
                    var ps = newDistribution.categorical.param_shape;
                    newDistribution.event_shape = new long[] { ps[ps.Length - 1] };

Esempio n. 12
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is FisherSnedecor))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a FisherSnedecor distribution");

                var df1 = this.df1.expand(batch_shape);
                var df2 = this.df2.expand(batch_shape);

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new FisherSnedecor(df1, df2) : instance) as FisherSnedecor;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.df1    = df1;
                    newDistribution.df2    = df2;
                    newDistribution.gamma1 = this.gamma1.expand(batch_shape) as Gamma;
                    newDistribution.gamma2 = this.gamma2.expand(batch_shape) as Gamma;
Esempio n. 13
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a new distribution instance (or populates an existing instance provided by a derived class) with batch dimensions expanded to
            /// `batch_shape`. This method calls `torch.Tensor.expand()` on the distribution's parameters. As such, this does not allocate new
            /// memory for the expanded distribution instance.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batch_shape">Tthe desired expanded size.</param>
            /// <param name="instance">new instance provided by subclasses that need to override `.expand`.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public override distributions.Distribution expand(long[] batch_shape, distributions.Distribution instance = null)
                if (instance != null && !(instance is Dirichlet))
                    throw new ArgumentException("expand(): 'instance' must be a Dirichlet distribution");

                var shape = new List <long>();


                var c = concentration.expand(shape.ToArray());

                var newDistribution = ((instance == null) ? new Dirichlet(c) : instance) as Dirichlet;

                newDistribution.batch_shape = batch_shape;
                if (newDistribution == instance)
                    newDistribution.concentration = c;