Esempio n. 1
        private void PrintGenericSection(PdfOutput output, def_Sections section, int indentLevel)
            double indent = .5 + labelIndent * (indentLevel - 1);

            output.appendWrappedText(section.identifier, indent, 8 - indent, 12);
            output.drawY -= .2;
            foreach (def_SectionItems si in section.def_SectionItems)
                if (si.subSectionId.HasValue)
                    PrintGenericSection(output, formsRepo.GetSubSectionById(si.subSectionId.Value), indentLevel + 1);
                    def_Items itm = formsRepo.GetItemById(si.itemId);//si.def_Items;
                    indent = labelIndent * indentLevel;
                    output.appendWrappedText(itm.label, indent, 8 - indent, output.boldFont);
                    foreach (def_ItemVariables iv in itm.def_ItemVariables)
                        def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(formResultId, iv.itemVariableId);
                        string s = (rv == null) ? "N/A" : rv.rspValue;
                        indent = valueIndent + labelIndent * (indentLevel - 1);
                        output.appendWrappedText(iv.identifier + ": " + s, indent, 8 - indent);
                    output.drawY -= .1;
        public ActionResult StartAssmnt()
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

            // retrieve and set SessionForm params
            string paramFormId = Request["formId"] as string;

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormId);

            string paramFormResultId = Request["formResultId"] as string;

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);

            // get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
            def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId);

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formIdentifier = frm.identifier;

            def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId = prt.partId;
            Session["part"] = prt.partId;

            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

            return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId.ToString() }));
        private void printD5AndD6(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(sct);

            List <string> yesLabels = new List <string>();

            foreach (string ivIdent in responses.Keys)
                if (responses[ivIdent].Equals("Yes"))
                    def_ItemVariables iv  = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(ivIdent);
                    def_Items         itm = formsRepo.GetItemById(iv.itemId);
            if (yesLabels.Count > 0)
                string rsp = yesLabels[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < yesLabels.Count; i++)
                    rsp += ", " + yesLabels[i];

                printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
                output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

            // retrieve and set SessionForm params
            string    formIdent = "View_Test_Form";
            def_Forms frm       = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier(formIdent);

            if (frm == null)
                return(Content("Could not find form with identifier \"" + formIdent + "\""));
            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormId(frm.formId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (fr == null)
                fr = new def_FormResults()
                    formId           = frm.formId,
                    formStatus       = 0,
                    sessionStatus    = 0,
                    dateUpdated      = DateTime.Now,
                    deleted          = false,
                    locked           = false,
                    archived         = false,
                    EnterpriseID     = 0,
                    GroupID          = 0,
                    subject          = 0,
                    interviewer      = 0,
                    assigned         = 0,
                    training         = false,
                    reviewStatus     = 0,
                    statusChangeDate = DateTime.Now

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId         = frm.formId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId   = fr.formResultId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formIdentifier = frm.identifier;
            SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID   = 0;

            def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId = prt.partId;
            Session["part"] = prt.partId;

            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

            return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId.ToString() }));
        protected void printF3(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifierThroughLookupTables(sct);

            foreach (string ivIdent in responses.Keys)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responses[ivIdent]))
                def_Items itm = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(ivIdent + "_item");

                itm = formsRepo.GetItemById(itm.itemId);    //Get the version of the item as it appears on the form.

                if (ivIdent.EndsWith("IncomeProof") || ivIdent.EndsWith("EmployerForm"))
                    appendAdapAttachmentLink(itm.label, ivIdent, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent);
                    appendItemLabelAndResponses(itm, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent, responses);
        private void printH5(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(sct);

            //if the client is female...
            if (responses["ADAP_D8_CurrGenderDrop"].Equals("Female"))
                string rsp   = responses["ADAP_H5_PregnantOpt"];
                double drawY = output.drawY;
                printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
                output.drawY = drawY;
                output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;

                //if client is female and pregnant
                if (responses["ADAP_H5_PregnantOpt"].Equals("Yes"))
                    string label = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier("ADAP_H5_PregnantDue_item").label;
                    rsp = responses["ADAP_H5_PregnantDue"];
                    double itemLabelHeight     = output.appendWrappedText(label, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent - itemLabelIndent, output.boldFont);
                    double drawYBelowItemLabel = output.drawY;
                    output.drawY += itemLabelHeight;
                    output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                    output.drawY = Math.Min(drawYBelowItemLabel, output.drawY - .05);

            //if the client isn't female, no code runs here (meaning this section is ommitted from the report)
        private void tryPrintSingleLineLabel(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            Dictionary <string, string> responses        = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(sct);
            List <string> positiveResponsesItemVariables = responses.Where(pair => pair.Value.Equals("Yes")).Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList();

            //if there is exactly one response for this section, print it on the same line as the section header
            if (positiveResponsesItemVariables.Count == 1)
                string            ivIdent = positiveResponsesItemVariables.First();
                def_ItemVariables iv      = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(ivIdent);
                def_Items         itm     = formsRepo.GetItemById(iv.itemId);
                string            label   = itm.label;
                double            drawY   = output.drawY;
                printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
                output.drawY = drawY;
                output.appendWrappedText(label, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;

            //otherewise, delegate to the standard section printing
                base.PrintGenericSection(output, sct, indentLevel, responses);
        private void printM1(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);

            string month = GetSingleResponse("ADAP_M1_Month");
            string year  = GetSingleResponse("ADAP_M1_Year");
            string city  = GetSingleResponse("ADAP_M1_DiagnosisLoc");

            //try and convert the month response from number to month name,
            //and just leave it as the raw response if unsuccessful
                month = new System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo()
            catch (Exception e) { }

            string text =
                (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(month) ? "[no month entered]" : month) + ", " +
                (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(year) ? "[no year entered]" : year) + ", " +
                (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city) ? "[no city entered]" : city);

            output.appendWrappedText(text, itemLabelIndent, 8 - itemLabelIndent);
            output.drawY -= .1;
 private int getCustomOrder(def_Sections sct)
     if (customSectionOrderByIdentifiers.Contains(sct.identifier))
        protected virtual void PrintGenericSection(PdfOutput output, def_Sections section, int indentLevel)
            //pull out all responses for items in this section (doesn't include items in subsections)
            Debug.WriteLine("PrintGenericSection section: " + section.identifier);
            Dictionary <string, string> responsesByItemVariable = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(section);

            PrintGenericSection(output, section, indentLevel, responsesByItemVariable);
        public ActionResult NewBlankAssessment()
            string formId = Request["formId"];

            SearchModel model = new SearchModel();

            if (model.create && model.edit)
                 * **** Check if User has authorization to create an Assessment for this Group.
                // *** RRB 10/27/15 - the Create Assessment should be a method used here and from the 'Action' above.
                def_FormResults frmRes = FormResults.CreateNewFormResultFull(formId,
                if (ventureMode)
                    frmRes.assigned = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID;


                if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                    SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();
                SessionForm sf = SessionHelper.SessionForm;

                 * if (sf == null)
                 * {
                 *  return RedirectToAction("Index", "Search", null);
                 * }
                // set SessionForm params
                sf.formId       = frmRes.formId;                    // TODO: How to determine which formid?
                sf.formResultId = frmRes.formResultId;

                // get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
                def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(sf.formId);
                def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];
                sf.partId       = prt.partId;
                Session["part"] = prt.partId;
                def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

                return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = sf.partId.ToString() }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Search"));
        public static TemplateAdapNavMenu getAdapNavMenuModel(SessionForm sf, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            TemplateAdapNavMenu result = new TemplateAdapNavMenu();

            result.sctId = sf.sectionId;

            def_Sections currentSection = formsRepo.GetSectionById(result.sctId);

            if (currentSection != null)
                result.currentSectionTitle = currentSection.title;

            result.sectionIds    = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            result.sectionTitles = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            foreach (Assmnts.def_Sections sct in getTopLevelSectionsInForm(sf.formId, formsRepo))
                //Assmnts.def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(identifier);
                //if (sct == null)
                //    throw new Exception("could not find section with identifier \"" + identifier + "\"");

                result.sectionIds.Add(sct.identifier, sct.sectionId);
                result.sectionTitles.Add(sct.identifier, sct.title);

            result.adapFormId = sf.formResultId;
            result.firstName  = String.Empty;
            Assmnts.def_ResponseVariables firstNameRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(result.adapFormId, "ADAP_D1_FirstName");

            if (firstNameRV != null)
                result.firstName = firstNameRV.rspValue;

            result.lastName = String.Empty;
            Assmnts.def_ResponseVariables lastNameRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(result.adapFormId, "ADAP_D1_LastName");

            if (lastNameRV != null)
                result.lastName = lastNameRV.rspValue;

            result.ActiveUserName = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.FirstName + " " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.LastName;

            result.adapPartId = sf.partId;
            result.access     = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(0, "RptsExpts");
            result.readOnly   = sf.readOnlyMode;

        private void printD8(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            //append the "current gender" response in the same line as the section header
            double drawY = output.drawY;

            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
            def_ItemVariables ivCurrGender  = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier("ADAP_D8_CurrGenderDrop");
            string            rspCurrGender = GetResponseThroughLookupTables(formResultId, ivCurrGender.def_Items, ivCurrGender);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rspCurrGender))
                output.drawY = drawY;
                output.appendWrappedText(rspCurrGender, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;

            //if applicable, append the "gender at birth" label and response on one line
            def_Items         itmBirthGenderLabel = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier("ADAP_D8_BirthGenderLabel_item");
            def_ItemVariables ivBirthGender       = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier("ADAP_D8_BirthGenderDrop");
            string            rspBirthGender      = GetResponseThroughLookupTables(formResultId, ivBirthGender.def_Items, ivBirthGender);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rspBirthGender))
                double itemLabelHeight = itmBirthGenderLabel == null ? 0 :
                                         output.appendWrappedText(itmBirthGenderLabel.label, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent - itemLabelIndent, output.boldFont);
                double drawYBelowItemLabel = output.drawY;
                output.drawY += itemLabelHeight;
                output.appendWrappedText(rspBirthGender, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY = Math.Min(drawYBelowItemLabel, output.drawY - .05);

            //Dictionary<string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifierThroughLookupTables(sct);

            //foreach (string prefix in new string[] { "ADAP_D8_CurrGender", "ADAP_D8_BirthGender" })

            //    string ivIdent = prefix + "Drop";
            //    string labelItemIdent = prefix + "Label_item";

            //    def_Items labelItm = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(labelItemIdent);
            //    string rsp = responses.ContainsKey( ivIdent ) ? responses[ivIdent] : "";

            //    //append item label (if applicable), without actually moving drawY down the page
            //    double itemLabelHeight =  labelItm == null ? 0 :
            //        output.appendWrappedText(labelItm.label, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent - itemLabelIndent, output.boldFont);
            //    double drawYBelowItemLabel = output.drawY;
            //    output.drawY += itemLabelHeight;
            //    output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
            //    output.drawY = Math.Min(drawYBelowItemLabel, output.drawY - .05);

Esempio n. 14
        public static bool RunSingleSectionOneOffValidation(IFormsRepository formsRepo, FormCollection frmCllctn, int sectionId, out List <string> validationErrorMessages)
            bool invalid = false;

            validationErrorMessages = new List <string>();
            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionById(sectionId);

            #region Sections 2,3: if the Frequency is greater than zero, then the Duration and Type of support must be greater than zero.
            if ("SIS-A 2A,SIS-A 2B,SIS-A 2C,SIS-A 2D,SIS-A 2E,SIS-A 2F,SIS-A 3".Split(',').ToList().Contains(sct.identifier))
                foreach (def_SectionItems si in sct.def_SectionItems)
                    if (si.subSectionId == null)
                        def_ItemVariables ivFreq = si.def_Items.def_ItemVariables.Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith("_Fqy")).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (ivFreq == null)
                            throw new Exception("could not find fequency itemVariable (with suffix \"_Fqy\") for item \"" + si.def_Items.identifier + "\"");

                        string rspFreq = frmCllctn[ivFreq.identifier];
                        //def_ResponseVariables rvFreq = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(fr.formResultId, ivFreq.itemVariableId);

                        if (rspFreq != null && rspFreq.Trim().Length > 0 && Convert.ToInt16(rspFreq) > 0)
                            foreach (string suffix in new string[] { "_TOS", "_DST" })
                                def_ItemVariables ivSuff = si.def_Items.def_ItemVariables.Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith(suffix)).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (ivSuff == null)
                                    throw new Exception("could not find itemVariable with suffix \"" + suffix + "\" for item \"" + si.def_Items.identifier + "\"");

                                string rspSuff = frmCllctn[ivSuff.identifier];
                                //def_ResponseVariables rvSuff = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(fr.formResultId, ivSuff.itemVariableId);
                                if (rspSuff == null || rspSuff.Trim().Length == 0 || Convert.ToInt16(rspSuff) == 0)
                                    invalid = true;
                                    validationErrorMessages.Add(si.def_Sections.title + ", " + si.def_Items.label +
                                                                ": you entered a Frequency greater than zero, so Daily Support Time and Type of Support must also be greater than zero.");


Esempio n. 15
        public static void updateSection1ScoresNoSave(
            IFormsRepository formsRepo,
            def_Forms frm,
            int formResultId)
            def_FormResults fr    = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
            int             entId = fr.EnterpriseID.HasValue ? fr.EnterpriseID.Value : 0;

            string sectionIdentifierPrefix = frm.identifier; //"SIS-A" or "SIS-C"

            foreach (string shortSectionName in new string[] { "1A", "1B" })
                string       sectionIdentifier = sectionIdentifierPrefix + " " + shortSectionName; // e.g. "SIS-A 1A"
                def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(sectionIdentifier);
                if (sct == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not find section with identifier \"" + sectionIdentifier + "\"");

                int rawTotal = 0;

                foreach (def_SectionItems si in formsRepo.GetSectionItemsBySectionIdEnt(sct.sectionId, entId))
                    def_ItemVariables rawScoreIv = formsRepo.GetItemVariablesByItemId(si.itemId)
                                                   .Where(iv => iv.identifier.EndsWith("Support")).SingleOrDefault(); //e.g. "Q1A1_ExMedSupport"

                    if (rawScoreIv != null)
                        def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(formResultId, rawScoreIv.itemVariableId);
                        if (rv != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rv.rspValue))
                            int rawScore;
                            if (Int32.TryParse(rv.rspValue, out rawScore))
                                rawTotal += rawScore;
                                Debug.WriteLine("* * * Skipping item on updating section 1 scores: " +
                                                "Could not parse integer from response value \"{0}\" for itemVariable \"{1}\". (formResultID {2})",
                                                rv.rspValue, rawScoreIv.identifier, formResultId);

                UpdateScoreResponseNoSave(formsRepo, formResultId, "scr_" + shortSectionName + "_raw_total", rawTotal);
        protected string buildSectionHeaderText(def_Sections section)
            string fixedIdentifier;

            if (sectionIdentifierPrefixToRemove != null && section.identifier.StartsWith(sectionIdentifierPrefixToRemove))
                fixedIdentifier = section.identifier.Substring(sectionIdentifierPrefixToRemove.Length);
                fixedIdentifier = section.identifier;

            return("(" + fixedIdentifier + ") " + section.title);
        private void tryPrintSingleLineResponse(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifierThroughLookupTables(sct);

            //create a filtered set of responses, ignoring all emtpy or "no" responses
            Dictionary <string, string> filteredResponses = new Dictionary <string, string>(responses);

            foreach (string key in filteredResponses.Keys.ToList())
                if (filteredResponses[key].Trim().Length == 0)
            if (filteredResponses.Count > 1)
                foreach (string key in filteredResponses.Keys.ToList())
                    if (filteredResponses[key].Equals("No"))

            //if there is exactly one filtered response for this section, print it on the same line as the section header
            if (filteredResponses.Count == 1)
                //certain sections with long titles need the responses printed farther to the right in the report
                if (sct.identifier.EndsWith("M2") || sct.identifier.EndsWith("I2"))
                    responseIndent += 1.5;

                string rsp   = filteredResponses.Values.First();
                double drawY = output.drawY;
                printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
                output.drawY = drawY;
                output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;

            //otherewise, delegate to the standard section printing
                base.PrintGenericSection(output, sct, indentLevel, responses);
Esempio n. 18
        private static string valErrMsg(IFormsRepository formsRepo, string sectionIdentifier, int subsectionNumber, string subsectionIdentifier, string message)
            def_Sections section = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(sectionIdentifier);

            if (section == null)
                throw new Exception("Validation: Building one-off validation error message: could not find section with identifier \"" + sectionIdentifier + "\"");

            def_Sections sub = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier(subsectionIdentifier);

            if (sub == null)
                throw new Exception("Validation: Building one-off validation error message: could not find section with identifier \"" + subsectionIdentifier + "\"");

            return(section.title + ": " + subsectionNumber + ". " + sub.title + ": " + message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves an HTML FormCollection to the FormsRepository
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frmCllctn"></param>
        /// <param name="sectionId"></param>
        /// <param name="formResultId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveFormCollection(FormCollection frmCllctn, int sectionId, int formResultId)
            //for debugging runtime
            //DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            Debug.WriteLine("***  SaveFormCollection sectionId: " + sectionId.ToString() + "   formResultId: " + formResultId.ToString());

            def_Sections sctn = formsRepo.GetSectionById(sectionId);

            if (sctn != null)
                SaveSectionsRecursively(sctn, frmCllctn, formResultId);

            // All responses are now in Entity Framework, so Save all the Entities to the Forms Repository

Esempio n. 20
        public static SubscaleCatagory GetSisASubscaleCatagoryForSection(def_Sections sct)
            if (sct == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find a subscale catagory for NULL section");
            string s = sct.title.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();

            foreach (SubscaleCatagory option in getSisASubscaleCatagories())
                foreach (string numonic in option.getNumonics())
                    if (s.Contains(numonic.ToString().ToLower()))
            throw new Exception("Could not find a subscale catagory for section with title \"" + sct.title + "\"");
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves User Data associated with a Section by processing Items and SubSections (unlimited nesting).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sctn"></param>
        /// <param name="frmCllctn"></param>
        /// <param name="formResultId"></param>

        private void SaveSectionsRecursively(def_Sections sctn, FormCollection frmCllctn, int formResultId)
            try {
                SaveSectionItems(sctn, frmCllctn, formResultId);
            catch (Exception ex) {

            // Process the subSections (if any)
            foreach (def_SectionItems sctnItm in sctn.def_SectionItems)
                if (sctnItm.subSectionId.GetValueOrDefault() > 0)
                    SaveSectionsRecursively(formsRepo.GetSubSectionById(sctnItm.subSectionId), frmCllctn, formResultId);

        private void printC3(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);

            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifierThroughLookupTables(sct);

            for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                string prefix = "ADAP_C3_Phone" + i + "_";
                if (responses.ContainsKey(prefix + "Num") && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responses[prefix + "Num"]))
                    foreach (string shortIdent in new string[] { "Num", "Type", "MayMsgYN" })
                        def_Items itm = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(prefix + shortIdent + "_item");
                        itm = formsRepo.GetItemById(itm.itemId);    //Get the version of the item as it appears on the form.
                        appendItemLabelAndResponses(itm, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent, responses);
        //* * * OT 2-26-16 this should be refactored so that all the responses for the formResult are pulled once, all at one time, using a CommonExport function
        protected Dictionary <string, string> GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(def_Sections sct)
            Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (def_Items itm in formsRepo.GetSectionItems(sct))
                foreach (def_ItemVariables iv in itm.def_ItemVariables)
                    if (result.ContainsKey(iv.identifier))

                    result.Add(iv.identifier, GetResponse(formResultId, itm, iv));

            Debug.WriteLine("GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier: " + sct.identifier + "  result.Count: " + result.Count.ToString());
        //ADAP_D7 (preferred language)
        private void printD7(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            //append the one response in the same line as the section header
            //if the user responded with "other", show the text they entered into the "other" textbox
            double drawY = output.drawY;

            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
            def_ItemVariables iv  = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier("ADAP_D7_LangDrop");
            string            rsp = GetResponseThroughLookupTables(formResultId, iv.def_Items, iv);

            if (rsp.StartsWith("Other"))
                rsp = GetSingleResponse("ADAP_D7_LangOther");

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rsp))
                output.drawY = drawY;
                output.appendWrappedText(rsp, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
                output.drawY -= .1;
Esempio n. 25
        public ActionResult CreateStubApplication(string ramsellId)
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

            //createa new def_FormResult for the stub application
            AdapLAStubApp stubHelper = new AdapLAStubApp(formsRepo);
            int           newFrId    = stubHelper.CreateAndPrepopulateNewStubApp(ramsellId);
            def_Forms     stubForm   = stubHelper.GetStubForm();

            //setup session vars for viewing stub application screen(s)
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId         = stubForm.formId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId   = newFrId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formIdentifier = AdapLAStubApp.stubFormIdentifier;
            SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID   = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;

            def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(stubForm)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId = prt.partId;
            Session["part"] = prt.partId;

            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.sectionId = sct.sectionId;
            Session["section"] = sct.sectionId;

            //redirect to first section in newly-created stub app
            return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new {
                sectionId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.sectionId.ToString(),
                partId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId.ToString()
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of FormResultPdfReport.PrintGenericSection
        /// This will delegate to the special-case section printing methods above, or use the base PrintGenericSection implimentation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <param name="section"></param>
        /// <param name="indentLevel"></param>
        override protected void PrintGenericSection(PdfOutput output, def_Sections section, int indentLevel)
            if (sectionsToSkip.Contains(section.identifier))
                Debug.WriteLine("AdapPdfReport.PrintGenericSection  Skip it: " + section.identifier);
            else if (specialCaseSections.ContainsKey(section.identifier))
                if (output.drawY < 1.5)

                if (indentLevel < 2)

                double sectionLabelIndent = .5 + labelIndent * (indentLevel - 1);
                double itemLabelIndent    = labelIndent * indentLevel;
                double responseIndent     = valueIndent + labelIndent * (indentLevel - 1);

                //print section content using special case handler
                specialCaseSections[section.identifier].Invoke(section, indentLevel, sectionLabelIndent, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent);
                //print section header and content generically, excluding application comments except in the "finalCert" section
                Dictionary <string, string> responsesByItemVariable = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifierThroughLookupTables(section);
                if (section.identifier != "ADAP_finalCert")

                Debug.WriteLine("AdapPdfReport.base.PrintGenericSection: " + section.identifier);
                base.PrintGenericSection(output, section, indentLevel, responsesByItemVariable);
        private void printC1(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);

            string prefix = "ADAP_C1_";

            //append some responses generically
            foreach (string shortIdent in new string[] { "Address", "MayContactYN" })
                appendItemLabelAndResponses(formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(prefix + shortIdent + "_item"), itemLabelIndent, responseIndent,

            //append city,state,zip,county all in one line
            string combinedResponse = "";

            foreach (string shortIdent in new string[] { "City", "State", "Zip", "County" })
                string response = GetSingleResponse(prefix + shortIdent);
                if (combinedResponse.Length > 0)
                    combinedResponse += ", ";
                combinedResponse += String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response) ? "[No " + shortIdent + " entered]" : response;
            double itemLabelHeight     = output.appendWrappedText("City, State, Zip, County", itemLabelIndent, responseIndent - itemLabelIndent, output.boldFont);
            double drawYBelowItemLabel = output.drawY;

            output.drawY += itemLabelHeight;
            output.appendWrappedText(combinedResponse, responseIndent, 8 - responseIndent);
            output.drawY = Math.Min(drawYBelowItemLabel, output.drawY - .05);

            // append address proof with hyperlink to the attachment (if attachment exists)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetSingleResponse("ADAP_C1_AddressProof")))
                appendAdapAttachmentLink(formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier("ADAP_C1_AddressProof_item").label, "ADAP_C1_AddressProof", itemLabelIndent, responseIndent);
        protected void printI3(def_Sections sct, int indentLevel, double sectionLabelIndent, double itemLabelIndent, double responseIndent)
            printGenericSectionHeader(sct, sectionLabelIndent);
            Dictionary <string, string> responses = GetResponsesByItemVariableIdentifier(sct);

            foreach (string ivIdent in responses.Keys)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(responses[ivIdent]))
                def_Items itm = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(ivIdent + "_item");

                if (ivIdent == "ADAP_I3_Invoice")
                    appendAdapAttachmentLink(itm.label, ivIdent, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent);
                    appendItemLabelAndResponses(itm, itemLabelIndent, responseIndent, responses);
Esempio n. 29
        public ActionResult Validate(FormCollection frmCllctn, TemplateItems ti)
            //save response from formCollection into the DB
            ResultsController rc = new ResultsController(formsRepo);

            rc.ControllerContext = ControllerContext;
            rc.Save(frmCllctn, ti);

            int formResultId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId;

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.sectionId = -1;

            //Run generic validation
            AdapValidationErrorsModel model = new AdapValidationErrorsModel();

            model.navMenuModel       = AJBoggs.Adap.Templates.TemplateMenus.getAdapNavMenuModel(SessionHelper.SessionForm, formsRepo);
            model.validationMessages = new List <string>();
            model.missingItemVariablesBySectionByPart = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, List <string> > >();
            def_Forms        frm          = formsRepo.GetFormById(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId);
            List <ValuePair> allResponses = CommonExport.GetDataByFormResultId(formResultId);
            SharedValidation sv           = new SharedValidation(allResponses);
            bool             invalid      = sv.DoGenericValidation(formsRepo, model, frm);

            //transfer generic validation results to an ADAP-specific model
            model.titlesOfMissingSubsectionsBySectionByPart = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, List <string> > >();
            foreach (int prtId in model.missingItemVariablesBySectionByPart.Keys)
                model.titlesOfMissingSubsectionsBySectionByPart.Add(prtId, new Dictionary <int, List <string> >());
                foreach (int sctId in model.missingItemVariablesBySectionByPart[prtId].Keys)
                    def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionById(sctId);
                    List <int> ssSectionIds = new List <int>();
                    foreach (def_SectionItems si in sct.def_SectionItems.Where(si => si.subSectionId.HasValue))

                    model.titlesOfMissingSubsectionsBySectionByPart[prtId].Add(sctId, new List <string>());
                    foreach (string itemVariableIdent in model.missingItemVariablesBySectionByPart[prtId][sctId])
                        //for each item variable identifier returned by generic validation,
                        //lookup the corresponding subsection's title for display on the ADAP "validation errors" screen
                        def_ItemVariables iv  = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(itemVariableIdent);
                        def_Items         itm = iv == null ? null : iv.def_Items;
                        def_SectionItems  si  = itm == null ? null : formsRepo.getSectionItemsForItem(itm).Where(sit => ssSectionIds.Contains(sit.sectionId)).FirstOrDefault();
                        def_Sections      sub = si == null ? null : si.def_Sections;
                        if (sub != null && !model.titlesOfMissingSubsectionsBySectionByPart[prtId][sctId].Contains(sub.title))

            //run CO-ADAP one-off validation
            if (AdapCOOneOffValidation.RunOneOffValidation(sv, model))
                invalid = true;

            //return the validation errors screen if any errors were found
            //model.validationMessages could have some warnings even if no errors were found, in which case "invalid" would be false here
            if (invalid)
                return(View("~/Views/COADAP/ValidationErrors.cshtml", model));

            //if no problems were found, or if warnings were found but no errors, return the next section in the application
            if (model.validationMessages.Count == 0)
                model.validationMessages.Add("No errors were found");
            int sectionId = Convert.ToInt16(frmCllctn["navSectionId"]);

            return(rc.Template(sectionId, model.validationMessages));
Esempio n. 30
        public ActionResult ShowEligibility()
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

            // retrieve and set SessionForm params
            string     formIdent = "CA-ADAP-DASHBOARD", entName = "California";
            def_Forms  frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier(formIdent);
            Enterprise ent = new AuthenticationClient().GetEnterpriseByName(entName);

            if (frm == null)
                return(Content("Could not find form with identifier \"" + formIdent + "\""));

            if (ent == null)
                return(Content("Could not find enterprise with name \"" + entName + "\""));

            //  Get the FormResult to get the subject of the current Application
            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId);

            if (fr == null)
                return(Content("Could not find the current Application  \"" + SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId.ToString() + "\""));

            // Get the Eligibility Form for the subject
            IEnumerable <def_FormResults> frElgList = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormSubject(frm.formId, fr.subject);
            def_FormResults frElg = null;

            if ((frElgList == null) || frElgList.Count <def_FormResults>() == 0)
                mLogger.Debug("Couldn't find a current FormResult for Eligibility.  Create one.");
                frElg = new def_FormResults()
                    formId               = frm.formId,
                    formStatus           = 0,
                    sessionStatus        = 0,
                    dateUpdated          = DateTime.Now,
                    deleted              = false,
                    locked               = false,
                    archived             = false,
                    EnterpriseID         = ent.EnterpriseID,
                    GroupID              = fr.GroupID, // User the same Enrollment Center
                    subject              = fr.subject,
                    interviewer          = fr.interviewer,
                    assigned             = fr.assigned,
                    training             = false,
                    reviewStatus         = 0,
                    statusChangeDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModifiedByUserId = fr.LastModifiedByUserId

                AuthenticationClient authClient = new AuthenticationClient();
                var groupIds = authClient.GetGroupsInUserPermissions(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID).Select(x => x.GroupID);
                var groupId  = groupIds.FirstOrDefault();

                Dictionary <string, string> uasItemDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                var uasData = authClient.GetUser(fr.subject.Value);

                var adapId = authClient.GetExistingAdapIdentifier(uasData.UserID, uasData.EnterpriseID);

                // ADAP ID
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adapId))
                    uasItemDictionary.Add("C1_MemberIdentifier_item", adapId);

                Applications appl = new Applications(formsRepo);

                //Populate from UAS
                //Populate items where Source = UAS in json file
                frElg = appl.CreateFormResultPopulatedFromUAS(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, groupId, uasData.UserID, frm.formId, uasItemDictionary);

                int newFrmRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frElg);
                mLogger.Debug("New Eligibility FormResult created: {0}", newFrmRsltId);
                frElg = frElgList.First <def_FormResults>();

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId         = frElg.formId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId   = frElg.formResultId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formIdentifier = formIdent;
            // SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID = ent.EnterpriseID;

            def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId = prt.partId;
            Session["part"] = prt.partId.ToString();
            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[1];

            Session["section"] = sct.sectionId.ToString();

            return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId.ToString() }));