private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.Append("username='******' AND password='******'"); int resUser = db.searchData("users", null, where); if (resUser >= 1) { notification notification = new notification("Username or password already existing.", notification.AlertType.error); notification.ShowDialog(); } else if (txtUsername.Text != "" && txtPassword.Text != "" && txtFullName.Text != "") { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); param.Append( "username," + "password," + "email," + "contact," + "other_info," + "full_name" ); values.Append( txtUsername.Text + "," + txtPassword.Text + "," + txtEmail.Text + "," + txtContact.Text + "," + txtOtherInfo.Text + "," + txtFullName.Text ); db.GCInsertToDb("users", param, values); notification notification = new notification("User has been saved to the database.", notification.AlertType.success); notification.Show(); DataTable dt = db.GCSelectFromDb("users", null, null); dgUsers.DataSource = null; dgUsers.DataSource = dt; } else { notification notification = new notification("Check the fields before saving.", notification.AlertType.error); notification.Show(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtSuppName.Text != "" && txtContact.Text != "") { StringBuilder whereSearch = new StringBuilder(); whereSearch.Append("gc_supp_name LIKE '" + txtSuppName.Text + "'"); int resSupp = db.searchData("suppliers", null, whereSearch); if (resSupp >= 1) { notification = new notification("Supplier already existing.", notification.AlertType.error); notification.ShowDialog(); } else { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); param.Append( "gc_supp_name," + "gc_supp_add," + "gc_contact," + "gc_email," + "gc_other_info" ); values.Append( txtSuppName.Text + "," + txtAddress.Text + "," + txtContact.Text + "," + txtEmail.Text + "," + txtOtherInfo.Text ); db.GCInsertToDb("suppliers", param, values); DataTable dt = db.GCSelectFromDb("suppliers", null, null); dgSuppliers.DataSource = null; dgSuppliers.DataSource = dt; notification = new notification("Supplier saved to the database.", notification.AlertType.success); notification.ShowDialog(); } } }
public void updateTrans(string tblname, string itemCode, string actionName, int itemQty, int currQty, string itmName) { string randID = view.Random("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", 5); StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); param.Append("gc_from_tbl,gc_action_name,gc_item_qty,gc_curr_qty,gc_trans_date,gc_unique_id,gc_item_code,gc_item_name,gc_total_price"); values.Append( tblname + "," + actionName + "," + itemQty + "," + currQty + "," + DateTime.ParseExact(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + randID + "," + itemCode + "," + itmName + "," + itemSrp * itemQty ); db.GCInsertToDb("transact", param, values); }
private void BtnAddQty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { StringBuilder paramInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereSearch = new StringBuilder(); whereSearch.Append("gc_item_code='" + itemCode + "'"); int resItemCode = db.searchData("stock", null, whereSearch); paramInv.Append("gc_item_qty"); whereInv.Append("gc_item_code='" + itemCode + "'"); DataTable dtInv = db.GCSelectFromDb("inventory", paramInv, whereInv); foreach (DataRow rowInv in dtInv.Rows) { currInventory = int.Parse(rowInv[0].ToString()); } if (currInventory >= int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text)) { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); param.Append("gc_item_qty"); where.Append("gc_item_code='" + itemCode + "'"); DataTable dt = db.GCSelectFromDb("stock", param, where); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { currStock = int.Parse(row[0].ToString()); } if (resItemCode == 1) { StringBuilder paramUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereUpdate = new StringBuilder(); whereUpdate.Append("gc_item_code='" + itemCode + "'"); paramUpdate.Append("gc_item_qty"); valuesUpdate.Append(currStock + int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text)); db.GCUpdateDb("stock", paramUpdate, valuesUpdate, whereUpdate); notification = new notification("Stock has been updated", notification.AlertType.success); notification.ShowDialog(); invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; } else { StringBuilder paramInsert = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesInsert = new StringBuilder(); paramInsert.Append( "gc_item_name," + "gc_item_qty," + "gc_item_desc," + "gc_item_supp," + "gc_item_brand," + "gc_item_um," + "gc_item_cost," + "gc_item_srp," + "gc_date_added," + "gc_item_code," + "gc_item_type" ); valuesInsert.Append( itemName + "," + int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + itemDesc + "," + itemSupp + "," + itemBrand + "," + itemUm + "," + itemCost + "," + itemSrp + "," + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + "," + itemCode + "," + itemType ); db.GCInsertToDb("stock", paramInsert, valuesInsert); notification = new notification("Item has been added to stock!", notification.AlertType.success); notification.ShowDialog(); invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; } updateTrans("stock", itemCode, "in", int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text), currStock, itemName); StringBuilder paramUpdateInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesUpdteInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereUpdateInv = new StringBuilder(); whereUpdateInv.Append("gc_item_code='" + itemCode + "'"); paramUpdateInv.Append("gc_item_qty"); valuesUpdteInv.Append(currInventory - int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text)); db.GCUpdateDb("inventory", paramUpdateInv, valuesUpdteInv, whereUpdateInv); updateTrans("inventory", itemCode, "out", int.Parse(invQtyPage.txtQty.Text), currInventory, itemName); dgStock.DataSource = null; DataTable dtRefresh = db.GCSelectFromDb("inventory", null, null, "ORDER BY id DESC"); dgStock.DataSource = dtRefresh; invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; } else { MessageBox.Show("Not enough item on inventory", "Inventory Dont have enought Item", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; } } catch (Exception a) { MessageBox.Show(a.Message); invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; } invQtyPage.btnAddQty.Click -= BtnAddQty_Click; dgStock.Refresh(); invQtyPage.Close(); }
private void BtnMove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereSave = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereSearch = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereDelivUpdateStat = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramDelivUpdateStat = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesDelivUpdateStat = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilder whereDelete = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilder valueDelete = new StringBuilder(); DialogResult dialogMove = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to move item to inventory?", "Move Item to inventory", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialogMove == DialogResult.Yes && deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text != "") { whereSave.Append("gc_item_code='" + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text + "'"); int invRes = db.searchData("inventory", null, whereSave); if (invRes >= 1) { try { paramInv.Append("gc_item_qty"); whereInv.Append("gc_item_name='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "'"); whereInv.Append(" AND gc_item_supp='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp + "'"); whereInv.Append(" AND gc_item_brand='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand + "'"); DataTable dt = db.GCSelectFromDb("inventory", paramInv, whereInv); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { currInventory = int.Parse(row[0].ToString()); } paramUpdate.Append("gc_item_qty"); valuesUpdate.Append(currInventory + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text)); whereUpdate.Append("gc_item_name='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "'"); whereUpdate.Append(" AND gc_item_brand='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand + "'"); whereUpdate.Append(" AND gc_item_supp='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp + "'"); whereDelivUpdateStat.Append("gc_item_name='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "'"); whereDelivUpdateStat.Append(" AND gc_item_supp='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp + "'"); whereDelivUpdateStat.Append(" AND gc_item_brand='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand + "'"); paramDelivUpdateStat.Append("gc_item_status"); valuesDelivUpdateStat.Append("Delivered"); //whereDelete.Append("gc_item_name,gc_item_brand,gc_item_supp"); //valueDelete.Append(deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "," + deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand + "," + deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp); db.GCUpdateDb("delivery", paramDelivUpdateStat, valuesDelivUpdateStat, whereDelivUpdateStat); db.GCUpdateDb("inventory", paramUpdate, valuesUpdate, whereUpdate); //db.GCDeleteFromDb("delivery", valueDelete, whereDelete); string randID = view.Random("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", 5); StringBuilder valuesTransMove = new StringBuilder(); valuesTransMove.Append( "inventory," + "in," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "," + randID + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text + "," + "none" + "," + "none" + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtUm.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtDesc.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemName.Text + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) * float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtSrp.Text) + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 ); transaction.insertToTrans(valuesTransMove); foreach (Control ctrl in deliveryInfoPage.Controls) { if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { ctrl.Text = ""; } } DataTable dtDelivery = db.GCSelectFromDb("delivery", null, null); dgDelivery.DataSource = null; dgDelivery.DataSource = dtDelivery; } catch (Exception a) { MessageBox.Show(a.Message); } } else { try { //StringBuilder whereDeleteDelivery = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilder valueDeleteDelivery = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereDelivUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramDelivUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesDelivUpdate = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramSave = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valueSave = new StringBuilder(); paramSave.Append( "gc_item_name," + "gc_item_supp," + "gc_item_brand," + "gc_item_status," + "gc_item_cost," + "gc_item_srp," + "gc_item_qty," + "gc_item_code," + "gc_item_type," + "gc_item_desc," + "gc_item_um" ); valueSave.Append( deliveryInfoPage.txtItemName.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.cmbSupp.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtBrand.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.cmbItemStatus.Text + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtSrp.Text) + "," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.cmbItemType.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtDesc.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtUm.Text ); db.GCInsertToDb("inventory", paramSave, valueSave); string randIDDel = view.Random("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", 5); StringBuilder valuesTransMoveDel = new StringBuilder(); valuesTransMoveDel.Append( "delivery," + "moved to inventory," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "," + randIDDel + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text + "," + "none" + "," + "none" + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtUm.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtDesc.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemName.Text + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) * float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtSrp.Text) + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 ); string randID = view.Random("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", 5); StringBuilder valuesTransMove = new StringBuilder(); valuesTransMove.Append( "inventory," + "in," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + int.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) + "," + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "," + randID + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemCode.Text + "," + "none" + "," + "none" + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtUm.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtDesc.Text + "," + deliveryInfoPage.txtItemName.Text + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtQty.Text) * float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(deliveryInfoPage.txtSrp.Text) + "," + 0 + "," + 0 + "," + 0 ); transaction.insertToTrans(valuesTransMove); transaction.insertToTrans(valuesTransMoveDel); foreach (Control ctrl in deliveryInfoPage.Controls) { if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { ctrl.Text = ""; } } whereDelivUpdateStat.Append("gc_item_name='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "'"); whereDelivUpdateStat.Append(" AND gc_item_supp='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp + "'"); whereDelivUpdateStat.Append(" AND gc_item_brand='" + deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand + "'"); paramDelivUpdateStat.Append("gc_item_status"); valuesDelivUpdateStat.Append("Delivered"); db.GCUpdateDb("delivery", paramDelivUpdateStat, valuesDelivUpdateStat, whereDelivUpdateStat); //whereDeleteDelivery.Append("gc_item_name,gc_item_supp,gc_item_brand"); /*valueDeleteDelivery.Append( * deliveryInfoPage.itemName + "," + * deliveryInfoPage.itemSupp + "," + * deliveryInfoPage.itemBrand * );*/ //db.GCDeleteFromDb("delivery", valueDeleteDelivery, whereDeleteDelivery); DataTable dtDelivery = db.GCSelectFromDb("delivery", null, null); dgDelivery.DataSource = null; dgDelivery.DataSource = dtDelivery; } catch (Exception a) { MessageBox.Show(a.Message); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check if all fields have value. Before moving to inventory please put an Item code.", "Some fields are not valid.", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } deliveryInfoPage.btnMove.Click -= BtnMove_Click; deliveryInfoPage.Close(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder whereSearch = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereSearchInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereSearchStock = new StringBuilder(); main = new Inventory_Main(); whereSearch.Append("gc_item_code='" + txtItemCode.Text + "'"); whereSearchInv.Append("gc_item_code='" + txtItemCode.Text + "'"); whereSearchStock.Append("gc_item_code='" + txtItemCode.Text + "'"); int resInv = db.searchData("inventory", null, whereSearchInv); int resStock = db.searchData("stock", null, whereSearchStock); int resProd = db.searchData("products", null, whereSearch); if (resProd >= 1 || resInv >= 1 || resStock >= 1) { notification = new notification("Item Code is already existing.", notification.AlertType.error); notification.ShowDialog(); } else if (txtItemName.Text != "" && txtItemCode.Text != "") { try { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesInv = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereInvSearch = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder paramStock = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuesStock = new StringBuilder(); param.Append( "gc_item_name," + "gc_item_code," + "gc_item_brand," + "gc_item_type," + "gc_item_supp," + "gc_item_um," + "gc_item_cost," + "gc_item_srp," + "gc_item_desc," + "gc_item_status" ); values.Append( txtItemName.Text + "," + txtItemCode.Text + "," + txtBrand.Text + "," + cmbItemType.Text + "," + cmbSupp.Text + "," + txtUm.Text + "," + float.Parse(txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(txtSrp.Text) + "," + txtDesc.Text + "," + cmbStatus.Text ); paramInv.Append( "gc_item_name," + "gc_item_code," + "gc_item_brand," + "gc_item_type," + "gc_item_supp," + "gc_item_um," + "gc_item_cost," + "gc_item_srp," + "gc_item_desc," + "gc_item_status," + "gc_item_qty" ); valuesInv.Append( txtItemName.Text + "," + txtItemCode.Text + "," + txtBrand.Text + "," + cmbItemType.Text + "," + cmbSupp.Text + "," + txtUm.Text + "," + float.Parse(txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(txtSrp.Text) + "," + txtDesc.Text + "," + "registered," + int.Parse(txtInvQty.Text) ); whereInvSearch.Append("gc_item_code='" + txtItemCode.Text + "'"); int invSearch = db.searchData("inventory", null, whereInvSearch); if (invSearch <= 0) { db.GCInsertToDb("inventory", paramInv, valuesInv); } paramStock.Append( "gc_item_name," + "gc_item_code," + "gc_item_brand," + "gc_item_type," + "gc_item_supp," + "gc_item_um," + "gc_item_cost," + "gc_item_srp," + "gc_item_desc," + "gc_item_status," + "gc_item_qty" ); valuesStock.Append( txtItemName.Text + "," + txtItemCode.Text + "," + txtBrand.Text + "," + cmbItemType.Text + "," + cmbSupp.Text + "," + txtUm.Text + "," + float.Parse(txtCost.Text) + "," + float.Parse(txtSrp.Text) + "," + txtDesc.Text + "," + "registered," + int.Parse(txtStockQty.Text) ); db.GCInsertToDb("stock", paramStock, valuesStock); db.GCInsertToDb("products", param, values); DataTable dt = db.GCSelectFromDb("products", null, null, "ORDER BY id DESC"); dgProducts.DataSource = null; dgProducts.DataSource = dt; notification = new notification("Product saved to the database", notification.AlertType.success); notification.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception a) { notification = new notification("Please check the values on the fields. : ", notification.AlertType.error); notification.ShowDialog(); } } else { notification = new notification("Please check the values on the fields.", notification.AlertType.error); notification.ShowDialog(); } }