void OnGUI() { centeredStyle = GUI.skin.GetStyle("Label"); centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; // are you a patient or therapist if (window_ID == 1) { loginRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 110, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 220, 180), DoMyWindow, ""); } // patient login if (window_ID == 2) { patientRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 300, 200), DoMyWindow, ""); } // therapist login if (window_ID == 3) { therapistRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 300, 200), DoMyWindow, ""); } // New user - Patient or Therapist? if (window_ID == 4) { newUserRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 110, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 220, 200), DoMyWindow, ""); } // new patient sign-up if (window_ID == 5) { newPatientRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 235, Screen.height / 2 - 200, 460, 340), DoMyWindow, ""); } // new therapist sign-up if (window_ID == 6) { newTherapistRect = GUILayout.Window(window_ID, new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 200, Screen.height / 2 - 150, 400, 200), DoMyWindow, ""); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 220, 20, newUser.width, newUser.height), newUser)) { window_ID = 4; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, Screen.height - 80, exit.width, exit.height), exit)) { db.CloseDB(); Application.LoadLevel("TitleScreen"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("game.db"); count = db.getCount("loadCount", "id", "count"); db.CloseDB(); last = count + 5; db.updatetData("loadCount", "count", last); db.CloseDB(); }
public ArrayList ReadDBDataFromRound(int ID) { Debug.Log("Reading Data by round_id"); ArrayList balls = new ArrayList(); dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); // SELECT * FROM ball where match_id = 1 // "ID, time, start_X, start_Y, end_X, end_Y, attacker, team_player, enemy_player, skill, good, score, score_reason, team_change, team_switch, team_position, team_score, enemy_score, enemy_change, enemy_switch, enemy_position, match_ID" IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT attacker, team_player, enemy_player, skill, good, score, score_reason FROM balls where round_ID =" + ID); string path = "Assets/Resources/test.txt"; // Write some text to the test.txt file System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path, true); while (reader.Read()) { Ball b = new Ball(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2), reader.GetInt32(3), reader.GetInt32(4), reader.GetInt32(5), reader.GetInt32(6)); string l = "attacker: " + b.attacker + " ,teamplayer: " + b.team_player + ",enemyplayer: " + b.enemy_player + ",skill: " + b.skill + ",good: " + b.good + ",score: " + b.score + ",reason: " + b.score_reason; writer.WriteLine(l); balls.Add(b); } writer.Close(); db.CloseDB(); Debug.Log("Total Ball Count: " + balls.Count); return(balls); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { resultado.text = " "; // Retrieve next word from database description = "something went wrong with the database"; db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + "InGame.db")) { db.OpenDB("InGame.db"); } else { db.OpenDB("InGame.db"); } //reader = db.BasicQuery("drop table if exists users"); reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'users';"); string[] col = { "kp", "nombre", "pw" }; string[] colType = { "integer primary key autoincrement", "text", "text" }; if (!db.CreateTable("users", col, colType)) { Debug.Log("Error creating table"); } db.CloseDB(); }
void OnDestroy() { if (db != null) { db.CloseDB(); } }
void newQuestion() { answerResultWindow.SetActive(false); Question q = new Question(); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { FetchQuestion(); q.QuestionText = node.ChildNodes[1].InnerText; q.CorrectAnswer = node.ChildNodes[2].InnerText; q.WrongAnswer1 = node.ChildNodes[3].InnerText; q.WrongAnswer2 = node.ChildNodes[4].InnerText; q.WrongAnswer3 = node.ChildNodes[5].InnerText; q.SubmissionName = node.ChildNodes[6].InnerText; q.Passage = node.ChildNodes[7].InnerText; } else { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("Questions.db"); ArrayList result = db.RandomSelect("QUESTIONS", "*"); string[] s = ((string[])result[0]); q.QuestionText = s[1]; q.CorrectAnswer = s[2]; q.WrongAnswer1 = s[3]; q.WrongAnswer2 = s[4]; q.WrongAnswer3 = s[5]; q.SubmissionName = s[6]; q.Passage = s[7]; db.CloseDB(); } question = q; questionObj.GetComponent <Text>().text = question.QuestionText; List <string> answerList = new List <string>(); answerList.Add(question.CorrectAnswer); answerList.Add(question.WrongAnswer1); answerList.Add(question.WrongAnswer2); answerList.Add(question.WrongAnswer3); Shuffle(answerList); setupAnswerButton(button1Text, button1, answerList[0], question.CorrectAnswer); setupAnswerButton(button2Text, button2, answerList[1], question.CorrectAnswer); setupAnswerButton(button3Text, button3, answerList[2], question.CorrectAnswer); setupAnswerButton(button4Text, button4, answerList[3], question.CorrectAnswer); if (question.SubmissionName != null && question.SubmissionName != "") { submissionName.GetComponent <Text>().text = question.SubmissionName; } else { submissionName.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Anonymous"; } }
// This function will insert our calibration data points as a row in the calibration database table void SaveData() { // Instantiate instance of db access controller and open up our database db_control = new dbAccess (); db_control.OpenDB (); db_control.InsertInto(right_calibration_table, rightCalibrationPoints); db_control.InsertInto(left_calibration_table, leftCalibrationPoints); db_control.CloseDB (); }
public void DeleteMatch() { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("DELETE from matches WHERE ID = " + match_id); db.CloseDB(); }
public void SetRoundScore(int teamScore, int enemyScore) { Debug.Log("Round has ended"); dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); db.BasicQuery("UPDATE rounds SET team_score = " + teamScore + ", enemy_score = " + enemyScore + " WHERE round_id = " + round_id); db.CloseDB(); }
public void create() { db.OpenDB("InGame.db"); int n = db.CheckValue("users", "pw", "nombre", "=", "'" + ncreate.text + "'"); //para evitar repetir un usuario if (n > 0) { db.OpenDB("InGame.db"); string[] inscol = { "nombre", "pw" }; string[] inscolvalue = { "'" + ncreate.text + "'", "'" + pwcreate.text + "'" }; db.InsertIntoSpecific("users", inscol, inscolvalue); db.CloseDB(); resultado.text = "usuario creado"; } else { resultado.text = "usuario ya existe"; } }
public void InsertNewMatch(string date, string time, string location, string name, string team, string enemy, int matchStyle, int ruleStyle) { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); string attr = "date, time, location, name, team, enemy, matchStyle, ruleStyle"; string values = "'" + date + "','" + time + "','" + location + "','" + name + "','" + team + "','" + enemy + "'," + matchStyle + "," + ruleStyle; db.BasicQuery("INSERT INTO matches (" + attr + ") values (" + values + ")"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid();"); if (reader.Read()) { match_id = reader.GetInt32(0); } db.CloseDB(); }
public void InsertNewRound() { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); string attr = "team_score, enemy_score, match_ID"; string values = "0,0," + match_id; db.BasicQuery("INSERT INTO rounds (" + attr + ") values (" + values + ")"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid();"); if (reader.Read()) { round_id = reader.GetInt32(0); } db.CloseDB(); }
public ArrayList GetAllRound() { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("Select * from rounds"); ArrayList rounds = new ArrayList(); while (reader.Read()) { int id = reader.GetInt32(0); rounds.Add(id); } db.CloseDB(); return(rounds); }
public ArrayList GetAllMatch() { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("Select * from matches"); ArrayList matches = new ArrayList(); while (reader.Read()) { Match match = new Match(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetString(5), reader.GetString(6)); matches.Add(match); } db.CloseDB(); return(matches); }
public bool RemoveLastBall() { if (last_ball_id == -1) { return(false); } dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT score FROM balls WHERE ID = " + last_ball_id); int score = 0; while (reader.Read()) { score = reader.GetInt32(0); } if (score == 1) { model.team_score--; Text txt = scoreA.GetComponent <Text>(); txt.text = model.team_score.ToString(); } else if (score == 2) { model.enemy_score--; Text txt = scoreB.GetComponent <Text>(); txt.text = model.enemy_score.ToString(); } try { db.BasicQuery("DELETE FROM balls WHERE ID = " + last_ball_id); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); return(false); } db.CloseDB(); return(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Debug.Log("starting SQLiteLoad app"); // Retrieve next word from database description = "something went wrong with the database"; dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("English.db"); ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("petdef", "*", "word", "=", "'bag'"); if (result.Count > 0) { description = ((string[])result[0])[2]; } db.CloseDB(); }
public void InsertNewBall() { Debug.Log("Start Inserting Ball"); dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); string ball_attr = "time, start_X, start_Y, end_X, end_Y, attacker, team_player, enemy_player, skill, good, score, score_reason, team_change, team_switch, team_position, team_score, enemy_score, enemy_change, enemy_switch, enemy_position, round_ID"; db.InsertIntoSingle("balls", ball_attr, model.encode() + round_id); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT last_insert_rowid();"); if (reader.Read()) { last_ball_id = reader.GetInt32(0); } db.CloseDB(); }
public void finishSession() { ID = 0; db = new dbAccess(); db.OpenDB(dbName); // If not accidental login if (sessionTime > 0) { TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)sessionTime); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, "SessionLength", sessionTime.ToString(), "SessionID", sessionNum); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, "NumOfPlays", numPlays.ToString(), "SessionID", sessionNum); } // If accidental login, delete the row made for this session else { db.DeleteRow(patientTable, "SessionID", sessionNum); } db.CloseDB(); }
public void finishSession() { ID = 0; db = new dbAccess(); db.OpenDB(dbName); // If not accidental login if(sessionTime > 0) { TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)sessionTime); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, "SessionLength", sessionTime.ToString(), "SessionID", sessionNum); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, "NumOfPlays", numPlays.ToString(), "SessionID", sessionNum); } // If accidental login, delete the row made for this session else { db.DeleteRow(patientTable, "SessionID", sessionNum); } db.CloseDB(); }
public void newStats(float timePlayed, string bbsActivity, int bbsGrade) { numPlays++; if (numPlays <= 100) { db = new dbAccess(); db.OpenDB(dbName); // Get Play Duration string playColumn = "Play" + numPlays.ToString(); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)timePlayed); // Store values into DB string playString = duration.ToString() + "|" + bbsActivity + "|" + bbsGrade.ToString(); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, playColumn, playString, "SessionID", sessionNum); // Update session stats sessionTime += timePlayed; db.CloseDB(); } }
public ArrayList ReadDBData() { ArrayList balls = new ArrayList(); Debug.Log("Start Reading Data"); dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); IDataReader reader = db.BasicQuery("SELECT attacker, team_player, enemy_player, skill, good, score, score_reason FROM balls"); while (reader.Read()) { Ball b = new Ball(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2), reader.GetInt32(3), reader.GetInt32(4), reader.GetInt32(5), reader.GetInt32(6)); balls.Add(b); } db.CloseDB(); Debug.Log("Total Ball Count: " + balls.Count); return(balls); }
public void CheckCorrect(string exhibit) { if (Answer1.isOn == true) { Debug.Log("Answer 1 was chosen"); Debug.Log(exhibit); //Debug.Log(Answer1.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { Debug.Log("Entered Windows"); string conn = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/museumDatabase.db"; //Path to database. IDbConnection dbconn; dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(conn); dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database. IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM exhibit WHERE exhibitID = " + "'" + exhibit + "'"; dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery; IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { quizSqlAnswer = reader.GetString(6); } reader.Close(); reader = null; dbcmd.Dispose(); dbcmd = null; dbconn.Close(); dbconn = null; sqlQuery = null; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + exhibit + "'"); } if (result.Count > 0) { quizSqlAnswer = ""; foreach (string[] s in result) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { //description += "\n" + s[x]; } quizSqlAnswer = s[6]; } } db.CloseDB(); } Debug.Log("SQL Result is " + quizSqlAnswer); if (quizSqlAnswer == Answer1.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text) { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 1 Correct"); Debug.Log(exhibit + "Quiz"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Correct"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)CorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 1 Incorrect"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Incorrect"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)IncorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } StartCoroutine(MyMethod()); } if (Answer2.isOn == true) { Debug.Log("Answer 2 was chosen"); Debug.Log(exhibit); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { Debug.Log("Entered Windows"); string conn = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/museumDatabase.db"; //Path to database. IDbConnection dbconn; dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(conn); dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database. IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM exhibit WHERE exhibitID = " + "'" + exhibit + "'"; dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery; IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { quizSqlAnswer = reader.GetString(6); } reader.Close(); reader = null; dbcmd.Dispose(); dbcmd = null; dbconn.Close(); dbconn = null; sqlQuery = null; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + exhibit + "'"); } if (result.Count > 0) { quizSqlAnswer = ""; foreach (string[] s in result) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { //description += "\n" + s[x]; } quizSqlAnswer = s[6]; } } db.CloseDB(); } Debug.Log("SQL Result is " + quizSqlAnswer); if (quizSqlAnswer == Answer2.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text) { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 2 Correct"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Correct"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)CorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 2 Incorrect"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Incorrect"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)IncorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } StartCoroutine(MyMethod()); } if (Answer3.isOn == true) { Debug.Log("Answer 3 was chosen"); Debug.Log(exhibit); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { Debug.Log("Entered Windows"); string conn = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/museumDatabase.db"; //Path to database. IDbConnection dbconn; dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(conn); dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database. IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM exhibit WHERE exhibitID = " + "'" + exhibit + "'"; dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery; IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { quizSqlAnswer = reader.GetString(6); } reader.Close(); reader = null; dbcmd.Dispose(); dbcmd = null; dbconn.Close(); dbconn = null; sqlQuery = null; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + exhibit + "'"); } if (result.Count > 0) { quizSqlAnswer = ""; foreach (string[] s in result) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { //description += "\n" + s[x]; } quizSqlAnswer = s[6]; } } db.CloseDB(); } Debug.Log("SQL Result is " + quizSqlAnswer); if (quizSqlAnswer == Answer3.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text) { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 3 Correct"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Correct"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)CorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 4 Incorrect"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Incorrect"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)IncorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } StartCoroutine(MyMethod()); } if (Answer4.isOn == true) { Debug.Log("Answer 4 was chosen"); Debug.Log(exhibit); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { Debug.Log("Entered Windows"); string conn = "URI=file:" + Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/museumDatabase.db"; //Path to database. IDbConnection dbconn; dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(conn); dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database. IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM exhibit WHERE exhibitID = " + "'" + exhibit + "'"; dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery; IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { quizSqlAnswer = reader.GetString(6); } reader.Close(); reader = null; dbcmd.Dispose(); dbcmd = null; dbconn.Close(); dbconn = null; sqlQuery = null; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + exhibit + "'"); } if (result.Count > 0) { quizSqlAnswer = ""; foreach (string[] s in result) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { //description += "\n" + s[x]; } quizSqlAnswer = s[6]; } } db.CloseDB(); } Debug.Log("SQL Result is " + quizSqlAnswer); if (quizSqlAnswer == Answer4.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text) { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 4 Correct"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Correct"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)CorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } else { Debug.Log("Compared with SQL. Answer 4 Incorrect"); PlayerPrefs.SetString(exhibit + "Quiz", "Incorrect"); ResultImage.texture = (Texture)IncorrectSign; ResultImageHolder.SetActive(true); } StartCoroutine(MyMethod()); } }
void OnGUI() { // Creating transparent backgrounds for GUI buttons // Make new Color(0, 0, 0, 1) to see where the gui boxes are (no longer transparent) //GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.gray; tabInt = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(15, 5, 150 * 2, 50), tabInt, tabTexs); windowID = tabInt; switch (tabInt) { case 0: GUI.Button(new Rect(15 - 1, 5, 150, 50), tabSelectedTexs[0]); windowRect = GUI.Window(windowID, windowRect, DoMyWindow, ""); break; case 1: GUI.Button(new Rect(15 + 150 + 1, 5, 150, 50), tabSelectedTexs[1]); windowRect = GUI.Window(windowID, windowRect, DoMyWindow, ""); break; default: break; } // Outside buttons if (windowID == 1) { if (statsSwitch == 0) { // To view details of a session inputString = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 280, 10, 100, 30), inputString); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 170, 10, 150, 30), "View Session Details")) { if (LoginScreen.currentID > 0) { string patientTable = tablePrefix + LoginScreen.currentID; int inputInt; // Is this even a number? if (int.TryParse(inputString, out inputInt)) { // Is this in the session list? int input = inputInt; List <int> ID_list = new List <int>(); ID_list = db.GetIDValues(patientTable, "SessionID"); if (ID_list.Contains(input)) { selectedSession = input; statsSwitch = 1; } } } } } else if (statsSwitch == 1) { // Button to go back to stats if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 170, 10, 150, 30), "Return to Sessions")) { statsSwitch = 0; } } } // Large box container GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(15, 50, Screen.width - 25, Screen.height - 120)); GUILayout.Label(box); GUILayout.EndArea(); // Back button to game menu if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, Screen.height - 60, 150, 50), back)) { if (LoginScreen.currentID > 0) { db.CloseDB(); } Application.LoadLevel("TherapistScreen"); } }
void OnGUI() { // Creating transparent backgrounds for GUI buttons // Make new Color(0, 0, 0, 1) to see where the gui boxes are (no longer transparent) GUI.backgroundColor = Color.blue; // add window if (window_ID == 1) // show all patients { mainRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(150, 60, Screen.width / 2 - 100, Screen.height * 2 / 3), DoMyWindow, ""); } else if (window_ID == 2) // show add patient form and get user input { newPatientRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(150, 60, Screen.width / 2 - 100, Screen.height * 2 / 3), DoMyWindow, ""); } else if (window_ID == 3) { deletePatientRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(150, 60, Screen.width / 2 - 100, Screen.height * 2 / 3), DoMyWindow, ""); } GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); if (selectedID == -1) { GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 100, 100, 300, 50), noPatient); } else { GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 100, 100, 300, 50), selectedPatient); displayID = selectedID.ToString(); GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 405, 100, 50, 50), displayID, idStyle); } // add "Add new patient" button /*if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2 + 150, 300, 120, 25), "Add new patient")) { * // popup a window prompting for new patient information * window_ID = 2; * newPatientRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(20, 60, Screen.width - 40, Screen.height - 130), DoMyWindow, ""); * }*/ if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 + 150, 400, 150, 50), delete)) { // delete patient information from patientID, patientLastName, patientFirstName window_ID = 3; deletePatientRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(20, 60, Screen.width - 40, Screen.height - 130), DoMyWindow, ""); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, Screen.height - 60, 150, 50), back)) { LoginScreen.db.CloseDB(); Application.LoadLevel("TitleScreen"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(220, Screen.height - 60, 150, 50), statistics)) { if (selectedID > -1) { // Stop the window from continuing to use the db to avoid conflict window_ID = 0; stopRect = GUI.Window(window_ID, new Rect(20, 60, Screen.width - 40, Screen.height - 130), DoMyWindow, ""); // selected player currentID = selectedID; db.CloseDB(); // open window to view statitics of selected patient Application.LoadLevel("Statistics"); } } }
public void BuildDBSchema() { Debug.Log("Start constructing DB"); db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("VBBS.db"); // Create Table for Match string[] match = new string[] { "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "date TEXT", "time TEXT", "location TEXT", "name TEXT", "team TEXT", "enemy TEXT", "matchStyle INTEGER", "ruleStyle INTEGER", }; db.CreateTableByQuery("matches", match); // Create Table for Round string[] round = new string[] { "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "team_score INTEGER", "enemy_score INTEGER", "match_ID INTEGER", "FOREIGN KEY(match_ID) REFERENCES matches(ID)" }; db.CreateTableByQuery("rounds", round); // Create Table for Each Ball string[] ball = new string[] { "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "time NUMERIC", "start_X NUMERIC", "start_Y NUMERIC", "end_X NUMERIC", "end_Y NUMERIC", "attacker INTEGER", "team_player INTEGER", "enemy_player INTEGER", "skill INTEGER", "good INTEGER", "score INTEGER", "score_reason INTEGER", "team_change INTEGER", "team_switch INTEGER", "team_position INTEGER", "team_score INTEGER", "enemy_score INTEGER", "enemy_change INTEGER", "enemy_switch INTEGER", "enemy_position INTEGER", "round_ID INTEGER", "FOREIGN KEY(round_ID) REFERENCES rounds(ID)" }; db.CreateTableByQuery("balls", ball); Debug.Log("Constructing Done"); db.CloseDB(); }
public void DBAndroid() { //Handheld.Vibrate(); dbAccess db = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); db.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //ArrayList result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "Italy") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit_italy", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + "'"); } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + "'"); } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "France") { result = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit_france", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'" + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + "'"); } if (result.Count > 0) { description = ""; foreach (string[] s in result) { for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { //description += "\n" + s[x]; } artist = s[1]; year = s[2]; name = s[3]; description = s[4]; url = s[5]; } } db.CloseDB(); Debug.Log("Desc - " + description); ExhibitID.text = mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName; //ExhibitData.text = description; if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "Italy") { ExhibitData.text = "Nome della Mostra: " + name + "\nArtista: " + artist + "\nAnno: " + year + "\n\n" + description + "\n\nArticoli simili\n\n"; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "UnitedKingdom") { ExhibitData.text = "Exhibit Name: " + name + "\nExhibit Artist: " + artist + "\nYear: " + year + "\n\n" + description + "\n\nSimilar Items\n\n"; } if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("language") == "France") { ExhibitData.text = "Nom du Exposition: " + name + "\nArtiste: " + artist + "\nAn: " + year + "\n\n" + description + "\n\nDes Articles Similaires\n\n"; } dbAccess dsSimilar = GetComponent <dbAccess>(); dsSimilar.OpenDB("museumDatabase.db"); //resultSimilarItems = db.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitID", "=", "'ExhibitB'"); resultSimilarItems = dsSimilar.SingleSelectWhere("exhibit", "*", "exhibitArtist", "=", "'" + artist + "' AND exhibitID != '" + mTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + "'"); if (resultSimilarItems.Count > 0) { foreach (string[] similar in resultSimilarItems) { similarItemsID = similar[0]; similarItemsName = similar[3]; ExhibitData.text += similarItemsID + " - " + similarItemsName + "\n"; } } dsSimilar.CloseDB(); SpeakButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { startReading(ExhibitData.text); }); // - On Click, read the text within the input field StopSpeakButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate { stopReading(); }); // - On Click, Stop read the text within the input field ShowMoreInfo.onClick.AddListener(delegate { OpenURL(url); }); }
public void newStats(float timePlayed, string bbsActivity, int bbsGrade) { numPlays++; if(numPlays <= 100) { db = new dbAccess(); db.OpenDB(dbName); // Get Play Duration string playColumn = "Play" + numPlays.ToString(); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)timePlayed); // Store values into DB string playString = duration.ToString() + "|" + bbsActivity + "|" + bbsGrade.ToString(); db.UpdateSpecific(patientTable, playColumn, playString, "SessionID", sessionNum); // Update session stats sessionTime += timePlayed; db.CloseDB(); } }
public void StartNewGame() { //makesure all input fieds are not empty bool endstatus = true; for (int i = 0; i < numplayers; i++) { int number = i + 1; playerusername[i] = GameObject.Find("InputFieldPlayer" + number + "name").GetComponent <InputField>().text; if (playerusername [i] != "") { playerusernameactive[numplayersactive] = playerusername[i]; defvalueavatar.avataractive[numplayersactive] = number; numplayersactive += 1; } if (number == numplayers) { endstatus = true; } else { endstatus = false; } } //Debug.Log (avataractive[0]); //endstatus = false; if (endstatus) { //create a session string datetimenow = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); string[] valuedata = { "'" + datetimenow + "'", "'Active'" }; //int insertresult = db.InsertInto("tbl_Sessions (Session_Name, Status)", valuedata); //Debug.Log(insertresult); //select the new created sessions ID. ArrayList result = db.SelectLastRecord("id", "tbl_Sessions"); string session_id = ((string[])result[0])[0]; //Debug.Log ("Session created ok" + session_id); for (int i = 0; i < numplayersactive; i++) { //insert the login and the user and also create the player string[] valuedata2 = { "'" + playerusernameactive [i] + "'", "'" + playerusernameactive [i] + "'" }; //int insertresult2 = db.InsertInto("tbl_Login (username, password)", valuedata2); //Debug.Log(insertresult2); //select the new login ID. ArrayList result2 = db.SelectLastRecord("id", "tbl_Login"); string login_id = ((string[])result2[0])[0]; //Debug.Log ("Login created ok" + login_id); //insert the user string[] valuedata3 = { "'" + playerusernameactive [i] + "'", "'" + login_id + "'" }; //int insertresult3 = db.InsertInto("tbl_Users (name, tbl_Login_id)", valuedata3); //Debug.Log(insertresult3); //select the new User ID. ArrayList result3 = db.SelectLastRecord("id", "tbl_Users"); string user_id = ((string[])result3[0])[0]; //Debug.Log ("user_id created ok" + user_id); string statusdice; if (i == 0) { statusdice = "Active"; } else { statusdice = "Off"; } //insert the players int number = defvalueavatar.avataractive[i]; //Debug.Log(number); string[] valuedata4 = { "'" + number + "'", "'10'", "'1'", "'none'", "'" + statusdice + "'", "'" + user_id + "'", "'" + session_id + "'" }; //int insertresult4 = db.InsertInto("tbl_Players (avatar_number, numMoney, numLevel, numReward, status_dice_roll, tbl_Users_id, tbl_Sessions_id)", valuedata4); //Debug.Log ("status for ok " + insertresult4); } db.CloseDB(); //GameObject.Find ("EventSystem").SetActive (false); SceneManager.LoadScene("Main", LoadSceneMode.Additive); } }