Esempio n. 1
        public static string ResetPassword(string sUserID)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI       ui = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag = new acUI.AppGlobals();

            string sSQL = null;
            string sErr = null;

            //get the details of this user
            sSQL = "select u.username, u.full_name,, u.authentication_type" +
                   " from users u " +
                   " where u.user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";
            DataRow dr = null;

            if (!dc.sqlGetDataRow(ref dr, sSQL, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            if (dr != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["email"].ToString()))
                    string sEmail       = dr["email"].ToString();
                    string sNewPassword = dc.GenerateNewPassword();

                    sSQL = "update users set user_password = '******' where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    // add security log
                    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.User, sUserID, sUserID, "Password Reset");

                    //email out the password
                    string sBody = "";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sBody, "select new_user_email_message from login_security_settings where id = 1", ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    //default message if undefined in the table
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBody))
                        sBody = dr["full_name"].ToString() + " - your password has been reset by an Administrator." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Your temporary password is: " + sNewPassword + "." + Environment.NewLine;

                    //replace our special tokens with the values
                    sBody = sBody.Replace("##FULLNAME##", dr["full_name"].ToString()).Replace("##USERNAME##", dr["username"].ToString()).Replace("##PASSWORD##", sNewPassword);

                    if (!ui.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.Trim(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Account Action in " + ag.APP_NAME, sBody, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);
                    return("Unable to reset - user does not have an email address defined.");

Esempio n. 2
        public static string SaveNewUser(object[] oUser)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI       ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag   = new acUI.AppGlobals();
            string          sSql = null;
            string          sErr = null;

            // check the number of properties
            if (oUser.Length != 10)
                return("Incorrect list of user properties");

            string sLoginID             = oUser[0].ToString();
            string sFullName            = oUser[1].ToString();
            string sAuthType            = oUser[2].ToString();
            string sUserPassword        = oUser[3].ToString();
            string sGeneratePW          = oUser[4].ToString();
            string sForcePasswordChange = oUser[5].ToString();
            string sUserRole            = oUser[6].ToString();
            string sEmail      = oUser[7].ToString();
            string sStatus     = oUser[8].ToString();
            string sGroupArray = oUser[9].ToString();

            // checks that cant be done on the client side
            // is the name unique?
            string sInuse = "";

            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sInuse, "select user_id from users where username = '******' limit 1", ref sErr))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInuse))
                    return("Login ID '" + sLoginID + "' is unavailable, please choose another.");

            // password
            string sPassword = null;

            if (sAuthType == "local")
                if (sGeneratePW == "1") //generate an initial strong password
                    sUserPassword = dc.GenerateNewPassword();

                sPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sUserPassword) + "'";
            else if (sAuthType == "ldap")
                sPassword = "******";
                return("Unknown Authentication Type.");

            // passed client and server validations, create the user
            string sNewUserID = ui.NewGUID();

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // all good, save the new user and redirect to the user edit page.
                sSql = "insert users" +
                       " (user_id,username,full_name,authentication_type,user_password,force_change,email,status,user_role)" +
                       " values " +
                       "('" + sNewUserID + "'," +
                       "'" + sLoginID.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                       "'" + sFullName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                       "'" + sAuthType + "'," + sPassword + "," +
                       "'" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," +
                       "'" + sEmail.Trim() + "'," +
                       "'" + sStatus + "'," +
                       "'" + sUserRole + "'" +
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                #region "groups"
                // add user groups, if there are any
                if (sGroupArray.Length > 0)
                    ArrayList aGroups = new ArrayList(sGroupArray.Split(','));
                    foreach (string sGroupName in aGroups)
                        sSql = "insert object_tags (object_id, object_type, tag_name)" +
                               " values ('" + sNewUserID + "', 1, '" + sGroupName + "')";
                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // add security log
            ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.User, sNewUserID, sFullName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "");

            //email out the password
            string sBody = "";
            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sBody, "select new_user_email_message from login_security_settings where id = 1", ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //default message if undefined in the table
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBody))
                sBody = sFullName + " - an account has been created for you in " + ag.APP_NAME + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Your User Name: " + sLoginID + "." + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Your temporary password: "******"." + Environment.NewLine;

            //replace our special tokens with the values
            sBody = sBody.Replace("##FULLNAME##", sFullName).Replace("##USERNAME##", sLoginID);

            if (sGeneratePW == "1")
                sBody = sBody.Replace("##PASSWORD##", sUserPassword);
                sBody = sBody.Replace("##PASSWORD##", "Will be provided by an Administrator.");

            if (!ui.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.Trim(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Welcome to " + ag.APP_COMPANYNAME, sBody, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
