Esempio n. 1
        public string wmRenameCodeblock(string sTaskID, string sOldCodeblockName, string sNewCodeblockName)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates ft = new FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates();

                if (ui.IsGUID(sTaskID))

                    // first make sure we are not trying to rename it something that already exists.
                    string sErr = "";
                    string sSQL = "select count(*) from task_codeblock where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'" +
                        " and codeblock_name = '" + sNewCodeblockName + "'";
                    int iCount = 0;

                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iCount, sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to check codeblock names for task." + sErr);
                    if (iCount != 0)
                        return ("Codeblock Name already in use, choose another.");

                    // do it
                    dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                    //update the codeblock table
                    sSQL = "update task_codeblock set codeblock_name = '" + sNewCodeblockName +
                        "' where codeblock_name = '" + sOldCodeblockName +
                        "' and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSQL;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    //and any steps in that codeblock
                    sSQL = "update task_step set codeblock_name = '" + sNewCodeblockName +
                        "' where codeblock_name = '" + sOldCodeblockName +
                        "' and task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSQL;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    //the fun part... rename it where it exists in any steps
                    //but this must be in a loop of only the steps where that codeblock reference exists.
                    sSQL = "select step_id from task_step" +
                        " where task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'" +
                        " and ExtractValue(function_xml, '//codeblock[1]') = '" + sOldCodeblockName + "'";
                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSQL;
                    DataTable dtSteps = new DataTable();
                    if (!oTrans.ExecGetDataTable(ref dtSteps, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to get steps referencing the Codeblock." + sErr);

                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtSteps.Rows)
                        ft.SetNodeValueinXMLColumn("task_step", "function_xml", "step_id = '" + dr["step_id"].ToString() + "'", "//codeblock[. = '" + sOldCodeblockName + "']", sNewCodeblockName);

                    //all done

                    return sErr;

                    throw new Exception("Unable to get codeblocks for task. Missing or invalid task_id.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 2
        private string CopyTask(int iMode, string sSourceTaskID, string sNewTaskName, string sNewTaskCode)
            //iMode 0=new task, 1=new major version, 2=new minor version
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();

            string sErr = "";
            string sSQL = "";

            string sNewTaskID = ui.NewGUID();

            int iIsDefault = 0;
            string sTaskName = "";
            double dVersion = 1.000;
            double dMaxVer = 0.000;
            string sOTID = "";

            //do it all in a transaction
            dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

            //figure out the new name and selected version
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select task_name, version, original_task_id from task where task_id = '" + sSourceTaskID + "'";
            DataRow dr = null;
            if (!oTrans.ExecGetDataRow(ref dr, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception("Unable to find task for ID [" + sSourceTaskID + "]." + sErr);

            sTaskName = dr["task_name"].ToString();
            dVersion = Convert.ToDouble(dr["version"]);
            sOTID = dr["original_task_id"].ToString();

            //figure out the new version
            switch (iMode)
                case 0:
                    sTaskName = sNewTaskName;
                    iIsDefault = 1;
                    dVersion = 1.000;
                    sOTID = sNewTaskID;

                case 1:
                    //gotta get the highest version
                    sSQL = "select max(version) from task where task_id = '" + sOTID + "'";
                    dc.sqlGetSingleDouble(ref dMaxVer, sSQL, ref sErr);
                    if (sErr != "")
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    dVersion = dMaxVer + 1;

                case 2:
                    sSQL = "select max(version) from task where task_id = '" + sOTID + "'" +
                        " and cast(version as unsigned) = " + Convert.ToInt32(dVersion);
                    dc.sqlGetSingleDouble(ref dMaxVer, sSQL, ref sErr);
                    if (sErr != "")
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    dVersion = dMaxVer + 0.001;

                default: //a iMode is required
                    throw new Exception("A mode required for this copy operation." + sErr);

            //if we are versioning, AND there are not yet any 'Approved' versions,
            //we set this new version to be the default
            //(that way it's the one that you get taken to when you pick it from a list)
            if (iMode > 0)
                sSQL = "select case when count(*) = 0 then 1 else 0 end" +
                    " from task where original_task_id = '" + sOTID + "'" +
                    " and task_status = 'Approved'";
                dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iIsDefault, sSQL, ref sErr);
                if (sErr != "")
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            //start copying
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "create temporary table _copy_task" +
                " select * from task where task_id = '" + sSourceTaskID + "'";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //update the task_id
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update _copy_task set" +
                " task_id = '" + sNewTaskID + "'," +
                " original_task_id = '" + sOTID + "'," +
                " version = '" + dVersion + "'," +
                " task_name = '" + sTaskName + "'," +
                " default_version = " + iIsDefault.ToString() + "," +
                " task_status = 'Development'," +
                " created_dt = now()";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //update the task_code if necessary
            if (iMode == 0)
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update _copy_task set task_code = '" + sNewTaskCode + "'";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "create temporary table _copy_task_codeblock" +
                " select '" + sNewTaskID + "' as task_id, codeblock_name" +
                " from task_codeblock where task_id = '" + sSourceTaskID + "'";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //USING TEMPORARY TABLES... need a place to hold step ids while we manipulate them
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "create temporary table _step_ids" +
                " select distinct step_id, uuid() as newstep_id" +
                " from task_step where task_id = '" + sSourceTaskID + "'";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //steps temp table
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "create temporary table _copy_task_step" +
                " select step_id, '" + sNewTaskID + "' as task_id, codeblock_name, step_order, commented," +
                " locked, function_name, function_xml, step_desc, output_parse_type, output_row_delimiter," +
                " output_column_delimiter, variable_xml" +
                " from task_step where task_id = '" + sSourceTaskID + "'";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //update the step id
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update _copy_task_step a, _step_ids b" +
                " set a.step_id = b.newstep_id" +
                " where a.step_id = b.step_id";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //update steps with codeblocks that reference a step (embedded steps)
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update _copy_task_step a, _step_ids b" +
                " set a.codeblock_name = b.newstep_id" +
                " where b.step_id = a.codeblock_name";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //spin the steps and update any embedded step id's in the commands
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select step_id, newstep_id from _step_ids";
            DataTable dtStepIDs = new DataTable();
            if (!oTrans.ExecGetDataTable(ref dtStepIDs, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception("Unable to get step ids." + sErr);

            foreach (DataRow drStepIDs in dtStepIDs.Rows)
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update _copy_task_step" +
                    " set function_xml = replace(lower(function_xml), '" + drStepIDs["step_id"].ToString().ToLower() + "', '" + drStepIDs["newstep_id"].ToString() + "')" +
                    " where function_name in ('if','loop','exists')";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            //finally, put the temp steps table in the real steps table
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task select * from _copy_task";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_codeblock select * from _copy_task_codeblock";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "insert into task_step select * from _copy_task_step";
            if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //finally, if we versioned up and we set this one as the new default_version,
            //we need to unset the other row
            if (iMode > 0 && iIsDefault == 1)
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update task" +
                    " set default_version = 0" +
                    " where original_task_id = '" + sOTID + "'" +
                    " and task_id <> '" + sNewTaskID + "'";
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);


            return sNewTaskID;
Esempio n. 3
        private bool ReIDSteps(ref dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans, string sUserID, string sTaskID, ref string sErr)
            //We join this to task_step on step_id, and only issue new GUID's
            //to the rows that are in conflict.

            //saves time, and if no steps are in conflict, the imported version is an exact match of the
            //exported one.
            //( and yes, I realize I did not join task_step on the task_id.
            // thats because the step_id is a guid AND the PK on the table.  not necessary to check
            // it against task_id too.)
            oTrans.Command.CommandText = "select its.step_id" +
                                         " from import_task_step its" +
                                         " join task_step ts on its.step_id = ts.step_id" +
                                         " where its.user_id = '" + sUserID + "'" +
                                         " and its.task_id = '" + sTaskID + "'";

            DataTable dtSteps = new DataTable();

            if (!oTrans.ExecGetDataTable(ref dtSteps, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            if (dtSteps.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow drSteps in dtSteps.Rows)
                    //update each row by:
                    //*) getting a new guid
                    //*) searching for references to the old ID and replacing them
                    //  specifically in function_xml
                    //*) updating the row with the new guid

                    string sOrigStepID = drSteps["step_id"].ToString();
                    string sNewStepID  = ui.NewGUID();

                    //this will update any references in function_xml with
                    // the new guid of this step

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update import_task_step" +
                                                 " set function_xml = replace(function_xml, '" + sOrigStepID + "', '" + sNewStepID + "')" +
                                                 " where ifnull(ExtractValue(function_xml, '(//*[. = ''" + sOrigStepID + "''])'), '') <> ''";
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    //then finally, we will update the actual step rows with the new id
                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update import_task_step" +
                                                 " set step_id = '" + sNewStepID + "'" +
                                                 " where step_id = '" + sOrigStepID + "'";
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);
