Esempio n. 1
        public override void Update(float dt)

            if (CCMouse.Instance.rightclick)
                QUERY_START = CCMouse.Instance.Position;

            start = QUERY_START;
            end   = CCMouse.Instance.Position;
            float radius = 10;

            segInfo = null;

            m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(start, end, 1, cpColor.Green);

            shapeInfo =, end, radius, cpShape.FILTER_ALL, ref segInfo);
            if (shapeInfo != null)
                font.Text = string.Format("Segment Query: Dist({0}) Normal({1},{2})", segInfo.alpha * cpVect.cpvdist(start, end), segInfo.normal.x, segInfo.normal.y);
                font.Text = string.Format("Segment Query (None)");

            nearestInfo = null;
            space.PointQueryNearest(CCMouse.Instance.Position, 100, cpShape.FILTER_ALL, ref nearestInfo);
            if (nearestInfo != null)
                // Draw a grey line to the closest shape.
                m_debugDraw.Draw(CCMouse.Instance.Position, new cpColor(127, 127, 127, 255));
                m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(CCMouse.Instance.Position, nearestInfo.point, 1, new cpColor(127, 127, 127, 255));

                // Draw a red bounding box around the shape under the mouse.
                if (nearestInfo.distance < 0)
                    m_debugDraw.Draw(, cpColor.Red);

Esempio n. 2
        cpPolyShapeSegmentQuery(cpPolyShape poly, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo* info)
            cpSplittingPlane axes = poly.tPlanes;
            cpVect[] verts = poly.tVerts;
            int numVerts = poly.numVerts;

            for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
                cpVect n = axes[i].n;
                double an = cpVect.Dot(a, n);
                if (axes[i].d > an) continue;

                double bn = cpVect.Dot(b, n);
                double t = (axes[i].d - an) / (bn - an);
                if (t < 0.0f || 1.0f < t) continue;

                cpVect point = cpvlerp(a, b, t);
                double dt = -cpVect.CrossProduct(n, point);
                double dtMin = -cpVect.CrossProduct(n, verts[i]);
                double dtMax = -cpVect.CrossProduct(n, verts[(i + 1) % numVerts]);

                if (dtMin <= dt && dt <= dtMax)
                    info.shape = (cpShape)poly;
                    info.t = t;
                    info.n = n;
Esempio n. 3
cpSegmentShapeSegmentQuery(cpSegmentShape seg, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo info)
	cpVect n =;
	double d = cpVect.Dot(cpVect.Sub(seg.ta, a), n);
	double r = seg.r;
	cpVect flipped_n = (d > 0.0f ? cpvneg(n) : n);
	cpVect seg_offset = cpVect.Sub(cpVect.Multiply(flipped_n, r), a);
	// Make the endpoints relative to 'a' and move them by the thickness of the segment.
	cpVect seg_a = cpVect.Add(seg.ta, seg_offset);
	cpVect seg_b = cpVect.Add(seg.tb, seg_offset);
	cpVect delta = cpVect.Sub(b, a);
	if(cpVect.CrossProduct(delta, seg_a)*cpVect.CrossProduct(delta, seg_b) <= 0.0f){
		double d_offset = d + (d > 0.0f ? -r : r);
		double ad = -d_offset;
		double bd = cpVect.Dot(delta, n) - d_offset;
		if(ad*bd < 0.0f){
			info.shape = (cpShape )seg;
			info.t = ad/(ad - bd);
			info.n = flipped_n;
	} else if(r != 0.0f){
		cpSegmentQueryInfo info1 = {null, 1.0f, cpvzero};
		cpSegmentQueryInfo info2 = {null, 1.0f, cpvzero};
		circleSegmentQuery((cpShape )seg, seg.ta, seg.r, a, b, ref info1);
		circleSegmentQuery((cpShape )seg, seg.tb, seg.r, a, b, ref info2);
		if(info1.t < info2.t){
			(*info) = info1;
		} else {
			(*info) = info2;
Esempio n. 4
cpCircleShapeSegmentQuery(cpCircleShape circle, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo info)
	circleSegmentQuery((cpShape )circle,, circle.r, a, b, info);
Esempio n. 5
circleSegmentQuery(cpShape shape, cpVect center, double r, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo info)
	cpVect da = cpVect.Sub(a, center);
	cpVect db = cpVect.Sub(b, center);
	double qa = cpVect.Dot(da, da) - 2.0f*cpVect.Dot(da, db) + cpVect.Dot(db, db);
	double qb = -2.0f*cpVect.Dot(da, da) + 2.0f*cpVect.Dot(da, db);
	double qc = cpVect.Dot(da, da) - r*r;
	double det = qb*qb - 4.0f*qa*qc;
	if(det >= 0.0f){
		double t = (-qb - System.Math.Sqrt(det))/(2.0f*qa);
		if(0.0f<= t && t <= 1.0f){
			info.shape = shape;
			info.t = t;
			info.n = cpvnormalize(cpvlerp(da, db, t));
Esempio n. 6
cpShapeSegmentQuery(cpShape shape, cpVect a, cpVect b, ref cpSegmentQueryInfo info){
	cpSegmentQueryInfo blank = new cpSegmentQueryInfo() {null, 0.0f, cpvzero};
    info = blank;	
	cpNearestPointQueryInfo nearest;
	shape.klass.nearestPointQuery(shape, a, &nearest);
	if(nearest.d <= 0.0){
		info.shape = shape;
		info.t = 0.0;
		info.n = cpvnormalize(cpVect.Sub(a, nearest.p));
	} else {
		shape.klass.segmentQuery(shape, a, b, info);
	return (info.shape != null);