Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// Person constructor - copies an existing Person.
        /// Person - Person to be copied.
        /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        public Person(Person personToBeCopied)
            initializeOK = personToBeCopied.initializeOK;
            birthYear    = personToBeCopied.birthYear;
            yearNow      = personToBeCopied.yearNow;
            startAge     = personToBeCopied.startAge;
            ageNow       = personToBeCopied.ageNow;
            haveDiarrhea = personToBeCopied.haveDiarrhea;
            haveAnemia   = personToBeCopied.haveAnemia;
            haveStunting = personToBeCopied.haveStunting;
            gender       = personToBeCopied.gender;
            country      =;
            disease      = personToBeCopied.disease;
            alive        = personToBeCopied.alive;
            LY           = personToBeCopied.LY;
            LYDisc       = personToBeCopied.LYDisc;
            QALYs        = personToBeCopied.QALYs;
            everStunting = personToBeCopied.everStunting;
            everAnemia   = personToBeCopied.everAnemia;
            everDiarrhea = personToBeCopied.everDiarrhea;
            Stunting_0   = personToBeCopied.Stunting_0;
            Anemia_0     = personToBeCopied.Anemia_0;
            Diarrhea_0   = personToBeCopied.Diarrhea_0;
            Stunting_5   = personToBeCopied.Stunting_5;
            Anemia_5     = personToBeCopied.Anemia_5;
            Diarrhea_5   = personToBeCopied.Diarrhea_5;
            isAlive_0    = personToBeCopied.isAlive_0;
            isAlive_5    = personToBeCopied.isAlive_5;

            //costs = personToBeCopied.costs;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// Person constructor - Uses input from DISEASE PREVALENCE file to create a person object
        /// that stores Disease prevalence as a function of startage, year & country.
        /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        public Person(DiseasePrevPersonInitializer x)
            // Set InitializeOK flag to true;
            initializeOK = true;

            // Set disease prevalence lookup field values;
            ageNow  = x.ageNow;
            yearNow = x.yearNow;
            country =;
            disease = x.disease;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// Person constructor - Uses input from MORTALITY RISK file to create a person object
        /// that stores relative risk as a function of start age (which maps 1-1 to birth calendar
        /// year), current age, and gender.
        /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        public Person(MortRiskPersonInitializer x)
            // Set InitializeOK flag to true;
            initializeOK = true;

            // Set disease states
            startAge = x.startAge;
            ageNow   = x.ageNow;
            gender   = x.gender;
            country  =;
Esempio n. 4
        //Ages person by duration in the current stage
        //Steps through lifetime of person
        //If alive, probabilitly of disease & increase age

        public void simMyLife(Policy myPolicy)
            // Transition probabilities
            double probStunting;
            double probAnemia;
            double probDiarrhea;
            double mortConversionFactor;
            double baselineMortProb;

            // Outcome/Acumulator values
            LY         = 0;
            LYDisc     = 0;
            QALYs      = 0;
            ageAtDeath = 0;

            everDiarrhea = 0;
            everAnemia   = 0;
            everStunting = 0;

            Stunting_0 = 0;
            Anemia_0   = 0;
            Diarrhea_0 = 0;
            Stunting_5 = 0;
            Anemia_5   = 0;
            Diarrhea_5 = 0;

            isAlive_0 = 0;
            isAlive_5 = 0;

            // Initialize variables that have to be initialized at the beginning of life
            yearsSinceStart = (int)0;
            yearNow         = SimModel.StartYear;
            firstSimCycle   = true;
            alive           = true;
            intAgeNow       = ageNow + 0.5;

            // Check if person has been born yet (age less than zero).

            // How to get at simulation variables
            double discountRate = SimModel.discountRatePerYr;
            double deltaTime    = SimModel.deltaTime;
            double NumSubjects  = SimModel.Sim_NumSubjects;
            double StartYear    = SimModel.StartYear;
            double maxAge       = SimModel.maxAge;

            // How to get at policy variables
            double RR_mortality = myPolicy.RR_mortality;
            double RR_diarrhea  = myPolicy.RR_diarrhea;
            double RR_stunting  = myPolicy.RR_stunting;
            double RR_anemia    = myPolicy.RR_anemia;


            while (this.alive)
                alive = (ageNow < 100);

                // Stuff to do only after person is born...
                if (ageNow >= 0)
                    // Determine if person has STUNTING
                    this.disease      = diseaseType.STUNTING;
                    probStunting      = DiseasePrev.DiseasePrevTable[this];
                    this.haveStunting = MyRandom.RandomProvider.NextBernoulli(Math.Min(probStunting * myPolicy.RR_stunting, 1.0));

                    // Determine if person has ANEMIA
                    this.disease    = diseaseType.ANEMIA;
                    probAnemia      = DiseasePrev.DiseasePrevTable[this];
                    this.haveAnemia = MyRandom.RandomProvider.NextBernoulli(Math.Min(probAnemia * myPolicy.RR_anemia, 1.0));

                    // Determine if person has DIARRHEA
                    this.disease      = diseaseType.DIARRHEA;
                    probDiarrhea      = DiseasePrev.DiseasePrevTable[this];
                    this.haveDiarrhea = MyRandom.RandomProvider.NextBernoulli(Math.Min(probDiarrhea * myPolicy.RR_diarrhea, 1.0));

                    // Determine if person dies now according to disease probabilities + policy
                    if (yearsSinceStart >= SimModel.maxSimDuration)
                        this.alive = false;
                        mortConversionFactor = DiseaseRR.diseaseRRTable[this];
                        baselineMortProb     = MortRisk.mortRiskTable[this];
                        this.alive           = !MyRandom.RandomProvider.NextBernoulli(baselineMortProb * mortConversionFactor * RR_mortality);


                    /*   if (ageNow == 0)
                     * {
                     *     int have_diarrhea_int = 0;
                     *     int have_anemia_int = 0;
                     *     int have_stunting_int = 0;
                     *     if (this.haveDiarrhea) have_diarrhea_int = 1;
                     *     if (this.haveAnemia) have_anemia_int = 2;
                     *     if (this.haveStunting) have_stunting_int = 4;
                     *     int disComboNum = have_stunting_int + have_anemia_int + have_diarrhea_int;
                     *     SimModel.diseaseArray[disComboNum]++;
                     * }*/

                    LY     += SimModel.deltaTime;
                    LYDisc += SimModel.deltaTime * (1 / Math.Pow(1 + SimModel.discountRatePerYr, yearsSinceStart));

                // If person ever acquires disease then set to 1
                //To determine prev of disease at age 0 and age 5

                if (haveStunting)
                    everStunting = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 0)
                        Stunting_0 = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 5)
                        Stunting_5 = 1;

                if (haveAnemia)
                    everAnemia = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 0)
                        Anemia_0 = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 5)
                        Anemia_5 = 1;

                if (haveDiarrhea)
                    everDiarrhea = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 0)
                        Diarrhea_0 = 1;
                    if (intAgeNow == 5)
                        Diarrhea_5 = 1;

                if ((alive) && (intAgeNow >= 0 || intAgeNow < 1))
                    isAlive_0 = 1;

                if ((alive) && (intAgeNow >= 5 || intAgeNow < 6))
                    isAlive_5 = 1;

                // Increment years taking into account myDeltaTime and discountFactor
                // deltaTime = time duration between events
                // Don't have QALYs yet
                yearsSinceStart += SimModel.deltaTime;
                yearNow          = SimModel.StartYear + yearsSinceStart;
                ageNow          += SimModel.deltaTime;

                // Flag that the subject is on the first cycle through the model
                firstSimCycle = false;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// Person constructor
        /// dataLine - line in data file from which data was read.
        /// initData - text data used to initialize Person object.
        // Person constructor with initialization data string - four comma delimited fields:
        // (1) gender, (2) startage, (3) country, (4) birthyear
        /// </summary> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        public Person(int dataLine, string initData)
            // Set InitializeOK flag to true;
            initializeOK = true;

            // Parse input record into fields by looking for comma delimiter
            string[] personFields = Regex.Split(initData, fieldDelimiter);

            // Return immediately if there are not enough fields to read in
            if (personFields.Length < numPersonFields)
                initializeOK = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - Data line: {0} - Not able to find {1} data fields.",
                                  dataLine, numPersonFields);
                Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", initData);

            // (1) Try to read in gender ("female" or "male")
            if (!genderTypeList.ContainsKey(((personFields[gender_offset]).Trim()).ToUpper()))
                initializeOK = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - Data line: {0} - Field {1} is not a valid gender.",
                                  dataLine, gender_offset + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", initData);
            gender = (GenderType)

            // (2) Read in startage (numeric) and set ageNow to startAge
            if (!Double.TryParse((personFields[startage_offset]), out this.startAge))
                initializeOK = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - Data line: {0} - Field {1} (start age) is not numeric.",
                                  dataLine, startage_offset + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", initData);
            ageNow = startAge;

            // (3) Read in country ("ETH" to "TZA")
            if (!countrytypelist.ContainsKey(((personFields[country_offset]).Trim()).ToUpper()))
                initializeOK = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - Data line: {0} - Field {1} is not a valid country",
                                  dataLine, country_offset + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", initData);
            country = (countrytype)

            // (4) Read in birthyear (numeric)
            if (!Double.TryParse((personFields[birthyear_offset]), out this.birthYear))
                initializeOK = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Error - Data line: {0} - Field {1} (prevalence age) is not numeric.",
                                  dataLine, birthyear_offset + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}", initData);