  * Add a new statement block element validator to <code>this</code>.
  * If not all children of the root tree node represented by <code>this
  * </code> are statement block elements the <i>invalid</i> children must be
  * filtered, otherwise resolving the statement block elements from the
  * children will fail.
  * <p>
  * Note that the validator (i.e. the filter) must be set before the
  * statement block elements get resolved. To ensure this it's best practice
  * to set the validator immediately after <code>this</code> has been
  * created. Alternatively the constructor
  * {@link #AST2StatementBlockElementContainerImpl(AST2JSOMTree, TreeNodeValidator, com.habelitz.jsobjectizer.jsom.JSOM.JSOMType, TokenRewriteStream)}
  * could be used, of course.
  * @see #AST2StatementBlockElementContainerImpl(AST2JSOMTree, TreeNodeValidator, com.habelitz.jsobjectizer.jsom.JSOM.JSOMType, TokenRewriteStream)
  * @param pTreeNodeValidator  The validator that should be used the filter
  *                            the child nodes or <code>null</code> to
  *                            remove/deactivate a set validator.
 public void setChildTreeNodeValidator(
     TreeNodeValidator pTreeNodeValidator)
     mTreeNodeValidator = pTreeNodeValidator;
Esempio n. 2
 //private TreeNodeValidator mChildValidator = new TreeNodeValidator() {
 //    /**
 //     * Checks if the given tree node belongs to the statement list
 //     * instead of representing a case label's expression.
 //     *
 //     * @param pTree  The tree node that should be checked.
 //     *
 //     * @return  <code>true</code> if the given tree node belongs to a
 //     *          default label or to the statement list of a case label.
 //     *
 //     * @throws ArgumentException  if the passed tree isn't a
 //     *                                   child of <code>
 //     *                                   SwitchLabelImpl.this.getTreeNode()</code>.
 //     */
 //    public bool isValidTreeNode(ITree pTree)
 //    {
 //        ITree labelRoot = AST2SwitchLabel.this.getTreeNode();
 //        if (pTree.Parent != labelRoot) {
 //            // TODO  Internationalize the message.
 //            throw new ArgumentException(
 //                    "The passed tree (position " +
 //                    pTree.Line + ':' +
 //                    pTree.CharPositionInLine + ") isn't a child " +
 //                    "of the switch label root node (position " +
 //                    labelRoot.Line + ':' +
 //                    labelRoot.CharPositionInLine + ").");
 //        }
 //        // The tree node isn't valid if it's the first child of a case
 //        // label root node.
 //        if (   !AST2SwitchLabel.this.isDefaultClause()
 //            && labelRoot.GetChild(0) == pTree) {
 //            return false;
 //        }
 //        return true;
 //    }
  * Constructor.
  * @param pTree  The tree node representing a <code>case</code> or
  *               <code>default<code> switch label.
  * @param pTokenRewriteStream  The token stream the token of the stated
  *                             tree node belongs to.
 public AST2SwitchLabel(AST2JSOMTree pTree, TokenRewriteStream pTokenRewriteStream)
     : base(pTree, JSOMType.STATEMENT_BLOCK_ELEMENT_HELPER, pTokenRewriteStream)
     mChildValidator = new SwitchLabelTreeNodeValidator(this);
     if (pTree.Type == JavaTreeParser.CASE) {
     mIsDefaultClause = false;
     } else if (pTree.Type != JavaTreeParser.DEFAULT) {
     throw new ArgumentException(
                     "pTree.Type == " +
                     pTree.Type, "pTree"));
  * Constructor.
  * <p>
  * A new object assumes that all children of the stated tree node represent
  * statement block elements. This constructor calls the method
  * {@link #setChildTreeNodeValidator(TreeNodeValidator)} automatically with
  * the passed validator as parameter.
  * @param pTree  The root node of the statement block elements.
  * @param pTreeNodeValidator  The validator the method
  *                            {@link #setChildTreeNodeValidator(TreeNodeValidator)}
  *                            should be called with.
  * @param pJSOMType  If a class : this class the JSOM type of the
  *                   extending class should be passed for this argument
  *                   which will be passed forward to the implementation of
  *                   the type <code>JSOM</code>. Otherwise this argument
  *                   should be <code>null</code> - in this case the constant
  *                   <code>JSOM.JSOMType.XTRA</code> will be passed to the
  *                   <code>JSOM</code> super type.
  * @param pTokenRewriteStream  The token stream the token of the stated
  *                             tree node belongs to.
 public AST2StatementBlockElementContainerImpl(
     AST2JSOMTree pTree, TreeNodeValidator pTreeNodeValidator, 
     JSOMType pJSOMType, TokenRewriteStream pTokenRewriteStream)
     : this(pTree, pJSOMType, pTokenRewriteStream)