internal static bool IsClockwiseRing(com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl polygon, int iring)
            int high_point_index = polygon.GetHighestPointIndex(iring);
            int path_start       = polygon.GetPathStart(iring);
            int path_end         = polygon.GetPathEnd(iring);

            com.epl.geometry.Point2D q = polygon.GetXY(high_point_index);
            com.epl.geometry.Point2D p;
            com.epl.geometry.Point2D r;
            if (high_point_index == path_start)
                p = polygon.GetXY(path_end - 1);
                r = polygon.GetXY(path_start + 1);
                if (high_point_index == path_end - 1)
                    p = polygon.GetXY(high_point_index - 1);
                    r = polygon.GetXY(path_start);
                    p = polygon.GetXY(high_point_index - 1);
                    r = polygon.GetXY(high_point_index + 1);
            int orientation = com.epl.geometry.Point2D.OrientationRobust(p, q, r);

            if (orientation == 0)
                return(polygon.CalculateRingArea2D(iring) > 0.0);
            return(orientation == -1);
        public static int IsPointInAnyOuterRing(com.epl.geometry.Polygon inputPolygon, com.epl.geometry.Point2D inputPoint, double tolerance)
            com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D env = new com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D();
            env.Inflate(tolerance, tolerance);
            if (!env.Contains(inputPoint))
            // Note:
            // Wolfgang had noted that this could be optimized if the exterior rings
            // have positive area:
            // Only test the positive rings and bail out immediately when in a
            // positive ring.
            // The worst case complexity is still O(n), but on average for polygons
            // with holes, that would be faster.
            // However, that method would not work if polygon is reversed, while the
            // one here works fine same as PointInPolygon.
            bool bAltenate = false;

            // use winding in this test
            com.epl.geometry.PointInPolygonHelper helper = new com.epl.geometry.PointInPolygonHelper(bAltenate, inputPoint, tolerance);
            com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl        mpImpl = (com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl)inputPolygon._getImpl();
            com.epl.geometry.SegmentIteratorImpl  iter   = mpImpl.QuerySegmentIterator();
            while (iter.NextPath())
                double ringArea = mpImpl.CalculateRingArea2D(iter.GetPathIndex());
                bool   bIsHole  = ringArea < 0;
                if (!bIsHole)
                    helper.m_windnum = 0;
                    while (iter.HasNextSegment())
                        com.epl.geometry.Segment segment = iter.NextSegment();
                        if (helper.ProcessSegment(segment))
                    // point on boundary
                    if (helper.m_windnum != 0)