Esempio n. 1
    // function for adding car park reservations
    void Add()
        // create an instance of the car park collection class
        clscarparkCollection Reservation = new clscarparkCollection();
        DateTime             startDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
        DateTime             endDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
        Int32 NOD = Convert.ToInt32((endDate - startDate).Days);
        // validate the data
        Boolean OK = Reservation.ThisCarPark.Valid(txtBookingDate.Text, txtCarReg.Text, txtStartDate.Text, txtEndDate.Text, ddlLocation.Text);

        // if the date is OK then add it to the object
        if (OK == true)
            // get the data entered by the user
            //DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
            //DateTime endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
            //Int32 NOD = Convert.ToInt32((endDate - startDate).Days);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.BookingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBookingDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.CarReg      = txtCarReg.Text;
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.StartDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.EndDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.Location    = Convert.ToString(ddlLocation.SelectedValue);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.Price       = Convert.ToDecimal(NOD * 10);
            // add the record
            // state error
            lblError.Text = "There were problems, bro!";
Esempio n. 2
    void DeleteReservation()
        //fucntion to delete the selected record

        //create an instance of  the car park reservation
        clscarparkCollection AReservation = new clscarparkCollection();

        //find a record to delete
        //delete the record
Esempio n. 3
    void DisplayReg()
        //create an instance of the car reg
        clscarparkCollection Reservation = new clscarparkCollection();

        //find the record to update
        //display the data  for this record
        txtBookingDate.Text       = Reservation.ThisCarPark.BookingDate.ToString();
        txtCarReg.Text            = Reservation.ThisCarPark.CarReg;
        txtStartDate.Text         = Reservation.ThisCarPark.StartDate.ToString();
        txtEndDate.Text           = Reservation.ThisCarPark.EndDate.ToString();
        ddlLocation.SelectedValue = Reservation.ThisCarPark.Location;
Esempio n. 4
    //void DisplayCarReg()
    //    //create an instance of the car park collection
    //    clscarparkCollection carpark = new clscarparkCollection();
    //    //set the data source  to the list box
    //    LstCarReg.DataSource = carpark.CarParkList;
    //    //set the name of the primary key
    //    LstCarReg.DataValueField = "CarParkID";
    //    //Set the data field to display
    //    LstCarReg.DataTextField = "CarReg";
    //    //bind the data to the text
    //    LstCarReg.DataBind();

    // function to populate the list box
    Int32 DisplayCarReg(string CarRegFilter)
        // create an instance of the car park cloolection
        clscarparkCollection carreg = new clscarparkCollection();
        // var for record count
        Int32 RecordCount;
        // var for first name
        string   CarReg;
        Int32    CarParkId;
        DateTime BookingDate;
        DateTime StartDate;
        DateTime EndDate;
        string   Price;
        // var for Index
        Int32 Index = 0;

        // clear the list of any existing item
        // call the filter method by staff last name
        // get the count of records
        RecordCount = carreg.Count;
        // loop through each record found using the index
        while (Index < RecordCount)
            // get the first name of the staff member
            CarReg      = Convert.ToString(carreg.CarParkList[Index].CarReg);
            CarParkId   = Convert.ToInt32(carreg.CarParkList[Index].carparkid);
            BookingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(carreg.CarParkList[Index].BookingDate.ToShortDateString());
            StartDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(carreg.CarParkList[Index].StartDate);
            EndDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(carreg.CarParkList[Index].EndDate);
            Price       = Convert.ToString(carreg.CarParkList[Index].Price);
            ListItem NewItem = new ListItem(CarReg + "........................." + BookingDate.ToShortDateString() + ".................................." + StartDate.ToShortDateString() + ".............................." + EndDate.ToShortDateString() + "................." + Price, CarParkId.ToString());
            // add the item to the list
            // increment the index
        // return the number of records found
Esempio n. 5
    //Function for updating  record
    void Update()
        //create an instance of the car reg
        clscarparkCollection Reservation = new clscarparkCollection();
        DateTime             startDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
        DateTime             endDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
        Int32 NOD = Convert.ToInt32((endDate - startDate).Days);

        // validate the data
        //validate the data on the web form
        Boolean OK = Reservation.ThisCarPark.Valid(txtBookingDate.Text, txtCarReg.Text, txtStartDate.Text, txtEndDate.Text, ddlLocation.Text);

        //if the data is ok then add to the object
        if (OK == true)
            //DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
            //DateTime endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
            //Int32 NOD = Convert.ToInt32((endDate - startDate).Days);
            //find the record to update
            //get the  data entered  by the user
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.BookingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBookingDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.CarReg      = txtCarReg.Text;
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.StartDate   = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.EndDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.Location    = Convert.ToString(ddlLocation.SelectedValue);
            Reservation.ThisCarPark.Price       = Convert.ToDecimal(NOD * 10);
            //update the record
            //report an error
            lblError.Text = "There wre problem with the date entered";