/// <summary> /// Call out Window Setting of Wireless module /// </summary> /// <param name="lstlstobjInput"></param> /// <param name="lstlstobjOutput"></param> /// <returns></returns> public object PluginWirelessModule1000(List <List <object> > lstlstobjInput, out List <List <object> > lstlstobjOutput) { lstlstobjOutput = new List <List <object> >(); List <object> lstObj = new List <object>(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (this.clsNECWirelessControl == null) { this.clsNECWirelessControl = new clsWirelessCom(); } this.clsNECWirelessControl.WindowSettingNEC = new windowWirelessSetting(); this.clsNECWirelessControl.IniFormSetting(); int intProcessID = 0; if (int.TryParse(lstlstobjInput[0][1].ToString(), out intProcessID) == false) { return("Error: Process ID is not integer!"); } this.clsNECWirelessControl.WindowSettingNEC.intProcessID = intProcessID; this.clsNECWirelessControl.WindowSettingNEC.Show(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return("0"); }
/// <summary> /// Ini for class Wireless control & Reading Comport setting for Receiver unit from User.ini /// + para 1 (13) : Name of Setting File /// + para 2 (14) : Section Name /// + para 3 (15): Name Port /// + para 4 (16): Baud Rate /// + para 5 (17): DataBits /// + para 6 (18): Parity /// + Para 7 (19): StopBits /// + Para 8 (20): Module Serial - Default value /// </summary> public object PluginWirelessModule0(List <List <object> > lstlstobjInput, out List <List <object> > lstlstobjOutput) { lstlstobjOutput = new List <List <object> >(); string strAppPath = lstlstobjInput[0][0].ToString(); string strFileName = @"\" + lstlstobjInput[0][13].ToString(); strFileName = strAppPath + strFileName; if (MyLibrary.ChkExist.CheckFileExist(strFileName) == false) { return("Error: Setting file is not exist"); } string strTmp = ""; string strSectionName = lstlstobjInput[0][14].ToString(); string strKeyPortName = ""; string strKeyBaudRate = ""; string strKeyDataBits = ""; string strKeyParity = ""; string strKeyStopBits = ""; string strKeyModuleID = ""; //Ini for class if (this.clsNECWirelessControl == null) { this.clsNECWirelessControl = new clsWirelessCom(); } //calculate string File name int strProcessID = 0; if (int.TryParse(lstlstobjInput[0][1].ToString(), out strProcessID) == false) { return("Error: Process ID is not numeric"); } strKeyPortName = lstlstobjInput[0][15].ToString().Trim(); strKeyBaudRate = lstlstobjInput[0][16].ToString().Trim(); strKeyDataBits = lstlstobjInput[0][17].ToString().Trim(); strKeyParity = lstlstobjInput[0][18].ToString().Trim(); strKeyStopBits = lstlstobjInput[0][19].ToString().Trim(); strKeyModuleID = lstlstobjInput[0][20].ToString().Trim(); //reading COM port Name strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyPortName, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find " + strKeyPortName + " setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.PortName = strTmp.ToUpper(); //reading BaudRate strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyBaudRate, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find 'BaudRate' setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(strTmp); //reading DataBits strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyDataBits, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find 'DataBits' setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.DataBits = Convert.ToInt32(strTmp); //reading Parity strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyParity, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find 'Parity' setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } switch (strTmp.ToUpper()) { case "EVEN": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Even; break; case "ODD": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Odd; break; case "NONE": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None; break; default: this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Even; break; } //reading stopBits strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyStopBits, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find 'StopBits' setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } switch (strTmp.ToUpper()) { case "ONE": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One; break; case "TWO": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.Two; break; case "ONEPOITFIVE": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.OnePointFive; break; case "NONE": this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.None; break; default: this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One; break; } //Getting Module ID - Default strTmp = MyLibrary.ReadFiles.IniReadValue(strSectionName, strKeyModuleID, strFileName); if (strTmp.ToLower() == "error") { return("Error: cannot find 'ModuleID' setting in " + strSectionName); //getting key value fail } this.clsNECWirelessControl.strModuleSerial = strTmp; //Try to Open COMPort try { if (this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.IsOpen == false) //Not yet open { this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Open(); } else //Already open => Try to close & open again { this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Close(); this.clsNECWirelessControl.COMPort.Open(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } //Return Class of NEC Wireless control through User Return data List <object> lstobjTemp = new List <object>(); lstobjTemp.Add("NEC"); lstobjTemp.Add(this.clsNECWirelessControl); lstlstobjOutput.Add(lstobjTemp); //Return 0 if everything is OK return("0"); }